Научная статья на тему 'Ways of noun formation as the main tendency of noun development in modern English (on the example of online publications)'

Ways of noun formation as the main tendency of noun development in modern English (on the example of online publications) Текст научной статьи по специальности «Языкознание и литературоведение»

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Ключевые слова

Аннотация научной статьи по языкознанию и литературоведению, автор научной работы — Zhanbyrbayeva A.T.

It is written about the concept of the noun, as well as its grammatical and lexical features. It is focused on the ways of word-formation of the noun. It is studied 247 sources, is revealed the percentage of popularity of word-formation methods. It is indicated the results of the research; given examples of each type of word formation. Based on the research, It can be concluded that the purpose of the study was achieved.

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Текст научной работы на тему «Ways of noun formation as the main tendency of noun development in modern English (on the example of online publications)»

Вестник «Орлеу»-!^


№ ** |

А. Т. Жанбырбаева,

студентка 4 курса филологического факультета, специальности «Иностранный язык: два иностранных языка», КГПИ, город Костанай

He2i32i свздер: зат ест, свз жа-сау жолдары, даму тенденциялары, неологизм, грамматика, лексикология, свз

Ключевые слова: имя существительное, пути словообразования, тенденции развития, неологизм, грамматика, лексикология, слово.

Keywords: the noun, ways of formation, tendencies of development, neologism, grammar, lexicology, word.



Зат eciM, оньщ грамматикальщ жэне лексикальщ ерекшелжтер1 тркырымдамасы туралы жазылды. Зат еамнщ сез жасам тэсшдерше аса назар ауда-рылды. Зерттеу нэтижелерш керсете, эр сезжасам туршщ мысалдары келт1ршдг 247 кездер1 ок;ылып болды, бапта бершген танымал эдютершщ пайы-здьщ арасалмагы аньщталды. Зерттеу максатына к;ол жетк1зшд1 деген корытындыга келдш.


В статье представлены понятие имени существительного, а также его грамматические и лексические особенности. Описаны способы словообразования имени существительного. Указаны результаты исследования, приведены примеры к каждому типу словообразования. Автором изучены 247 источников, выявлено процентное соотношение популярности способов словообразования, данных в статье. Исходя из результатов исследования, сделан вывод, что цель достигнута.


It is written about the concept of the noun, as well as its grammatical and lexical features. It is focused on the ways of word-formation of the noun. It is studied 247 sources, is revealed the percentage of popularity § of word-formation methods. It is indicated the results ^ of the research; given examples of each type of word g formation. Based on the research, It can be concluded ^ that the purpose of the study was achieved. g

The Internet plays a significant role in the operation ^

of modern society and completes a diversity of needs: g-

giving an access to information, providing a range 2

of services (marketable, financial, professional, etc.), ^

giving a field for synchronous (chat) and asynchronous S

communication (e-mails and forums), way of self- g

expression (blogs), leisure and game facilities, and etc. s

Therefore, the growing part of human life is taken by <c

virtual reality. о

The appearance of online publications as a specific д

field of language actualization caused a need for S

Вестник «Qp.fiey»-kst

new language means of communication or alteration and rethinking the already accessible ones. Evidently, it is high time for speaking of developing English language in a particular area - Internet.

The noun as a part of speech has the categorial meaning of "substance" or "thingness". It follows from this that the noun is the main nominative part of speech, effecting nomination of the fullest value within the framework of the notional division of the lexicon [1; 47].

The noun has the power, by way of nomination, to isolate different properties of substances (i.e. direct and oblique qualities, and also actions and states as processual characteristics of substantive phenomena) and present them as corresponding self-dependent substances. E.g.:

Her words were unexpectedly bitter. - We were struck bythe unexpected bitterness of her words. At that time he was down in his career, but we knew well that very soon he would be up again. - His career had its ups and downs. The cable arrived when John was preoccupied with the arrangements for the party. -The arrival of the cable interrupted his preoccupation with the arrangements for the party [2;25],

The grammatical category of a number in a noun conveys the grammatical meaning of singularity or plurality. This meaning is regularly expressed by contrasting forms without a suffix and forms with a suffix.

