WAYS TO IMPROVE THE SYSTEM OF PROVISION ADMINISTRATI VE SERVICES IN UKRAINE Текст научной статьи по специальности «Экономика и бизнес»

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Ключевые слова
administrative services / quality of administrative services / centers for providing administrative services / total quality management / international standards ISO 9000 / reforming the mechanism of providing administrative services. / административные услуги / качество предоставления административных услуг / центры предоставления административных услуг / общее управление качеством / международные стандарты ISO 9000 / реформирование механизма предоставления административных услуг

Аннотация научной статьи по экономике и бизнесу, автор научной работы — Rozmaritsyna Nataliia Anatoliivna

Dynamic changes in socio-economic relations, the task of developing Ukraine’s competitive advantages in the modern world economy require a serious modernization of the system of provision administrative services, including its transformation into a flexible process that develops and responds adequately to changes and demands of society. The quality of administrative services should be a driving force that can significantly improve the quality of life of citizens. Given Ukraine’s declared intention to move closer to European standards, including in the field of public administration, scientific understanding and streamlining of the system of provision administrative services is a great importance. Rethinking the role of the state in terms of implementing a “service model” of public administration requires improving the mechanisms and technologies of the market. The concept of “total quality management” can serve as an orientation for the activity of public administration. Modern socio-economic conditions set new goals and objectives for the centers for providing administrative services. Therefore, they forced not only to reconsider the usual, traditional management methods, but also to constantly improve the efficiency of their activities. At the present stage of state formation, it is clear that the successful implementation of the development strategy of any country is impossible without improving the quality of administrative services. One of the effective tools to improve the quality of administrative services is the introduction of the concept of “total quality management” for the provision administrative services to the population. Thus, improving the system of provision administrative services is one of the priority areas of administrative reform in Ukraine to enter a new stage of statehood. Transformations in the system of state power in Ukraine aimed at ensuring that every citizen not only knows but also has a real opportunity to demand the level and quality of services that public authorities are obliged to provide.

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Динамические изменения в социально-экономических отношениях, задачи развития конкурентных преимуществ Украины в современной мировой экономике требуют серьезной модернизации системы предоставления административных услуг, в частности превращение ее в гибкий процесс, который развивается и адекватно реагирует на изменения и запросы общества. Качество предоставления административных услуг должно быть движущей силой, способной значительно улучшить качество жизни граждан. С учетом задекларированного Украиной намерения приблизиться к европейским стандартам, в том числе в сфере государственного управления, большое значение приобретает научное осмысление и упорядочение системы предоставления административных услугах. Переосмысление роли государства с точки зрения внедрения “сервисной модели” государственного управления требует усовершенствования механизмов и технологий функционирования рынка. Ориентацией для деятельности органов публичного управления может служить концепция “всеобщего управления качеством”. Современные социально-экономические условия ставят перед центрами предоставления административных услуг новые цели и задачи. Поэтому они вынуждены не только пересматривать привычные, традиционные методы управления, но и постоянно повышать эффективность своей деятельности. На современном этапе развития государства становится ясным, что успешная реализация стратегии развития любой страны невозможно без повышения качества предоставления административных услуг. Одним из эффективных инструментов повышения качества предоставления административных услуг является внедрение концепции “всеобщего управления качеством” по предоставлению административных услуг населению. Таким образом, усовершенствование системы предоставления административных услуг является одним из приоритетных направлений административной реформы в Украине для выхода на новый этап развития государства. Преобразования в системе государственной власти в Украине должны быть направлены на то, чтобы каждый гражданин не только знал, но и имел реальную возможность требовать тот уровень и то качество услуг, которые ему обязаны предоставить органы публичной власти.


UDC: 352/354


Rozmaritsyna Nataliia Anatoliivna,

postgraduate student of the Economic and Financial Policy Chair, Odessa Regional Institute for Public Administration of the National Academy for Public under the President of Ukraine, 65062, Odessa, Genuezka Str. 22, tel.: (095) 763 20 66, e-mail: [email protected], https://orcid.org/0000-0002-1140-2107

Розмарщина Наталiя Анатолпвна,

астрант кафедри економгчног та фтан-совог полтики, Одеський регюнальний тститут державного управлтня Нащо-нальног академп державного управлтня при Президентовг Украгни, 65062, м. Оде-са, вул. Генуезька, 22, тел.: (095) 763 20 66, e-mail: [email protected], https://orcid.org/0000-0002-1140-2107 Розмарицына Наталья Анатольевна,

аспирант кафедры экономической и финансовой политики, Одесский региональный институт государственного управления Национальной академии государственного управления при Президенте Украины, 65062, г. Одесса, ул. Генуэзская, 22, тел.: (095) 763 20 66, e-mail: [email protected], https://orcid.org/0000-0002-1140-2107


Abstract. Dynamic changes in socio-economic relations, the task of developing Ukraine's competitive advantages in the modern world economy require a serious modernization of the system of provision administrative services, including its transformation into a flexible process that develops and responds adequately to changes and demands of society. The quality of administrative services should be a driving force that can significantly improve the quality of life of citizens.

