Society and Security InsightsНаучный журнал на тему: Социологические науки, Политологические науки, Прочие социальные науки
Статистикавсего статей: 298
Описание научного журнала
The Society and Security Insights (SSI) is the official scientific periodical of the Association of Asian universities, the main professional platform for open communication of leading scientists in the field of transnational cooperation, publishing original articles in a broad range of issues relevant to public security, its forms and manifestations, considered from the social science perspective. It provides a forum for researchers and academics to debate internationally relevant issues that fall within the scope of social sciences.
Область наук
- Социологические науки
- Политологические науки
- Прочие социальные науки
Печатный: 2619-0249Электронный: 2619-0230