learning style and strategy preferences. The terms learning stylesand learning strategiescan be confusing. According to the standard definition, learning styles refer to "an individual's natural, habitual, and preferred ways of absorbing, processing and retaining new information and skills [2, 8]. From this definition it is clear that every learner has their own way of learning something new and they apply them in the process of learning. These learning styles seem to be the root of the effectiveness and success of their learning. Therefore, the English language teachers' interest in learning styles has dramatically increased in recent years. Furthermore, in the lastdecade the number of the works specifically devoted to learning styles andEnglish language teaching such as Reid , Kinsella , Oxford , and Oxford and Anderson has increased significantly. The perceptual learning styles such as visual, auditory, kinesthetic,and tactile are the most prevalent types of learning styles. However, they are only one piece of a muchlarger learning-style picture. Therefore, it is important to see the different learning stylesas connected because learners will have more than one learning style. Inaddition, different tasks may be approached in different ways, more than one learning style can be significant to accomplish a given task. The general learning strategies are important for all language learners in formal classroom environments. General learning strategies are classified into three broad areas: metacognitive (i.e., strategies to help students think about their own learning), cognitive, and socio-affective [1, 272].It is clear from the content that learners use different learning strategies in the process of language acquisition and learning and however they approach differently to foreign language mastery.
Learner characteristics such as age, learning styles and learning strategies play a significant role in language acquisition development. Teaching methods, techniques and strategies should be adapted and based on the learner needs such as age, learning style and strategies. Learner peculiarities in terms of their learning styles, strategies and age factors should be taken into consideration in order to promote success in EFL classrooms.
1. Larsen-Freeman D. Techniques and Principles in Language Teaching.-Oxford: Oxford
University Press, 2000.
2. Nunan D. "Language Teaching Methodology". Prentice Hall, 2003.
3. OxfordR. "Language Learning Strategies". Oxford, 1990.
4. ReidS. "Language Learning Styles and Strategies".Oxford Journals, 1995.
Abstract: excellent communication skills are necessary to succeed in any field. Whether you are a mentor, supervisor, career counselor, trainer or otherwise, teaching these skills to others provides them with a strong foundation to achieve future career goals. While learning these skills takes time, best practices can help students quickly learn and apply them on the job. With improved communication skills, students will have the confidence and knowledge to not only excel in the workplace but also to seek out jobs and perform well in interviews. In this article, we will provide proven methods for effectively teaching these skills
Keywords: communication skills, role plays, collaboration, games, turn-talking.
Language is an integral part of speaking skills. The words you use must suit the occasion and the audience. For example, the language you use when speaking to a friend is different from the one you use for a formal presentation. Effective speakers customize their message to suit their audience. The audience is familiar with certain types of words. It's important to use such words to get them to respond. For example, using industry terms in a client meeting can evoke desired responses. Students benefit from methods that give them hands-on practice, clear directions and the opportunity to reflect. Here are some of the best ways to teach these skills with several examples: Role-play; Group games; Films; Introspection; Turn-talking; Asking questions; Record and reflect.
1. Role-play
Role-playing is a classic method for teaching communication skills. To use this technique, students act out skills after discussing them. For example, appropriate posture or body language. Role-playing should always focus on full group participation and mutual respect. Be sure to talk to students about how to be a respectful audience member, and allow plenty of time for daily role-playing to help students get comfortable. Students will need to have patience and open-mindedness, as well as a positive rapport with each other. If you foster these skills first, role-playing can be a great way to learn communication abilities quickly.
2. Group games
Group games are an interactive, engaging way to teach verbal and nonverbal communication, persuasion, collaboration and relationship-building skills. Through group games, students learn to efficiently pass the information on to others [2]. During games, you should watch closely, make notes and be prepared to share your observations with students so they can improve over time.
Complete a group project
Working towards a specific goal as a group requires communication. Ask the team to build, design or create something over a set period of time. Provide the group with any necessary materials and observe their interactions as they work. Afterward, ask the group what went well and what they could've done differently.
Play the "emotional rollercoaster" game
Divide the group into two teams. Each team gets a set of cards with an emotion written on it, such as "angry," "delighted" or "sluggish." A student on the first team acts out an emotion while their teammates guess what it is [1]. Then the other team tries. Set a time limit for guesses, and the team who guesses the most by the end is the winner. This game will help students become more aware of the expressions and body language signals they use to express emotions. It will also spark conversations about non-verbal signals. Be sure to leave time for post-game discussion.
3. Films
A carefully compiled collection of film and TV clips is a great teaching tool. You can pause, discuss and replay clips. Video clips also make for great take-home work. Students can watch as many times as they like, write responses and share during the next class.
4. Introspection
Learning about interpersonal and communication skills often necessitates time for reflection and introspection. When students are learning about communication, especially those related to social and emotional health, provide ample time for structured self-analysis. Give students prompts to guide them as they contemplate. For example, ask them to think about communication methods that have worked well for them during difficult situations in the past. Here are several additional introspection exercises you might consider: Journaling, Drawing, Photography, Poetry, Lists, Stream of consciousness, Collages.
5. Turn-talking
One of the most basic and helpful communication skills students can learn is turntalking. During a turn-talking lesson, students will learn the difference between interrupting
and interjecting. This is a critical skill people need to learn for negotiation, conflict resolution and idea-sharing. Students should also learn how to overlap in conversation cooperatively rather than competitively. 6. Asking questions
Productive conversations are created by asking and answering thoughtful questions. Asking open-ended questions can help move projects forward, encourage new ideas, solve complex problems and delegate tasks. However, learning how to ask those questions is a skill. Take time to teach students about open-ended questions and be sure to provide plenty of examples.
1. Lateef F. Simulation-based learning: Just like the real thing. J Emerg Trauma Shock, 2010; 3: 348-352.
2. Billings D.M. Role-play revisited. J Contin Educ Nurs, 2012; 43: 201-202.
ENGLISH Soatova G.K.
Abstract: the modern gadgets and speed of Internet could affect the spread of English around the globe. The Internet language is spoken through English in many spheres. In this article it is stated some different ways of increasing vocabulary and its relevance in communicating in English. There are given sampled suggestions to overcome several obstacles when learning a new vocabulary. Keywords: enrich, communication, dictionaries, prepare, master.
Every learner desires to have expanded bank of vocabulary to make their speech more fluently and more understandable in the English Language. As the English language plays a dominant role in a modern era we can see a mass group of people to learn English. The important thing is that it is not a fast-reachable target to master a ton of vocabulary and key terms. Hence, anyone would like to find easier solution to have a great deal of vocabulary resource. It must be an enjoyable and effective way when learning vocabulary. In my further understanding, people who have a rich vocabulary are considered smart, successful and attention-grabbing. Indeed, people with a rich vocabulary get a job faster, move up the career ladder easier and more successfully, and this can fully be attributed to both competence in this area in relation to their native and the studied foreign language. As T.S. Komarova said, "the replenishment of the vocabulary has a positive effect on the formation of the grammatical structure of oral speech, and during the school period helps to master the rules of spelling of prepositions and adverbs" [2, p. 154]. "A study by a joint US-Brazilian group has produced interesting results. For example, the graph below shows how native speakers (in this case, English) vocabulary increase with age.
There is a so-called basic level of English proficiency; it corresponds to a vocabulary of 850 words. It is believed that this is sufficient for everyday communication. Perhaps the students are more in need of training that would help them master new vocabulary and develop skills that would provide an opportunity to deepen their knowledge. In order to help