1. Beisembiev T. "Tahirih and Shahrokhi" as a historical source. Almaty: Ylim, 1987.
2. Budrin. Russians in Bukhara in 1820 (notes of an eyewitness) // Reference book of the Orenburg region for 1821.
3. Burnashev S. T. Journey from the Siberian line to the city of Bukhara in 1794 and back in 1796 // Siberian Bulletin, published by Gr. Spasskys. St. Petersburg, 1818. Рart 3.
4. Atayeva G.I., Akobirova L. About role of information technologies in modern education // Molodoy uchenyy, 2016. № 10. S. 1165-1166.
Abstract: the article discusses the development of military Affairs in the Khiva khanate, and what types of weapons were used in the Khorezm army at that time. About the organization of the people's militia in the army of the Khiva khanate of the XIX century. Keywords: army, army, weapons, rifle, people's militia.
By the 19th century, special attention was paid to the army in the Khiva khanate. The military forces of the khanate became the strongest and invincible in Central Asia. By this time, they began to use, along with medieval sabres, swords, swords, bows, chain mail, metal helmets, and arrows, such examples of military equipment of the period as rifles, shamkhols, or falconets, cannons, pistols, five-shot rifles, six-shot rifles, berdanki, etc. The Central government provided troops with various types of weapons, but not everything was so smooth, there were a number of problems that prevented the full strengthening of the army. First of all, this was a problem of qualified personnel: there were very few specialists in the troops who could teach the nookers to use various types of weapons.
The American journalist mcgahan, who arrived in Khiva with the Russians, mentioned swords, swords, daggers, and guns as the main weapons used in Khiva. European guns were brought to Khiva in various ways, primarily as gifts. In particular, the Englishman Lord NORTHBROOK gave the Khan of Khiva a rifle.
Starting from the second half of the XIX century. in the archive documents of the Khiva khanate, new names can be seen in the list of weapons. They include five-and six-shot guns, single-and double-barrelled guns, ten-and twelve-shot guns, guns with a silver stone, ten-and twelve-shot guns, and others. also in Khiva there lived skilled master gunsmiths who made weapons decorated with patterns. In particular, archival documents contain information about two-caliber weapons, pistols decorated with precious stones, swords with a silver handle, swords decorated with precious stones, which were manufactured in Khiva and distributed among the nukers5. Nookers who distinguished themselves during battles received various knives and guns in addition to monetary rewards.
By the middle of the XIX century, a regular army was being formed in the khanate. From each region, nookers were recruited to the regular army, who were paid in money and goods by the troops. The authorities also allocated land to nookers for services rendered to the state. According to archival documents, in Khiva, the military was allocated land in the amount of 20 tanabs (one tanab was equal to 39.9 m). This provided the nookers with their own land and allowed them to feed their family. During their service, nookers were exempt
from all taxes. The nookers came to the service with their own horse. Nooker's horse was branded, and from that moment the horse was considered the property of the army. The owner of the horse was allocated a sum of money equal to its price. In archival documents, along with the names of nookers, there is information about their horses, their breed and color. In the Khiva khanate, the cavalry had a special significance.
Also in the Khiva khanate there was a special unit-karacherik-so usually called the people's militia, horse and foot, convened to strengthen regular troops only in wartime. Karacherik was intended mainly for performing various kinds of auxiliary functions and only sometimes for direct participation in military operations. The term karacherik is also found in Bukhara documents in the first half of the XIX century. 3
Some Russian sources have information that soldiers were not paid in Khiva.4 There is also not entirely reliable information about the fact that in the Khiva army, the nukers went to battle with their weapons, i.e., horse and guns. In fact, the Central government supplied them with everything they needed. In particular, sources have information that in Khiva, soldiers lived in barracks and were provided with wheat, money, and even land was allocated to them. Each soldier (if he was a member of the standing army) was assigned 5 till per year. Military ranks and positions in the Khiva khanate were divided as follows: yasavulboshi, mingboshi (thousand men), tupchiboshi (commanders of gunners), yuzboshi (centurions) and unboshi (foremen). The holder of the position of a thousandth during military operations was appointed by the Khan as the commander of all the troops, and in peacetime he guarded the Khan's Palace. Vulboshi in Khiva consisted of two people, one of them was the commander of the army, and the other was the Khan's Commissioner for reviewing official applications. There were also cases when the army was managed by the commander-in-chief and thousand men appointed personally by the Khan. Military ranks were usually complained to brave soldiers who distinguished themselves in combat battles. Also, some clans and tribes had their own military leaders.
