Научная статья на тему 'Ways to improve professional quality education of internal doctors in higher medical establishments'

Ways to improve professional quality education of internal doctors in higher medical establishments Текст научной статьи по специальности «Фундаментальная медицина»

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Аннотация научной статьи по фундаментальной медицине, автор научной работы — Rusina S., Kobevka V., Nikoryak R.

The article highlights the main directions of qualitative education in higher medical institutions of Ukraine and presents ways to improve the professional skills of interns in the specialty "Psychiatry". The course of psychiatry and medical psychology has developed a methodology for submitting and processing material in accordance with the work curriculum. In his activity, the teacher uses a rather pragmatic presentation of the material in a practical perspective in order to develop practical skills. This approach will, on the one hand, stimulate the teacher to constantly improve pedagogical skills, and on the other hand, will promote the effective activity of interns in the training process in order to successfully develop professional skills.

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Текст научной работы на тему «Ways to improve professional quality education of internal doctors in higher medical establishments»




Rusina S.

Candidate of Medical Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of Nervous Diseases, Psychiatry and Medical Psychology. of S.M. Savenko Higher educational institution of Ukraine "Bukovynian State Medical University", Chernivtsi, Ukraine

Kobevka V.

Intern doctor, Higher educational institution of Ukraine "Bukovynian State Medical University", Chernivtsi, Ukraine

Nikoryak R.

Aspirant of the National Medical Academy of Postgraduate Education of Shupyk, Kyiv, Ukraine


The article highlights the main directions of qualitative education in higher medical institutions of Ukraine and presents ways to improve the professional skills of interns in the specialty "Psychiatry".

The course of psychiatry and medical psychology has developed a methodology for submitting and processing material in accordance with the work curriculum. In his activity, the teacher uses a rather pragmatic presentation of the material in a practical perspective in order to develop practical skills.

This approach will, on the one hand, stimulate the teacher to constantly improve pedagogical skills, and on the other hand, will promote the effective activity of interns in the training process in order to successfully develop professional skills.

Keywords: interns, types of control of the educational process, professional skill, quality of education.

Formulation of the problem. There are a lot of

medical institutions in Ukraine, but nowadays there are serious problems not only in quality assurance both of education and skills, which is provided by the universities, but also in creating positive conditions for training with the acquisition of professional attainment by making students competitive for homeground and global labour market.

Analysis of recent research and publications. In modern socio-economic conditions of Ukraine, the problem of raising the level of professional training of future medical specialists, capable of thinking creatively and actively, modeling the educational process, independently introducing new ideas and technologies of teaching and upbringing is very urgent. A special criterion that characterizes the level of professional and pedagogical training of future specialists is its professional competence [3,c.22]. An important component of the quality assurance system of specialists is a clear, well-thought-out control system that allows for timely adjustments to the educational process [2,c.6]. Essential elements of such a system are constant supervision by the teacher and self-control by the interns, which promotes the development of their theoretical knowledge and, most importantly, practical skills to act effectively in the process of achieving the goal and thereby improve their professional skills [1,c.197].

The most successful option for higher medical education became the introduction in our country of continuity and systematic assessment of educational activities for students, interns and doctors of any specialty [4,c.8].

The purpose of the article is to improve the professional skills of interns in the discipline of

Psychiatry by acquiring professional practical skills and forming clinical thinking.

Highlighting previously unresolved issues. The

problem of modern medical education is in creating the conditions for the formation of a professionally competent and morally-spiritual personality of the doctor. An important condition for ensuring the quality of professional training of specialists, and, consequently, improving the efficiency of the educational process in a higher education institution is the systematic receipt of objective information about the results of the activities of interns. Relevant data can be obtained in the process of pedagogical control, namely: assessment of knowledge in seminars and practical classes with the rating of (satisfactory, good, excellent) five-point system. It is believed that day-today monitoring and rating remain an important and necessary component of the learning process.

Pedagogical control involves assessment as a process and assessment as a result of testing. Control is an integral and important component of the educational process, which involves the systematic observation of the teacher in the learning process at all its stages, taking into account all types of work performed (lectures, practical classes, seminars, individual and independent work, microcurrent patients, six-year, six-year, final year final control, training, scientific and production practices or other activities) related to the assessment. Such a system provides an objective evaluation of the educational attainment of interns, which in some way makes it impossible for the teacher to be subjective to them and thus increases their motivation for acquiring professional knowledge and skills that are of high priority.

