Научная статья на тему 'Вопрос гендерного подхода в педагогической практике (на примере системы образования зарубежных стран)'

Вопрос гендерного подхода в педагогической практике (на примере системы образования зарубежных стран) Текст научной статьи по специальности «Науки об образовании»

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Общество и инновации
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Ключевые слова
гендерное равенство / гендерный подход в образовании / готовность к реализации гендерного подхода / представительство учителей в гендерной ориентации в образовании. / gender equality / gender approach in education / readiness to implement gender approach / teacher representation in gender orientation in education.

Аннотация научной статьи по наукам об образовании, автор научной работы — Шохсанам Баратова

Достижение гендерного равенства во всем мире становится центральной точкой развития страны и общества и важной частью государственной стратегии и анализируются данные, основанные на гендерной модели этих симметричных и сбалансированных инклюзивных аспектов мужчин и женщин.

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The issue of gender approach in pedagogical practice (on the example of the education system of foreign countries)

Achieving gender equality around the world is becoming a central point of development of the country and society and an important part of the state strategy, and data based on the gender model of these symmetrical and balanced inclusive aspects of men and women are analyzed.

Текст научной работы на тему «Вопрос гендерного подхода в педагогической практике (на примере системы образования зарубежных стран)»


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The issue of gender approach in pedagogical practice

(on the example of the education system of foreign countries)

Shokhsanam BARATOVA 1

Samarkand State University



Article history:

Received February 2021

Received in revised form

20 February 2021

Accepted 15 March 2021

Available online

15 April 2021


gender equality,

gender approach

in education,

readiness to implement

gender approach,

teacher representation

in gender orientation

in education.

Achieving gender equality around the world is becoming a

central point of development of the country and society and an

important part of the state strategy, and data based on the

gender model of these symmetrical and balanced inclusive

aspects of men and women are analyzed.

2181-1415/© 2021 in Science LLC.

This is an open access article under the Attribution 4.0 International

(CC BY 4.0) license (https: //creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/deed.ru)

Pedagogika amaliyotida gender yondashuv masalasi

(chet davlatlarning ta’lim tizimi misolida)


Kalit so Zlar:

gender tenglik,

ta’limdagi gender


gender yondashuvni amalga

oshirishga tayyorlik,

o‘qituvchilarning ta’limdagi

gender yo‘nalishi bo‘yicha


Butun dunyoda gender tengligiga erishish mamlakat

va jamiyat taraqqiyotining markaziy nuqtasiga aylanayotganligi

va davlat strategiyasining muhim qismini tashkil gilishi hamda

bu erkaklar va ayollarni nosimmetrik va muvozanatli inklyuziv

jihatlarining gender modeliga asoslangan ma’lumotlari tahlil


1 Doctoral student in the history of pedagogical education at Samarkand State University, Samarkand, Uzbekistan.

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a) Science Жамият ва инновациялар - Общество и инновации - $ос1еу апа тпоуаНопз

Аим Special Issue - 3 (2021) / ISSN 2181-1415

Вопрос гендерного подхода в педагогической практике

(на примере системы образования зарубежных стран)


Ключевые слова: Достижение гендерного равенства во всем мире

гендерное равенство, становится центральной точкой развития страны и

гендерный подход > >

общества и важнои частью государственнои стратегии и

в образовании,

готовность к реализации анализируются данные, основанные на гендерной модели

гендерного подхода, этих симметричных и сбалансированных ИНКЛЮЗИВНЫХ

представительство аспектов мужчин и женщин.

учителей в гендерной


в образовании.

General formulation of the problem and its connection with important scientific and

practical problems. In the categorical-theoretical apparatus of pedagogical science, the

concept of “Gender”. Gender studies have become an integral part of all human sciences,

including pedagogical science. In addition, in the aggregate of the means of scientific

support of modern education, the theory of the gender approach is increasingly asserting

itself as a methodological orientation in teaching [1], [2], [3], [4].

Using the concept of “hidden curriculum”, advocates of a gender approach in their

research show how the education system at all its levels (from kindergarten to academies

and universities) demonstrates the unequal status of men and women in society and

contributes to the preservation of and reproduction of established gender stereotypes [2],

[4], [5],[6], [7], [8] [9].

The studies of school practice show that, in terms of the values of gender equality, it

needs significant modernization. That is why the application of a gender approach in the

educational sphere is currently considered as a way to improve the level and quality of

education of male and female students. The importance of reforming the education system

taking into account the inclusion of gender approaches is also indicated in the Gender

Strategy of the Russian Federation [10].

