Научная статья на тему 'Влияние механолиза на активацию нанокомплексов гетерополисахаридов и белков растительных биосистем при разработке нанотехнологий'

Влияние механолиза на активацию нанокомплексов гетерополисахаридов и белков растительных биосистем при разработке нанотехнологий Текст научной статьи по специальности «Фундаментальная медицина»

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Аннотация научной статьи по фундаментальной медицине, автор научной работы — Pavlyuk R., Pogarska V., Kotuyk T., Pogarskiy A., Loseva S.

Предложена и разработана нанотехнология белковых добавок в форме нанопорошков и нанопюре из гороха, которая основана на глубокой переработки сырья. В качестве инновации использовали мелкодисперсное измельчение термообработанного сырья, которое сопровождается неферментативным биокатализом-механолизом нанокомлексов биополимеров (гетерополисахаридов и белков) в растворимую легкоусваиваемую форму

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Похожие темы научных работ по фундаментальной медицине , автор научной работы — Pavlyuk R., Pogarska V., Kotuyk T., Pogarskiy A., Loseva S.

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The influence of mechanolysis on the activaton of nanocomplexes of heteropolysaccharides and proteins of plant biosystems in developing of nanotechnologies

A nanotechnology of protein plant supplements in the form of puree of peas was developed that is based on the processes of deep processing of raw materials. Finely dispersed grinding and steam and thermal processing were used in this work as the innovation. When using traditional methods of raw materials processing, biological potential is not used in full. It was found that during deep processing of plant raw materials (dried peas), which is based on comprehensive effect of steam and thermal processing and finely dispersed grinding on the raw material in obtaining nanostructured puree, the processes of mechanical destruction and mechanical chemistry occur. These processes are accompanied by non-ezymatic biocatalysis mechanolysis (destruction) of hard soluble biopolymers and nanocomplexes of biopolymers (proteins, heteropolysaccharides, namely, pectins, cellulose, starch) with their transformation to monomers (35...55 %) into soluble easily absorbed form (almost 2 times higher compared to the original raw material in a hidden form). The mechanism of protein mechanical destruction and its nanocomplexes, which is associated with the mechanical cracking, was discovered. It was found that the steam and thermal processing and finely dispersed grinding of peas, while obtaining finely dispersed puree, leads to the destruction of polysaccharides by the non-enzymatic catalysis, namely cellulose and starch (30...35 %), protopectin (50 %), to separate monomers. It is shown that in parallel there is an increase of glucose in nanopuree of peas (1.0 g. …10.0 g/100 g, i. e. by10 times). Integrated application of these processes is accompanied by mechanical destruction, mechanical activation and mechanolysis of biopolymers of nanocomplexes (protein, heteropolysaccharides, etc.) to α-amino acids, glucose, etc. (48…55 %)

Текст научной работы на тему «Влияние механолиза на активацию нанокомплексов гетерополисахаридов и белков растительных биосистем при разработке нанотехнологий»

9. Nekrasov, P. A. Yssledovanye pyshhevoj cennosty dyacylglycerynovogo masla [Text] / P. A. Nekrasov, O. V. Podlysna, V. G. Gopka-lov // Masla y zhyry. - 2014. - Vol. 3-4. - P. 7-9.

10. Xarkevych, D. A. Farmokologyya [Text] / D. A. Xarkevych. - Moscow: GEOTAR-Medya, 2006. - 560 p.

11. Korenskaya, Y. M. Lekarstvennye rastenyya y lekarstvennoe rastytelnoe syre, soderzhashhye vytamyny, polysaxarydy, zhyrnye masla [Text] / Y. M. Korenskaya, N. P. Yvanovskaya, O. A. Kolosova. - Voronezh, Yzatelsko-polygrafycheskyj centr Voronezhskogo gosudarstvennogo unyversyteta, 2008. - 320 p.

12. Kaprelyancz, L. V. Funkcionalni produkty [Text] / L. V. Kaprelyancz, K. G. Iorgachova. - Odesa: Druk, 2003. - 312 p.

13. Laposata, M. Fatty acid ethyl esters: Nonoxidative ethanol metabolites with emerging biological and clinical significance [Text] / M. Laposata // Lipids. - 1999. - Vol. 34, Issue S1. - P. 281-285. doi: 10.1007/bf02562318

14. Tereshhuk, L. V. Produkty frakcyonyrovanyya palmovogo masla v proyzvodstve spredov [Text] / L. V. Tereshhuk, A. S. Mamontov, K. V. Starovojtova // Texnyka y texnologyya pyshhevyx proyzvodstv. - 2014. - Vol. 3. - P. 79-83.

