WHY QUALITY OF THE TEACHER MATTERS? TEACHERS AND TEACHING STYLE Текст научной статьи по специальности «Науки об образовании»

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Ключевые слова
teacher / teaching / good teaching / teaching style / teacher quality / to inspire / to motivate / ուսուցիչ / ուսուցում / լավ ուսուցում / դասավանդման ոճ / ուսուցչի որակ / ներշնչել / մոտիվացնել

Аннотация научной статьи по наукам об образовании, автор научной работы — Սոսի Գարօղլանյան

This article explores the teachers and their careers, and it aims to highlight the importance of the teachers’ quality, the way skilled teachers inspire and motivate their students by bringing life to curriculum. This article also emphasizes the importance of teaching skills. To accomplish our aim, the following task have been set: to experimentally study the teaching style of teachers and their ability to inspire students taking into consideration their values of priority, psycho-emotional state, self-assessment, teaching style and reliability of the facts. In order to achieve our goal, we used the test method to determine teachers’ teaching style. The main goal is to acknowledge the teaching style of teachers and their ability to inspire their students and mainly to discover how their methods affect the researcher's motivation and academic progress. As a result, we found out that the student’s motivation, learning improvements and academic achievements depend on the quality of the teacher. The motivation of a student in the third millennium requires a passionate and motivated teacher, who possesses a strategic vision within the education system and implements effective lesson plans.

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Այս հոդվածն ուսումնասիրում է ուսուցիչներին և նրանց կարիերան։ Այն ընդգծել է ուսուցիչների որակի կարևորությունը․ թե ինչպես են հմուտ ուսուցիչները մոտիվացնում են իրենց ուսանողներին՝ կյանքի կոչելով ուսումնական պլանը: Այս հոդվածում ընդգծվում է նաև ուսուցման հմտությունների կարևորությունը: Մեր նպատակն իրականացնելու համար կատարել ենք հետևյալ առաջադրանքը՝ փորձարարական ճանապարհով ուսումնասիրել ուսուցիչների դասավանդման ոճը և սովորողներին մոտիվացնելու նրանց կարողությունը՝ հաշվի առնելով նրանց առաջնահերթության արժեքները, հոգե-հուզական վիճակը, ինքնագնահատումը, դասավանդման ոճը և փաստերի հավաստիությունը: Մեր նպատակին հասնելու համար օգտագործել ենք թեստային մեթոդը՝ ուսուցիչների դասավանդման ոճը որոշելու համար: Հիմնական նպատակն է ճանաչել ուսուցիչների դասավանդման ոճը և ուսանողներին մոտիվացնելու նրանց կարողությունը և բացահայտելու, թե ինչպես են նրանց մեթոդներն ազդում հետազոտողի մոտիվացիայի և ակադեմիական առաջընթացի վրա: Արդյունքում, մենք պարզեցինք, որ աշակերտի մոտիվացիան, ուսման բարելավումը և ակադեմիական նվաճումները կախված են ուսուցչի որակից: Երրորդ հազարամյակի աշակերտին մոտիվացնելու համար անհրաժեշտ է ջերմեռանդ և մոտիվացված ուսուցիչ, որն ունի կրթական համակարգում ռազմավարական տեսլական և արդյունավետ դասի պլան:




UDC 159.98


Kalusdian-Noubarian Armenian School,

Armenian language and literature teacher;

Armenian State Pedagogical University after Kh. Abovyan,

Chair of Applied Psychology, Ph.D. Student,

Cairo, Egypt

[email protected]

ORCID: 0009-0004-2192-3979

This article explores the teachers and their careers, and it aims to highlight the importance of the teachers' quality, the way skilled teachers inspire and motivate their students by bringing life to curriculum. This article also emphasizes the importance of teaching skills.

To accomplish our aim, the following task have been set: to experimentally study the teaching style of teachers and their ability to inspire students taking into consideration their values of priority, psycho-emotional state, self-assessment, teaching style and reliability of the facts.

In order to achieve our goal, we used the test method to determine teachers' teaching style. The main goal is to acknowledge the teaching style of teachers and their ability to inspire their students and mainly to discover how their methods affect the researcher's motivation and academic progress.

