ОРГАНИЗАЦИОННАЯ ПСИХОЛОГИЯ. 2012. Т. 2. № 3. С. 98-100
20 самых цитируемых и 20 самых свежих научных
20 самых цитируемых и 20 самых свежих научных статей про команды
Информация приводится по данным реферативной базы Web of Science компании Thomson Reuters. Поиск производился по запросу «work team*» в названиях, аннотациях, ключевых словах статей. Учитывались только статьи из журналов, а также публикации только на английском языке. В столбце «Количество цитирований» указано абсолютное число цитирований данной статьи в Web of Science за все время ее существования. Данные о количестве цитирований собраны 24.09.2012.
20 самых цитируемых статей про команды
Название и выходные данные Количество
Edmondson, A. (1999). Psychological safety and learning behavior in work teams. 824
Administrative Science Quarterly, 44, 350-383. doi: 10.2307/2666999
Barker, J.R. (1993). Tightening the iron cage: Concertive control in self-managing teams. 544
Administrative Science Quarterly, 38, 408-437. doi: 10.2307/2393374
Gersick, C.J.G. (1988). Time and transition in work teams: toward a new model of group 534
development. Academy of Management Journal, 31, 9-41. doi: 10.2307/256496
Chan, D. (1998). Functional relations among constructs in the same content domain 520
at different levels of analysis: A typology of composition models. Journal of Applied Psychology, 83, 234-246. doi: 10.1037/0021-9010.83.2.234
Jarvenpaa, S.L., & Leidner, D.E. (1999). Communication and trust in global virtual teams. 496 Organization Science, 10, 791-815. doi: 10.1287/orsc.10.6.791
Sundstrom, E., Demeuse, K.P., & Futrell, D. (1990). Work teams: Applications and 431
effectiveness. American Psychologist, 45, 120-133. doi: 10.1037//0003-066x.45.2.120
Jehn, K.A. (1997). Qualitative analysis of conflict types and dimensions in organizational 374
groups. Administrative Science Quarterly, 42, 530-557. doi: 10.2307/2393737
Barrick, M.R., Stewart, G.L., Neubert, M.J., & Mount, M.K. (1998). Relating member 312
ability and personality to work-team processes and team effectiveness. Journal of Applied Psychology, 83, 377-391. doi: 10.1037/0021-9010.83.3.377
Kirkman, B.L., & Rosen, B. (1999). Beyond self-management: Antecedents and 303
consequences of team empowerment. Academy of Management Journal, 42, 58-74. doi:
Manz, C.C., & Sims, H.P. (1987). Leading workers to lead themselves: The external 270
leadership of self-managing work teams. Administrative Science Quarterly, 32, 106-128. doi: 10.2307/2392745
Harrison, D.A., Price, K.H., Gavin, J.H., & Florey, A.T. (2002). Time, teams, and task 247
performance: Changing effects of surface- and deep-level diversity on group functioning.
Academy of Management Journal, 45, 1029-1045. doi: 10.2307/3069328
Campion, M.A., Papper, E.M., & Medsker, G.J. (1996). Relations between work team 208
characteristics and effectiveness: A replication and extension. Personnel Psychology, 49,
429-452. doi: 10.1111/j.1744-6570.1996.tb01806.x
Stewart, G.L., & Barrick, M.R. (2000). Team structure and performance: Assessing the 189
mediating role of intrateam process and the moderating role of task type. Academy of Management Journal, 43, 135-148. doi: 10.2307/1556372
Cohen, S.G., Ledford, G.E., & Spreitzer, G.M. (1996). A predictive model of 176
self-managing work team effectiveness. Human Relations, 49, 643-676. doi: 10.1177/001872679604900506
Edmondson, A.C. (2003). Speaking up in the operating room: How team leaders promote 175 learning in interdisciplinary action teams. Journal of Management Studies, 40, 1419-1452. doi: 10.1111/1467-6486.00386
Kelly, J.R., & Barsade, S.G. (2001). Mood and emotions in small groups and work teams. 168
Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes, 86, 99-130. doi: 10.1006/ obhd.2001.2974
Bell, B.S., & Kozlowski, S.W.J. (2002). A typology of virtual teams: Implications 160
for effective leadership. Group & Organization Management, 27, 14-49. doi: 10.1177/1059601102027001003
Stevens, M.J., & Campion, M.A. (1994). The knowledge, skill, and ability requirements for 157 teamwork: Implications for human-resource management. Journal of Management, 20,
503-530. doi: 10.1177/014920639402000210
Chatman, J.A., & Flynn, FJ. (2001). The influence of demographic heterogeneity on 154
the emergence and consequences of cooperative norms in work teams. Academy of Management Journal, 44, 956-974. doi: 10.2307/3069440
Sy, T., Cote, S., & Saavedra, R. (2005). The contagious leader: Impact of the leader's mood 153
on the mood of group members, group affective tone, and group processes. Journal of
