Научная статья на тему 'Working out and implementation of the safflower cleaning machine'

Working out and implementation of the safflower cleaning machine Текст научной статьи по специальности «Медицинские технологии»

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European science review

Аннотация научной статьи по медицинским технологиям, автор научной работы — Astanakulov Komil, Karimov Makhmud

In article the technological scheme, a principle of work of the car for primary clearing of seeds of olive cultures safflower are resulted.

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Текст научной работы на тему «Working out and implementation of the safflower cleaning machine»

As a result, the conducting CR system developed by us became information-analytical and architecture, DB structure projected by us taking into with its given function.

MIS "ExterNET" is based on client-server architecture. For maximum efficiency the system uses objective relational principle DB formation.

It is known that medical diagnostic standard's allow a regulation of the main technological process of emergency medicine — is the suitable diagnostics menacing to the patient's life conditions and qualified elimination at the rendering stages of emergency medical al aid.

In this connection ECR developed by us provides automatic registration of date and time formation of those or other MDP, and its DB keeps the asserted or recommended regulations of the standard were brought which allows to automate, within the limits of ECR, the control over their correct performance.

Our ECR and "ExterNET" technology, passed clinical tests in 2008, in Fergana Branch of Republican Scientific Center for Emergency Medical Aid and was accepted in experimental operation on hospital conditions where today works and develops successfully. For maintenance daily and continuous work of program-technical

part of the system, support its users, was created special department in Republican Scientific Center Emergency Medical Aid structure completed by programmers among the developers and engineering-technical personnel.

Effective operation of information system are provided by training all users in special teaching courses, by confirmed programs, with passing exam on certificate.

The conclusion — Our MIS "ExterNET" in clinical practice of emergency medicine gives the following possibilities: the whole complex of medical documentary, including case records transfers into electronic format, provides their automated formation, transfer, processing's, search and archive's; creating unique information space in MPI provides information, intellectual and communicative organization support of MDP, and acceptance of optimum medical decisions; performance of medical-diagnostic standards and their operative control; automates interrelations among clinical, par clinical and other divisions of MPI in patients interests; providing automated reception of various reports, data, and official static reports and on their basis the analysis activity as MPI as a whole and its structural divisions, increases efficiency of administrative work; provides safety of the medical information in needed level.


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11. Karabaev M. K., Abdumannonov A. A., Makhmudov N. I. On the intellectualization of medical information systems//Scientific-practical magazine "Modern science: actual problems of the theory and practice" series "Natural and Technical Sciences" - Voronezh, 2013. - № 9-10. - P. 60-64.

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Astanakulov Komil, Institute mechanization of agriculture, PhD of technical sciences, laboratory of harvesting machines

Karimov Makhmud, scientific employee, laboratory of harvesting machines.

E-mail: [email protected]

Working out and implementation of the safflower cleaning machine

Abstract: In article the technological scheme, a principle of work of the car for primary clearing of seeds of olive cultures

safflower are resulted.

Keywords: safflower, seeds cleaning machine, sieve, oscillations.

Working out and implementation of the safflower cleaning machine


At present time the safflower crops are being harvested by such combine machines as Case-2366, Dominator-130, New Holland, TC-5060, Don-1500B, Lan, Horizont, KZS-9-01 Sla-vutich, Don-1500B, Jon Deer. It is recommended to adjust the choosing the rotations number of drum approximately 8001100 rpm., and the higher sieve jalousies to 5-7 mm., as well as the lower sieve jalousies to 7-8 mm. The harvested seeds need to pass preliminary cleaning, if necessary drying processes. According to the basis norms, the humidity for storage or reprocessing of the safflower should be 13 %, the quantity of foreign admixtures should be 3 % [1].

