Cellular Therapy and Transplantation Научный журнал на тему: Фундаментальная медицина, Клиническая медицина, Биотехнологии в медицине
Статистикавсего статей: 454
Описание научного журнала
Cellular Therapy and Transplantation is an international, peer-reviewed, Open Access journal which publishes articles in the fields of cellular and gene therapy and tissue transplantation. We welcome original research articles, review articles, short communications and clinical case reports. The major criteria for acceptance and publication of a manuscript are originality, high quality, scientific rigor, and interest to a wide audience of readers. The journal is issued in printed and digital version.
Область наук
- Фундаментальная медицина
- Клиническая медицина
- Биотехнологии в медицине
Печатный: 1867-416XЭлектронный: 1866-8836