Научная статья на тему 'Work performance of mb Trac 900 tractor on Mountains terrain in Turkey'

Work performance of mb Trac 900 tractor on Mountains terrain in Turkey Текст научной статьи по специальности «Строительство и архитектура»

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Ключевые слова
Extraction / Forest tractors / Wood harvesting / MB Trac 900. / трелювання / лісовий трактор / лісозаготівля / МВ TRAC 900.

Аннотация научной статьи по строительству и архитектуре, автор научной работы — Tolga Ozturk, Murat Demir

The forestry works mainly involves such various stages as growing, protection, production, wood harvesting, marketing and utilization of forest products. Wood harvesting is performed by completion of cutting, extraction and transporting stages. The most obvious feature of wood harvesting is that the operations are done under various weather conditions open in the field. The measurements and observations were made on 25 work made under different working conditions during cable pulling with MB Trac 900 forest tractor at the harvesting area. The time determinations were made with continuous time measuring technique. Regression analyses were employed for determining the factors. In this paper, the results of studies carried out on the MB Trac 900 forest tractor operated in the Artvin region located in the Northeast Turkey are presented.

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Використання трактора МВ TRAC 900 в гірських районах Туреччини

Лісогосподарські роботи включають такі стадії: вирощування лісу, його захист, лісозаготівлю та використання лісової продукції. Під час лісозаготівлі виконуються звалювання, трелювання та транспортування деревини в природних польових умовах. Спостереження за роботою трактора МВ TRAC 900 здійснювались на 25 ділянках. Параметри робочих процесів фіксувалися вимірювальною технікою в безперервному режимі. На основі регресійного аналізу визначалися коефіцієнти регресії. Наведені результати досліджень роботи трактора МВ TRAC 900 в провінції Артвін на північному сході Туреччини.

Текст научной работы на тему «Work performance of mb Trac 900 tractor on Mountains terrain in Turkey»

УкраТнський державний лкотехшчний унiверситет

умовою оптимального вмикання зчеплення, то темп наростання натискно! си-ли dP/dt також практично залишатиметься постiйним.

На рис. 2 наведено фрагмент графша, отриманого пiд час моделювання процесу зрушення автомобiля КамАЗ-5320 з повним навантаженням (<2 = 80 кН) на горизонтальны дiлянцi дороги (^ = 0,025). Для вказаних умов, застосовуючи вищевказаний принцип регулювання натискно! сили, отримано таю результати: робота буксування Ьб = 6520 Дж, час вмикання зчеплення tвм = 1,17с, максимальна амплгтуда динамiчного моменту трансмiсй Атртах = 163 Н.м, а коефщент ди-

намiчн0стi кд = Мтртах/Ме „ах = 0,66.

Використовуючи наведену методику можна оптимiзувати i розробити техтчш засоби для автоматизацй процесу вмикання зчеплення будь-якого автомобшя пiд час зрушення з мюця на будь-якiй дорозь


1. Бшик Б.В., Адамовський М.Г. Теор1я самохщних люових машин: Навч. поаб-ник. - Ктв-Льв1в: 1ЗМН, 1998. - 208 с.

2. Билык Б.В. Оптимизация процесса включения муфты сцепления лесовозного ав-томоб1ля// Лесн. хоз-во, лесн., бум. и д/о пром-сть. - 1990, вып. 21. - С. 53-58.

3. Кусий А.Г., Керницький 1.С. Визначення мЫмального часу вмикання зчеплення// Зб. наук. праць: Проектування, виробництво та експлуатащя автотранспортник засоб1в 1 по!зд1в. - Льв1в: УкрДЛТУ. - 2002, вип. 6. - С. 107-110.

4. Петров В. А. Автоматические системы транспортных машин. - М.: Машиностроение, 1974. - 336 с.

Dr. Tolga OZTURK1; Dr. Murat DEMIR - University of Istanbul, Turkey


The forestry works mainly involves such various stages as growing, protection, production, wood harvesting, marketing and utilization of forest products. Wood harvesting is performed by completion of cutting, extraction and transporting stages. The most obvious feature of wood harvesting is that the operations are done under various weather conditions open in the field. The measurements and observations were made on 25 work made under different working conditions during cable pulling with MB Trac 900 forest tractor at the harvesting area. The time determinations were made with continuous time measuring technique. Regression analyses were employed for determining the factors. In this paper, the results of studies carried out on the MB Trac 900 forest tractor operated in the Artvin region located in the Northeast Turkey are presented.