In cleaning the oily cultures' seeds the machines being used in grains cleaning OBC-25, 0BP-20A, «Petkus-vibrant», K-521, «Petkus-Gigant» K-531 are being applied. The seeds' size-mass indicators and aerodynamic properties of the safflower and other oily cultures even if are closer to grain, but these machines in cleaning the safflower will give lower productivity; the power consumption is high due to using the high capacity electrical engines; and in this case transportation of this machine from a certain farm to the other farm is uncomfortable due to its size. Therefore there can not be achieved the sufficient productivity when using the above specified machines.

Considering all above, at IMEA a compact newly light-weight designed seed cleaning machine purposed for cleaning of the oily cultures' seeds has been worked out [2].

The results of research

Seeds cleaning machine consists of the following parts: silo 1, supplying channel 2, sucking roller 3, fan 4, dust sinking device 5,

When the number ofsieve oscillations increased up to 500 min-1 the separation ofseeds from the foreign admixtures amounted 99.3 %, that means it almost didn't change. But the seeds began to output from the sieve together with the large admixtures in a big quantity.

the higher sieve 6, the lower sieve 7, electrical engine 8, connecting rod 9, oscillating device 10, machine framework 11 (Fig.1).

Technological process of worked out seeds cleaning machine running is as in the following: the oily cultures' seeds will be put into the machine silo 1 and it is supplied by measuring through the supplying roller 2 to sucking tube 3.

By means of airstream produced by the fan 4 the light admixtures containing, in the seeds will be separated out in sucking tube; after it is supplied to dust sinking device 5. As they are sunk after it will be supplied outside. It avoids from the dust smokes around when machine is being operated and improves to facilitate a good labor conditions for employees.

As seeds are cleaned from the light admixtures, they are supplied to lower part, to the higher sieve 6. The seeds are separated out from the large admixtures at the higher sieve functioning by connecting rod 9 and oscillating device 10 and from the small admixtures at the lower sieve 7.

As above said the large fractured admixtures are containing the most part of foreign mixtures the higher sieve plays the main role in the technologic process of the seeds cleaning machine. Because the stalks' parts, pieces of basket, piece of dried mud, stone, one part of weeds' seeds and other impurities containing in the seeds mixture are separated out at the higher sieve.

Number of oscillation occurring at the seeds cleaning machine sieve is dependable to the seed purity, and it showed (table 1) when a number of oscillations were 300 min-1, and 350 min-1 the separation process ofseeds from the foreign admixtures developed actively and it amounted in 97.3 % and 98.0 %; when the number of oscillations were 400 min-1 and 450 min-1 the seed purity amounted 98.7 % and 99.1 %.

In analysis of conducted experiments in relation with the number of sieve oscillations showed that (table 1) while number ofoscillations was 200 min1 and 250 min1 the loss almost has not been noticed and accordingly it amounted in 0.1 % and 0.4 %. At the event when

12 3 4. 5


Fig. 1. Technological scheme for the oily cultures' seeds cleaning machine: silo — 1; supplying channel — 2; sucking roller — 3; fan — 4; dust sinking device — 5; the higher sieve — 6; the lower sieve — 7; electrical engine — 8; connecting rod — 9; oscillating device — 10; machine framework — 11

Table 1. - Influence of number of the sieve oscillations on the seed purity and losses

No Performance quality indicators Number of sieve oscillations, min 1

300 350 400 450 500

1. Separation of foreign admixtures, in % 97.3 98.0 98.7 99.1 99.3

2. Seed losses, in % 0.1 0.4 0.8 2.0 4.0

a number of oscillations increased from 300 min-1 to 350 min-1 the seed losses developed actively and at a result it amounted in 0.8 % and 2.0 %. When a number of oscillations increased up to 400 min-1 the seed losses increased sharply that amounted in 4.0 %.

At the event when a number of oscillations was 500 min-1 the seed losses will sharply increase, and the reason for it the seeds Table 2. - Influence of sieve oscillations

actively move together with the foreign admixtures, a certain part will move throughout the sieve surface by jumping and comes out of sieve; it results in sharp increasing of the seed losses.