15. Tyutyunnikov, B. N. Himiya zhirov [Text] / B. N. Tyutyunnikov, Z. I. Buhshtab, F. F. Gladkij et. al. - Moscow: Kolos, 1992. - 448 p.

16. Garabadzhyu, A. V. Osnovnye aspekty yspolzovanyya lypaz dlya poluchenyya byodyzelya [Text] / A. V. Garabadzhyu, V. A. Ga-lynkyn, M. M. Karasev, G. V. Kozlov, T. V. Lysyczkaya // Yzvestyya Sankt-Peterburgskogo gosudarstvennogo texnologycheskogo yn-ta (texnycheskogo un-ta). - 2010. - Vol. 7. - P. 63-67.

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Запропоновано та розроблено нанотехнологю бшкових рослин-них добавок у формi нанопорошков i нанопюре iз гороху, яка заснована на процесах глибоког переробки сиро-вини. В якостi тноваци використо-вували дрiбнодисперсне подрiбнен-ня термообробленог сировини, яке супроводжуеться неферментатив-ним бiокаталiзом-механолiзом нано-комплекыв бiополiмерiв (гетеропо-лiсахардiв i бштв) в розчинну легко-засвоювану форму

Ключовi слова: нанотехнологiя, дрiбнодисперсне подрiбнення, меха-нолiз, нанокомплекси, бiополiмери,



Предложена и разработана нано-технология белковых добавок в форме нанопорошков и нанопюре из гороха, которая основана на глубокой переработки сырья. В качестве инновации использовали мелкодисперсное измельчение термообрабо-танного сырья, которое сопровождается неферментативным био-катализом-механолизом наноком-лексов биополимеров (гетерополи-сахаридов и белков) в растворимую легкоусваиваемую форму

Ключевые слова: нанотехноло-гия, мелкодисперсное измельчение, механолиз, нанокомплексы, биополимеры, гетерополисахариды -□ □-

UDC 577.353:577.114.5

[DOI: 10.15587/1729-4061.2016.70996|


R. Pavly u k

Doctor of technical sciences, Professor, State Prize laureate of Ukraine Honored figure of Science and Technology in Ukraine*

V. Pogarska Doctor of technical sciences, Professor, State Prize laureate of Ukraine*

T. Kotuyk Postgraduate Student* A. Pogarskiy Postgraduate Student* S. Loseva Associate Professor* E-mail: [email protected] *Department of Technology processing of fruits, vegetables and milk Kharkiv State University of Food Technology and Trade Klochkivska str., 333, Kharkiv, Ukraine, 61051

1. Introduction

It is known that vegetable raw materials, particularly fruits, vegetables are a source of biologically active sub-

stances for human body, such as vitamins, carotenoids, an-thocyanins, chlorophyll, phenolic compounds, minerals and indigestible components, i. e. prebiotics such as heteropoly-saccharides, protein, cellulose, pectin substances, etc. [1-4].



They strengthen protective forces, strengthen the blood vessels of heart and brain, contribute to the prevention of cancer diseases in a human body as well as detoxify and cleanse the body from various kinds of harmful and toxic substances [5, 6]. It should be noted that despite of the useful properties of fruit and vegetable raw materials, nowadays biological potential (by the content of vitamins and other BAS (biological active substances), protein, amino acids, polysaccharides, etc.) available in plant raw materials, are used not fully but partially. Significant losses of BAS (from 20 to 80 %) occur because of traditional methods of processing and also during the consumption of fresh and finished products (from 1/3 to V2). A significant part of healthful substances are poorly absorbed by human organism. That is, considerable losses of biological potential pf valuable food plant raw materials occur both during processing and consumption, which are hundreds of billion tons within the planet Earth [1, 4, 7-9].