Nouns with a suffix in the plural are an open □h series, i.e. they have a form-forming model, ^ (according to which most of the nouns of modern ^ English are changed). They are opposed to nouns $ of the closed series, i.e. those nouns in which the plural forms are formed not according to O the general model: for example, man-men, foot-feet, etc. There are nouns, borrowing from other pq languages. They, in many cases, retain the plural q forms characteristic of the language from which tj they were borrowed; for example, datum-data; 0 phenomenon - phenomena. Although the meaning K of multiplicity in nouns is marked mainly in a O morphological way, however, cases are possible ¡=T where it is only revealed syntactically - in m agreement with the verb. This happens when the § noun does not change its form in the plural. For § example, The sheep is / are grazing.

The cited formal features taken together are

relevant for the division of nouns into several subclasses, which are identified by means of explicit classificational criteria. The most general and rigorously delimited subclasses of nouns are grouped into four oppositional pairs.

The first nounal subclass opposition differentiates proper and common nouns. The foundation of this division is "type of nomination". The second subclass opposition differentiates animate and inanimate nouns on the basis of "form of existence". The third subclass opposition differentiates human and nonhuman nouns on the basis of "personal quality". The fourth subclass opposition differentiates countable and uncountable nouns on the basis of "quantitative structure" [9].

As a part of speech, the noun is also characterised by a set of formal features determining its specific status in the lexical paradigm of nomination. It has its wordbuilding distinctions, including typical suffixes, compound stem models, conversion patterns. It discriminates the grammatical categories of gender, number, case, article determination, which will be analysed below.

The greater part is purposeful choices made by users to cut back on typing effort, mimic spoken language features, or communicate creatively. And that means a creation of new words that from our point of view is the development.

Neologisms are newly coined terms, words, or phrases that may be commonly used in everyday life but have yet to be formally accepted as constituting mainstream language. Neologisms represent the evolving nature of the English language. Over time people create new words that express concepts or ideas that were previously expressed using other words or use words that may not have existed at all. Neologisms can be completely new words, new meanings for existing words or new stems in existing words. Online publications contribute to English language vocabulary replenishment as well as noun development by means of different types of word-formation.

Here are some examples of neologisms that are finding their way into modern English in online publications. For ease to use, we have systematized the nouns and publications according to the theme groups they were found in:

Вестник «Орлеу»-!^

Examples of Social Networking and Technology Neologisms


Definition: Someone who is new to an online community or game.

For example:

By the time of the Fel Empire, an unseasoned recruit of the stormtrooper corps' 407th Division was pejoratively labeled a noob by his fellow compatriots.

(Star Wars Galaxies: An Empire Divided Adventure Manual) [3]

This is an example of creating a new word.


An individual who posts inflammatory, rude, and obnoxious comments to an online community.

For example:

My interracial relationship was targeted by an internet troll.

(StarTribute) [4]

This is an example of adding additional meaning to the existing noun.

Examples of Popular Culture Neologisms


Definition: used to refer to supercouple Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie.

For example:

Brangelina: Maddox Jolie Pitt refuses to see Brad - report.

(Entertainment) [6]

This is an example of clipping two words to develop a new one.


Definition: Acne located on a woman's chest.

For example:

If you are reading this right now, it is possible that you are also suffering from racne.

(Natural Remedy Ideas) [7]

This is an example of developing a new noun with the use of the existing stem "acne".

Specific features of modern English nouns in online publication require non-traditional attitude to derivation. First of all, a new type of word formation, word form alteration type, is developed. This is motivated by the fact that in Standard English, word inflection paradigms develop naturally while in Internet English they are deliberately altered. Besides, there is a great emphasis on the usage of abbreviated nouns. The most plausible way of analysis was considered to be the distinction among the following types: affixation, blending, clipping, compound, conversion, new root neologisms, shortening. Despite undertaking such a relatively lax attitude, there are still neologisms which are complicated to attribute to a specific type of word formation.

