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Аннотация научной статьи по строительству и архитектуре, автор научной работы — Isaeva N.A., Pokrovskaya M.Yu., Aksyonova K.S., Razgovorov P.B.

The paper illustrates how walking routes in small towns of the Volga Region are formed. The town in question is Yuryevets, Ivanovo Region. The study analyzed the techniques for realizing the full potential of the historical city center. Architectural herit age objects were also classified. The paper outlines the role of the main factors (landscape, transport, recreational resources, socio-cultural and visual characteristics) influencing the organization of walking routes. The paper presents the study of inte raction of old and new, their coexistence in the urban environment structure. Finally, the study identified opportunities to use urban spaces to organize walking routes, improving the quality of urban l ife.

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УДК 796.51:72.035

Особенности формирования пешеходных туристических маршрутов в исторических центрах приволжских городов (на примере города Юрьевец Ивановской области)

Н.А. Исаева1, М.Ю. Покровская1, К.С. Аксенова1, П.Б. Разговоров2

Наталья Адольфовна Исаева

кафедра дизайна костюма и текстиля, кафедра архитектуры и строительства, Ивановский государственный политехнический университет, Иваново, Российская Федерация E-mail: [email protected]

Марина Юрьевна Покровская

1Кафедра дизайна костюма и текстиля, кафедра архитектуры и строительства, Ивановский государственный политехнический университет, Иваново, Российская Федерация E-mail: [email protected]

Карина Сергеевна Аксёнова

1Кафедра дизайна костюма и текстиля, кафедра архитектуры и строительства, Ивановский государственный политехнический университет, Иваново, 21, Российская Федерация E-mail: [email protected]

Павел Борисович Разговоров

2Управление организации научно-исследовательской и интеллектуальной деятельности, Ярославский государственный технический университет, Ярославль, Российская Федерация E-mail: [email protected]

Рассмотрены особенности формирования пешеходных туристических маршрутов в малых городах Поволжского региона на примере г. Юрьевца Ивановской области. Проанализированы приёмы для полноценной реализации потенциала исторического центра города. Дана классификация объектов архитектурного наследия. Определена роль основных факторов (ландшафт территории, транспортные коммуникации, рекреационные ресурсы, социокультурные и визуальные особенности экспозиции), влияющих на организацию пешеходных туристических маршрутов. Представлено исследование проблемы взаимодействия старого и нового, их совместного существования в структуре городской среды. Выявлены возможности использования территорий городских пространств для организации пешеходных прогулочных маршрутов, регенерирующих улучшение качества городской жизни.

Ключевые слова: памятники архитектуры; пешеходные туристические маршруты; городская историческая среда; структура города; исторический центр

Для цитирования:

Исаева Н.А., Покровская М.Ю., Аксенова К.С., Разговоров П.Б. Особенности формирования пешеходных туристических маршрутов в исторических центрах приволжских городов (на примере города Юрьевец Ивановской области). Умные композиты в строительстве. 2021. Т. 2. №. 4. С. 95-107 URL: http://comincon.ru/index.php/tor/V2N4_2021

DOI: 10.52957/27821919_2021_4_95

Walking routes and their origins in historic centers of Volga towns (on the example of Yuryevets, Ivanovo Region)

N.A. Isaeva1, M.Yu. Pokrovskaya1, K.S. Aksyonova1, P.B. Razgovorov2

Natal'ya A. Isaeva

department of Costume and Textile Design, Department of Architecture and Construction, Ivanovo State Polytechnic University, Ivanovo, Russia E-mail: [email protected]

Marina Yu. Pokrovskaya

department of Costume and Textile Design, Department of Architecture and Construction, Ivanovo State Polytechnic University, Ivanovo, Russia E-mail: [email protected]

Karina S. Aksyonova

department of Costume and Textile Design, Department of Architecture and Construction, Ivanovo State Polytechnic University, Ivanovo, Russia E-mail: [email protected]

Pavel B. Razgovorov

department of Organization of Research and Intellectual Aktivity, Yaroslavl State Technical University,

Yaroslavl, Russia

E-mail: [email protected]

The paper illustrates how walking routes in small towns of the Volga Region are formed. The town in question is Yuryevets, Ivanovo Region. The study analyzed the techniques for realizing the full potential of the historical city center. Architectural heritage objects were also classified. The paper outlines the role of the main factors (landscape, transport, recreational resources, socio-cultural and visual characteristics) influencing the organization of walking routes. The paper presents the study of interaction of old and new, their co-existence in the urban environment structure. Finally, the study identified opportunities to use urban spaces to organize walking routes, improving the quality of u r b a n l i fe .