Given Ukraine's declared intention to move closer to European standards, including in the field of public administration, scientific understanding and streamlining of the system of provision administrative services is a great importance. Rethinking the role of the state in terms of implementing a "service model" of public administration requires improving the mechanisms and technologies of the market. The concept of "total quality management" can serve as an orientation for the activity of public administration.

Modern socio-economic conditions set new goals and objectives for the centers for providing administrative services. Therefore, they forced not only to reconsider the usual, traditional management methods, but also to constantly improve the efficiency of their activities. At the present stage of state formation, it is clear that the successful implementation of the development strategy of any country is impossible without improving the quality of administrative services. One of the effective tools to improve the quality of administrative services is the introduction of the concept of "total quality management" for the provision administrative services to the population.

Thus, improving the system of provision administrative services is one of the priority areas of administrative reform in Ukraine to enter a new stage of statehood. Transformations in the system of state power in Ukraine aimed at ensuring that every citizen not only knows but also has a real opportunity to demand the level and quality of services that public authorities are obliged to provide.

Keywords: administrative services, quality of administrative services, centers for providing administrative services, total quality management, international standards ISO 9000, reforming the mechanism of providing administrative services.


Анотащя. Динамiчнi змши в соцiально-економiчних вщносинах, завдан-ня розвитку конкурентних переваг Украши в сучаснш св^овш економщ ви-магають серйозно'1' модершзаци системи надання адмшютративних послуг, зокрема перетворення íí у гнучкий процес, який розвиваеться та адекватно реагуе на змши i запити сустльства. Яюсть надання адмшютративних послуг повинна бути рушшною силою, здатною значно полшшити яюсть життя громадян.

З урахуванням задекларованого Украшою намiру наблизитися до евро-пейських стандарпв, у тому чи^ у сферi державного управлшня, великого значення набувае наукове осмислення та впорядкування системи надання адмшютративних послуг. Переосмислення ролi держави з точки зору впро-вадження "сервiсноí моделГ державного управлшня вимагае удосконалення механiзмiв та технологш функцiонування ринку. Орiентацiею для дiяльно-стi органiв публiчного управлiння може служити саме концепщя "загального управлшня яюстю".

Сучаснi соцiально-економiчнi умови ставлять перед центрами надання ад-мшютративних послуг новi цiлi й завдання. Тому вони вимушеш не лише пе-реглядати звичнi, традицiйнi методи управлшня, але й постшно тдвищувати ефективнiсть свое'1' дiяльностi. На сучасному етат державотворення зрозум^ ло, що успiшна реалiзацiя стратегií розвитку будь-яко'1' краши неможлива без пiдвищення якостi надання адмiнiстративних послуг. Одним iз ефективних iнструментiв пiдвищення якостi надання адмшютративних послуг е впрова-

дження концепци "загального управлiння яюстю" за наданням адмшютра-тивних послуг населенню.

Таким чином, удосконалення системи надання адмшютративних послуг е одним i3 прiоритетних напрямiв адмiнiстративноí реформи в УкраШ для виходу на новий етап державной! Перетворення в системi публiчноí влади в Украíнi повинш бути спрямованi на те, щоб кожний громадянин не тiльки знав, але й мав реальну можливють вимагати той рiвень i ту яюсть послуг, якi йому зобов'язаш надати органи публiчноí влади.

Ключовi слова: адмiнiстративнi послуги, якiсть надання адмшютратив-них послуг, центри надання адмшютративних послуг, загальне управлiння яистю, мiжнароднi стандарти ISO 9000, реформування мехашзму надання адмiнiстративних послуг.


Аннотация. Динамические изменения в социально-экономических отношениях, задачи развития конкурентных преимуществ Украины в современной мировой экономике требуют серьезной модернизации системы предоставления административных услуг, в частности превращение ее в гибкий процесс, который развивается и адекватно реагирует на изменения и запросы общества. Качество предоставления административных услуг должно быть движущей силой, способной значительно улучшить качество жизни граждан.

