Odilov N.E. is an English teacher of Shakhrisabz military- akademik lyceum "Temurbeklar maktabi" in Kashkadarya region
Abstract: This article offers illustrations and instances highlighting the significance of acquiring English language skills. It also delivers a concise summary of the challenges associated with learning English in teenagers and grown-ups. Additionally, it includes details about three successful approaches to mastering the English language.
Key words: consistency, mobility, selectivity, associativity, intelligence, the ability to distinguish, challenges of teaching multi-level classrooms, provide multiple levels of each activity, encourage group work.
Odilov N.E. ingliz tili o qituvchisi Shahrisabz harbiy-akademik litseyi Qashqadaryo viloyatidagi "Temurbeklar maktabi"
Annotatsiya: Ushbu maqolada ingliz tili ko'nikmalarini egallashning ahamiyatini ko'rsatadigan rasmlar va misollar keltirilgan. Shuningdek, u o'smirlar va kattalardagi ingliz tilini o'rganish bilan bog'liq qiyinchiliklarning qisqacha tavsifini taqdim etadi. Bundan tashqari, u ingliz tilini o'zlashtirishning uchta muvaffaqiyatliyondashuvi haqida tafsilotlarni o'z ichiga oladi.
Kalit so'zlar: izchillik, harakatchanlik, selektivlik, assotsiativlik, aql, farqlash qobiliyati, ko'p bosqichli sinflarni o'qitishdagi qiyinchiliklar, har bir faoliyatning bir nechta darajasini ta'minlash, guruh ishini rag'batlantirish
Like all languages, individuals learning English are categorized into different proficiency levels. At present, the language proficiency levels recognized by the EU are A1, A2, B1, B2, C1, and C2. Each level of English learner necessitates a tailored teaching approach. Even when using a specific textbook or workbook, there are always opportunities to enhance an assignment to provide a challenge for students who require it. Here, we present detailed information about three approaches for teaching English to learners across all proficiency levels.
In the realm of teaching English, the issue of fostering creative skills in adolescents is increasingly pertinent. In today's educational landscape, particularly
in secondary schools, this represents a significant scholarly concern with historical, ethno-cultural, and socio-pedagogical implications.
Nurturing students' creative abilities is reliant upon synthesizing the experiences gained from incorporating English lessons into the educational and vocational training framework. Viewing the study of English, its historical evolution, folk culture, and daily life as prerequisites not only directs students' efforts towards language acquisition but also facilitates the cultivation of students' creative capabilities using specific subject matter.
The formation of creative abilities in adolescents develops creative thinking and especially components based on such things:
Analytical components - respectively, presumptive and logical thinking -consistency, mobility, selectivity, associativity, intelligence, the ability to distinguish, etc.;
Emotional components (emotional - imaginative thinking): brightness of images, emotional assessment of events, facts, phenomena, etc.
Creative components (visual-effective thinking): rational solutions, nonstandard (individuality, manifestation of individuality, getting rid of stereotypes), the ability to anticipate the result, the desire to synthesize the best knowledge and skills in the activity, the ability to choose the most optimal solution from possible options and justify the right choice.
Analyzing the lessons of me and my colleagues, I came to the conclusion that the development of the creative abilities of vampires in English lessons will be more effective if I focus on the following conditions. the need for professional skills, teacher qualifications;
high material and technical base of the school and good interaction of methodological and socio-pedagogical services.
the presence of a favorable psychological microclimate in the school; reliable relationships; classes are held on a regular basis, and competent, scientifically based management of children's creative activities is carried out;
the process of formation of creative abilities is directly related to education, knowledge and practical activities;
pedagogical techniques, forms and methods of teaching English language suitable for individual age characteristics and psychophysiological capabilities of ospirins, communication with children through play;
the use of a system of educational and creative tasks of personal and social significance of different levels of complexity, aimed at the individuality of the student, his level of training;
rejection of forms and methods of administrative and team work; the formation and development of positive personality traits (creativity, emotional mood, artistic taste, diligence, love of the Motherland, love of the native language and other languages, respect for oneself and others, etc.), including carried out on the basis of learning English. language.
use of extracurricular activities.
The teacher should guide the students, promote the development of their creative abilities in each lesson. Only in the process of purposeful work will it be possible to form certain qualities and achieve interest in the occupation.The variety of didactic works creates a variety of purposeful relationships among students, the time spent on independent work increases. The acquisition of knowledge, skills and abilities in independent work teaches students to creative work, develops creative thinking, creates initial conditions for their application in the system of professional activity, improves oral and written speech skills, prefers the expression of thoughts, feelings and emotions, and also has the ability to think. The more different tasks are used, the more effective the result will be.