Presenting main material. According to the work curriculum for postgraduate education for interns

in the specialty "Psychiatry" provides for the study of organizational issues of the psychiatric service, the functioning of its units, rules for providing assistance to patients (ambulatory, inpatient), hospitalization to psychiatric hospitals (because the patient allowed it, or because of socially unsafe actions of the patient, etc.), dispensary observation, which is amended every year, according to the orders of the Ministry of Health of Ukraine on psychiatric care since 2000.

On a course of psychiatry, according to education programs and taking into consideration interest with learning process, with focusing intern doctors attention in learning process by gaining practical skills, formation ability of lateral thinking, analysis, summarize and generalize received information to solve real practical taks with using unusual method. The discussion differential games traine logical approach to make diagnosis, developing clinical thinking for becaming proffessional qualification both to lector and intern

The independent and scientific activity of students such as researching work, generalized results in scientific work which is appropriate to participate in the competitions of the conference of interns and young scientists which are held annually in Higher State Educational Establishment of Ukraine « Bukovinian State Medical University».

The main emphasis of postgraduate education in psychiatry is on the study of general psychopathology, mastering the ability to identify psychopathological syndrome, conduct differential diagnosis with similar conditions and clinical diagnosis.

Important of the most effective mechanisms for meeting such requirements for theoretical knowledge assessment are oral questioning and testing of academic achievement. The widespread introduction of testing (tests and clinical tasks 1 and 2 levels of complexity) accelerates the survey, which is achieved by independence and gives the opportunity to provide each intern at the idea of his training (through self-control and self-assessment).

At the Higher State Educational Institution of Ukraine "Bukovyna State Medical University" in the course of psychiatry and medical psychology, all interns are also involved in distance learning, which helps them in the preparation for practical classes. The test tasks are distributed according to the thematic plan of practical classes so that they can complete the tests and situational tasks before each lesson.

The test form of distance learning with skillful use allows to use the time of practical training more rationally, helps to cover more volume of theoretical and practical material, more effectively to estimate the level of mastering of the material, to reveal insufficient knowledge and skills and to make in them timely appropriate adjustments.

The course of psychiatry and medical psychology has developed a methodology for submitting and processing material in accordance with the work curriculum. In his activity, the teacher uses a rather pragmatic presentation of the material in a practical perspective in order to develop practical skills.

An important step in the assessment of knowledge is the microcurrents of patients under the guidance of a

teacher, which gives the opportunity to form in clinical interns clinical thinking and assist them in adjusting practical knowledge, skills and abilities. When working with a patient during microcurrent, together with the teacher, he creates a certain psychological situation in which all doctors participate, focusing on the dynamics of cooperation with the patient. In the future, each medical intern conducts supervision with an individual patient in order to develop practical skills, namely: collecting anamnesis of life, illness, complaints of the patient; description of mental status, differential diagnosis, preliminary diagnosis and treatment. It is advisable to have microcurrents for interns for 1 year of study on the subject under the supervision of the teacher, taking into account the mental states in which the patients are, namely, the mentally ill, who are in psychotic states with impaired consciousness and those who are impulsive, aggressive and unpredictable patients are in psycho-motor excitement.

The presence at the microcurrent of the teacher, who is mostly familiar with the patient and his / her professional approach to communicating with the excited patient, arouses his / her confidence and enables him / her to interview the interns. In the process of communicating with patients, clinical thinking is formed, which makes it possible to correctly diagnose the disease and to prescribe adequate treatment.

At the same time, in order to work out the clinical and psychopathological method of research, which is the main one in making a psychiatric diagnosis, interns are given the opportunity to improve their ontological knowledge in communicating with patients; to observe the modes of observation of patients with certain psychopathological conditions (arousal, suicidal tendencies, aggressive manifestations, etc.); apply the legal aspects of providing psychiatric care to the population of Ukraine in future professional activity.

Given that psychiatry interns are trained in a 1.5-year internship, seminar, practical and self-study topics are allocated according to the work curriculum and are assessed according to the level of knowledge acquired at each stage, using appropriate controls.

