Научная статья на тему 'Значение имени собственного в художественной литературе (на примере стихотворений Ш. Галиева И. Р. Миннуллина)'

Значение имени собственного в художественной литературе (на примере стихотворений Ш. Галиева И. Р. Миннуллина) Текст научной статьи по специальности «Языкознание и литературоведение»

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Ключевые слова
антропоним / одного художественный интелектуальный текст / имя знания собственное / потоки апеллятив / nthroponym / literary text / proper name / appellative

Аннотация научной статьи по языкознанию и литературоведению, автор научной работы — Буренкова Ольга Михайловна, Хамитова Ландыш Мударисовна

В данной статье рассматриваются особенности имен собственных в художественном тексте. В центре внимания данной работы будет изучение происхождения антропонимов и употребление их в поэтическом тексте. Особенности каждого функционального стиля давно уже позволили противопоставить литературнохудожественный стиль всем остальным по наличию в литературных текстах особой семантической осложненности, многоярусной композиции и эстетической функции слова, организующей весь контекст произведения.

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This article discusses the proper name in literary text. We focus on the study of the basic functions anthroponomy. The focus of this work is the study of the origin ofной anthroponyms and use in poetic texst. The characteristics of each functional style has long been allowed to oppose the literary style of all the others by the presence of literary texts of particular semantic difficulties, the пmulti-layer composition and aesthetic functions of speech, organizing the whole context of the work.

Текст научной работы на тему «Значение имени собственного в художественной литературе (на примере стихотворений Ш. Галиева И. Р. Миннуллина)»

9. Luk, A. N. O chuvstve yumora i ostroumii [On Sense of Humor and Wit] // URL: http://www.rulit.me/books/o-chuvstve-yumora-i-ostroum.. (accessed: 12.11.2017). (In Russian)

10. Vashchenko, A. V. (1983). Problemy ehtnicheskih literatur. Literatura SSHA v 70-e gody ХХ veka. [Ethnic literatures. American Literature of 1970s]. Moscow, Nauka. 237 s. (In Russian)

11. Voronchenko, T. V. (1992). Meksikano-amerikanskij fenomen v literature SSHA. [Mexican-American Phenomenon in the USA Literature]. Moscow, MPU. 225 s. (In Russian)

Авторы публикации Баранова Мария Игоревна -

ассистент кафедры восточных и европейских языков Нижегородский государственный лингвистический университет им. Н.АДобролюбова

E-mail: Baranovamarria@gmail. com

Authors of the publication

Baranova Maria Igorevna -

Lecturer, Department of Asian and European Languages

Linguistics University of Nizhny Novgorod E-mail: [email protected]

Поступила в редакцию 03.05.2019. Принята к публикации 21.05.2019.

УДК 82



О.М. Буренкова, Л.М. Хамитова

Lan-khamitova@yandex. ru

Казанский инновационный университет имени В.Г.Тимирясова (ИЭУП),

Казань, Россия

Аннотация: В данной статье рассматриваются особенности имен собственных в художественном тексте. В центре внимания данной работы будет изучение происхождения

антропонимов и употребление их в поэтическом тексте. Особенности каждого функционального стиля давно уже позволили противопоставить литературно -художественный стиль всем остальным по наличию в литературных текстах особой семантической осложненности, многоярусной композиции и эстетической функции слова, организующей весь контекст произведения.

Ключевые слова: антропоним, художественный текст, имя собственное, апеллятив. Для цитирования: Буренкова О.М., Хамитова Л.М. Значение имени собственного в I художественной литературе (на примере стихотворений Ш. Галиева и Р. Миннуллина). Казанский лингвистический журнал. 2019; 2 (2): 115-122. (In Eng)


O.M. Burenkova, L.M. Khamitova

Lan-khamitova@yandex. ru

Kazan innovative university named after V.G. Timiryasov (IEML), Kazan, Russia

Abstract: This article discusses the proper name in a literary text. We focus on the study of the basic functions of anthroponomy. The focus of this work is the study of the origin of anthroponyms and use in a poetic texst.