2. Analysis of scientific literature and the problem statement

One of the main ways to save all valuable components that the raw materials contain, and which are used in the world, is the implementation of non-waste production technology. Analysis of the literary sources found out that there are a large number of hidden (associated) BAS forms and biopolymers in plant raw materials, significant hidden biological potential, the usage of which can be compared to the increase of productivity of fruit and vegetable raw materials by several times [10-12]. The authors showed in their previous works how it was possible not only to store all the valuable in plant raw materials, but also to remove more fully BAS, biopolymers out of them that were there in hidden inactive form [6]. As a result of the long-term fundamental and applied research (over 30 years), the authors of this article for the first time in international practice revealed and found that the content of L-ascorbic acid in the plant raw materials in the inactive form is 2...4 times higher than in a free form (in the form of crystals), which is fixed by the generally accepted methods, as well as the content of pectins is 4...5 times higher (which, while removal, transform into high-methoxilated form, as evidenced by the gelling properties), the content of carotenoids is 2.5...4 times higher, the content of low molecular phenolic compounds is 1.8...2.5 times higher, etc.

Traditional methods of processing of plant raw materials lead tosignificant losses of vitamins and other BAS, biopolymers and incomplete use of the biological potential of raw materials. Thereby today, the acute problem in international practice is the development of high technologies, including nanotechnologies, which can make the process of processing of food raw materials more intense, profound, efficient with the maximum saving of BAS and nutrients, increase the removal (extraction) of target components, implement sustainable processes, non-waste technologies and less energy-consuming processes. Difficulties during the processing of fruit and vegetable raw materials with high content of hard soluble biopolymers, their nanocomplexes (including cellulose, proteins, pectins, etc.) are linked to the fact that a considerable part of the listed substances in fresh raw materials are in inactive (hidden, bound) form [8, 14].

A special place among vegetable raw materials occupy legumes, in particular peas (dried), beans, lentils, etc. It is known that the peas are a traditional source of plant high-

grade proteins, essential amino acids, heteropolysaccharides (cellulose, starch, pectins, etc.), which are contained in the plant raw materials in the form of hard soluble nanoassociates and nanocomplexes that are poorly absorbed by human organism (by 30...50 % only). They belong to prebiotics, indigestible food ingredients and stimulate the development and metabolic and biological activity of one or more groups of own bacteria in human body that make up the intestinal microflora of a human, positively affect the composition of the microbiocenosis [2-6].

Today a global problem in international practice is a deficiency of protein in the diets of the population. According to statistics, the demand for proteins is not fully satisfied in Ukraine [15, 16]. Peas are an important source of valuable protein, which is not inferior to the animal one by its biological value. However, today peas have not found proper application in the food industry of Ukraine. A range of products with dried peas is limited and presented by several types of products: dry concentrate with peas for soups, pea flour, pea puree, pasty appetizers such as spreads, which are called "Humus" (Israel) and others. Literary sources carrying information about the innovative technologies of deriving additives with peas both in mashed form and in the form of powders are not revealed. Thereby, the development of new nanostructured additives with peas and health products with their use is rather actual.

It is known that today one of the progressive methods of processing of plant raw materials is a cryogenic and fine-dispersed grinding without usage of cold. As for the processing of dried peas, virtually any of these methods are not applied, the processes of mechanical destruction, mechanical activation are not studied by anyone. Today, promising ways of fine-dispersed grinding are already widely used in chemical industry, aviation, textile, construction industry [17-24]. In the food industry these processes are almost not studied.

During the development of the technology of obtaining nanopowders and nanopuree with dried peas, as an innovation it is encouraged to use fine-dispersed grinding of peas, processed by steam, and, accompanied by the processes of mechanical destruction and non-enzymatic biocatalysis. Integrated use of the mentioned technological methods allowed developing a new way of obtaining nanostructured puree and nanopowders of peas with qualitatively new characteristics compared to the original raw materials and similar products, and chemical composition, which is not possible to obtain using traditional methods.

The work is devoted to the development of nanotechnol-ogy of protein plant supplements in the form of nanopowders and nanopuree of peas, which is based on the processes of deep processing of raw materials. Fine-dispersed grinding of thermally treated raw material is used as the innovation, which is accompanied by non-enzymatic biocatalysis-mecha-nolysis of nanocomplexes of biopolymers (heteropolysaccha-rides and proteins) into the soluble instantly absorbed form (almost 2 times higher than in the original raw materials).

3. The purpose and objectives of the study

The aim of this work is the development of nanotechnolo-gies of obtaining supplements in the form of puree and nano-powders of peas, based on the processes of deep processing of raw materials with the use of the fine-dispersed grinding of previously treated (steam and thermal) raw materials, which is accompanied by the processes of thermal mechan-

ical destruction, mechanical activation and mechanolysis of complex poorly soluble nanoassociates and nanocomplexes of biopolymers and identifying patterns and mechanism of the mentioned processes.

