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Oriental Journal of Education
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Ключевые слова
Preschool education / exam / increasing the pedagogical culture of parents / group classes. / Дошкольное воспитание / повышение педагогической культуры родителей / групповые занятия.

Аннотация научной статьи по наукам об образовании, автор научной работы — Gavkhar A. Kamalova

In the educational process organized in preschool educational institutions, the cooperation of teachers and parents is very important. In the educational process, educators, assistants, parents are involved in creative activities based on the active knowledge of the preschooler, the development of his interests, imagination, physical, mental and artistic abilities, communication skills, and most importantly, the harmonious development of the personality. Cooperation will take place.

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В воспитательном процессе, организованном в дошкольных образовательных учреждениях, очень важно сотрудничество педагогов и родителей. В воспитательном процессе воспитатели, ассистенты, родители привлекаются к творческой деятельности, основанной на активном познании дошкольника, развитии его интересов, воображения, физических, умственных и художественных способностей, коммуникативных навыков, а главное, гармоничном развитии личность. сотрудничество состоится.


Oriental Journal of Education SJIF for 2022:6


journal homepage: https://www.supportscience.uz/index.php/oie


Gavkhar A. Kamalova

Master's student

Tashkent State Pedagogical University named after Nizami Tashkent, Uzbekistan


Key words: Preschool education, exam, increasing the pedagogical culture of parents, group classes.

Received: 28.02.22 Accepted: 10.03.22 Published: 14.03.22

Abstract: In the educational process organized in preschool educational institutions, the cooperation of teachers and parents is very important. In the educational process, educators, assistants, parents are involved in creative activities based on the active knowledge of the preschooler, the development of his interests, imagination, physical, mental and artistic abilities, communication skills, and most importantly, the harmonious development of the personality. Cooperation will take place._


Gavhar A. Kamalova


Nizomiy nomidagi Toshkent Davlat Pedagogika Universiteti Toshkent, O'zbekiston


Kalit so'zlar: Maktabgacha ta'lim, Annotatsiya: Maktabgacha ta'lim

imtihon, ota-onalarning pedagogik madaniyatini muassasalarida tashkil etilayotgan ta'lim-tarbiya oshirish, guruh mashg'ulotlari. jarayonida pedagog va ota-onalar hamkorligi

muhim ahamiyat kasb etadi. Ta'lim jarayonida tarbiyachilar, yordamchilar, ota-onalar maktabgacha yoshdagi bolaning faol bilimi, uning qiziqishlari, tasavvurlari, jismoniy, aqliy va badiiy qobiliyatlarini rivojlantirish, muloqot qobiliyatlari, eng muhimi, bolalarning har tomonlama barkamol rivojlanishiga asoslangan ijodiy faoliyatiga jalb qilinadi.


Гавхар А. Камалова


Ташкентский государственный педагогический университет имени Низами Ташкент, Узбекистан


Ключевые слова: Дошкольное Аннотация: В воспитательном

воспитание, повышение педагогической процессе, организованном в дошкольных культуры родителей, групповые занятия. образовательных учреждениях, очень важно

сотрудничество педагогов и родителей. В воспитательном процессе воспитатели, ассистенты, родители привлекаются к творческой деятельности, основанной на активном познании дошкольника, развитии его интересов, воображения, физических, умственных и художественных способностей, коммуникативных навыков, а главное, гармоничном развитии личность. _сотрудничество состоится._


The interaction of the teacher with parents, the involvement of parents in the educational process motivates them to see talent in their child and develop it. The teacher introduces the theme of the week to parents, creating new approaches to work with parents, trying to ensure their participation in the educational process. Calls for leadership in development centers in the profession of parents (nurse, teacher, seamstress, cook, potter).

THE MAIN RESULTS AND FINDINGS Gives advice to parents on how to approach educational activities in development centers depending on their profession and what topics they can talk about with their children. Including parents:

- in group lessons;

- in practical work with children on topics close to them in development centers; become fairy-tale heroes on a festive morning;

- exam - active participation in competitions;

- in providing sponsorship in providing the necessary equipment for the educational process;

- organizing trips with children;

- in providing pedagogical knowledge, recommendations;

- equipment of a group room for children;

- in solving financial issues together with the Supervisory Board;

- can cooperate in the coverage of group life and other processes in the media.