As a result, we found out that the student's motivation, learning improvements and academic achievements depend on the quality of the teacher.

The motivation of a student in the third millennium requires a passionate and motivated teacher, who possesses a strategic vision within the education system and implements effective lesson plans.

Keywords: teacher, teaching, good teaching, teaching style, teacher quality, to inspire, to motivate․


How do we define the teacher?

In his book "A Passion for Teaching" Christopher Day quoted Clark's (Day 184) definition about teachers, that they are the human point of contact with students. All other influences on the quality of education are mediated by who the teacher is and what the teacher does. Teachers have the potential for enhancing the quality of education by bringing life to curriculum and inspiring students to curiosity and self-directed learning. And teachers can also degrade the quality of education through error, laziness, cruelty or incompetence. For better or worse, teachers determine the quality of education.

Day (Day 184) defined teacher as potentially the single most important asset in the achievement of the learning society. It is the teacher who holds the key to students' growing or diminishing self-esteem, achievement, and visions of present and future possibilities for learning through their commitment, knowledge and skills.

The best teachers at all levels are those who have strong intellectual and emotional identities and commitments both to their subject(s) and to their students.

Finnish professor Kirsi Tirri in her article (Tirri 10) said that teachers should be able to prepare their students for the future by teaching them the 21st century skills.

She discussed Finnish (Finland) national curriculum in which 7 areas of core competencies related to 21st century skills have been proposed, including:


1. Thinking and learning to learn.

2. Cultural competence, interaction, and self- expression.

3. Taking care of oneself, managing daily life.

4. Multi-literacy.

5. Competence in information and communication technology.

6. Working life competence and entrepreneurship.

7. Participation, involvement and building a sustainable future.

She added that Finland was the first Nordic country to establish the ethical codes for teachers in 1998. During the last 20 years, these codes have been revised and updated. In these codes, the basic values for teaching profession are established. These values are dignity, truthfulness, fairness, responsibility and freedom. The skills required for the 21st century encompass an open-minded attitude from educators and a growth mindset towards learning. This approach enables teachers to continually embrace new challenges and effectively guide students in their pursuit of purposeful learning.

Christopher Day (Day 10) in his work defined teaching as a journey of hope, based upon a set of ideals, for example, I, as a teacher, can and will make a difference to the learning and the lives of the students. I teach, and my colleagues and I work diligently despite being aware of obstacles to motivation and commitment, the socio-economic circumstances of our students, resource constraints, and policy factors beyond our control.

Methods and Results

In our article we used R. Rozhdestvensky's teaching style test to determine teachers' teaching style and learn some features of their nervous system. The main goal is to acknowledge the teaching style of the teachers and their ability to inspire their students and mainly to discover how their methods affect the researcher's motivation and academic progress.

Our research was conducted in 2018-2023. The test, consisting of 50 questions, was completed by 24 teachers from a school in Egypt. Each teacher answered by selecting the option that best reflected their thoughts, feelings, and reactions, and marked the appropriate box on the answer sheet. The data were collected and analyzed as follows: choosing from the 1st scale's questions 1,6, 11, 16, 21, 26, 31, 36, 41, 46 the most possible answer by assigning 1 point, from the 2nd scale's questions 2, 7, 12, 17, 22, 27, 32, 37, 42, 47 the most possible answer by assigning 1 point, from the 3rd scale's questions 3, 8, 13, 18, 23, 28, 33, 38, 43, 48 the most possible answer by assigning 1 point, from the 4th scale's questions 4, 9, 14, 19, 24, 29, 34, 39, 44, 49 the most possible answer by assigning 1 point, from the 5th scale's questions 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30, 35, 40, 45, 50 the most possible answer by assigning 1 point, then we added the points and received 3 digit sum, by choosing the highest digit, we got the teacher's self-diagnosis experience.

Diagram 1.


Thus, the result of the completed test of the teachers shows that 75% of the teachers defend the interests of their students and deal with them with trust and love, while 25% of the teachers have interests not limited to academic problems. This means that they care for their students, but 75% of the result is not enough for an efficient and effective teacher's performance.