Key words: architectural monuments; walking routes; urban historical environment; city structure; historic center

For citation:

Isaeva N.A., Pokrovskaya M.Yu., Aksyonova K.S., Razgovorov P.B. Walking routes and their origins in historic centers of Volga towns (on the example of Yuryevets, Ivanovo Region). Smart Composite in Construction. 2021. Vol. 2. No 4. Р. 95-107 URL: http://comincon.ru/index.php/tor/V2N4_2021

DOI: 10.52957/27821919_2021_4_95



In the beginning of the XXI century, the appeal of Russia's small historic towns for tourism has increased significantly. After erecting numerous architectural monuments, there was now enough experience to preserve the historic environment of such towns, turning the towns center into a tourist web of walking routes. This is especially clear, in particular, in Suzdal, Vladimir Region.

Russian and international experience shows that the historic and architectural heritage serves as the basis for social and economic development of the territory. Understanding the role and function of heritage, as well as the spatial distribution of its objects, leads to studying the state of heritage objects themselves, increasing their preservation and degree of use [1].

This paper looks into preserving cultural heritage sites and the historic center of Yuryevets, Ivanovo Region (Fig. 1).

Fig. 1. The historic center of Yuryevets [2]

Architectural monuments in this town are not stand-alone objects, but an integral part of the whole structure, elements of the public space. The whole urban environment grabs interest because it becomes these monuments make it whole. At the same time, including architectural objects in walking routes encourages the town authorities to reconstruct and maintain them in proper condition.


The analysis of Yuryevets development has shown that the social and economic situation there has deteriorated in recent years. Despite its powerful recreational, historic, and cultural potential, the city does not realize it to the full extent. Obviously, with a well-thought-out approach, this resource can give a new impetus to the economic development of the town and the revival of its cultural traditions.


Let us consider the social and cultural design of Yuryevets. The town already has experience of its development by completing various cultural projects. However, its development needs to be "restarted", having worked out a development strategy beforehand.

Thus, the problem lies in the objectively existing contradiction between the social and cultural potential that tourism has as a means of preserving the region's historic and cultural heritage and insufficient realization of this potential in the project and program activities. At the same time, the tourism potential of Yuryevets, the identity of the still preserved integral fragments of the historic and architectural environment of the town center is beyond doubt.

Along the Volga, the Ivanovo region includes Plyos (population: 1732), Kineshma (population: 80950), Yuryevets (population: 7945), and Puchezh (population: 6255) (Fig. 2). These small Russian towns have rich history and unique beauty of urban landscapes, where water vastness of one of the largest Russian rivers - the Volga, its steep banks, and residential development are in total harmony with each other.

Fig. 2. Volga towns on the map of Ivanovo Region [3]

Historically, the right-bank Volga settlements of Ivanovo Region (Fig. 3) have a number of spatial, social, and cultural features.

a b c

Fig. 3. General views of the Volga towns - Plyos (a) [4], Kineshma (b) [5], Yuryevets (c) [6]

These are:

- the placement on the high bank of the river with the actively expressed landscape in two levels - coastal and upland parts.

- unique skylines and panoramic views from the water area of the Volga;

- a bell tower or a church as the spatial reference point and dominant feature;

- part of the town's territory was flooded during the construction of the Gorky Reservoir;

- valuable architectural and historic heritage (preservation of fragments of the urban environment).

These features become a resource for attracting tourists. In particular, significant funds are involved in forming tourism infrastructure in Plyos and Kineshma. However, Yuryevets is no less interesting. It is also attractive because prominent figures of the Russian culture lived there - directors Andrei Tarkovsky, Alexander Rou, and the Vesnin brothers, architects.

There is a growing threat of the disappearing architectural heritage in the town due to the complete lack of restoration works. Architectural monuments are being destroyed, the ensemble organization is disappearing, and the unique look of the town is being lost. The lack of a well-thought-out preservation policy has led to a large increase in the number of dilapidated architectural structures over the past decade. At the moment, the historic center of Yuryevets cannot provide residents and tourists with a comfortable and safe public space for walking. This, in turn, negatively affects the overall quality of the urban environment.