Nuckers, as shown by archival sources, were given annual cash benefits. In 12651849, falconets received 15-40 Tilly, centurions 5-10 Tilly, gunners 10-30 Tilly, Mergen 1-6 Tilly, and regional commanders received salaries from 5 to 50 Tilly. The lower ranks received from 2 to 15-20 tills per year. Higher ranks received 150 and 250 tilley, in special situations they got to the large size of the salary. For example, a thousand-year-old received 100 Tilly of salary. Nukers, which were considered the core of the Khan's army, received 510 Tilly per year.
We can draw conclusions: in the Khiva khanate, the army had a complex form of organization. Starting from the XIX century, the state began to pay special attention to the military sphere: the Khan's army was provided with modern weapons, and the social and material situation of the military improved (the state assigned them maintenance). The Central government of the Khiva khanate was forced to have a strong army, thus trying to extinguish conflicts and prevent clashes between different tribes and clans.
Nukers-military servants of the leaders in Central Asia of the XVI-XIX centuries. had nothing to do with the people's militia. Uzbek nukers were not the same in their social status. Abulgazi mentions the nookers of the poor and "simple", the rich and "noble". It should be added that the issue of nukers and "nukerstvo" has not been studied and requires additional research. The Nuker Institute remained in Khiva and Bukhara khanates until the beginning of the XX century. In Khiva, nuckers were recently known as people from the rural population who were responsible for serving in the lower police in peacetime and serving in the military during the war. For their service, nookers were exempt from taxes. This is a brief history of the military Affairs of the Khiva khanate.
1. Mak-Gahan. Military actions on the Oxus and the fall of Khiva / English Translation (with pictures). M., 1875. P. 182.
2. Hirschfeld H., Galkin M.N. Military-statistical description of the Khiva oasis. Part 2. Tashkent, 1903. P. 74.
3. Grigoriev. Maior Blankennagel's travel notes on Khiva in 1793-94. Imp. Fair-haired. Geogr. General, 1858. Part 22.
4. Ivanin. The campaign in Khiva in 1839 is Military. Collection, 1863 № 1. Pages 1-72; № 2. Pages 309-358; № 3. Pages 3-71.
5. Atayeva G.I., Akobirova L. About role of information technologies in modern education // Molodoy uchenyy, 2016. № 10. S. 1165-1166.
Абдуллаева Мухайё Искандаровна - старший преподаватель, Бухарский региональный центр подготовки и переподготовки кадров народного образования,
г. Бухара, Республика Узбекистан
Аннотация: в статье анализируются актуальные проблемы организации учебного процесса, методы и средства, используемые для решения проблемы. Ключевые слова: социально-экономическое, персонализированное образование, теоретическое образование.
Основной целью проводимых в стране реформ, в том числе системы образования, является подготовка высококвалифицированных специалистов с хорошо образованным, независимым мировоззрением, отвечающих моральным, социальным и экономическим требованиям.Выполнение этой задачи заключается в углублении реформ в системе непрерывного образования. Сегодня наиболее важной задачей в этом отношении является «качество образования в средних школах, лицеях и профессиональных колледжах, а также в университетах». Это требует радикальных изменений в учебном процессе, его содержании, формах и методах.
Важнейшей задачей учителей нашей республики является развитие независимых мыслителей, бизнесменов, ведущих специалистов по развитию социально-экономического, научно-технического развития общества.В контексте реформы образования растет потребность в педагогах и специалистах, которые могут эффективно использовать новейшие и самые передовые образовательные технологии в мире.Опыт показывает, что технология является предпосылкой интеллектуального, творческого и нравственного развития исследователей. Только на этой основе новые педагогические технологии являются движущей силой, которая является основным понятием развития, который является сущностью педагогических процессов на всех уровнях образования.Исследования, проведенные во многих странах, включая нашу страну, показывают, что самым большим недостатком во всех частях системы образования является неспособность учащихся применять то, что они узнали на практике, и способность выживать независимо от трудной жизни и экономических ситуаций. В образовательной реформе важно выявить положительные особенности развития мирового образования по основным направлениям его развития на основе новых педагогических и информационных технологий, а также практики индивидуально-ориентированного образования и важного инструмента его развития.Чтобы выполнить эти требования в учебном процессе, необходимо уменьшить количество готовых к использованию знаний различными средствами и методами, укрепить интеллектуальное, творческое и независимое мышление учащихся, создать условия для применения теоретических знаний на