С учетом задекларированного Украиной намерения приблизиться к европейским стандартам, в том числе в сфере государственного управления, большое значение приобретает научное осмысление и упорядочение системы предоставления административных услугах. Переосмысление роли государства с точки зрения внедрения "сервисной модели" государственного управления требует усовершенствования механизмов и технологий функционирования рынка. Ориентацией для деятельности органов публичного управления может служить концепция "всеобщего управления качеством".

Современные социально-экономические условия ставят перед центрами предоставления административных услуг новые цели и задачи. Поэтому они вынуждены не только пересматривать привычные, традиционные методы управления, но и постоянно повышать эффективность своей деятельности. На современном этапе развития государства становится ясным, что успешная реализация стратегии развития любой страны невозможно без повышения качества предоставления административных услуг. Одним из эффективных инструментов повышения качества предоставления административных услуг является внедрение концепции "всеобщего управления качеством" по предоставлению административных услуг населению.

Таким образом, усовершенствование системы предоставления административных услуг является одним из приоритетных направлений административной реформы в Украине для выхода на новый этап развития государства. Преобразования в системе государственной власти в Украине должны быть

направлены на то, чтобы каждый гражданин не только знал, но и имел реальную возможность требовать тот уровень и то качество услуг, которые ему обязаны предоставить органы публичной власти.

Ключевые слова: административные услуги, качество предоставления административных услуг, центры предоставления административных услуг, общее управление качеством, международные стандарты ISO 9000, реформирование механизма предоставления административных услуг.

Formulation of the problem. Today the problem of improving the system of administrative services (AS) provision is one of the most pressing in the world, and interest in it is constantly growing. This is because the quality of services determines the priorities in the market, the economic security of the state; largely ensures the sustainable development of civilization, the preservation of the environment, human health and well-being.

Dynamic changes in socio-economic relations, the task of developing Ukraine's competitive advantages in the modern world economy require a serious modernization of the system of provision AS, including its transformation into a flexible process that develops and responds adequately to changes and demands of society. The quality of AS should be a driving force that can significantly improve the quality of life of citizens.

For Ukraine, as for some other Eastern European countries, AS are a qualitatively new form of relationship between the state and citizens. It must note that in recent years the quality and efficiency of AS in places where the population is in direct contact with the state apparatus remains unsatisfactory. Thus, improving the efficiency of public authorities, the quality of their

functions and the provision of AS are the main principles of public administration reform.

Analysis of the recent research and publications. In the domestic and foreign science, there is a significant amount of work devoted to the study of the organization and activities of centers for providing administrative services (CPAS). Since the system of AS in Ukraine is in a state of reform, so a large number of works by scientists is devoted to the problems of determining the quality of AS: V. Bashtannyk [1], T. Burenko [2-4], N. Grabar [5], O. Hrybko [6], A. Zhukovskaya [7], T. Kalita [8], A. Kirmach [9] and others. Thus, certain authors analyze the concepts of "quality" and "efficiency" of AS, the system of evaluation AS, set requirements for quality standards of AS in Ukraine and abroad. Nevertheless, insufficient attention paid to improving the quality of AS and improving their efficiency. Thus, there is an urgent need to consolidate the conceptual framework for further improvement of the functioning of the system of provision AS to European standards.

At the same time, there are no systematic studies of the problem of theoretical approaches and development of practical recommendations for refor-

ming the mechanism of providing AS in Ukraine.

The purpose of the article is to reveal the main ways in improving the system of AS provision in Ukraine through the optimization of public administration mechanisms.

Presentation of the main material. In the current stage of democratization of Ukrainian society, AS is seen as an important tool for public administration to acquire a qualitatively new content. This content manifests itself not only in the presence of obvious changes in management relations, but also in the implementation in practice of the idea of a service state.

The national model of AS, which is embodied in the Law of Ukraine "On Administrative Services", contains one of the essential elements of the service concept of public administration, and therefore the further evolution of this institution should be considered as part of a multilevel mechanism of adaptation of the state taking into account the public demand for effective and open government. In this context, the scientific AS provision is an integral part of the system of general social transformation processes. It is clear that this process has not only theoretical but also methodological significance, which, in turn, reflected in the regulations that embody this interpretation of services. Numerous examples of this kind are presented in the European Union, where the freedom to provide and receive services is seen as an important factor in creating a single legal and economic space.

Today there is an objective need to adopt a legal document aimed at regulating the AS provision, in particular

the Code of Ukraine on the provision of AS (CUPAS).

