Kadirova D.N.
Dotsent Termez State University Surkhandarya, Uzbekistan Fazilov S.M.
Teacher Termez State University Surkhandarya, Uzbekistan
Abstract: it has been learned features of water exchange during the milky ripeness phase of wheat varieties in soil climatic condition in surkhandarya region
Key words: milky ripeness, triticum v. growth, development, number of grain, transpiration, ecological factors.
Crops require more than thirty agrotechnological processes from planting to ripening. Because the planned harvest cannot be achieved without cultivation, irrigation, protection from diseases, insects, weeds and other measures from planting to ripening. [4].
These events between Water exchange characteristics of plants are one of the main indicators that ensure their growth, development, yield and quality of the crop. [2].
Based on the above information, we studied the water exchange characteristics of wheat varieties, their growth and development phases.
In the table given from the data as it turns out , plants on the leaf water exchange features their variety features based on from each other difference does In the leaves common water quantity Andijan 1 variety by 73.5% equal to and 75.0 % in Andijon 2 variety equal to It is Andijan 1 variety 1.5 % more it is century wheat variety in the leaves common water The amount is 75.4% of the Andijan 1 variety compared to 1.9% more it is good luck wheat variety in the leaves common water if the amount is 78.5% , it is Andijan 1 variety in the leaves common water by 5.0% of the amount a lot the fact that was determined . Grom variety 79.1% total in leaves water quantity if it is , it is 5.6% higher than the Andijan 1 variety a lot Tanya wheat 83.3 % water in leaves and Andijan 1 variety by 9.8 % abundance was determined .
From the data It was found that Andijan-1 wheat of the variety in the leaves common water to the amount relative to the Tanya variety in the leaves water the most a lot to be was determined .
Transpiration speed of plants water exchange feature pointer from pointers one is considered It is presented in Table 1.1 data based on Andijan 1 wheat variety 1m 2 of leaves leaf 1 hour above the level during 23.5 g of water polished Andijan 2 wheat variety in the leaves that's it 22.2 g of water per term steamed ie Andijan 2 variety 1.3 g less than Andijan 1navi water polished century wheat type 21 , 1 g of water polished 2.4 g less than Andijan 1 variety water polished good luck and Grom wheat varieties Andijan 1 wheat type 5.1g and 6.8g of water respectively less polished was observed . Tanya variety 1 hour during 14.7 g of water from the leaves polished , 8.8 g less than Andijan 1 variety water polished These are pointers of varieties transpiration speed from each other sharp difference to do is showing .
Water shortage is also a variety features depends without will change Andijan 1 variety in the leaves water the deficit is 6.8 % of the Tanya variety this indicator by 2.7% equal to It is Andijan 1 variety compared to 4.1 % less the fact that was observed . The rest varieties are also intermediate place take over Andijan 1 variety relatively water shortage less ie Andijan 2 grade 1.5%, Asr variety 1.8 %, Omad grade 2.5%, Grom that the variety is 2.7% was determined .
Water storage ability also plants to drought endurance characterizing important is a pointer . Andijan 1 wheat variety leaves water storage the ability another to varieties relatively the lowest is 1 hour during spent water if the amount is 5.8% , that's it Tanya wheat in term grade by 3.5% equal , that is, Tanya variety Andijan 1 variety compared to 2.3% less water spent Andijan 2, Asr , Omad and Grom wheat varieties that's it in term i.e. in 1 hour spent water quantity Andijan 1 wheat type relatively Andijan 2 variety 0.5%, Asr variety 0.1 %, Omad grade 0.9%, Grom grade 1.3% water less spent This is the data Andijan 1 wheat of the variety water storage ability is the lowest. Tanya variety water storage ability the most high that showed . The rest varieties intermediate in places settled down .
Wheat varieties water exchange features based on without their to drought endurance level the following in order placing possible : Andijan 1 < Andijan 2 < Asr < Omad < Grom < Tanya i.e. Tanya wheat variety to drought endurance the most high was determined . I can't stand it Andijan 1 variety being came out The rest varieties intermediate in places settled down .
Wheat varieties to drought endurance level pointer the most important physiological process of the leaves water is a shortage .
Wheat varieties to drought endurance level pointer the most important physiological process of leaves the water storage is the ability . Other to pointers relatively this pointer straight away of varieties to drought endurance level characterizes
Wheat varieties to drought endurance level descriptive ie their water shortage according to collected data as shown all studied varieties between relatively to drought durable variety is the Tanya variety is considered Of this variety 1 hour on the leaves during water that the deficit is 2.7 % was determined
. Relatively unbearable estimated Andijan-1 wheat variety 1 hour from the leaves during 6.8 % of water shortage was observed .
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