Tashkent Medical Academy Integration of Science, Education and Practice in Modern Psychology and Pedagogy: Problems and Solutions
Volume 4 | TMA Conference | 2023 Zamonaviy psixologiya, pedagogikada fan, ta'lim va amaliyot integratsiyasi: muammo va yechimlar
Mukaddam Akbarovna Saydullayeva
TMA teacher of the Department of Uzbek and foreign languages [email protected]
Greek and Latin are two of the oldest languages in the world, and they have both contributed significantly to the field of medicine. This comparative analysis aims to explore the origins and meanings of Greek-Latin terms commonly used in medicine. The study examines how these languages have influenced the development of medical terminology and how they continue to play an essential role in modern medicine.
Keywords: Greek, Latin, medicine, comparative analysis, origins, meanings, medical terminology, circulatory system, nervous system, high blood pressure, shortness of breath, heart attack, blocked blood vessel, healthcare professionals, patient care, medical specialties, cardiology, neurology, gastroenterology, accuracy, precision, ancient languages, medical concepts, medical knowledge.
Греческий и латынь — два древнейших языка в мире, и оба они внесли значительный вклад в медицину. Этот сравнительный анализ направлен на изучение происхождения и значения греко-латинских терминов, обычно используемых в медицине. В исследовании рассматривается, как эти языки повлияли на развитие медицинской терминологии и как они продолжают играть важную роль в современной медицине.
Ключевые слова: греческий, латинский, медицина, сравнительный анализ, происхождение, значения, медицинская терминология, система кровообращения, нервная система, высокое кровяное давление, одышка, сердечный приступ, закупорка кровеносных сосудов, медицинские работники, уход за больными, медицинские специальности, кардиология, неврология, гастроэнтерология, точность, прецизионность, древние языки, медицинские понятия, медицинские знания.
Ruxshona Elbekovna Xosilova
Students of the faculty of Medicine of TMA
May 6
Tashkent Medical Academy Volume 4 | TMA Conference | 2023
Integration of Science, Education and Practice Zamonaviy psixologiya, pedagogikada fan,
in Modern Psychology and Pedagogy: ta'lim va amaliyot integratsiyasi:
The use of Greek and Latin in medicine dates back to ancient times when medical knowledge was recorded in these languages. The use of Greek-Latin terms in modern medical terminology has become standardized, with many terms still in use today. This study aims to compare the meanings and origins of Greek-Latin terms commonly used in modern medicine.
This study analyzed a corpus of medical texts, including textbooks, journals, and online resources. The study aimed to identify Greek-Latin terms used in modern medicine and to compare their meanings and origins.
The comparative analysis revealed that many Greek-Latin terms used in medicine have similar meanings, indicating the influence of these languages on medical terminology. For example, the term "cardiovascular" combines the Greek word "kardia," meaning heart, and the Latin word "vasculum," meaning vessel, to describe the circulatory system. Similarly, the term "neurology" combines the Greek word "neuron," meaning nerve, and the suffix "-ology," meaning the study of, to describe the study of the nervous system. In many cases, the Greek-Latin terms used in medicine have more than one meaning. For example, the word "hypertension" comes from the Greek words "hyper," meaning excessive, and "tension," meaning pressure. In medicine, this term refers to high blood pressure. Another example is the word "dyspnea," which combines the Greek words "dys," meaning difficult or abnormal, and "pnoia," meaning breathing. This term is used in medicine to describe shortness of breath. The use of Greek-Latin terms in medicine has allowed healthcare professionals to communicate complex medical concepts with precision and accuracy. For example, the term "myocardial infarction" combines the Greek word "myo," meaning muscle, the Latin word "cardium," meaning heart, and the Latin word "infarctus," meaning blocked. This term accurately describes a heart attack caused by a blocked blood vessel in the heart muscle.
Greek and Latin have had a significant impact on the development of medical terminology, and their influence continues to be seen in modern medicine. The use of Greek-Latin terms has enabled healthcare professionals to communicate complex medical concepts with accuracy and precision. Understanding the origins and meanings of these terms can enhance medical knowledge and improve patient care. As such, it is essential for
_May 6
Tashkent Medical Academy Integration of Science, Education and Practice in Modern Psychology and Pedagogy: Problems and Solutions
Volume 4 | TMA Conference | 2023
Zamonaviy psixologiya, pedagogikada fan, ta'lim va amaliyot integratsiyasi: muammo va yechimlar
medical professionals to have a solid foundation in Greek and Latin, even in today's modern world. Moreover, the use of Greek-Latin terms in medicine has led to the development of many medical specialties, such as cardiology, neurology, and gastroenterology. These fields of medicine are based on the study of specific organs or organ systems, and the use of Greek-Latin terms has allowed healthcare professionals to describe these areas of study with accuracy and precision.
In conclusion, this comparative analysis underscores the importance of the study of Greek and Latin in medicine, and highlights the continued relevance of these ancient languages in the field of healthcare. The use of Greek-Latin terms has enabled healthcare professionals to communicate complex medical concepts with accuracy and precision, and understanding the origins and meanings of these terms is essential for enhancing medical knowledge and improving patient care.
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May 6