CUPAS should provide:

• first, the creation of a new state institution — the National Agency of Ukraine for Administrative Services (NAUAS), the main functions of which include not only the accumulation of information on the AS provision, a single entity providing AS through its regional units, but also the function of audit and control quality of AS. The strategy of providing AS should be as consumer-oriented as possible and built based on business logic, combined into one concept of service provision. That is, all AS are to be provided by regional divisions of the NAUAS, which are supposed to be intermediaries between all other public authorities;

• secondly, to envisage the conceptual meaning of the concept of "administrative service", "mechanism for providing administrative service", "quality standard", "quality of administrative services";

• thirdly, to provide a mechanism for providing AS through a single CPAS — the NAUAS. This agency not only accumulates all databases for the purpose of providing AS, but also acts as an intermediary between public authorities and the recipient of the service;

• fourth, changing the concept of the quality system of AS provision to the population.

In order to optimize the processes of the mechanism of providing AS, it is necessary to improve modern mechanisms of public administration, particularly: institutional mechanism, human resources; financial mechanism; regulatory mechanism (Fig. 1).

Institutional mechanism:

- formation of the NAUAS;

- formation of regional representations on the provision AS, which would accumulate the provision of a set of AS;

- formation of communication links with the CPAS and other public authorities that provide AS.

Human resources:

- formation of the corresponding powerful f\ personnel potential with the corresponding

\ qualification;

) - ensuring public participation in the process of / assessing the quality of services provided and [/ the transparency of their provision;

- system of organization of personnel training and advanced training at communicative events, etc.

- adoption of a normative-legal document aimed at regulating the issue of providing AS, in particular the CUPAS;

- regulation and introduction of a single concept of ensuring the quality needs of consumers of AS based on the use of the concept of general quality management;

- formation of the system of AS provision through a single body of state power - the NAUAS.

- provide funds for the establishment and organization of the NAUAS and its regional offices;

- provide funds for the training of relevant specialists in the AS provision;

- to provide funds for the formation of a single register of AS to the population.

Fig. 1. Theoretical model of improving the mechanism of providing AS

(developed by the author)

The resource level of the model consists of regulatory and financial mechanisms, according to which there is a legislative regulation of the AS provision, in particular the CUPAS; regulation and introduction of a single concept of ensuring the quality needs of consumers AS based on the use of the concept of Total Quality Management (TQM); formation of a system for providing AS through the NAUAS. It is also necessary to provide funds for the establishment and organization of the NAUAS and its regional offices, training and retraining of relevant specialists in AS and forward a budget for the formation of a single register of AS.

The organizational component of the model is to combine regulatory and institutional mechanisms for the legislative consolidation and implementation of the NAUAS and the CUPAS.

The resource component of the model combines financial mechanism and human resources, according to which the personnel potential of the NAUAS and its regional offices formed and funds provided accordingly.

The communication component takes into account the institutional mechanism and human resources: the formation of the NAUAS and its regional offices with appropriate qualified staff, the organization of ongoing training of staff in communication activities.

It must be emphasized that TQM is an approach to the management of the organization, which combines resources, management methods and technical means into a scientifically sound system, the purpose of which is to constantly improve the activities and results of these activities. The concept of TQM covers all departments of the organization, all activities and aims to use material, technical and human resources to most effectively meet the needs of customers, society and employees of the organization. The concept of TQM can be used in the organization of any profile of activity, and, as the international experience shows, promotes increase of quality of results of labor activity [10].

The TQM concept is the basis of many modern service management systems. On the other hand, many provisions of TQM organically incorporated into the ideology of the current generation of international ISO standards. The value of standards is that they allow for the introduction of systematic and process approaches to TQM of AS, in order to ensure the focus of management on consumers of AS and take into account the interests of all stakeholders. ISO 9000 international standards establish the world's only recognized approach to the design and implementation of quality systems.

Therefore, ISO could be considered as a basis for the implementation of TQM in the organization. At the same time, ISO sets the certain minimum requirements that must ensure quality and regulate the relationship between CPAS and the consumer. Among the principles of TQM we define:

• consumer orientation;

• the leading role of the management of enterprises and organizations in solving quality issues;

• involvement of employees of enterprises and organizations in TQM;

• process approach to resource and activity management of enterprises and organizations;

• a systematic approach to managing the activities of enterprises and organizations;

• continuous training of employees, introduction of innovations and improvement of production processes;

• making managerial decisions taking into account specific facts;

• development of partnerships with participants in the process [11].

