International Student’s Journal of MedicineНаучный журнал на тему: Фундаментальная медицина, Клиническая медицина, Науки о здоровье
Статистикавсего статей: 59
Описание научного журнала
International Student’s Journal of Medicine (Int Stud J Med) is a quarterly international peer-reviewed open-access journal dedicated to publishing original research papers, reviews, and case reports that are up to high quality and priority standards. Undergraduate and postgraduate students, interns, residents of medical and pharmaceutical universities, and young researchers from all corners of the world are welcome to submit their best papers.
Область наук
- Фундаментальная медицина
- Клиническая медицина
- Науки о здоровье
Печатный: Электронный: 2409-6334