Ways of noun formation as the main tendency of noun development in modern English in online publications.

e ЛГдх; rLo i: Bltuditig Clipping

■ Compound

■ Conversnn

New root neologisms Shortening

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Вестник «Qp.fiey»-kst

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As we can see from the diagram above the main way of noun formation is affixation (38%): the process of adding an affix (prefix/ suffix/ infix) to previously existing stems when creating new words. Morphological processwhereby grammatical or lexical information is added to a stem. In the case of nouns these affixes are: "-rix", "-ess", "-ette", "-ine", "-ty", "-tude", "-er", "-aire", "-tion", "-ness". For example: obviosity, amusation, amazeness, googleress.

Then composition (17%) goes: A word formed from 2 or more units that are themselves words: e.g. brainyday, buttonsmashing; correspondingly, compoundingis the process of word formation from 2 or more units that are themselves words. Also: compound: a linguistic unit which is composed of two or more morphemes as in such compound nouns as ego-surfer, muffin top.

The third way of noun development is clipping (13%): process of word formation in which an existing form is abbreviated. Also: clippings: reductions of longer forms, usually removing the end of the word, for e.g.: ad from advertisement, but sometimes the beginning: Brangelina.

Shortening (13%): a sub-type of abbreviation in word formation when occasional elements are dropped from a word leaving just the most recognizable parts, e.g. Thursday - Thurs.

New root neologisms (9%): neologisms containing a root which had not previously been used in the relevant language, for example, noob.

Conversion (6%): A process by which a lexical unit which is primarily of one syntactic class also belongs secondarily to another syntactic class; also equivalent to zero derivation, which is a process of word formation in which there is no change to the form that undergoes it: e.g. that by which the phrase howtoseen as one lexical unit is derived from how to. Derivational process whereby an item comes to belong to a new word class without the addition of an affix, e.g. verbs/ nouns smell/ taste/ hit/ walk.

Blending (4%): a word formed by joining the beginning of one word to the end of another, e.g. staycationformed from stay and vacation; the process of creating words by joining the beginning of one word to the end of another.

The appearance of online publications as a specific field of language actualization caused a need for new language means of communication

or alteration and rethinking the already accessible ones. Noun development occurs even there.There are several tendencies of noun development which contribute to its evolution.Our research revealed that the main tendency of noun development is ways of noun formation in online publications. They are affixation, composition, clipping, shortening, new root neologisms, conversion, blending.


1. GanshinaB. A., VasilevskayaN.A. English Grammar. - M., 2003. - 92 c.

2. Jespersen O.C. Essentials of English Grammar. -N.Y., 1998. - 440 c.

3. Noob [Электронный ресурс] // Starwars. - URL: http://starwars.wikia.com/wiki/Noob. Publishedon 12.03.2012 (дата обращения: 17.02.2017).

4. My interracial relationship was targeted by an internet troll [Электронныйресурс] // Star tribute. - URL: http://www.startribune. com/my-interracial-relati onship-was-targeted-by-an-internet-troll/401951125/ Published on

11.05.2013 (датаобращения: 17.02.2017).

5. A book about me [Электронныйресурс] // Andy Quan. - URL: http://andyquan.com/a-book-about-me/ Published on 22.05.2011 (дата-обращения: 17.02.2017).

6. Brangelina: Maddox Jolie Pitt refuses to see Brad [Электронныйресурс] // Stuff. -URL: http://www.stuff.co.nz/entertainment/ celebrities/85557455/Brangelina-Maddox-Jolie-Pitt-refuses-to-see-Brad-report Published on 03.11.2016 (датаобращения: 17.02.2017).

7. Get rid of chest acne [Электронныйресурс] // Natural remwdy ideas. - URL: http:// naturalremedyideas.com/get-rid-of-chest-acne/ Published on 23.06.2012 (датаобращения: 17.02.2017).

8. Glomads top 30 global yoga destinations [Электронный ресурс] // Glomad. - URL: https://glomad.com/glomag/article/glomads-top-30-global-yoga-destinations Published on

05.11.2014 (датаобращения: 17.02.2017).

9. Yelps adelaides got talent showcase [Электронный ресурс] // Yelp blog. - URL: https://www.yelpblog.com/2013/04/yelps-adelaides-got-talent-showcase (дата обращения: 17.02.2017).

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