In addition, such Russian researchers as I.S. Kon [11], O.M. Zdravomyslova-Stayunina

[12], L.V. Shtyleva [2], L.V. Popova [13], S.G. Aivazova [14], G.G. Silaste [15], EN. Kamenskaya

[3] and others in their works note that over the past decades in the life of Russian society there

have been significant changes in socio-role relations: there is a rethinking of the place and role

of women in various social spheres, the rigidity in the division of labor has decreased, the ego

is growing-litarization of marriage and family relations, cultural stereotypes of masculinity

and femininity have become less rigid and polar.

Comprehension of the pedagogical process from the standpoint of the concept of

“gender” is of fundamental importance, since many ideas about professional self-

determination, life strategy, access to resources and power, which are based on a socio-

sexual orientation, are formed at school. The implementation of a gender approach in

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school will allow to form an idea that gender is not a basis for discrimination based on any

criterion or indicator, that it enables women and men to enjoy human rights in the fullness

of this concept, gives rise to forces for free choice of paths and forms of self-realization at

the level of their unique individuality.


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Аим Special Issue - 3 (2021) / ISSN 2181-1415

As LV. Kostikova, “the point is not that representatives of different genders need a

differentiated approach on the part of the teacher, but that they have to face a complex

world of changing gender stereotypes that conflict with personal desires and inclinations

person. To explain the nature of stereotypes, to show their variability and social

conditioning these are the tasks of the gender approach in education” [16].

The gender aspect of rethinking pedagogical science and practice is most fully

represented in the theory and methodology of the gender approach in school education,

developed by L.V. Shtylevoy [2]. The researcher was the first to attempt to apply a gender

approach in pedagogy and education. The goal of the gender approach in education is to

deconstruct the traditional cultural constraints on the development of the potential of an

individual depending on gender, to comprehend and create conditions for maximum self-

realization and disclosure of the abilities of girls and boys in the process of pedagogical

interaction. Implementation gender approach and gender analysis in education, according

to L.V. Shtyleva, will contribute not only to gender equality in society, but also, which is

important, will make positive changes in gender relations in general, will serve as an

impetus for the harmonious development of the individual in the process of education.

Therefore, understanding gender issues and mastering the main provisions of the

gender approach is becoming an urgent task in the field of training specialists who are

professionally involved in training and educating the younger generation.

In these conditions, it becomes urgent to form teachers’ understanding of the need

for a gender approach and the attitude towards its implementation; meaningful and

methodological psychological and pedagogical preparation of future teachers for the

implementation of a gender approach in teaching. To solve these problems, it is required

to use new organizational forms and effective teaching technologies, to create teaching

aids, textbooks, additional training courses, along with mandatory curriculum courses.

An equally important area is the improvement of the psychological and pedagogical

qualifications and skills of teachers, associated with the formation of the teacher’s

readiness to implement a gender approach in teaching schoolchildren.

It should be noted that the teacher’s readiness to implement a gender approach in

teaching schoolchildren is understood as a systemic education of the teacher's personality,

which integrates knowledge of the basics of gender aspects of pedagogy and psychology,

the need and ability to apply them in practical pedagogical activity, the ability to solve the

problems of this activity at a high level. - com at a professional level, striving for

self-education and self-education in this direction.

Analysis of recent studies and publications, which considered aspects of this

problem and on which the author justifies; highlighting previously unsolved parts of the

general problem. In recent decades, gender education has gradually “penetrated” the

higher education system. By gender education, following scientists who have experience

in this direction [17], we mean an educational model that takes into account gender

interests, takes into account the presence of gender problems in the social development of

society and the education system, and searches for ways to solve them ... Gender education

is education aimed at mastering by students the basics of the gender concept and

manifestations of the regularities of gender relations in society, the development of

cultural tolerance and an egalitarian worldview.


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Аим Special Issue - 3 (2021) / ISSN 2181-1415

In addition, mastering the basics of gender knowledge corresponds to the main goals

of modernizing higher education, the tasks of introducing the principles of the Bologna

Agreement into the educational process and improving the quality of university education.

