Секция «Инновационная экономика и управление»
УДК 621.757.06
Ли И., Ю.А. Анищенко, Д.М. Бриман
Сибирский государственный университет науки и технологий имени академика М. Ф. Решетнева Российская Федерация, 660037, г. Красноярск, просп. им. газ. «Красноярский рабочий», 31
Е-mail: [email protected]
На современном этапе инженерное проектирование и технологии производства стремительно развиваются. Современное состояние машиностроительного производства, технологии автоматического управления и технологии беспроводного зондирования, общий уровень автоматизации инженерного проектирования и производства во многом обусловлены продвижением целей интеллектуального управления. В статье рассматривается использование высоких технологий в машиностроительном проектировании и производстве в Китае.
Ключевые слова: высокие технологии, машиностроительное проектирование и производство.
Li Yi, Y. A. Anischenko, D.M. Briman
1Reshetnev Siberian State University of Science and Technology 31, Krasnoyarskii rabochii prospekt, Krasnoyarsk, 660037, Russian Federation
Е-mail: [email protected]
At the present stage, engineering design and production technologies are developing rapidly. The current state of machine-building production, automatic control technologies and wireless sensing technologies, the general level of automation of engineering design and production, is largely due to the promotion of intelligent management goals. The article discusses the use of high technologies in machine-building design and manufacturing in China.
Key words: high technology, engineering design and production.
Today, automation technology for machinery and equipment is becoming increasingly popular and automation is being used more and more extensively in the manufacturing industry. The application of automation control technology has a prominent role in promoting the diversification of the overall processing and manufacturing products. In recent years, the further development of computer-related technology has also promoted the progress of automation technology and the gradual improvement of automatic control systems. In order to meet the production requirements of more products and complex processes, automatic control systems can achieve overall regulation and control through a unified computer system, which has a prominent role in enhancing overall transport efficiency. In modern industrial production, the application of automated production technology is becoming more and more widespread, and the system connection effect of automated plants is becoming stronger and stronger. Automation control technology plays an important role in simplifying the processing process, promoting overall command and control and improving the level of automation [1].
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With the development of related machinery and equipment manufacturing industry, the future mechanical design and manufacturing process will continue to develop and improve, and mechanical design and manufacturing technology will gradually move towards an intelligent and unmanned development stage. Through original innovation, integrated innovation and re-innovation through introduction, digestion and absorption, focusing on the iconic high-efficiency, intelligent, energy-saving and environmentally friendly high-end major equipment and technological breakthroughs in key core components, narrowing the gap with international advanced levels, filling domestic gaps and replacing imports, while taking leading backbone enterprises as carriers, building enterprise management and operation platforms based on future international development and actively «going global». Cut into the global machinery and equipment market, take the road of international development, promote the export of high value-added products by improving product technology and quality, building a global marketing and service network system, gradually forming brand advantages and improving the overall level of the industry [2].
The rapid development of science and technology in the last century has laid a good foundation for the development of mechanical engineering at this stage, and at present, the knowledge system of mechanical engineering is becoming more and more mature. And intelligence is the researcher according to the structure and function of the human brain, the main purpose of the intelligence of mechanical engineering is to combine the characteristics of the human brain to achieve the replacement of part of the manual labor with machinery. At this stage, China's mechanical engineering development trend is clearer, multi-pronged, both the introduction of foreign advanced technology level, but also their own exploration and research and development, as well as government policy support, the development of mechanical engineering in a very favourable environment, the development is very rapid [3].
Modern machinery manufacturing technology is no longer a simple manufacturing process, manufacturing methods and product design and other aspects of work, but has gradually transitioned from the concept of commodity systems to the final product production of integrated production activities and system production process, making modern manufacturing technology is more of a functional system and information processing mechanism of the perfect combination of production systems. The integration of manufacturing technology, systems engineering, automation technology and intelligent technology has gradually developed a comprehensive new technology industry, i.e. intelligent manufacturing technology, which is the specific performance of the intelligent level of automation technology applied to machinery manufacturing. The most typical is the application of intelligent manufacturing systems in the machinery manufacturing industry, i.e. the organic integration of artificial intelligence into the various operational aspects of the machinery manufacturing system, by simulating the intelligent activities of experts, replacing the part of the activities originally undertaken by experts and extending the activities for which experts are responsible. The system uses its own intelligent functions to monitor the operating conditions of the manufacturing system, the various errors that may occur and abnormal operation situations at any time The system uses its own intelligent functions to monitor the operating conditions of the manufacturing system, analyses and predict possible errors and abnormal operation situations at any time, implement preventive measures based on similar problems recorded by the expert system, adapt to changes in the external environment and deal with unexpected events in a timely manner [4].
Advanced production technology is the latest stage of production technology development, developed on the basis of traditional production technology, both to preserve the effective elements of the past production technology, and to continue absorbing various high-tech achievements and penetration into all areas of production and its entire process. In the 1980s, the invention of the scanning microscope changed the human understanding of the world and made it possible to transform the world on a nanometer scale. Nanotechnology refers to the achievement of nanoscale precision, is a kind of high technology in the nanoscale study of atomic and molecular structure, properties of materials, interaction and movement, as well as the use of this technology to serve
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people.Nanotechnologies have a great impact on the manufacturing industry, and their application will be very wide, including nanomaterials technology, nanometer processing technology, nanoassembly technology and nanoscale technology, etc. [5].
At this stage, the application of automatic control technology and wireless sensor technology-based high-tech in machinery design and manufacturing is becoming more and more common, the application of related technologies will effectively promote the overall level of automation, with the further development of innovation in related technologies, the future of mechanical design and manufacturing technology will gradually move towards a higher level of automation and intelligence.
1. Sun Junfeng. Analysis of marketing strategy of high and new technology marketing based on the application demonstration in advanced laser processing and manufacturing. Modern Economic Information, 2021.
2. Ma Xiaochun The Development Trend of Modern Machinery Manufacturing Technology in China
3. Song Bo. On the intelligent technology development trend of machinery manufacturing [J]. Modern Trade Industry, 2009.
4. Li JY. Mechatronics technology [M]. Science Press, 2004.
5. China Machinery Industry Joint Association. 2011 January to February national machinery industry production and sales.
© Li Yi, Anischenko Y. A., Briman D.M., 2022