To achieve the set goal, it was necessary to solve the following tasks:

- to discover patterns and the mechanism of influence of non-enzymatic biocatalysis-mechanolysis on the transformation of associated and free amino acids during obtaining nanostructured puree and nanopowders of peas;

- to explore the influence of processes of non-enzymatic biocatalysis-mechanolysis (mechanical destruction) of het-eropolysaccharides (starch, cellulose, pectins);

- to design a nanotechnology of obtaining nanostructured puree and nanopowders using deep processing of peas along with steam and thermal processing and fine-dispersed grinding, which is accompanied by the processes of mechanolysis;

- to explore the features of chemical composition of nanopowders and nanopuree of dried peas (protein, irreplaceable and replaceable amino acids and their bound and free forms, amino acid score, mass particle of poor soluble heteropolysaccharides (starch, pectin, cellulose), mineral composition (K, Ca, Ma, P, Na, Si), vitamins (E, Bi, B2, choline), monosaccharides and others.

4. Scientific substantiation of the development of nanotechnology of puree and nanopowders of peas using the processes of deep processing, in particular steam and thermal processing in combination with finely dispersed grinding

Scientific results cited in this article are a continuation of the work of the authors on the topic "Creation and implementation of advanced technologies and efficient equipment for obtaining new functional health food products", which was awarded with the State Prize of Ukraine in Science and Technology in 2006 [8].

During the development of nanotechnology of puree and nanopowders of peas using the processes of deep processing of plant raw materials, in particular steam and thermal processing in combination with finely dispersed grinding, the main thing was to increase the degree of extraction from raw materials of hidden bound forms of biopolymers in nanocomplexes to free state, to transform proteins, heteropolysaccharides (dietary fibers, including cellulose, pectin substances) into a soluble form through mechanic destruction and mechanolysis (mechanical destruction due to mechanical energy).

The research was conducted in KSUFT (Kharkiv State University of Food Technologies, Kharkiv, Ukraine) at the Department of the technologies of fruit, vegetables and milk processing, in the research laboratory "Innovative cryo- and nanotechnologies of plant supplements and health products".

In the paper we proposed and developed a technology of obtaining nanostructured puree and nanopowder of dried peas, which includes steam and thermal processing and finely dispersed grinding. The work was performed using modern equipment: steam convection oven (Italy) for steam thermal processing, the traditional machinery for steam thermal processing, activator - grinding machine - cutter (France), binocular microscope with a video camera and calibration scale in micrometer and nanometer range.

The peas, which were used as a raw material in the development of supplements had a high content of valuable protein (23,8 to 25,0 %) and contained essential amino acids, such as lysine, tryptophan, threonine, phenylalanine and tyrosine, valine, isoleucine, and leucine (Table 1).

Table 1

Features of chemical composition of dried peas, which are sold as a raw material for finely dispersed supplements in the form of puree and powders

Name of indicators Peas samples

# 1 # 2 # 3

Protein % 24,5 25,0 23,8

Fat % 1,5 2,0 1,8

Starch % 46,5 45,0 44,8

Total sugar % 3,0 3,5 3,2

Pectin % 3,5 3,2 3,8

Cellulose % 10,1 8,9 9,2

Glucose % 1,0 1,2 1,4

Fructose % 1,21 1,30 1,25

Ash % 2,8 3,0 2,9

Mineral substances, mg in 100 g: K 890 910 873

Na 35 40 42

Ca 118 125 130

P 330 350 365

Mg 108 115 125

Silicon 83 95 101

Vitamins, mg in 100 g: E 9,1 10,5 11,2

Riboflavin 0,15 0,30 0,25

Thiamin 0,80 1,0 1,2

Choline 165 200 210

Moisture 14 13 14,5

Thus, the content of tryptophan in peas protein is 5 times higher than in an ideal protein (according to the value of the amino acid score in comparison with the FAO/WHO) scale (Table 2), the amino acids of lysine and phenylalanine -3.4 times higher, threonine and valine, isoleucine, leucine -2.3...2.6 times higher. Methionine is a limiting amino acid (its amino acid score is 74.3 %).