When a doctor-parent is invited to the development center, they tell the children about the profession of a doctor, his role and introduce the doctor to the medical equipment he needs. During the conversation, children get acquainted with medical terms (tanometer, syringe, tweezers, head). Children's dictionaries have been replenished with new words. The doctor tells the children about the rules of conduct when visiting a doctor, about not interfering with the work of treatment, walking carefully, keeping parts of the body clean, washing hands, and taking care of their own health. As a result, children develop a sense of caring for their own health and an interest in the medical profession.

When a traffic police inspector is invited to the development center, he tells the children about traffic lights, road signs, and traffic rules. As a result, children's knowledge of the rules of the road is strengthened. During the interview, the children will be told about the duties of a car driver. As a result, children learn not to play on the road, to give way to adults, to be safe while driving, to pay attention to road signs, and to behave in problem situations.

Children whose parents participate in the educational process are proud of their parents. Respect for parents will increase.

The educator of a preschool educational organization, the psychologist must also work with parents and the school so that the child easily adapts to the preschool institution, and then to the school. This is achieved primarily through close communication with parents of secondary schools and graduates of preschool educational organizations. In this case, the analysis of the adaptability of children to a new environment, the level of education, and communicative competencies is considered. These analyzed data are necessary to assess the compliance of the activity of a preschool educational organization with the set goals, its tasks, the requirements of consumers and the state. Based on the results of the analysis, measures will be developed to eliminate the causes of non-compliance with customer requirements.

The problem of involving parents in a single space of child development in a preschool educational organization is solved in three directions:

- Improving the pedagogical culture of parents.

- involvement of parents in the activities of a preschool educational organization,

- joint work on the exchange of experience.

We have set a goal: to make parents active participants in the pedagogical process, helping them to realize responsibility for the upbringing and education of children.

To achieve this goal, to coordinate the activities of the kindergarten and parents, we are working on solving the following tasks:

- establish partnership relations with the family of each pupil,

- combine the efforts of the family and kindergarten for the development and education of children,

- create an atmosphere of mutual understanding, common interests, a positive attitude towards communication and friendly mutual support of parents, pupils and kindergarten teachers,

- to activate and enrich the skills of parents in raising children,

- to maintain the confidence of parents (legal representatives) in their own pedagogical abilities.

In a preschool educational organization, work is carried out with parents with a differentiated approach, we take into account the social status, family microclimate, parental requests and the degree of interest of parents in the activities of a preschool educational organization, and the culture of pedagogical literacy of the family is increasing.

The family and the kindergarten, interacting with each other, create optimal conditions for the full development of the child, the accumulation of a certain social experience.

The organization of communication between the teacher and the parents of pupils remains one of the most difficult problems in the activities of a preschool educational organization. Modern parents are for the most part literate, knowledgeable and, of course, well aware of how they should raise their children. Therefore, the position of instruction and simple propaganda of pedagogical knowledge today is unlikely to bring positive results. It will be much more effective to create an atmosphere of mutual assistance and support for the family in difficult pedagogical situations, to demonstrate the interest of the kindergarten team to understand family problems and a sincere desire to help. Teachers explain to parents in every possible way that a preschooler is not a baton that the family passes into the hands of a teacher. It is not the principle of parallelism that is very important, but the principle of mutual understanding and interaction between the kindergarten and the family.

In a preschool educational organization, they actively cooperate with parents using various forms of work.:

- нетрадиционные формы организации родительских собраний,

- master classes,

- open days

- joint holidays, leisure, entertainment, tea parties,

- participation of parents in family competitions, exhibitions,

- provision of additional educational services,

- organization of joint labor activity,

- visual design of stands, corners, photo exhibitions,

- consultations,

- questioning,

- individual conversations, etc..

In order to work effectively with parents in the new conditions, we begin with an analysis of the social composition of the family, their mood and expectations from the child's stay in a preschool educational organization. The study of the family is carried out consistently, systematically. We used the most common methods of studying the family: questionnaires and personal conversations, observations of relationships and communication between parents and children, family visits. All these actions help us to properly build our work with parents, make it effective, and choose interesting forms of interaction with the family.

The questionnaire method allows us to collect data that are of interest to us as teachers about the needs of each family, their mood and expectations from the child's stay in kindergarten, about the problems of raising and developing the child that arise in the family. This makes it possible to take into account its individual characteristics. Conducting a survey, personal conversations on this topic will help to properly build work with parents, make it effective, and select interesting forms of interaction with the family.

It is very important in individual work with parents to visit families. This allows educators to get acquainted with the conditions in which the child lives, the composition of the family (with sisters and brothers, grandparents, etc.), with the general atmosphere in the house, with the family way of life and traditions, family education experience, hobbies, interests and desires regarding the upbringing of children in the family and kindergarten. As a result of this visit, we can give parents more informed recommendations, together we find the best ways to create a single line of influence on the child in the preschool educational organization and at home.