Keywords: Extraction, Forest tractors, Wood harvesting, MB Trac 900.

Др. Толга ОЗТУРК, Др. Мурат ДЕМ1Р - Стамбульський ун-т, Туреччина Використання трактора МВ TRAC 900 в прських районах Туреччини

Люогосподарсью роботи включають таю стадп: вирощування люу, його захист, люозаготсвлю та використання люово!' продукцп. Пщ час лiсозаготiвлi виконуються звалювання, трелювання та транспортування деревини в природних польових умо-

1 University of Istanbul, Faculty of Forestry, 34473 Bahcekoy-Istanbul / TURKEY: Phone: +90.212.226 11 03, Fax: +90.212.226 11 13, [email protected], [email protected], [email protected]


Лкова iнженерiя: техшка, технолопя i довкшля

Науковий ¡¡¡сник, 2004, вип. 14.3

вах. Спостереження за роботою трактора МВ TRAC 900 здшснювались на 25 дшян-ках. Параметри робочих процеав фiксувалися вимiрювальною технiкою в безперер-вному режимi. На основi регресшного аналiзу визначалися коефiцieнти регресп. Наведет результата дослщжень роботи трактора МВ TRAC 900 в провшцп Артвш на пiвнiчному сходi Туреччини.

Ключов1 слова: трелювання, лiсовий трактор, люозаго^вля, МВ TRAC 900.

The transport of forestry products is realized in two stages. The first one is the primary transport stage which involves the haulage of timbers, while the second one is the secondary transport stage involving the main stage of transport of timbers, generally realized by trucks on forest roads [1].

In this study, Tallica Forest District is determined as research area. This district depend on Artvin Forestry Operation in Artvin Region Forestry Directorate and have one productivity area.

2.1. Materials

In the district where this study was carried out, the location named Gitancu-var Hill represents the minimum elevation with 1186 m above. Sea level while Kizilkaya Hill the maximum elevation with 1483 m above sea level. The minimum slope was measured to be 10 % while the maximum slope to be 80 %. The road density in the area is 14 m/ha [2].

The studied area for the productivity of a MB Trac 900 was in Taslica of Artvin. This one area belong to the Artvin province located in Northeast Turkey as shown in Figure 1. The total area of Artvin province is 712 882 ha and 55 % of this area is covered with forests [3]. The major trees species are Picea orientalis, Abies bornmulleriana, Pinus sylvestris and Fagus orientalis in forests of Artvin.

1. Introduction

2. Materials and methods

Figure 1. Study area (Artvin province — Turkey)

1. Техшка та технологи лкового господарства


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MB Trac 900 Mercedes tractor with an engine power of 85 HP were used in this study. Technical features of this tractor showed Table 1.

Daily transport capacity of tractor is 40-60 m3 on the average. Drawing rope is 12 mm in thickness and has a length of 100 m. Two workers are employed in operating the tractor.

Table 1. Technical features of MB Trac 900 Tractor [2-4]

Features MB Trac 900

Machine Power 85 HP (63 kW)

Weight 6000 kg

Drawing Power 2 X 6083 daN

Speed 30/ 40 km/hour

Cylinder 4 cylinder

Cylinder Capacity 3780 cm3

Cooling System Water Cooling

Speed - front 25-40 km/hour

- back 20 km/hour

Vinch Mark CG2M2ZD

Cable Diameter 12 mm

Cable Length 100 m

Cable Speed - 540 tour 33/ 61 m/min

- 1000 tour 19/ 35 m/min

Lift up Power 2000 daN

Depot Capacity 120 lt

Machine Type OM 314

Output 3.30-8.40 m3/hour

Before all else, making the variants analysis in the time measures, measure numbers that are in the level of confidence 95 % are designated enough or not. Than again, the simple and plural regreation equations are appeared in the same level of confidence. These are determined the way of maximum correlation coefficient and the minimum error percentage. Findings values are tested with the value of t and the test of F. One of the part of these statistics studies and graphics are made with SPSS 10.0 statistics programme.

2.2. Method

In productive area with the studies of MB Trac 900 is made time measure in order to be appeared the production of machine and to find which factors are effective on these productions. Time measures are made in the productive time of the very dense period of the tractor.