It is shown that peas differ in high content of poorly soluble heteropolysaccharides, i.e. starch - from 44.8 to 46.5 %, cellulose - from 8.9 to 10.1 %, pectin - %. It was also revealed that the mass fraction of total sugar is from %, it is represented by monosaccharides, mainly fructose (1.2...1.3 %) and glucose - %. It is shown that the amount of ash is %. Mineral substances of peas are presented by all range of microelements (K, Ca, P, Na, Ma), they also contain silicon. Peas vitamins are presented by vitamin E (9,1.11,2 mg in 100 g), riboflavin (0.15...0.30 mg in 100 g) and choline (200...210 mg in 100 g), thiamine (0.8...1.2 mg in 100 g).

It was found that steam thermal processing and finely dispersed grinding of dried peas in obtaining fine puree and nanopowders is accompanied by the processes of mechanical destruction and non-enzymatic biocatalysis and leads to the destruction of protein and nanocomplexes and nanoassoci-ates of protein with other biopolymers, such as heteropoly-saccharides and their partial mechanolysis by 48.55 % to separate a-amino acids (Tables 3, 4).


It was shown that in the initial raw material, in the dried peas, 10 % of protein is in a free state in the form of free amino acids and 90 % - in the associated state (1.1 g and 10.9 g, accordingly) in the form of bound amino acids (Table 4). Besides, it was shown that the amount of free amino acids in nanopowder made of pea puree increased by times compared to the original dried peas (Table 4). This is due to the fact that a considerable part of protein was transformed to a soluble form to free a-amino acids, which are easily absorbed by living organisms. That is, the effect of mechanic destruction and destruction of proteins, which are nanoscaled, into free amino acids was discovered. It is known that the size of the molecules of a-amino acids ranges from 0.42 to 1.5 nm.

Received nanopuree is manufacturable, easily forms gels and extends the range of its application for the enrichment of different foodstuffs with essential amino acids, BAS and other nutrients.

Mechanisms of mechanical destruction and protein mechanolysis and its nanocomplexes and nanoassociates with other biopolymers that is associated with the mechanical cracking, are shown in Fig. 1.

Table 3

Influence of steam and thermal treatment and finely dispersed grinding on the contents of the bound and free amino acids of

protein during obtaining of nanostructured puree of peas

Amino acid Mass fraction of amino acids

bound free

The original raw material (coarse ground pea puree), % Finely dispersed ground pea puree, % Before the original raw material, % Decrease to raw material, times The original raw material (coarse ground pea puree), % Finely dispersed pea puree, % Before the original raw material, % Increase to the original raw material, times

Aspartic acid 1,14 0,62 54,0 1,8 0,13 0,65 515,1 5,2

Threonine 0,43 0,22 49,8 2,1 0,03 0,25 950,0 5,7

Serine 0,52 0,26 50,0 2,0 0,56 0,32 564,0 5,6

Glutamic acid 2,00 1,01 50,2 1,9 0,22 0,22 550,5 5,4

Proline 0,44 0,45 50,6 2,1 0,10 0,32 338,2 3,5

Cystine 0,33 0,16 49,2 2,0 0,03 0,19 762,1 7,6

Glycine 0,39 0,20 49,8 2,1 0,04 0,22 861,2 8,7

Alanine 0,52 0,24 47,2 2,2 0,06 0,33 592,1 5,8

Valine 0,58 0,29 50,0 2,0 0,025 0,34 1250,0 2,5

Methionine 0,12 0,06 45,9 2,2 0,01 0,08 749,0 7,5

Isoleucine 0,48 0,29 50,5 1,9 0,05 0,28 570,0 5,7

Leucine 0,86 0,45 52,6 1,9 0,06 0,47 720,0 7,2

Tyrosine 0,17 0,18 100,0 1,0 0,19 0,22 107,9 1,1

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Phenilalanine 0,55 0,28 51,9 1,9 0,04 0,31 760,0 7,6

Histidine 0,30 0,15 50,0 2,0 0,07 0,42 431,3 4,3

Lysine 0,86 0,43 50,0 2,0 0,07 0,48 675,6 6,8

Arginine 1,06 0,80 75,0 1,3 0,02 0,15 600,0 6,0

Tryptophan 0,23 0,20 44,4 2,2 0,03 0,15 600,0 6,0

I 10,90 5,88 53,9 2,0 1,1 0,32 570,0 5,9

Table 2

Mass fraction of essential amino acids and amino acid score in comparison with the FAO/WHO scale in the protein content of the dried peas