Applied Psychology, 90, 295-305. doi: 10.1037/0021-9010.90.2.295_____________________________
20 наиболее свежих статей про команды
Название и выходные данные Количество цитирований
Schulte, M., Cohen, N.A., & Klein, K.J. (2012). The Coevolution of Network Ties and Perceptions of Team Psychological Safety. Organization Science, 23, 564-581. doi: 10.1287/orsc.1100.0582 2
Guimaraes, L.B.D., Anzanello, M.J., & Renner, J.S. (2012). A learning curve-based method to implement multifunctional work teams in the Brazilian footwear sector. Applied Ergonomics, 43, 541-547. doi: 10.1016/j.apergo.2011.08.008 1
Nielsen, T.M., Bachrach, D.G., Sundstrom, E., & Halfhill, T.R. (2012). Utility of OCB: Organizational Citizenship Behavior and Group Performance in a Resource Allocation Framework. Journal of Management, 38, 668-694. doi: 10.1177/0149206309356326 1
Savelsbergh, C., Gevers, J.M.P., van der Heijden, B., & Poell, R.F. (2012). Team Role Stress: Relationships With Team Learning and Performance in Project Teams. Group & Organization Management, 37, 67-100. doi: 10.1177/1059601111431977 1
Swann, W.B., Jetten, J., Gomez, A., Whitehouse, H., & Bastian, B. (2012). When Group Membership Gets Personal: A Theory of Identity Fusion. Psychological Review, 119, 441-456. doi: 10.1037/a0028589 1
Carton, A.M., & Cummings, J.N. (2012). A theory of subgroups in work teams. Academy of Management Review, 37, 441-470. doi: 10.5465/amr.2009.0322 0
Chang, J.W., Sy, T., & Choi, J.N. (2012). Team Emotional Intelligence and Performance: 0
Interactive Dynamics between Leaders and Members. Small Group Research, 43, 75-104. doi: 10.1177/1046496411415692
Chen, Z.J., Qin, X., & Vogel, D. (2012). Is Cooperation a Panacea? The Effect of 0
Cooperative Response to Task Conflict on Team Performance. Systems Research and Behavioral Science, 29, 163-178. doi: 10.1002/sres.2104
Ely, R.J., Padavic, I., & Thomas, D.A. (2012). Racial Diversity, Racial Asymmetries, and 0
Team Learning Environment: Effects on Performance. Organization Studies, 33, 341-362. doi: 10.1177/0170840611435597
Heidemeier, H., & Bittner, J.V. (2012). Competition and Achievement Goals in Work 0
Teams. Human Performance, 25, 138-158. doi: 10.1080/08959285.2012.658929
Huang, M.P., Liang, W.C., & Hsin, C.N. (2012). Confucian dynamism work values and 0
team performance: A multiple-level analysis. Asian Journal of Social Psychology, 15,
178-188. doi: 10.1111/j.1467-839X.2012.01369.x
Ishak, A.W., & Ballard, D.I. (2012). Time to Re-Group: A Typology and 0
Nested Phase Model for Action Teams. Small Group Research, 43, 3-29. doi: 10.1177/1046496411425250
Kouchaki, M., Okhuysen, G.A., Waller, M.J., & Tajeddin, G. (2012). The Treatment 0
of the Relationship Between Groups and Their Environments: A Review and Critical Examination of Common Assumptions in Research. Group & Organization Management,
37, 171-203. doi: 10.1177/1059601112443850
O'Neill, T.A., & Allen, N.J. (2012). Team Meeting Attitudes: Conceptualization 0
and Investigation of a New Construct. Small Group Research, 43, 186-210. doi: 10.1177/1046496411426485
Sivasubramaniam, N., Liebowitz, S.J., & Lackman, C.L. (2012). Determinants of New 0
Product Development Team Performance: A Meta-analytic Review. Journal of Product Innovation Management, 29, 803-820. doi: 10.1111/j.1540-5885.2012.00940.x
Staats, B.R., Milkman, K.L., & Fox, C.R. (2012). The team scaling fallacy: 0
Underestimating the declining efficiency of larger teams. Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes, 118, 132-142. doi: 10.1016/j.obhdp.2012.03.002
Tsai, W.C., Chi, N.W., Grandey, A.A., & Fung, S.C. (2012). Positive group affective tone 0
and team creativity: Negative group affective tone and team trust as boundary conditions.
Journal of Organizational Behavior, 33, 638-656. doi: 10.1002/job.775
Wageman, R., Gardner, H., & Mortensen, M. (2012). The changing ecology of teams: 0
New directions for teams research. Journal of Organizational Behavior, 33, 301-315. doi: 10.1002/job.1775
Wildman, J.L., Shuffler, M.L., Lazzara, E.H., Fiore, S.M., Burke, C.S., Salas, E., 0
& Garven, S. (2012). Trust Development in Swift Starting Action Teams: A Multilevel Framework. Group & Organization Management, 37, 137-170. doi: 10.1177/1059601111434202
Zhang, Z., Waldman, D.A., & Wang, Z. (2012). A multilevel investigation of leader- 0
member exchange, informal leader emergence, and individual and team performance.
Personnel Psychology, 65, 49-78. doi: 10.1111/j.1744-6570.2011.01238.x