A child, especially the third millennium child needs to be safe, both at home and at school, so that s/he can acquire the essential academic knowledge.

From the perspective of an inspirational approach to teaching, only the 75% of the result is not a satisfactory figure, which means that accessive effort should be exerted to create awareness among the teaching circles to adopt a more friendly approach towards students always revealing their love and care towards the pupils that they are responsible for the education. The results of the 2nd scale show that 60% of the teachers experience a feeling of anxiety and powerlessness, 33% of them are in psycho-emotional state, and 7% can make the right decisions and bear responsibility for their consequences.

Here, we should refer to the "psycho-emotional state" by quoting the definition, that "They are a special form of human mental state and experience with the manifestation of emotional responses to oneself, others, and to reality. These states are largely regulated by the emotional-volitional sphere and include emotional responses and relationships. The concept of "psycho-emotional state" is collective and includes several phenomena, such as loneliness (Kon, Korchagina, Rogova, Fromm-Reichman, Frankl), depression (Aleksandrovsky, Vertogradova, Lakosina, Sinitsyn & Smulevich) and neurosis (Vasilyuk, Garbuzov, Karvasarsky, Myasishchev, Svyadosch, Hornet)". 60% of the result experiencing a feeling of anxiety and powerlessness, as the diagram shows, has a bad effect on the student's academic success and achievement. The results of the 3rd scale show that 75% of the teachers can create an atmosphere of lively communication in classes and provide the students with psychological support, and 25% of them do not involve in free communication with others, which prevents them from creating a favorable creative atmosphere in the classroom. The results of 4th scale show that 33% of the teachers have a reputation as a "influential" teacher, they make their own decisions, and 67% of them are equal partners with the students, they involve children in decision-making, listen to their opinions, consider not only academic performance, but also the personal qualities of students. The results of the 5th scale show that 8% of the teachers are very sincere and 92% are characterized by satisfaction with their profession contributing to the effectiveness of learning.

It is true that the third millennium student needs teachers who are interested in their educational progress, know how to involve them in different types of activities and work, and are also interested in their personal qualities, they also need an influential, disciplined teacher, so that the acquisition of knowledge goes more smoothly.

From the results of the research, a question mark hangs above the teaching styles of most of the teachers generated from the basic ways of explaining the lesson, where accessive demandingness and meanness from the teachers' side would affect negatively the efforts of the teachers to inspire and lead them to acquire knowledge and achieve academically.

It is essential to take different types of measures to inspire and motivate the 21st century students, in the process of acquiring knowledge.

In teacher-student relationship and in the process of the student's academic achievement, one of the most important factors is the teacher's quality.

According to Sonia Guerriero (Guerriero 99-118), teacher's quality is an important factor in determining gains in student achievement, taking into consideration student's learning and family background characteristics.

Knoell M. Christopher quoted Hargreaves (Knoell 135) point of view that "good teaching is charged with positive emotion. It is not just a matter of knowing one's subject, being efficient, having correct competencies, or learning all the right techniques. Good teachers are not just well-oiled machines. They are emotional, passionate beings who connect with their students and fill their work and classes with pleasure, creativity, challenge and joy."

According to Christopher Day, the high quality of teachers in schools is of paramount importance.

It is suggested that quality is related not only to the knowledge and skills which may be developed during training and improved during the course of a career, but also to the passion which the best teachers and teacher educators bring to their work.

Christopher Day quoted Rowe (Day 27) that "there are strong empirical grounds for believing that teachers can and do make a difference and that consistent high-quality teaching, supported by strategic professional development, can and does deliver drastic improvements in student learning."

As for Day, there are five observations about the qualities evident in good teaching and teachers, that have been made by researchers over the years.


1. Good teaching is recognized by its combination of technical and personal competencies, deep subject knowledge and empathy with the learners. Good teaching is a passionate affair.

2. Good teachers are universally identified by students as those who care.

3. Teachers' sense of identity is crucial to their own motivation, commitment and effectiveness.

4. The extent to which teachers are able to understand emotions within themselves and others is related to their ability to lead and manage teaching and learning.

5. To be a good and effective teacher over time requires hopefulness and resilience, the ability to bounce back in challenging circumstances and changing contexts.

