Научная статья на тему 'Влияние ЦМФ химиотерапии на уровень повреждений ДНК лейкоцитов цельной крови, облученной рентгеновским излучением in vitro'

Влияние ЦМФ химиотерапии на уровень повреждений ДНК лейкоцитов цельной крови, облученной рентгеновским излучением in vitro Текст научной статьи по специальности «Фундаментальная медицина»

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Аннотация научной статьи по фундаментальной медицине, автор научной работы — Сирота Н. П., Кузнецова Е. А.

In the course of chemotherapy, the drags affect both cancer cells and healthy tissue cells. Drags cyclophosphamide, metotrexate, 5-fluorouracil (CMF) used to treat breast cancer patients either damage by themselves the DNA structure or block the repair process. The aim of this study was assessed the CMF chemotherapy effects on defense systems of normal cells. The state of defense systems during chemotherapy in leucocytes was assessed by using an additional genotoxic influence in vitro. We used X-ray radiation as such an additional genotoxic agent. The level of DNA damage to peripheral blood leukocyte from cancer patients and healthy donors was determined with the alkaline version of the comet assay. The amount of DNA in comet tails (%TDNA) was determined as a per cent of total comet DNA. Aliquots (200-500 µl) of whole blood were taken from cancer patients 24 h prior to and 24 h after infusion of drags. From patient nl, blood samples were obtained during chemotherapy cycles IV and V; patient n2 (cycles III and VI). The slides with whole blood cells imbedded in agarose were prepared. Irradiation of slides carried out by X-ray at dose rate 1.12 Gy/min, 200 kV, 20 mA, filters 1mm Al and 1 mm Cu, a focal length of 37 cm, at room temperature. For healthy donors, the value of %TDNA was shown to vary within 1.0-3.6% between individuals, the mean value being 2.87 ± 0.48% (n=25). 4Gy acute irradiation produced mean value = 7.5±3.1% TDNA (n=11). In case of breast cancer patients the response was increased during chemotherapy treatment. Cycle III 5.8±1.0%; cycle IV 12,4±2,7%; cycle V 14,2±2,2; cycle VI 18,9±2,7%.

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In the course of chemotherapy, the drags affect both cancer cells and healthy tissue cells. Drags cyclophosphamide, metotrexate, 5-fluorouracil (CMF) used to treat breast cancer patients either damage by themselves the DNA structure or block the repair process. The aim of this study was assessed the CMF chemotherapy effects on defense systems of normal cells. The state of defense systems during chemotherapy in leucocytes was assessed by using an additional genotoxic influence in vitro. We used X-ray radiation as such an additional genotoxic agent. The level of DNA damage to peripheral blood leukocyte from cancer patients and healthy donors was determined with the alkaline version of the comet assay. The amount of DNA in comet tails (%TDNA) was determined as a per cent of total comet DNA. Aliquots (200-500 µl) of whole blood were taken from cancer patients 24 h prior to and 24 h after infusion of drags. From patient nl, blood samples were obtained during chemotherapy cycles IV and V; patient n2 (cycles III and VI). The slides with whole blood cells imbedded in agarose were prepared. Irradiation of slides carried out by X-ray at dose rate 1.12 Gy/min, 200 kV, 20 mA, filters 1mm Al and 1 mm Cu, a focal length of 37 cm, at room temperature. For healthy donors, the value of %TDNA was shown to vary within 1.0-3.6% between individuals, the mean value being 2.87 ± 0.48% (n=25). 4Gy acute irradiation produced mean value = 7.5±3.1% TDNA (n=11). In case of breast cancer patients the response was increased during chemotherapy treatment. Cycle III 5.8±1.0%; cycle IV 12,4±2,7%; cycle V 14,2±2,2; cycle VI 18,9±2,7%.

Текст научной работы на тему «Влияние ЦМФ химиотерапии на уровень повреждений ДНК лейкоцитов цельной крови, облученной рентгеновским излучением in vitro»



Сирота Н.П., Кузнецова Е.А.