Time measures are made according to the work stages that were determined before with the repetition, the technique of time measure and digital chronometer. Study report card are filled with finding the definite period of time of each work stage. The daily study hour of machine is 8 hours [5].

In order to be made the time studies, tractor's a piece of work for one time are determined in the followings:

• Time required for the tractor to be brought to the place of loading. (S)

• Time required for the loading to be tied to the loading hook (1. Cable) (S-CP)

• Time required for the loading to be tied to the loading hook (2. Cable) (S-CP)

• Time required for drawing the loaded hook (1. Cable) (S-CP)

• Time required for drawing the loaded hook (2. Cable) (S-CP)


^icoBa ÏH^eHepia: TexHiKa, TexHO.roriH i .obkï^^h

• Time required for the tractor to be brought down to the place of unloading. (S)

• Time required for untying the load from the hook. (S-CP)

• Total time required. (S-CP)

(S: Skidding to 300-600 m; CP: Cable Pulling to 30 m)

3. Results and discussion

The Tallica District operating under the management of Artvin Forestry Operations office was chosen as the study area for timber haulage operations. All workers employed at tractor operations were housed in the barracks located within the forest area.

In that district, production operations were carried using tractors for a total of 3 months, namely July, August and September during a year, hauling a total of 652 m timber. The 90 % of total production realized in the district was transported by the forestry tractors.

The average times of timber haulage for the tractors installed in two different locations in the district are shown in Table 2, while the share of time taken by each stage of operation in the total time is shown in Figure 2.

Table 2. Average Time Investigation of MB Trac 900 Tractor

Run Number The tractor to be brought to the place of loading (min) a The loading to be tied to the loading hook (1. Cable) (min) b The loading to be tied to the loading hook (2. Cable) (min) c Drawing The loaded hook (1.Cable) (min) d Drawing The loaded hook (2.Cable) (min) e The tractor to be brought down to the place of unloading (min) f Untying the load from the hook (min) g Total time required (min) h Amount, Distance of load m3/ m

Average 600 m Skidding 9.0 3.0 2.0 3.0 4.0 10.0 2.0 33.0 3.498 m; 600 m

Average 300 m Skidding 4.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 2.0 4.0 2.0 21.0 3.315 m; 300 m

Average 30 m Pulling -- 3.05 2.14 3.05 3.25 -- 2.03 13.52 3.256 m; 30 m

As a result of measurements and calculations mode during timber haulage operations, the maximum times were found to be required for bringing the loaded wagon up to the place of unloading, and for drawing the loading hook to the loading place to the load. The forestry products hauled were 4-5 m long Spruce and Fir timbers.

This regreation model used to stepwise method of SPSS 10 statistical programme. Dependent variable is h (total time) and independent variables are a, b, c, d, e, f, g. R square (R2) has been found 0,980 (98 %). Regreation model is follow;

T = 2.812 + 2.015-f + 1.547-b + 1.089-d + 0.715-c (F = 133.543 and Sig. 0.000).

1. TexmKa Ta TexHO.TOriï .mcoBoro rocnogapcTBa


yKpaiHCbKHH icp^aBMMM .ricoTexMiHMMH yMiBepcMTeT



_ 8 c


* 6 EE

p 4

2 0

□ 600 m

□ 300 m

□ 30 m

a b c d e f g Work Phases Figure 2. Job Analysis Total Time

As it is shown in the Table 3, The transportation time of MB Trac 900 tractor for average 600 m distance was 33 minutes and for average 300 m distance was 21 minutes. Amount of load for each time was 3,498 m3 and 3.315 m3. This MB Trac 900 tractor's hour product for 600 m distance was 6,360 m3, daily product was calculated as 50,880 m3. Also, for 300 m distance was 9,471 m3 and daily product was 75,768 m3. MB Trac 900 tractor's hour product for average 30 m pulling was 13,954 m3. Average cost per volume of MB 900 Trac is 9,80 $/m3 (for average 600 m skidding), 7,31 $/m3 (for average 300 m skidding) and 4,65 $/m3 (for average 30 m pulling).