Day (Day 184) in his work quoted the Finnish educator Haavio's 3 key characteristics of the good teacher:

1. Pedagogical discretion - the ability to use the most appropriate teaching for each individual.

2. Pedagogical love - the caring instinct, i.e. the desire to help, protect and support.

3. Vocational awareness - it seizes the teachers' personality in such a way that he/she is ready to do his/her utmost for it and finds in its internal gratification and the purpose of his/her life.

R.M. Harden and Joy Crosby (Harden & Crosby 334-347) quoted Bigg definition that a good teacher is s/he who helps the student to learn. He or she contributes to this in a number of ways. The teacher's role goes way beyond information giving, with the teacher having a range of key roles to play in the education process. What one sees as good teaching suggests Biggs, depends on what conception of teaching one has.

According to Alex Moore (Moore 191) the key to good teaching is conceived as having less to do with education and training, and more to do with the inherent or intrinsic qualities of character or personality of the teacher, typically coupled with a deeply "caring" orientation aimed very specifically at "making a difference" to pupils' lives. And he defined the good teacher as precisely the teacher who does not "take over", dictate, instruct, but who supports, responds, advises, assesses, needs and assists development; a communicative competent, reflective practitioner who also enjoys a high degree of professional autonomy and respect and whose success as a teacher may be judged in terms of the extent to which to expand their students' expectations and possibilities.


Research suggests that quality of the teacher matters in the teacher-student relationship and in the process of the student's academic achievement, one of the most important factors is the teacher's quality. Teachers that are passionate, enthusiastic, life-long learners, teachers that create a good and positive atmosphere in the class, their class is based on mutual respect, and they apply new teaching methods.

A student's motivation, learning improvement and academic achievement depends on the quality of the teacher. This means that not only the knowledge and the teaching skills matter, but also the teacher's passion, open-minded attitude, creativity, effectiveness. The good teachers are the ones who believe in student's abilities, who care, motivate, inspire and guide them towards the future.

As a result, we concluded, that as the mindset, priorities and perspectives of students are different in the 21st century compared to previous times, nowadays teachers face the challenge of adopting ways of conducting their lessons in a more pleasant way, because the basic method of teaching is no longer admirable.

The third millenium student needs a passionate and motivated teacher, who has insight into the education system, who knows to use new and inspiring teaching methods, who cares about the studeents, and involves them in class, (especially the weakest), and whose class is based on mutual respect, who masters his/her profession, can implement a curriculum wisely and effectively and succeeds to penetrate the hearts of their students.


1. Day, Christopher, "A Passion for Quality: Teachers Who Make a Difference", Edurama.be, 2009, p.10.

2. ---, A Passion for Teaching, 1st ed., University of Nottingham, Routledge, London, 2004, p. 184, doi:10.4324/9780203464342.

3. Guerriero, Sonia, Teacher's Pedagogical Knowledge and The Teaching Profession, Background Report and Project Objectives, OECD, 2017, pp. 99-118, doi:10.1787/9789264270695-6-en.

4. Harden, Ronald, and Crosby Joy, AMEE Guide No 20: The Good Teacher is More Than a Lecturer-The Twelve Roles of The Teacher, Vol. 22, No 4, 2000, pp. 334-347, https://doi.org/10.1080/014215900409429.

5. Knoell, Christopher M., "The Role of the student-Teacher Relationship in the Lives of Fifth Graders: A Mixed Methods Analysis", Public Access Theses and Dissertations from the College of Education and Human Sciences, May 2012, p. 135.

6. Maksimenkova, Larissa, Guchkova Tatyana N., Chernova Veronica, Nikolaev Sergei M, Romanov Kirill I., Rantsev Gennady M, "Psychoemotional States and Personality Traits of Patients Undergoing Treatment", Advances in Health Sciences Research, 2020, pp. 238-243, doi:10.2991/ahsr.k.201001.048.

7. Moore, Alex, A Good Teacher: Dominant Discourses in Teacher Education, 2004, 1st ed., p. 191.

8. Tirri, Kirsi, "The Purposeful Teacher", Teacher Education in the 21st Century, Dec. 2018, p. 10, doi:10.5772/intechopen.83437.