Amino acid Mass fraction of amino acid

by FAO/WHO scale, mg in 1 g of protein in protein of dried peas, mg in 1 g Amino acid score, %

Essential amino acids

Tryptophan 10 50,0 500,0

Lysine 55 185,0 336,4

Threonine 40 91,0 227,5

Valine 50 121,0 242,0

Methionine 35 26,0 74,3

Isoleucine 40 105,0 262,5

Leucine 70 184,0 262,9

Phenilanine+ +tyrosine 60 118,0+74,0= = 192,0 320,0

Note:protein content- 24,21 %

Table 4

Influence of steam and thermal processing and finely dispersed grinding on the contents of the bound and free amino acids of

protein during obtaining nanostructured powder of pea puree

Amino acid type Mass fraction of amino acides

bound free

The original raw material (dried peas), % Nanopowder of pea puree, % % before the original raw material Decrease to the original raw material, times The original raw material (dried peas), % Nanopowder of pea puree, % % before the original raw material Increase to the original raw material, times

Aspartic acid 2,28 1,24 54,4 1,8 0,25 1,29 516,0 5,2

Threonine 0,86 0,43 50,0 2 0,05 0,48 960,0 9,6

Serine 1,02 0,51 50,0 2 0,11 0,62 563,6 5,6

Glutamic acid 3,95 1,98 50,1 1,9 0,44 2,41 547,7 5,5

Proline 0,87 0,44 50,6 1,9 0,18 0,61 339,0 3,4

Cystine 0,65 0,32 49,2 2 0,05 0,38 760,0 7,6

Glycine 0,77 0,39 50,7 1,9 0,05 0,43 860,0 8,6

Alanine 1,02 0,48 47,1 2,1 0,11 0,65 591,0 5,9

Valine 1,16 0,58 50,0 2,0 0,05 0,63 1260,0 12,6

Methionine 0,24 0,11 45,8 2,2 0,02 0,15 750,0 7,5

Isoleucine 0,95 0,48 50,5 1,9 0,10 0,57 570,0 5,7

Leucine 1,71 0,9 52,6 1,9 0,13 0,94 723,1 7,2

Tyrosine 0,34 0,35 102,9 1,1 0,38 0,41 107,9 1,1

Phenilalanine 1,1 0,57 51,9 1,9 0,08 0,61 762,5 7,6

Histidine 0,6 0,29 48,3 2,1 0,03 0,34 1133,3 11,3

Lysine 1,71 0,90 52,6 1,9 0,14 0,95 678,6 6,8

Arginine 2,13 1,60 75,1 1,3 0,16 0,69 431,3 4,3

Tryptophan 0,45 0,20 44,4 2,25 0,05 0,30 600,0 6,0

z 21,81 11,77 54,0 1,9 2,38 12,44 574,5 5,7

Fig. 1. Schematic representation of the mechanism of the influence of steam and thermal processing and non-enzymatic catalysis on the destruction and mechanolysis of protein molecules of peas into a water-soluble form to separate amino acids during the processing of thermally treated peas, where: 1 is the biopolymer protein; 2 are the

free amino acids; 3 are the low molecular fragments of protein (dipeptides, tripeptides); 4 are the free amino acids during obtaining finely dispersed grinded supplements in nanoform

Steam and thermal processing and finely dispersed grinding of dried peas in obtaining finely dispersed puree out of it by the non-enzymatic biocatalysis-mechanolysis leads to the destruction of hard soluble biopolymers and their nanocomplexes, heteropolysaccharides, such as cellulose, starch (by 30...35 %) and protopectine by 50 % to the soluble form. In parallel, there is an increase of glucose in the nanopuree of peas (from 1.0 g in 100 g to 10.0 g in 100 g), that is by 10 times as compared to the original raw material (Table 5).