Table 3. Data of the MB Trac 900 Tractor

Tractors Hours Productivite (m3/h) Daily Productivite (m3/day) Fuel (lt/h) Logging Distance (m) Average Slope (%) Average Cost ($/m3)

MB 900 6.360 50.880 4.17 600 15 9,80

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MB 900 9,471 75,768 3,5 300 13 7,31

MB 900 13,954 111,634 3,0 30 40 4,65

4. Conclusions and recommendations

The results of this study have shown that the transport of forestry products by tractors operated in areas located in mountainous terrain, not accessible by forest roads, is a more permanent and efficient haulage method in mountainous forest land when combined with forest roads, since it enables side drawing, eliminates losses in quality and quantity; offers a comparatively short mounting and dismounting time, has an opening-to-production rate of one hundred percent, and enables transportation in both directions when required.

In the light of the results of this study, the following recommendations should be taken into consideration in order to ensure the performance of timber haulage operations in a more effective and productive way.

For the operation of a tractor in the forest land, there must be an adequate quantity of wood raw materials in the haulage area. The tractor operators must definitely be permanently employed workers. This point is important in order to en-


^icoBa iH^eHepm: TexMiKa, TexMO^oria i goBKimH

sure productive working and the careful handling and maintenance of tractors by the operators. For more efficient operation of tractors, a minimum of two workers should be employed at the loading stations. This would enable the tying of hook to the load in a shorter period of time, thereby minimizing any losses of time.

Persons not specialized in tractors operations should not be employed for this purpose as tractors are expensive pieces of equipment and they cannot always be immediately repaired on site.

The Forestry Operations Office must pay special care and attention in providing proper accommodation facilities to the works and meeting their food and tools and equipment needs in order to enable them to work in a more secure and productive way in field conditions. In order to prevent decrease in their efficiency and to reduce fuel consumption, the maintenance of machinery must be performed according to technical specification and in a timely manner. An adequate number of spare parts should be maintained in order to prevent any loss of time in case of urgent maintenance-repair works.


1. Ozturk, T. 2001: A Research on Forest Tractors Using Hauling Work. Review. of the Faculty of Forestry, University of Istanbul, Series B, Volume 51, Number. 2, P. 101-110, Istanbul.

2. Ozturk, T. 2002: The Time Analysis and Results on MB Trac Tractors in Artvin Region. Third Balkan Scientific Conference, Proceedings, Volume IV, p. 241-248, 2-6 October 2001, Sofia.

3. Acar, H.H. 1997: Investigation on Using Geographical Information Systems in the Planning of Extraction Operations with Tractors. Productive Functions of Forests, Proceedings of the XI. World Forestry Congress, Volume 3, P. 215-223, 13-22 October 1997, Antalya-Turkey.

4. Erdas, O.; Acar, H.H. 1993: Researchs on Forest Products Extraction with. MB Trac 900 Forest Tractor in Artvin Region. I. Forestry Council, Volume 3, No. 13, Publication no. 006, P. 127-136, 1-5 November 1993, Ankara-Turkey.

5. Seckin, O.B. 1978: Study on Extraction by a Single Farm Tractor. Review of the Faculty of Forestry, University of Istanbul, Series B, Volume 28, Number 1, Istanbul.

6. Aykut, T. 1972: Equipment using for time measurement. Review of the Faculty of Forestry, University of Istanbul, Series B, Volume 22, Number 1, Istanbul.

7. Ozturk, T. 1997: The Possibilities of Using Skyline Cranes in Artvin Forests in Turkey. Review of the Faculty of Forestry, University of Istanbul, Series A, Volume 47, Number 2, Istanbul.

Assoc. Prof. Alois SKOUPf - Mendel University of Agriculture and Forestry, Brno BIODEGRADABLE OILS USED FOR SAW CHAIN LUBRICATION

Power saws require a relatively large amount of oil for their operation the reason being idle lubrication of the cutting chain. Oil leakages in the environment can result in soil and water contamination and are known to impact both flora and fauna. Many countries in Europe struggle to minimize the damage by imposing the use of biologically degradable oils for these purposes. The work presents an assessment of these biologically degradable oils from the viewpoint of their possible occurrence in environment and from the viewpoint of their technical characteristics which affect reliability and economy of working with power saws. Oil dispersion is evaluated especially from the viewpoint of the concentration of its occurrence on the soil surface after cutting with the power saw. Technical properties evaluated include heat-oxidation stability and pumping properties of oils at low temperatures.

1 Faculty of Forestry and Wood Technology. Zemedelska 3, 613 00 Brno. Tel.: +420 545 134 103. E-mail: [email protected]

1. TexmKa Ta TexHO.rorii .mcoBoro rocnogapcTBa


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