9. World Bank, Teacher Skills and Motivation Both Matter (Though Many Education Systems Act Like They Don't), Oct. 2017, pp.131-144, https://doi.org/10.1596/978-1-4648-1096-1_ch6.




Գալուստյան-Նուբարյան Ազգային վարժարանի

հայոց լեզվի և գրականության ուսուցչուհի,

Հայկական պետական ​​մանկավարժական համալսարանի

կիրառական հոգեբանության ամբիոնի ասպիրանտ,

ք. Կահիրե, Եգիպտոս

Այս հոդվածն ուսումնասիրում է ուսուցիչներին և նրանց կարիերան։ Այն ընդգծել է ուսուցիչների որակի կարևորությունը․ թե ինչպես են հմուտ ուսուցիչները մոտիվացնում են իրենց ուսանողներին՝ կյանքի կոչելով ուսումնական պլանը: Այս հոդվածում ընդգծվում է նաև ուսուցման հմտությունների կարևորությունը:

Մեր նպատակն իրականացնելու համար կատարել ենք հետևյալ առաջադրանքը՝ փորձարարական ճանապարհով ուսումնասիրել ուսուցիչների դասավանդման ոճը և սովորողներին մոտիվացնելու նրանց կարողությունը՝ հաշվի առնելով նրանց առաջնահերթության արժեքները, հոգե-հուզական վիճակը, ինքնագնահատումը, դասավանդման ոճը և փաստերի հավաստիությունը:

Մեր նպատակին հասնելու համար օգտագործել ենք թեստային մեթոդը՝ ուսուցիչների դասավանդման ոճը որոշելու համար: Հիմնական նպատակն է ճանաչել ուսուցիչների դասավանդման ոճը և ուսանողներին մոտիվացնելու նրանց կարողությունը և բացահայտելու, թե ինչպես են նրանց մեթոդներն ազդում հետազոտողի մոտիվացիայի և ակադեմիական առաջընթացի վրա:

Արդյունքում, մենք պարզեցինք, որ աշակերտի մոտիվացիան, ուսման բարելավումը և ակադեմիական նվաճումները կախված են ուսուցչի որակից:

Երրորդ հազարամյակի աշակերտին մոտիվացնելու համար անհրաժեշտ է ջերմեռանդ և մոտիվացված ուսուցիչ, որն ունի կրթական համակարգում ռազմավարական տեսլական և արդյունավետ դասի պլան:

Հիմնաբառեր՝ ուսուցիչ, ուսուցում, լավ ուսուցում, դասավանդման ոճ, ուսուցչի որակ, ներշնչել, մոտիվացնել:




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Каир, Египет

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В данной статье рассматривается личность учителя и его деятельность и акцентируется внимание на важности качества работы учителей. Особое внимание уделяется тому, как опытные преподаватели могут вдохновлять и мотивировать своих учеников, приводя их к успеху в усвоении учебных программ. В статье также подчеркивается значение преподавательских навыков.

Для достижения цели исследования была поставлена задача экспериментально изучить стиль работы учителей и их способность вдохновлять учеников учитывая при этом их приоритетные ценности, психоэмоциональное состояние, самооценку, а также стиль преподавания и достоверность преподаваемой информации.

Для реализации этой задачи был использован метод тестирования для определения стиля работы учителей. Основной целью исследования было выявление стиля преподавания и способности учителей вдохновлять своих учеников, а также определение влияния их методов работы на мотивацию и успеваемость учащихся.

В результате исследования было установлено, что мотивация учеников, их успеваемость и академические достижения зависят от качества работы преподавателя. В современном мире мотивация учеников требует труда увлеченного и мотивированного учителя, обладающего стратегическим видением в рамках системы образования и способного эффективно реализовать цели и задачи урока.

Ключевые слова: учитель, преподавание, хорошее преподавание, стиль преподавания, качество преподавателя, вдохновлять, мотивировать․

 Հոդվածը ներկայացվել է 03.03.2024թ., գրախոսվել` 17.04.2024թ., տպագրության ընդունվել` 31.07.2024թ.:






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