The characteristics of each functional style has long been allowed to oppose the literary style of all the others by the presence! of literary! texts of a particular! semantic difficulties,! the multi-layerl composition and aesthetic functions of speech, organizing the whole context of the work.

Keywords: anthroponym, literary text, proper name, appellative.

For citation: Burenkova O.M., Khamitova L.M. Significance of a proper name in literature ( by the example of Sh.Galiev and R.Minnullin's poems). Kazan Linguistic Journal. 2019. 2 (2): 115-122.

There are different views on the study of the functional specificity of the proper name in the literary! text. An important circumstance that must be taken! into accountl when addressing the study of the functional specificity of the proper name in literary texts is the fact that the texts under study belong to different functional styles of the language. It is well known that the proper name varies considerably in functional styles and types of speech, in which sociolinguistic parameters of the proper name are manifested: class, I areal, normative, social-group, situational, etc. Therefore, the research should take into account both aspects of style: structural and functional. The features of each functional I

Казанский лингвистический журнал, 2019, том 2, № 2

style have long been allowed to c ontrast the literary and artistic style to all the others by the ¡presence! in literary! texts of a ¡special! semantic ¡complication,! multi-tiered I composition and aesthetic function of the word, organizing the entire context of the work of art. This achieves a special depth of the poetic word, its diversity, polyphony.

A ¡proper! name is ¡also! different ¡from! appellative Inames.l The ¡concept! of I "appellative"! and its onimizationi means the following:! the «main! purpose of Icommonl nouns is to call indefinite objects, relating them to a known class of things and concepts. The main! purpose of proper names is to name! certain objects within known classes of I things. In this case, the correlation with the concept is not required, since a known class of I things! is already! associated with! it. (This! moment [also! allows «resorting! to Iso-calledl secondary use of ¡known! words f or mew! nominations ¡which! cannot ¡have! visible I communications! with Initial! and Ipasic! use of lexical! units. ¡Under! appellative we I understood as proper names, changed the function of naming the function of designation of properties or special quality, the state of the object. The naming function of a proper name (what makes it a proper name) is associated with the least motivation for the name. Derived prom! personal ¡¡names,! the ¡place-name! elements ¡represent! the ¡specificl characteristics of the ¡carriers! of ¡these! names, and the «transition! of ¡proper! names in I appellative occurs on the basis of metaphorical and metonymical shift values [5, p. 36].

The significative meaning of the appellative is a part of the encyclopedic meaning of the name, which became intensive under the influence of non-linguistic reasons. The I complete! transition of ¡proper! names t o ¡common! nouns occur ¡when! the Bnitiall connections are broken! and the «transformation! of the proper name and the common! name into homonyms.

Thus, appellate names differ from pr oper names and fr om common names. They I discover their systemic connections: antonymy, synonymy, polysemy. The appellative can be zero /Marat, Lenar / and with a pronounced stylistic characteristics /Timersha, Muhamedzhan/.! Usually appellatives with a pronounced! stylistic characteristic combine I common! feature ¡with! signs of Icommon! nouns. ¡That! is, llthey! occupy an Intermediate! position between proper names! and common names. In our opinion, ! it is a mistake that I

many linguists identify the meaning of proper names with the meaning of their respective I appellate names.

Anthroponyms are widely used in both prose and poetic works of fiction. The focusI of this work will be the study of the origin of anthroponyms and their use in the poetic text.

Speaking about the main differences between prose and poetic texts, V. N. Mikhailov I pointed! out that! in the Ijprosei text the «meaning! of a «proper! name is (characterized! by I indivisibility and n ontransformity. In prose the words retain only necessary for the context! values, the remaining values of this word are eliminated [1, p. 47].

All anthroponyms appearing in the poetic text can be divided into two large groups. I First, ! anthroponyms can nominate! the actors! of a poetic! work, representing! both famous personalities and completely new characters created by the author of the work. Secondly, in the poetic text anthroponyms can play the role of semantic milestones, causing a number! of different associations with texts already known to the reader.