Development of tourism potential is a highly profitable industry, which has great social and international significance for the town as a whole and for each of its inhabitants. The importance of tourism as a source of permanent income, employment, and interpersonal contacts has been growing steadily. By preserving unique monuments and fragments of public space, the town keeps its tourist functions. In addition, it is necessary to develop and implement walking routes as a project to revive the architectural and landscape system that helps preserve the town image. Proposing to create new routes will increase interest in Yuryevets not only among the Russians but also tourists from abroad considering the historic and cultural architectural objects and landscapes preserved in this city.

Walking zones appeared in Western Europe in the 50s of the 20th century. To organize and improve them, narrow streets in historic cities were freed from cars. Each walking route usually consists of entrance, path, exit, intersection, totem, main space, secondary spaces - of second and third order [7].

This is well-known and it requires key principles of strategic planning for architectural and landscape organization of tourist routes in the Volga towns, including Yuryevets, which should be developed scientifically.

Types of planning for walking routes in historic towns include: linear, circular, and free.

A walking route is an established and organized route for travelers for recreation and self-education. It is an integral part of the urban environment with limited traffic, multifunctional zoning, and uniform design style, it is visually complete and closed, and characterized by a close relationship between the artificial and natural elements.

Walking routes include a number of types of architectural and planning structure: pedestrian street, boulevard, plaza, sidewalk, crosswalk, waterfront, parkway.

The architectural and spatial significance of the walking routes lies not only in the creation of comfortable movement for tourists, but also in the harmonious unity of the unique objects of different eras. Therefore, stylistic consistency with the environment, as well as a reasonable tracing and location

in the city, are the most important principles for the organization of such routes [8].

The research identified the main cultural and historic centers of Yuryevets and the unique objects included in them with brief descriptions:

- fortresses (Levoberezhnaya, Georgievskaya, Voskresenskaya, Voznesenskaya) (Fig. 4);

- buildings and constructions specific to the urban environment (74 objects);

- lost churches (11 objects).

Based on the analysis of the identified objects of cultural heritage and systematization of materials solutions, we propose new walking routes.

They are based on the following methodology.

Stage I - Strategy formulation. Defining goals, objectives in forming a system of walking routes; social and economic analysis; drawing up a reference plan.

Stage II - Classification for proposed routes:

- by construction date (dating of facilities and routes);

- by material type (stone, wood);

- by object type (fortresses, lost architectural objects, including flooded).

Stage III - Development of route planning principles.

The main objectives of the architectural organization of walking trails in Yuryevets are:

- ensuring route continuity;

- forming optimal conditions for visual perception of architectural objects; the inclusion of natural components;

- creating an adapted environment for people with disabilities and a unified information and orientation system.

Fig. 4. Combined map-scheme of state fortresses of Yuryevets-Povolsky in the 18th-19th centuries

The research revealed the architectural monuments in the Yuryevets town center dating back to the early 17th - early 20th centuries and belonging to different styles - classicism, art nouveau, eclectic (Fig. 5).


Fig. 5. Plan of the location of churches in Yuryevets, Volga Region, at the end of the 19th

and the beginning of the 20th centuries We also grouped the monuments (wooden or stone architecture; stylistic affiliation; construction date) in the historic center of the city. Next, we formed tourist zones, the axes of which are Sovetskaya Street and Lenina Street with the proposed regulations of pedestrian traffic along them.

At the intersection of routes, it is proposed to form nodes of public open spaces based on existing squares and public gardens. Dilapidated buildings should be restored along with their lost elements. Obviously, the complete restoration of the historic appearance of the city is a problematic task. Even if the main part of the 19th century street is preserved, it is impossible to restore its "authenticity", as every smallest detail (kiosk, shop window, signboard, lantern) determines its appearance. Nevertheless, despite the streets always change, the external appearance of modern buildings can contribute to the preservation of the historic environment, the improvement of the city center, and the recreation of the image of times long gone. Public buildings have always played a special role in forming urban ensemble, its style [9]. The appropriate historic atmosphere is ensured by how and where such buildings, objects, and small architectural forms are placed, made in the appropriate stylistics, with respect to the decor and flavor of the given time. The task of neutralizing the impact of new construction on the architectural and urban heritage objects is solved using some methodological recommendations of the architect N.N. Kudryashov [10].

The main walking route structure is presented on the layout plan of architectural sites of Yuryevets (Fig. 6).