Table 5

Content of soluble and insoluble components-biopolymers of nanopowders and nanopuree of peas in comparison with analogues and original raw material

Indicator Name Dried peas (the original material) Finely dispersed pea puree Nanopu-ree of peas Powdered pea puree (analogue) Pea puree (analogue)

Protein, % on CP 23,8...25,0 14,0.14,5 25,0.27,5 22,0.22,5 12,5.13,0

Bound amino acids, % on CP 21,8...22,5 5,9.6,0 10,9.12,2 19,5.20,0 11,0.11,2

Free amino acids, % on CP 2,0.2,5 6,0.7,0 11,5.13,0 3,5.4,0 1,5.1,8

Protopec- tin, % on CP 3,2.3,8 1,4.1,6 1,2.1,4 3,2.3,4 2,8.3,0

Soluble pectin, % on CP 0,4.0,5 1,8.2,0 3,6.4,0 0,8.0,9 0,7.0,8

Starch, % on CP 44,8.46,5 20.21 34.36 33,0.40,0 22.23

Cellulose, % on CP 8,9.10,1 3,5.4,0 5,2.7,0 8,9.9,0 6,0.6,2

Glucose, % on CP 1,0.1,4 2,5.5,0 11.15,0 2,0.2,1 1,6.1,8

Total sugar, % 3,5.3,8 7,0.7,5 24.28 6,5.6,8 3,0.3,2

Solids, % 14.14,5 45.50,0 5.8 8.9 45.50

Results of the research, obtained by chemical methods, into the influence of crio mechanical destruction on nano-complexes and nanoassociates of biopolymers with low molecular BAS and separate biopolymers in obtaining nano-supplements made of peas were confirmed by the method of spectral analysis in the study of IR spectra (Fig. 2).

Fig. 2. Comparison of IR-spectra of thermally processed, dried and coarsely ground peas (1), finely dispersed thermally processed peas and the peas dried using the

thermal dryer (2)

transformation of low molecular BAS to a free form (such as low molecular phenolic compounds and vitamins, etc.) that is confirmed by the experimental data received using chemical methods of analysis.

Based on the obtained experimental data a nanotech-nology was developed of the processing of dried peas into finely dispersed puree and nano-powder, which differs from the traditional ones in that it is based on the processes of deep processing of raw materials and includes steam and thermal processing and finely dispersed grinding (Fig. 3).

New technology gives an opportunity to obtain supplements of peas as a finely dispersed puree or nano-powder with the size of particles less by tens of times than using traditional methods of grinding. Their quality exceed Ukrainian and foreign analogues by the content of soluble component biopolymers (in particular free a-amino acids, water-soluble pectins, soluble cellulose) and BAS (vitamins, unsaturated aromatic substances, phenolic compounds, etc.) that are removed from the bound to the free state.

Dried peas

Finely dispersed grinding

rasterisation, t=90° C, i =30 min

When comparing the IR spectra of the dried peas and finely dispersed supplements derived from them (previously thermally processed) in the form of puree and nanopowders, it was found that during steam and thermal processing and finely dispersed griding a significant decrease is observed in the intensity of spectrum of the general characteristic band in the area of frequencies at V=3600...3000 cm-1, which is characteristic for valent fluctuations of functional groups - OH. This testifies to the destruction of the intramolecular and intermolecular hydrogen bonds, destruction of nanocomplexes and nanoassociates of biopolymers

with low molecular BAS, disaggrigation, destruction (in particular, non-enzymatic catalysis-mechanolysis, which occurs at mechanical grinding and steam and thermal processing) of biopolymers (protein, heteropolysaccharides, pectins, cellulose, starch) and their nanocomplexes and nanoassociates. In parallel, in the area of frequencies at V=2900...2000 cm-1 and V=1700...1100 cm-1 characteristic for valent fluctuations of groups -CH3, -NH2, -NH3, CO-, as well as unsaturated double bonds, a significant increase in the intensity of the spectra is observed. It testifies to the increase of functional groups of a-amino acids after grinding that occur at breaking of proteins to separate monomers of a-amino acids as a result of non-enzymatic biocatalysis-mechanolysis, as well as the destruction of other biopolymers, such as cellulose to glucose, pectin to galacturonic acid, starch to glucose, etc., and the destruction of the nanocomplexes "biolymer - BAS" and the

Inspection =: Washing

Soaking for t=20° C, T =2 hours

Boiling to readiness for t= 100° C, t=1 h 30 min


Coarse grinding

Hot =: Sublimation

bottling drying





Cooling, swelling for t=20° C, t =30 min

To the warehouse

Fig. 3. Technological scheme of obtaining nanostructured puree and nanopowders with prebiotic properties of peas, using steam and thermal processing and non-

enzymatic biocatalysis

During the development of new technologies, the obtained results became the basis at obtaining finely dispersed powders of peas for healthy nutrition. New technologies have undergone approbation at the production facilities in the NPP «KRIAS» (Kharkiv, Ukraine). On the basis of experimental data, normative documentation for finely dispersed puree and powder of peas was designed. New kinds of health products for mass consumption and for special purposes were developed (dry concentrates for soups, for sauces-dressings, protein pastes and snacks-spreads, etc.) on their basis.