Observation as an individual method of studying the family, where it is determined in advance for what purpose, when, in what situation it is necessary to observe parents, their interaction with the child. This usually happens during the hours of the morning reception and during the departure of the child from kindergarten. If you carefully observe, many features of the relationship between an adult and a child are striking, by which one can judge the degree of their emotional attachment, the culture of communication. According to what the parents of the child ask in the evening, what orders they give him in the morning, we can conclude about the priorities of modern education, about the attitude towards the preschool educational organization.

For observation, it is useful to use special situations that help to study in more depth the issue of interaction and communication between parents and children.:

- joint work (we invite parents to assist in the repair of the group, cleaning the territory and preparing the site for summer recreational work, preparing the site for winter fun

- we spend joint leisure activities, entertainment, quizzes;

- identification of creative parents and children in the group, we invite you to take part in competitions.

Thus, studying the family, the experience of family education, the most effective methods of working with pupils are selected, taking into account the interests and needs of each child.

The interaction of a preschool educational organization with parents to create favorable conditions, comfortable, diverse, content-rich, accessible and safe developing a subject-spatial environment helps to plan and carry out multifaceted work with parents:

Participation in master classes aimed at helping to organize children's activities at home (non-traditional drawing techniques, working with paper napkins and salt dough modeling.), As well as organizing games in the evenings and weekends or holidays.

Mini-museums are organized together with parents. This form of work contributes to the formation of a culture of behavior, systematization of previously acquired knowledge in children.

Open classes with the participation of parents, as carriers of new interesting information about their work, or as a fairy-tale character to increase interest in the material being studied, or as a master to transfer their experience and skills;

One of the new forms of involving parents in the educational process is project activity. The development and implementation of joint projects with parents makes it possible to interest parents in the prospects for a new direction in the development of children and involve them in the life of a preschool educational organization. The result of this activity is the participation of parents in the educational process and interest in the formation of a subject-spatial environment.

Organization and holding of open days; hiking trips, walks-excursions with parents; at the end of the year, with the participation of parents, we conduct a creative report on the results of the year.

Today, the best practices in the field of preschool education show that parents also play an important role in the management and organization of the activities of preschool education organizations. In particular, the aspects that organizations need to consider when organizing the school year are one of the most common and effective ways to determine the needs of parents through surveys among them.

Questionnaire questions could be: [1]:

1. Why did you choose this particular kindergarten?

- kindergarten creates opportunities for the development of the child in different directions;

- I believe in the level of professional potential of teachers;

- I think that in kindergarten there are all conditions for the successful development of the


- I like the attitude and care of my child in kindergarten, the organization of good nutrition;

- there are other reasons.

2. What educational services suit you?

- cognitive and speech development: mathematics lessons, familiarity with the environment, speech development, literacy, teaching a second language;

- social and personal development: teaching the rules of behavior, communication, conflict resolution;

- artistic and aesthetic development: music lessons, creative lessons.

3. What, in your opinion, should the management and administration of a preschool educational organization pay attention to in the new academic year?

- organize meals;

- the quality of education and upbringing of children according to the state curriculum;

- give children additional education;

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- to improve the health of children;

- improve the personal and professional competence of teachers;

- improve the pedagogical competence of parents;

- a more individual approach to the development of the child;

- others.

4. How can you participate in group activities your child attends?

- through experimental activities in different directions;

- through the organization of external educational excursions;

- being a direct participant in educational activities and a colleague of the teacher in the conduct of educational activities.

5. What are you satisfied with?

- as education under the state program;

- as additional education;

- on the level of pedagogical skill of the teacher;

- from the activities of the Supervisory Board;

- from the activities of the MTT administration;

- cooperation between teachers and parents in the development of the child;

- new approaches to the process of teaching children;

- other

6. What do you think needs to be updated and improved?

- didactic equipment and visual aids;

- organization of a gaming and educational environment in various areas of the MTT: a children's laboratory, a psychological room, a small reserve, health corridors, etc.;

- improving the quality of nutrition;

- cooperation with parents;

- quality of additional education;

- content and level of activities with children.


The analysis of the questionnaire questions examines the educational needs of parents, that is, the main consumers, identifies the strengths and weaknesses of existing mechanisms, aspects that need to be improved, changes are made to the goals and objectives of preschool education, if necessary, the content and teaching tools.


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