IzquierdasНаучный журнал на тему: Социальные науки, Социологические науки, Политологические науки, История и археология
Описание научного журнала
Izquierdas is a scientific (peer-reviewed) journal, published under the heading. His fascicles are published in an advanced way AOP (Advance Online Publication). It has the purpose of publishing the historiographic production on the facts and ideas of the set of social, political, intellectual and aesthetic manifestations of groups, organizations and people related to the past and present of what socially and traditionally have been (or are recognized) as constituting Latin American left and socialism, in a perspective of dialogue with similar disciplines and similar realities of other regions of the world. world. Its public target is the community of specialists and historians linked or related to the theme of the history of Latin American socialism. Nevertheless, it also seeks to satisfy queries and questions of a broad audience not necessarily attached to the academy.
- Социальные науки
- Социологические науки
- Политологические науки
- История и археология
Электронный: 0718-5049