Diagnostic control (at the beginning of 1 year of internship) checks the level of previously acquired knowledge and skills in psychiatry and stimulates the learning process.

Ongoing monitoring is carried out at each practical or seminar session 1 and 2 years of study and allows you to test and evaluate local knowledge and skills on specific topics.

The attestation control allows to check and evaluate the integrity and durability of mastering the educational material of a certain stage of training (six-year, one-year) with the assimilation of the necessary sections, which are recommended by the working training program. Also, this control ends with the writing of a research paper with its presentation at a conference of interns, which is held annually at the Higher State Educational Institution of Ukraine "Bukovyna State Medical University".

Final or final control is carried out at the end of 2 years of study and allows to reveal the degree of mastering by the doctors-interns of the system of

knowledge and skills in the whole discipline. This control is carried out in 3 stages: computer test control (evaluated for the level of knowledge for obtaining a specialist certificate); assessment of practical skills (recommended by the work program) and oral answer to 5 questions approved by the examining board (assessment of theoretical knowledge) and solving a situational clinical problem (examination of practical knowledge). At the final stage, an overall rating is presented. The knowledge gained by the interns is evaluated by an approved commission consisting of faculty members of the department (chairman and members of the commission) and representatives of practical medicine (head of the correspondence cycle, chief doctor).

Conclusions and offers. Thus, the system of pedagogical control of knowledge of physicians-interns allows to apply step-by-step integrated control, which provides a check of the formation of knowledge and skills throughout the period of study in the internship, and at the final stage to clearly identify knowledge of mastering professional skills and professional skills.

By applying the system of pedagogical quality control of knowledge with assessment, it is possible to speak with a high probability of increasing the effectiveness of learning through the change of the training strategy aimed at the objective dynamics of assimilation of solid knowledge throughout the internship period. This approach will, on the one hand, stimulate the teacher to constantly improve pedagogical skills, and on the other hand, will promote the effective activity of interns in the training process in order to successfully develop professional skills.

Therefore, the results of a modern effective form of assessment of the knowledge and skills of interns

should become an object of their own interests, an indicator of their success and the promotion to the end goal - the acquisition of professional skill.

The system of training and assessment of knowledge in the internship should also solve the important social importance, namely: to develop interns the ability to self-control, introspection, fruitful work in the mode of independent work, to improve creative and scientific opportunities, critical self-esteem, the ability to possess their own evaluative skills the results of their own activities and the ability to find mistakes and identify ways to correct them.


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2. Gronlund, Norman E. Assessing student achievement: Pract. tool. - K.: Educational-methodical center "Consortium for improvement of management-education in Ukraine", 2005. - 312p.

3. Konoh A.P. The essence and structure of professional and pedagogical competence as the highest level of pedagogical skills / A.P. Konoh // Pedagogy, psychology and medical and biological problems of physical education and sports.-2004.-№12.-P.20-28.

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Кренёв К., Кабыш Я., Юдин О.

Коммунальное некоммерческое предприятие «Хмельницкая областная больница»


Krenov K., Kabysh Ya., Yudin O.

Municipal non-profit enterprise "Khmelnitsky Regional Hospital"


Кровохарканье - симптом, который встречается при многих заболеваниях и всегда требует особого внимания и дифференциального подхода к определению болезни, которая вызвала данный симптом. Кровохарканье часто встречается при онкологических заболеваниях легких, туберкулезе, ТЭЛА, а также редких заболеваниях таких как первичная легочная гипертензия и экзогеные альвеолиты.


Hemoptysis - a symptom that occurs in many diseases and always requires special attention and a differential approach to determining the disease that caused this symptom. Hemoptysis is common in lung cancer, tuberculosis, pulmonary embolism, as well as rare diseases such as primary lung hypertension and exogenous alveolitis.

Ключевые слова: кровохарканье, идиопатическая легочная артериальная гипертензия, экзогенный альвеолярный альвеолит.

Keywords: hemoptisis, diopathic pulmonary arterial hypertension, exogenous allergic alveolitis.

Легочная гипертензия - это патология в си- вышает 25 тт/^. Существует 5 групп ЛГ, осно-стеме малого круга кровообращения, при котором ванных на разных причинах [Ошибка! Источник среднее давление в легочной артерии в покое пре- ссылки не найден., ст.908]

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