Key words: value, youth, project, value orientations, subculture, management, extreme sports, socialization, system, society.
Active socio-economic transformations taking place in contemporary society, resulted in a change in the system of spiritual, moral and cultural values, and in particular among the youth. As it is known, the priorities of values of contemporary young people are diverse and differentiated. And it is obvious that these value orientations become major segments of large groups with specific sports subcultures [1, 2, 4] in many regions of the Russian Federation and in the studied Tyumen region. We attributed to these clusters extreme sports subcultures, namely rollers, skateboarders, BMX athletes, traceurs (parkour) and being actively cultivated in the Tyumen region bar athletes (name of the direction - WORKOUT). These aspects are sport subcultures, since their activity is permanently associated with systematic physical load to achieve a reasoned result [3].
The study of value orientations of young people contributes to allocating the degree of its adaptation to new social conditions and its innovation potential. The future of our society in many respects depends on the values that will be formed [5]. Hence, the study of value orientations in sports subcultures will reveal the degree of adaptation of young people to changing socioeconomical conditions. This paper is conditioned by the lack of researches of extreme sports subcultures [6, 8, 9]. The lack of a target project to work with sports subcultures in extreme sports was detected in the Tyumen region, which would take into account value orientations in the needs of modern youth [3, 4]. This is a problem, and it confirms the relevance of the topic of this paper.
The purpose of the study was to allocate the core and content of the peculiarities of value orientations when choosing extreme sports by young people of the Tyumen region.
Materials and methods. A project, aiming at work with sports subcultures, satisfying the values of young members of this social group in choosing extreme sports will be designed in the study. According to the classification [6] we distributed young people into three categories in compliance with their social status, occupation and interests:
1. Young pupils (from 14 to 17 years). This category includes young people, whose main activity is studying in educational institutions of primary and secondary vocational education (lyceums, colleges, technical schools and colleges).
2. Students (from 18 to 22 years). This category was made of young students of higher (institutes, academies and universities) and specialized secondary (colleges, technical schools) vocational schools.
3. Working youth (from 23 to 30 years). It involves working youth (from 23 to 30 years). It includes young people, who work in manufacturing, enterprises and institutions of any pattern of ownership. In the period from November 2011 to April 2013 we conducted an interactive study of extreme sports subcultures in the social network in the following age groups:
• Young pupils, 93 persons
• Students, 116 persons
• Working youth, 77 persons
Respondents from the Russian Federation and CIS countries (Ukraine, Belarus) took an active part in the study: 286 people from Moscow, Moscow, Nithe hny Novgorod, Tomsk, Omsk, Sverdlovsk, Bryansk and Arkhangelsk regions and the Khanty-Mansiysk and Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Districts. Results and discussion. Our study will further enable to correlate the level of development of extreme sports subcultures in the Tyumen region and in other regions of the Russian Federation. Table 1. The number of surveyed respondents
Countries Regions Number of respondents
persons %
Ukraine Donetsk 8 2,8
Dnepropetrovsk 7 2,4
Belarus Minsk 9 3,1
Moscow 13 4,5
Moscow region 12 4,2
Tyumen region 163 57
Nizhny Novgorod region 11 3,8
Tomsk region 7 2,4
Russian Federation Omsk region 9 3,1
Sverdlovsk region 17 5,9
Bryansk region 5 1,7
Arkhangelsk region 7 2,4
Khanty-Mansiysk AD 12 4,2
Yamalo-Nenets AD 6 2,1
Total 286 100
The Tyumen region comprised 57% - 163 persons by the number of respondents (Tab. 2). Table 2. The number of respondents, surveyed in the Tyumen region in respect to age
Age group
Number of respondents
persons B %
14 - 17 years 54 33,12
18 - 22 years 71 43,5
23 - 30 years 38 23,3
Total: 163 100
Self-perfection and achievement of sports result served the motivation to occupations of these sports for 72% and 28 % of respondents respectively (Tab. 3). Table 3. The inventory need of respondents
Answer options Number of respondents
persons in %
Lack of place for domiciliary extreme sports classes 107 66
Lack of specialized sport shops 56 34
The attitude to extreme sports occupations was positive among 77% of parents and 94% of friends. Self-perfection and achievement of high results in sport are the motives to do these sports for 69% and 31% of respondents respectively (Tab. 4).
Table 4. Distribution of respondents by the motivation to extreme sports occupations
Motivation to occupations Number of respondents
persons in %
Self-perfection 117 72
Achievement of sports result 46 28
It is also worth noting, that extreme sports such as BMX (since 2011), skateboarding and roller-sport (since 2012) were included in the statistical reporting based on the form 1-pc. BMX is also included in the report 5-fc for 2012. However, it is not enough holistic information about other extreme sports. Conclusions.
1. The comparative analysis of literature sources and state statistical reporting according to the forms 1-pc and 5- pc promoted allocation of the system monitoring of development of extreme sports subcultures (reports 1-pc and 5-pc).
2. The interactive study was used to allocate:
• The lack of professional personnel (teaching trainers) in these sports.
• Insufficient motivation to sports subcultures among young people.
• The lack of specialized sports facilities for domiciliary extreme sports occupations.
• Poor supply with quality sports equipment in specialized shops.
3. Based on the results of the analysis of literature sources and the interactive study, the motivation value orientations were determined in the experimental sports subcultures:
• positive attitude of family to chosen sport;
• positive attitude of children and collaboration in selected sport;
• social support by the regional government;
• perspective of regional development of selected sport.
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