Some Russian universities and institutes of higher education operate gender centers

and laboratories, hold scientific conferences and seminars on gender studies, teach gender

courses, and publish textbooks on gender subjects. For example, the Department of

Feminology of Ivanovo State University (O.A. Khasbulatova), the Laboratory for the

Development of Gender Education of the Pedagogical Faculty of Moscow State University,

make their contribution to the rapprochement of gender education with Russian reality.

M.V. Lomonosov (I.V. Kostikova), St. Petersburg State Pedagogical University named after

Al. Herzen (LS. Kletsina), Murmansk State Pedagogical Institute FPK and PPRO

(L.V. Shtyleva), Research Center for State Pedagogical Sciences at Volgograd State

Pedagogical University (L.I. Stolyarchuk), Research Laboratory of Psychological Pedagogy

- Institute for Advanced Studies and Retraining of Educators (UIPKPRO, Ulyanovsk), the

Center for Gender Studies in Ivanovo (0.V. Shnyrova), the Tver Center for Women’s

History and Gender Studies in the Tver State University (V.I. Uspenskaya), St. Petersburg

Language Institute (I. Yukina), Saratov researchers, and many others. dr.

LS. Kletsina [18] notes that the methodological component of practical orientation of

gender education is aimed at solving problems associated with the formation and development

of students’ skills in gender analysis and education. Personally oriented orientation of gender

education provides for the development of gender competence in trainees as a personality

characteristic, which is manifested in the sphere of inter-sex interaction.

However, as Shnyrova accurately noted [19], despite the recent development of

gender education in Russia, it is still very early to talk about gender pedagogy as an

independent branch of science, “specially organized, purposeful activity for the formation

of a person, forms and methods upbringing, education and training”. Science that at the

theoretical level generalizes the experience of gender education does not yet exist.

Gender education in higher pedagogical education, in our opinion, is one of the

determining factors in the spread of the gender approach in general education schools.

Purposeful systematic preparation of a future teacher for the implementation of a gender

approach can be considered as an important area of modernization of higher pedagogical

education. However, an analysis of pedagogical periodicals showed that over the past

fifteen years, only a few programs on gender education for school teachers and students of

pedagogical universities have been published: the program of the special course

“Fundamentals of Gender Pedagogy” [20], FPK for educational workers [21], course

“Gender socialization and education: theory and practice” for students of higher

educational institutions of a pedagogical profile[22].

Nevertheless, all the positive and scarce experience of integrating a gender

approach into teacher education cannot give a quick result. Our attempt to search for

scientific research concerning the practical application of the gender approach in the

pedagogical practice of teachers was not crowned with success.

Formation of the goals of the article (setting the task). This study was conducted to

identify teachers’ perceptions of gender mainstreaming in education. In psychology, a

representation is understood as a visual image of an object or phenomenon (event) that

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arises on the basis of past experience (given sensations and perceptions) by reproducing


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Аим Special Issue - 3 (2021) / ISSN 2181-1415

it in memory or in the imagination [23]. Thus, the basis of ideas is always the previous

experience of a person.

To identify teachers’ perceptions of a gender approach in education, we have

developed a questionnaire that includes the following questions:

e From what source did you first hear the word

e “Gender”?

e Continue with "Gender is..."

e Continue the phrase: Gender approach in education is ...

e Continue the phrase: Gender approach in education is necessary because ...

e Continue the phrase: Gender approach in education is difficult, because ...

e List the areas of professional activity in which the teacher can use the gender

approach most effectively.

e What do you think, do you use in your teacher gogic and sociological diagnostics

of Ulyanovsk gical practice gender approach?

The survey was attended by 65 teachers working in schools in the Primorsky and

Khabarovsk Territories, as well as in the Ussuriysk Suvorov School. A total of 44 women

and 21 men, aged 20 to 60, who had a teaching experience of 1 to 40 years, were

interviewed. The average age of the respondents is 42.5 years, the average teaching

experience is 18.5 years.

86 % of the interviewed teachers have a pedagogical education, which they received

at the Ussuri State Pedagogical Institute (34 %), at the Blagoveshchensk State Pedagogical

Institute (12.5 %), at the Komsomolsk-on-Amur State Pedagogical University (9 %), at the

Khabarovsk State Pedagogical Institute (3.6 %), the Spassk Pedagogical School (7 %) and

other professional and pedagogical institutions in Russia. 14 % of respondents have a

university, non-pedagogical education (chemist, philologist), technical education

(technician, radio technician, construction technician-technologist), as well as education

received in various fields of military engineering and management.