When oscillations amplitude was 5 mm., 10 mm., 15 mm., 20 mm. and 25 mm. the seed purity has amounted accordingly 98.2 %, 98.9 %, 99.1 %, 99.4 %, 99.4 % (table 2). amplitude on the seed purity and losses

No Performance quality indicators Sieve oscillations amplitude, mm.

5 10 15 20 25

1. Separation of foreign admixtures, in % 98.2 98.2 99.1 99.4 99.6

2. Seed losses, in % 0.3 1.3 2.4 3.7 5.8

After conducted experiments it was identified in case as the oscillations amplitude higher as the seed mixture movement ahead would be bigger; and as a result it was determined due to fast movement of seeds mixture the impure admixtures will pass through the sieve gap less.

In this case we think that due to that when the sieve's small oscillations amplitude (5 ... 10 mm.) the seed's movement ahead was smaller it will not consider the sufficient sieve gap in order for it to pass through the sieve and it slides down further on come

Table 3. - Influence of sieve slopping

out to waste; meanwhile due to higher amplitude of seed oscillations the seeds movement ahead would be so high and it outcomes in the seed losses.

The sieve sloppiness in its turn affects on the seed purity and losses (table 3). In the specified table there is shown that when slopping angle is ranging from 3 degr. to 15 degr. the grain losses and purity increase. When it was 3 degrees the seed purity amounted in 92.4 %, the losses were not noticed. And when the slopping angle was 15 degrees the seed purity and losses accordingly amounted in 99.3 % and 3.1 %. angle on the seed purity and losses

No Performance quality indicators Sieve slopping angle, in degrees

3 6 9 12 15

1. Separation of foreign admixtures, in % 92.4 96.6 98.6 99.1 99.3

2. Seed losses, in % - 0.2 0.6 1.3 3.1

As the slopping angle of seed cleaning machine was enlarging the grain purity and losses was increasing. At the event when the slopping angle was rising from 3 degr. to 9 degrees the seed purity enlarging increased. And it did outcome to when the slopping angle was rising from 12 degr. to 15 degrees the seed losses increased actively.

The seed purity and losses are characterized in a change depending on the sieve slopping angle and while the seed admixture moves slowly in small volumes slopping angle throughout the sieve surface; and its results in enlarging the volume of the small and large admixtures pass through the sieve together with the seeds; when the seed admixture moves slowly in big volumes the slopping

angle throughout the sieve surface and it results in that its most part comes out to waste.


In accordance with the achieved results after conducting experiments in the event when the number ofsieve oscillations ranged from between 350-400 min-1 the seed purity amounted in 98.0-99.0 % losses amounted in 2.0-4.0 %; when the oscillations amplitude ranged between 10... 15 mm. the seed purity amounted in 98.9-99.1 %, losses — 1.3-2.4 %; moreover when the slopping angle of sieve ranged between 9-12 degrees the seed purity amounted in 98.6-99.1 %, the loss — 0.6-1.3 % and more good indicators has been achieved.


1. State standard - GOST 12096-76. Safflower for refinery. Technical conditions. - M., 1976. - P. 11-14.

2. Karimov M. R. Design and technologic process diagram of oily cultures preliminary cleaning machine//Creating resources-saving agricultural machines and enhancement of using them efficiently: Mat. from the Repub. sc.-pract. conf. - Gulbahor: IMEA, 2014. - P. 299-302.

Bekmirzaev Diyorbek Abdugapporovich, s. r. c., Institute seismic stability of structures Academy of sciences of Uzbekistan E-mail: [email protected] Xusainov Raxmatjon Baxrambaevich, National University of Uzbekistan, senior staff scientist

Kamilova Ra'no A., Tashkent Automobile and Road Institute

Design methods of seismodynamics of complex systems of underground pipelines

Abstract: Several problems of oscillation of complex systems of underground pipelines under seismic loading are considered in this paper. Derived system of equations is solved by the Method of finite differences of the second order of accuracy.

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