In! poetry, anthroponyms! often nominate! the direct actors of a poetic! work. Such! anthroponyms can be divided into two groups:

a) the central figure of a poetic work may be a literary, biblical or historical figure. ! This! character functions! in a new poetic! work, preserving! its distinctive features and I completely assimilating in the lines of the new text. As a rule, such use of anthroponymsj occurs in various dedications, reflections on historical events or works of art, memories, I etc.

For example, in R. Minnullin's poem "Kazan. Kremlin. ..." we see that in the poeml the author used a historical name. The name Syuyumbike is a Holy! name for the Tatar! people. In this work we are talking about the Suyumbike tower, which was built in KazanI several centuries ago. When translating poetic passages containing proper names in this function, the name taken from the literary and historical context is preserved. Here you can give another example, where the historical personality Syuyumbike loses its meaning! and is used to name a simple girl's name.

b) the name of the hero of a poetic work may be unrelated to the literary and j historical! context. In Ipost! of (these! cases, the lltranslationl of Iproper! names - I anthroponyms! remain and do not Icause! difficulties in the Ihransfer! to lanotherl

Казанский лингвистический журнал, 2019, том 2, № 2

language. Take, for example, the poem Sh.Galiev. "Ilgis". In thisl poem, the author tells the Iphildrenl not to Ixavell by lltrami or bus |withoutl paying for (them ticket. He describes in detail how the boy scum,l tears off the ticket without paying for it. The choice of names in this poem is not accidental: Nakip-has the meaning of "chief, commander", the name Ilgiz - has the meaning of "traveler". Nakip calls Ilgiz-traveler for a walk (Ilgiz agrees, since he likes to ride the tram very much), and theni again Nakip provokes a friend to a bad deed. Thus, Nakip is here acts as a leader, commander. Sh. Galiev in this work acts not only as a children's writer, but also as a psychologist. Describing this act on the example of two boys - Nacip and Ilgiz, he I addresses the reader with a certain poetic purpose.

Another example from R. Minnullin'sl poem "New sport": the namel Almaz, I used with a clear positive characteristic. It should be noted that the word diamond has a meaning-al precious stone.l In thisl work we see how the wordl loses all meaning,! taking only the image of a boy named Almaz.

In our study, we try to made to classify the complex names used in the poems of these authors. Our studies have shown that in the vast majority of cases the authorsl in theirl works usedl anthroponyms lborrowedl from Arabic, Persian, as the Inamesl of ancient Turkic origin.

According to our observations, the majority of anthroponyms used in the texts of Sh. Galiyevl and R. Minnullin,l are the namesl come froml the Arabicl language. I There are many examples of this. The names used by the author Mahmut / lauded,l laudatory/, Nagim/ happy, good -natured/, Ramay - / abbreviated from the name of l Ramazan - hot, hot, warm / - came from Arabic.

In thel cycle of the poeml "Halim, Salim, Masalim" we meetl with three boys who are not similar in height and character. The ability to look at the world through such a "three-sided prism", undoubtedly, in the reflection of realityl opens up greatl opportunities for the l|poet.l In limagesl of |boys,l we see how Isubtlyl feels and I understands deeply the poet child psychology. And, perhaps, even more important is that he does not put under the hood, does not cherish a fragile child in a greenhouse,

but lldepictsl it in the ¡most! natural ¡conditions:! in the ¡contradictions! of ¡real! life, I truthfully, vividly and tangibly.

In ISoviet! times, a lot of words! were borrowed! from Russian! and European languages. One of the ¡manifestations! of this! phenomenon was ¡that! many ¡parentsI began to give their children names such as Marat,! Albina, Larisa,! Albert, Regina,! Lemar, Yunir, Renas, Kim, Renat, etc.

One ¡group! of words! consists of one root:! Rose, ¡Rubyn,! Zemfira, Zarema,! Arthur, Yuri, etc.

Another ¡group! of ¡words! is ¡characterized! by the ¡fact! that »hey! were | abbreviations! of ¡different! names. ¡After analyzing the ¡works! of Sh. ¡Galiev! and R. Minnullin, we can state that the authors boldly use in their poems and this group of words! Renat /"revolution", "science", "work"/, Rome /"Revolution! and peace"/,! Kim /"Communist youth international"/, Wil /Vladimir Ilyich Lenin/.