Fig. 6. The plan of movement between the architectural objects in Yuryevets

The following solutions are proposed:

- information boards and building models should be installed in the place of lost and flooded


- on Pyatnitskaya, Simonovskaya, Predtechenskaya, Pushkarikha mountains with a panoramic view of the historic town center it is a important to create the exhibition areas, allowing to view the monuments as cognitive tourism objects;

- when accepting landscaping projects with the development of pedestrian streets and adjacent nodes, it is necessary to consider the architectural and artistic qualities of the environment, visual connections - view frames, the picture of a visually perceived space.

It is also important to make walking routes comfortable - continuity, connection with the transport system (parking for cars and tourist buses) talking the nature into account. In doing so, it is necessary to maintain an optimal balance between green and paved surfaces, architectural and green facades, creating a vertical diversity of space while including nature components and forming an aesthetic image.

The main feature of Yuryevets while forming walking routes is the unique landscape of its upland part and riverside zone, as well as its distinctive vegetation potential. These recreational resources fit logically into the concept of shaping walking trails.

Recommendations for forming a system of walking trails:

- organize independent walking routes and differentiate them thematically; Preserve unique street images as «beds» of walking routes (e.g., Sovetskaya Street and Lenina Street), which shape up the historic image of the town;

- restore historic and use the existing dominants, reveal the visual structure of the town; Define «visibility zones» for properties appropriate in the historic environment; Draw up the rules for the new

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construction (such areas should be delineated, first of all, for the most significant historical panoramas, which should be given the status of protected areas);

- install observation platforms on the mountains (with a comfortable ascent, fencing, and lighting provided);

- include natural components, weave walking routes together with the natural and ecological frame of the town; Assign the status of tourist attractions to natural monuments as urban landmarks;

- implement landscape tours not only along the routes within natural areas, but also along the town streets closely connected to the monuments of architecture, archaeology, and history.

Recommendations for transforming the «fabric» of walking routes:

- demonstrate historical layers of the town development for all to see and study, the so-called selective «retro-development» on information stands or scale models;

- create passages in different levels and interior spaces, taking into account the climate and winds, to organize continuous walking routes; Take into account environmental factors - wind in winter, sun rays in summer.

Recommendations for transforming the information system of walking routes:

- organize an information and communication system with different types of landmarks and «tourist terminals» - devices that can provide tourists with information about places of interest in different foreign languages after the main sightseeing program;

- design small architectural objects (benches, trash bins, etc. as part of the architectural ensemble) in the same style as the objects of the walking routes;

- fix the lost monuments and historically significant places of the urban environment by installing memorial signs and stands.

One of the most important tasks of creating a comfortable environment for tourists and citizens is to improve the coastal area of the riverside towns. In particular, most of these have already been successfully solved, for example, in Kineshma (boulevard) and Plyos (embankment). In turn, by the early 2020s, an embankment in Yuryevets was also improved within the historic center.

In 2025, Yuryevets, the oldest town of the Ivanovo region, will celebrate its 800th anniversary. By this anniversary date, its people expect new landscaped areas and a comfortable environment for living. Today there is not enough eateries and quality roads in the city center, as well as no river port, which slows down the growth of tourist inflow. Undoubtedly, after eliminating these problems in the coming years, Yuryevets will get a great boost to its development.


Based on the analysis of the structure of walking routes in the historically established small Volga towns in Russia on the example of Yuryevets, Ivanovo Region, the study proposes a promising methodology for their formation.

There is a considerable historic and cultural potential of small towns, a progressing disappearance of remarkable places of the urban environment, combined with the growing interest in the cultural heritage and development of the tourist movement.

Specific practical recommendations have been developed concerning:

- formation of a system of walking routes;

- transforming the «fabric» and information system of walking routes.

The implementation of such recommendations and author's proposals is expected to

significantly increase the total volume of tourist flows to the Volga small towns, increase their

historical and cultural potential, economic and social attractiveness.


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9. Захаров А.В., Исаева Н.А., Покровская М.Ю. Проблемы пространственной организации на примере Пушкинской площади в Иваново. Умные композиты в строительстве. 2020. Т. 1. № 1. С. 71-80. URL: http://comincon.ru/index.php/tor/VIN1_2020.

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Поступила в редакцию 03.11.2021 Принята к опубликованию 03.11.2021


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Received 03.11.2021 Accepted 12.11.2021

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