Институт теоретической и экспериментальной биофизики РАН, г.Пущино, Россия

В процессе химиотерапии используемые лекарства воздействуют как на онкологические клетки, так и на клетки здоровых тканей. Лекарства, такие как циклофофамид, метотрексат и 5-флуороурацил (ЦМФ), используемые при лечении пациентов с раком молочной железы способны как повреждать структуру ДНК, так и блокировать процессы репарации ДНК. Целью настоящего исследования было оценить влияние ЦМФ хемотерапии на защитные системы нормальных клеток. Состояние систем защиты лейкоцитов было оценено с использованием дополнительного генотоксического воздействия в условиях in vitro. В качестве дополнительного генотоксического воздействия мы использовали рентгеновское излучение. Уровень повреждений ДНК в лейкоцитах периферической крови онкологических больных и здоровых доноров был определен щелочной версией комета теста. Количество ДНК в хвосте кометы (%ТДНК) выражали в процентах от общего количества ДНК в комете. Аликвоты (200-500 мкл) цельной крови были взяты у онкологических пациентов за 24 и спустя 24 часа после инфузии лекарств. У пациента №1 образцы крови были забраны в процессе 4 и 5 цикла химиотерапии, у пациента №2 в 3 и 4 цикле. Готовили слайды с цельной кровью иммобилизованной в агарозу. Облучение слайдов проводили рентгеновским излучением при мощности дозы 1,12 Гр/мин, 200КВ, 20мА, фильтры 1mm Al и 1 mm Cu, фокусное расстояние 37 см при комнатной температуре. Для здоровых доноров величина %ТДНК варьировала между 1.0-3.6%, средняя величина составляла 2.9+0,5% (n=25). Облучение в дозе 4 Гр индуцировало ответ со средним значением равным 7.5+3.1% TDNA (n=11). В случае онкологических пациентов ответ повышался в ходе хемиотерапии. Для III цикла он составлял 5. 8+1.0%; для IV цикла 12,4+2,7%; дляV цикла 14,2+2,2%; для VI цикла 18,9+2,7%. ЦМФ терапия повышает чувствительность лейкоцитов к действию ионизирующей радиации, что может быть результатом подавления/истощения защитных систем здоровых клеток.


Sirota N.P., Kuznetsova E.A Institute Theoretical and Experimental Biophysics RAS, Pushchino, Russia

In the course of chemotherapy, the drugs affect both cancer cells and healthy tissue cells. Drugs cyclophosphamide, metotrexate, 5-fluorouracil (CMF) used to treat breast cancer patients either damage by themselves the DNA structure or block the repair process. The aim of this study was assessed the CMF chemotherapy effects on defense systems of normal cells. The state of defense systems during chemotherapy in leucocytes was assessed by using an additional genotoxic influence in vitro. We used X-ray radiation as such an additional genotoxic agent. The level of DNA damage to peripheral blood leukocyte from cancer patients and healthy donors was determined with the alkaline version of the comet assay. The amount of DNA in comet tails (%TDNA) was determined as a per cent of total comet DNA. Aliquots (200-500 д1) of whole blood were taken from cancer patients 24 h prior to and 24 h after infusion of drugs. From patient n1, blood samples were obtained during chemotherapy cycles IV and V; patient n2 (cycles III and VI). The slides with whole blood cells imbedded in agarose were prepared. Irradiation of slides carried out by X-ray at dose rate 1.12 Gy/min, 200 kV, 20 mA, filters 1mm Al and 1 mm Cu, a focal length of 37 cm, at room temperature. For healthy donors, the value of %TDNA was shown to vary within 1.0-3.6% between individuals, the mean value being 2.87 ± 0.48% (n=25). 4Gy acute irradiation produced mean value = 7.5+3.1% TDNA (n=11). In case of breast cancer patients the response was increased during chemotherapy treatment. Cycle III - 5.8+1.0%; cycle IV 12,4+2,7%; cycle V 14,2+2,2; cycle VI 18,9+2,7%.

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