The researchers! have repeatedly! noted that! the functioning! of proper names in the text has its own specifics, so the names are an integral part of the form of the I work! of art,! the component! of the writer's style, one of the means! of creating an I artistic image. Onyms can carry a pronounced semantic load, have an unusual sound I appearance,! and have! a hidden! associative background.! Proper names! should be I stylistically correct and accurate, should correspond to the whole spirit, idea, goals of the work, should carry a characteristic color, and sometimes some special meaning, a special meaning in which the author's idea is concentrated, expressed.

Our analysis showed that anthroponyms in the texts of poets are very diverse. I Real! and ¡unreal! proper ¡names! organically and ¡motivated! flow ¡into! the ¡systeml of linguistic means of poetic texts, participate in the creation of a common imagery of works, and vividly draw a panorama of the surrounding reality. All this allows us to speak about the high degree of erudition of the author, a wide range of interests, the ¡scale! of the ¡philosophical! outlook. ¡Choosing! a ¡certain! onomastic ¡material! for the construction of his texts, the author thereby embodies a special onomastic picture! of the ¡world.! Each ¡anthroponym,! each ¡model! takes its ¡place,! creating a I holistic perception of the poetic space. Views on the use of linguistic means in works!

Казанский лингвистический журнал, 2019, том 2, № 2

of art, on the relationship of speech and literary style, on the functioning of speech means in the text of works! of art,! made it possible to understand! the psychologyl of poets,! the ¡perception! and understanding! of language! material, to establish! that the phenomenon! of language! and Ispeech! are (considered! in icombination! with I linguistic, poetic points of view, as well as taking into account historical conditions and national mentality.

Thus, it can be concluded that in the literary text anthroponyms can nominate its actors, and these! actors can be both a figment! of the author's! imagination and I actually! existing historical characters; most of the anthroponyms! in the poems are I etymologically "speaking", that is, semantically marked.

In our study, it was found that Sh. Galiyev and R. Minnullin prefer the names come from the Arabic language. Perhaps this is due to the fact that such names are I convenient to combine with different common names. And it should be noted, both I authors are deeply national Tatar poets, and their poems in most cases are intended for Tatar-speaking readers.


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1. Mihajlov, V. N. (1987). Ehkspressivnye svojstva i funkcii sobstvennyh imen v russkoj literature [Expressive properties and functions of proper names in Russian literature] / Iv. N.! Mihajlov // Ipilologicheskid nauki. Moskva,! 1987. BS.54-56. (In Russian)!

2. ISalimov,! H. H. 11(1999). Prosodicheskaya sistema mtatarskogo yazyka [Prosodic system of the Tatar language]. Avtoref....diss.! dokt. filol.! nauk. Kazan'. (In Russian)

3. Sattarov, G. F. (1994). Atamalar den'yasyna ssyakhst [Journey to the world of names]. Kazan: TKN. 240 b. (In Tatar)

4. Sattarov, G. F. (1998). Tatar isemnsre ni seili? [What do Tatar names say?]. I Kazan': «Rannur».(In Tatar)

5. ISuperanskaya,! A. V. 11(1973). Obshchayai teoriya lrnmenn sobstvennogo [General theory of proper name]. M.: Nauka. (In Russian)

Авторы публикации!

Authors of the publication!

Буренкова Ольга Михайловна — II

кандидат педагогических наук, доцент Казанский инновационный университет имени В.Г.Тимирясова (ИЭУП) E-mail: [email protected]

Burenkova Olga Mikhailovna —

Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor Kazan innovative university named after V. G Timiryasov (IEML) E-mail: [email protected]

Хамитова Ландыш Мударисовна — II

кандидат филологических наук, Казанский инновационный университет имени В.Г.Тимирясова (ИЭУП E-mail: [email protected]

Khamitova Landysh Mudarisova —

Candidate of Philological Sciences, Kazan innovative university

named after V. G Timiryasov (IEML) E-mail: [email protected] p

Поступила в редакцию 05.05.2019. Принята к публикации 19.05.2019.

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