I would single out the following forms of work for the development of creative skills:
the use of songs and poems;
daily maintenance,
use of computer programs,
defense of theses and projects,
business games, conferences;
work with a text, dialogue, or monologue constructed in an unusual way.
The directions of students' creative activity are most clearly manifested in their hobbies. They make something from natural and other metals, love literature, keep diaries, take photos, collect collections, communicate with nature, correspond with foreign friends, look for unusual things from ordinary and everyday things, etc. Such hobbies can be used to increase cognitive activity. the activity of students in foreign language lessons. At the request of the teacher, children bring photos, postcards, letters, items from their collections to the lessons, which will enliven communication in a foreign language, this communication will be more meaningful, intimate and interesting for its participants. The task of the teacher is to deeply study and know the hobbies of schoolchildren, use them for creative selfexpression of students in the classroom.
Challenges of Teaching Multi-Level Classrooms
In a community-based ESL program, not only can teachers have students with varying levels of English proficiency, but they will likely have students with different levels of literacy in their first language and a wide range of experience with formal education. Many of my students had only completed the equivalent of elementary school in their home countries, while some had completed high school or even college. So, while some students struggled to learn the English alphabet in the beginning, others seemed to be nearly fluent. However, many of my students fell somewhere in the middle.
Figuring out how to plan for such a diverse classroom can be daunting. When I first started I had almost no experience in lesson planning and felt as if I was
planning multiple lessons for each class. In this kind of classroom, it can be a struggle to give each level the attention they need. When this happens, students may lose interest if they feel that the material is either too challenging or not challenging enough, which can lead to problems with student retention. All of this can quickly lead to burnout for teachers as well.
2. Provide multiple levels of each activity.
Even if you're teaching from a specific book or workbook, there are always ways to expand an assignment to challenge the students who need it.
Start any assignment with the lowest level student in mind. If your class includes a few students who don't know any English, then make sure your assignment starts at a beginner level so that they can learn the basics.
Perhaps your book has a lesson on basic conversation. This is useful information that every English speaker must know. They have to know —helloll and —goodbyel before they can discuss business negotiations! Don't skip these basics just because some students will be bored; instead, expand these basics for those at a higher level.
After covering the basics, make the assignment a bit more difficult for students at the next level. Any student who already knows basic conversation can do something more challenging than the original assignment.
Teach them a few colloquialisms to complement the basics. Have them write down at least 3 ways of saying any basic conversational term. For example, —How are you?ll can also be —How's it going?ll or —What's up?ll or —What's going on?ll or —What's new?ll To motivate students, you can even offer extra credit to those who complete the more difficult assignment.
To challenge this group, you can make the assignment even harder. If they already know basic conversation and colloquialisms, have them write a conversational script for a certain scenario that you will give them. For example, you could have two advanced students write a script that shows business colleagues greeting one another and making small talk outside of work. This will challenge them and teach them a specific conversational tone.
You could even have them perform the skit for you to practice their pronunciation! By taking one assignment and adding onto it, you can ensure that the basics are taught and more advanced students are appropriately challenged.
3. Encourage group work.
Group work can provide a great opportunity for students of different levels to learn from each other (Treko 2013). Once I had gotten to know my students and had an idea of their English skills, it was often helpful to break off into leveled groups for some assignments. Each group was then able to work toward different goals, whether it was a reading activity, book work, or speaking practice. To encourage a sense of community in the classroom, we would reunite as a class to
present each group's work whenever it was practical and seemed like it would benefit others in the class.
Sometimes, rather than grouping students by their skill level, it can also be helpful for teachers to mix levels within a group. The smaller group setting may encourage students who are normally reserved to be more involved in the activity and ask for help from their higher-level classmates if needed. This sort of grouping lends itself well to games as well as writing and performing dialogues, giving each student a chance to use their English skills to reach a common goal and learn from their classmates in the process.
1. Huang, J. (2000). "Integration of academic content learning and academic literacy skills development of L2 students: A case study of an ESL science class". In Shanahan, Timothy; Rodriguez-Brown, Flora V. (eds.). The 49th yearbook of the National Reading Conference. Chicago: National Reading Conference. p. 403.
2. Verplaetse, Lorrie Stoops (Autumn 1998). "How Content Teachers Interact with English Language Learners". TESOL Journal. 7 (5): 24-28.
3. English express. 7 Simple Ways to Learn English Effectively