TQM in the system of AS provision could be called a comprehensive approach to management of CPAS, focused on quality, based on staff participation in all departments and at all levels of the organizational structure and aimed at meeting customer requirements and benefits for members of the organization and society.

In connection with this quality assurance of AS, it is necessary to organize the activities of the Department of Audit and Control over the mechanism of providing AS in the structure of the NAUAS and the formation of a single concept of providing quality needs of consumers of AS.

Thus, the purpose of using the concept of TQM is to reform and modernize the CPAS in Ukraine. However, it is difficult to determine the effectiveness of its implementation. At the same time, there is an evidence that TQM affects the efficiency of AS [12-15].

Optimization of the TQM requires relatively low costs when applying the

concept of continuous improvement. In general, TQM is based on two main mechanisms:

1) quality control, which maintains the required level of quality, i.e. providing the institution with a clear guarantee of service quality;

2) quality improvement is to be continuous and increase the level of guarantees.

The next step in the implementation of a single concept of ensuring the quality needs of consumers of AS is based on the use of the concept of TQM is the recognition of full regulation of all policy management procedures. That is, in addition to defining a clear set of functions, it is also necessary to regulate strictly the implementation of these functions. The principles of service provision should be the basis for such regulation, in particular:

standards — setting, monitoring and publishing clearly defined service standards that users can expect;

publicity — providing customers with complete and accurate information, which should explain simple and accessible explanations of the service delivery process;

consultations — regular and systematic study of the needs of the consumers of AS, analysis of users' opinions and their priorities for improving services and decision-making on service delivery standards;

courtesy — a courtesy to customer service, the AS provision in a convenient form for customers;

complaints — mandatory apology to customers in case of deviations from the standards in the provision services, explanation of the reasons for what happened and a quick search for an ef-

fective remedy to correct deficiencies, establishing a procedure for filing complaints and independent review procedures;

return — efficient and economical provision of services to the public, objective verification and confirmation of indicators against standards.

In this context, attention is to be paid to the needs of consumers, which is realized in the implementation of the concept of TQM. It is to be emphasized that the quality of the service provided depends on whether the system meets the needs or exceeds the expectations of service recipients (see Fig. 2). It must be emphasized that the use of the concept of TQM in relation to the AS provision has significantly different requirements for evaluation technology than traditional concepts of quality management, in particular: developing a strategy focused on results, indicators and evaluations of all processes.

The next direction of improving the mechanism of providing AS is the formation of high-quality human resources of the system of providing AS. Yes, the quality of such potential depends on the efficiency of AS, their quality and objectivity. The main measures of this mechanism include the following:

• formation of the corresponding powerful personnel potential with the corresponding qualification;

• ensuring public participation in the process of assessing the quality of AS provided and the transparency of their provision;

• system of organization of personnel training and advanced training at communicative events, etc.

An important area for improving the mechanism for providing AS is to

Fig. 2. The concept of providing quality needs of consumers of AS based

on the use of the concept of TQM (developed by the author based on the analysis

of sources [13; 16; 17])

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provide funding for measures aimed at reforming the mechanism for providing AS. The main measures include, in particular:

• to provide funds for the establishment and organization of the NAUAS and its regional offices;

• to provide funds for the training of relevant specialists in the AS provision;

• to provide funds for the formation of a single register of AS to the population.

In addition, it is necessary to provide funds for the formation of the concept of ensuring the quality needs of consumers regarding AS based on the use of the concept of TQM, in particular: training of relevant specialists on

service quality; formation of appropriate tools that would measure the quality of AS; formation of organizational mechanisms to ensure the quality of AS.

Conclusions. Summing up, the main ways to improve the system of AS provision in Ukraine is substantiated:

first, institutional building through the introduction of the NAUAS and the formation of its regional units; formation of communication links with the CPAS and other public authorities that provide AS;

secondly, ensuring high-quality human resources of the system of AS provision through: formation of appropriate strong human resources with appropriate qualifications; ensuring public participation in the process of assessing the quality of services provided and the transparency of their provision; system of organization personnel training and advanced training at communicative events, etc.;

third, improvement of the regulatory mechanism, including: adoption of the CUPAS; regulation and introduction of a single concept of ensuring the quality needs of consumers of AS based on the use of the concept of TQM; formation of the system of AS provision through the NAUAS;

fourth, providing financial capacity for mechanisms for providing AS, including: providing funds for the establishment and organization of the NAUAS and its regional branches; provide funds for the training of relevant specialists in the provision AS; to provide funds for the formation of a single register for the provision AS to the population.

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