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Dzugaeva Z.R., Bisenbaeva J.D. , Kuzibaeva I.A. (Republic of Uzbekistan) Email: [email protected]
1Dzugaeva Zarina Ruslanovna - English teacher; 2Bisenbaeva Jamiyla Dostanovna - student; 3Kuzibaeva Ilmira Alisher kizi - student, PEDIATRIC FACULTY, DEPARTMENT OF "LANGUAGES " URGENCH BRANCH OF TASHKENT MEDICAL ACADEMY, URGENCH, REPUBLIC OF UZBEKISTAN
Abstract: english for Specific Purposes (ESP) can be defined as teaching and learning English as a second or foreign language for the purpose of using it in a particular domain. Since 1960s ESP has become a distinctive part of Teaching English as a Foreign Language(TEFL) its importance being due to the fact that English has become the contemporary lingua franca. ESP practitioners should teach all the four basic language skills: listening, speaking, reading, and writing. The most important quality the ESP teacher needs is flexibility. Flexibility means changing from being a general English teacher to being a specific purpose teacher. Keywords: ESP, teacher, collaborator, researcher.
КАКОВА РОЛЬ ПРЕПОДАВАТЕЛЯ ESP (ПРАКТИК)? Дзугаева З.Р.1, Бисенбаева Ж.Д.2, Кузибаева И.А.3 (Республика Узбекистан)
1 Дзугаева Зарина Руслановна - преподаватель английского языка; 2Бисенбаева Жамийла Достановна - студент; 3Кузибаева Ильмира Алишер кизи - студент, кафедра языков, педиатрический факультет, Ургенчский филиал Ташкентской медицинской академии, г. Ургенч, Республика Узбекистан
Аннотация: английский для особых целей (ESP) можно определить как преподавание и изучение английского языка как второго или иностранного языка с целью использования его в определенной области. С 1960-х годов ESP стал отличительной частью преподавания английского языка как иностранного (TEFL), его важность заключается в том, что английский язык стал современным языком общения. Практики ESP должны обучать всем четырем основным языковым навыкам: аудированию, говорению, чтению и письму. Самое важное качество, в котором нуждается учитель ESP - это гибкость. Гибкость означает переход от общего преподавателя английского языка к специальному преподавателю. Ключевые слова: ESP, учитель, сотрудник, исследователь.
In teaching ESP the role of the teacher or ESP practitioner is special, as he or she has to perform five important functions:
• teaching (didactics);
• designing the course, the choice and/or preparation of teaching materials;
• co-operation with academic teachers and/or employers;
• carrying out analyses of the students' needs, target situation and discourse;
• providing an evaluation of the students' progress and an evaluation of the course.
The number of tasks the ESP teachers have to perform also distinguish them from the General English teachers, who usually realize their programme on the basis of a chosen textbook. Dudley Evans and St John describe the role of the ESP teacher as being:
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1) Teacher, 2) Collaborator, 3) Course designer and materials provider, 4) Researcher, and 5) Evaluator[1,97]. The first role as "teacher" is the same as that of the General English teacher. It is the necessity for performing of the other four roles by the ESP teacher that makes for the difference between these two types of teaching. In order to meet the specific needs of the learners and adopt the methodology and functions of the target discipline, the ESP practitioner has to acquire the knowledge of the particular scientific discipline with which he or she is dealing, and understand the problems faced by the professions connected with that discipline. To achieve these goals, collaboration with field specialists and with those who are being taught on the course and who may well be more familiar with the specialized content of materials than the teacher, may well prove to be helpful. ESP teachers do not have to possess the specialist knowledge of the subject matter, but noticing that the students have already gained this knowledge, the teacher may ask them for clarification of some terminology and definitions of some concepts, creating, in this way, a real communicative situation. ESP practitioners are often required to design courses and prepare teaching materials. One of the problems the ESP teachers face is the assessment and determination of how specific those materials should be. Hutchinson and Watersstate that materials should cover a wide range of fields, arguing that the grammatical structures, functions, discourse structures, skills, and strategies of different disciplines are similar[2,112]. An analysis of these factors enables the ESP teacher to establish teaching aims, choose an appropriate syllabus, make an appropriate choice of teaching content and employ, suitable teaching methods and materials. Teaching ESP should be based on a functional syllabus, the purpose of which is to develop communicative competence in the area of the target profession. To achieve this, the best solution seems to be team teaching, that is, joint teaching by both the subject specialists and the English teachers.
The specialists can be the source of information on matters concerned with the subject discipline, they can provide materials and be guest lecturers, while the language teachers can explain the linguistic problems to their students and train them in the various communicative skills in the foreign language which is being targeted. Teaching ESP is a challenge to the teacher, who should possess the knowledge not only of language teaching methodology, but also of their students' specialist disciplines. Moreover, the ESP teacher should be flexible in undertaking decisions and remain open to the suggestions and opinions from the students [3, 48].
Список литературы /References
1. Hansen K. Rhetoric and epistemology in the social sciences: A contrast of two representative texts, 1988. P. 97-120.
2. Joliffe (Ed.), Writing in Academic Disciplines: Advances in Writing Research. Norwood, 2008. P. 112-137.
3. Hutchinson T., Waters A. English for Specific Purposes. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1987. P. 48-65.
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