Presentation of the main material of the research with full justification of the scientific

results obtained. Among the teachers surveyed, 21.5 % noted that before the survey they had

not heard such a word as “gender”. 37 % of respondents first encountered this concept during

their studies at a university or while taking advanced training courses, and 32 % - in the

process of self-education. 49 % of teachers who took part in the study noted the mass media

and the Internet as a source of information on the concept of “gender”, 15 % - colleagues at

work, friends, acquaintances, 7.7 % - professional literature.

Thus, only one third of teachers received information about the concept of “gender”

during vocational training or during their professional development. In addition, only

7.7 % of the teachers surveyed indicated professional literature as the source from which

they first learned about the concept

“Gender”. This fact can be explained either by the fact that teachers rarely turn to

professional (pedagogical, psychological) literature, or by the fact that gender issues are

poorly covered in it.

Analysis of answers to the question “Continue the phrase “Gender is ...” showed that

72 % of the teachers surveyed have a more or less correct understanding of the concept of

“gender” (differences by sex, gender, social gender, sex-role behavior, functions of men and

women in society). 14 % of respondents were unable to characterize this concept, and

13.5 % have erroneous ideas about it.


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Аим Special Issue - 3 (2021) / ISSN 2181-1415

The views of the interviewed teachers about the gender approach in education are

as follows: only 9 % of respondents’ answers correspond to the scientific interpretation of

this concept (it is associated with taking into account the interests of students and equality

in providing them with educational opportunities); 38 % of teachers associate a gender

approach in education only taking into account the gender of students in the educational

process, 11 % - with separate education, 3 % — with the division of the class into boys and

girls, 29 % of teachers were unable to characterize this concept. Thus, the study showed a

very low awareness of teachers in issues related to gender approach in education.

When analyzing the answers of the interviewed teachers regarding the need to

implement a gender approach in education, the following results were obtained: 38.5 % of

teachers could not answer this question; 10.8% of the respondents do not see the need for

its implementation at all; 18.5 % - associate the need to implement a gender approach with

the fact that boys and girls have different psychological and physiological apply a gender

approach only in the case of individualization of education. Only one respondent (1.5 %)

pointed to the need to implement a gender approach as a condition conducive to self-

determination of schoolchildren.

Among the reasons that hinder the implementation of a gender approach in

education, the interviewed teachers noted the unpreparedness of the school (15.4 %)

(apparently the teachers meant the unpreparedness of the participants in the educational

process), the lack of conditions for its implementation and the absence of such schools

(14 % ), lack of knowledge about him (4.6 %), inability to take into account the individual

interests of each child (3.1 %), unpreparedness of society as a whole (3.1 %), different

rates of development of boys and girls (3, 1 %), large time costs and an increase in the

workload of teachers in connection with its implementation (3.1 %), existing stereotypes

(1.5 %), the predominance of women in society (1.5 %). In addition, 1.5% of respondents

do not see any difficulties in the implementation of the gender approach, and 41.5 % were

unable to formulate the reasons that impede its implementation.

As the main areas of professional activity in which a teacher can use the gender

approach most effectively, teachers most often singled out the classroom hour and

educational work (23 %), physical education (18 %) and technology (10 %). Thus, the

highlighted areas correspond to the traditional sex-role approach to teaching and

upbringing, which may indicate that the interviewed teachers equate the sex-role and

gender approaches.

The data obtained as a result of the questionnaire survey on the use of the gender

approach by teachers in their pedagogical practice shows that 20 % of teachers do not use

it, 46 % use only its individual elements, and only 8 % actively use the gender approach in

their activities. ...

Conclusions of the study and prospects for further research in this direction. So, the

study showed that despite a fairly well-developed theory of the gender approach in

pedagogical science, knowledge of this kind is practically not used in pedagogical practice,

and the teachers we interviewed have rather vague ideas about the gender approach in

education. and its application. In our opinion, this is due to the poor awareness of teachers

about this approach. Thus, improving the qualifications of teachers and students of

pedagogical universities in gender issues, their systematic information support, equipping

with teaching aids in which gender issues would receive coverage, is, in our opinion, one

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of the urgent tasks of modernizing education. - nii and society. Its implementation could

contribute to promoting the ideas of gender equality in society and wider dissemination of

a gender approach in schools.



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Жамият ва инновациялар - Общество и инновации - $ос1еу ап innovations

Special Issue - 3 (2021) / ISSN 2181-1415


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