Drawbacks and certain features of the proposed methods of pea processing include the need for adjustment of modes and specifics of its previous preparation to the steam and thermal processing and finely dispersed grinding, depending on the variety, its chemical composition, etc.

6. Conclusions

Usage of deep processing of plant raw materials (such as dried peas) is based on comprehensive effect of steam and thermal processing and finely dispersed grinding on the raw materials. The processes of mechanical destruction, mechanical chemistry occurs while obtaining nanostructured puree and nanopowder, accompanied by non-enzymatic biocatalysis - mechanolysis (destruction) of hard soluble nanocomplexes of biopolymers and the biopolymers themselves (proteins, heteropolysaccharides, such as pectins, cellulose, starch) into soluble easily absorbed form (almost 2 times higher than in the original raw material in a hidden form) to their monomers (by 35... 55 %). The reason of protein mechanical destruction and its nanocomplexes is a mechanism related to mechanical cracking.

Steam and thermal processing and finely dispersed grinding of peas in obtaining fine puree out of it leads to the destruction of polysaccharides by non-enzymatic catalysis,

such as cellulose and starch by 30-35 %, protopectin by 50 % to separate monomers.

It is shown that in parallel there is an increase of glucose in the nanopuree of peas from 1.0 g in 100 g to 10.0 g in 100 g, i.e. by 10 times.

We developed a nanotechnology of finely dispersed supplements in the form of puree and nanopowder made of peas, which differs in the deep processing of raw materials and is based on the usage of comprehensive effect of steam and thermal processing of raw materials and finely dispersed grinding as well. Puree and nanopowder are in nanosized easily digestible form due to the mechanical destruction of cells, tissues, and hard soluble nanocomplexes of biopolymers and associates into separate monomers. Their quality exceeds the Ukrainian and foreign analogues.

The reason of protein destruction (to the separate monomers of a-amino acids) and hard soluble biopolymers and their nanocomplexes is probably the result of non-enzymatic biocatalysis - mechanolysis that occurs under the influence of steam and thermal processing and finely dispersed grinding.


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Доводимо дощльтсть використання бюфор-тифшованих гарбузових овочiв (гарбузiв, каву-тв, динь), що вирзняються природно тдвище-ним вмятом азотистих речовин (зокрема бшка) у збалансованих за вмятом тваринного i рос-линного бштв харчових ращонах, безглютенових дieтах, а також для харчування вегетарiанцiв. Бюфортифтащю овочiв здшснювали шляхом застосування оргатчного, екологiчно чистого добрива «Рiверм» пи) час гх вирощування

Ключовi слова: бюфортифшащя, добрива, «Рiверм», бшок, азотистi речовини, амтокисло-

ти, гарбузовi овочi, мiкронутрieнти


Доказываем целесообразность использования биофортифицированных тыквенных овощей (тыкв, арбузов, дынь), отличающихся естественно повышенным содержанием азотистых веществ (в частности белка), в сбалансированных по содержанию животного и растительного белков пищевых рационах, безглютено-вых диетах, а также в питании вегетарианцев. Биофортификацию овощей осуществляли путем применения органического, экологически чистого удобрения «Риверм» во время их выращивания Ключевые слова: биофортификация, удобрения, «Риверм», белок, азотистые вещества, аминокислоты, тыквенные овощи, микронутриенты

UDC 664.8.037.5:635.6/366.624.4

|DOI: 10.15587/1729-4061.2016.69389|


G. Deinychenko

Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor Department of Equipment for the Enterprises of Food M. I. Beliaiev Department of Equipment of Food and Hotel Industry Kharkiv State University of Food Technology and Trade Klochkivska str., 333, Kharkiv, Ukraine, 61051 E-mail: [email protected] O. Yudicheva Associate Professor Department of Expertise and Customs Higher Educational Establishment of Ukoopspilka «Poltava University of Economics and Trade» Koval str., 3, Poltava, Ukraine, 36014 E-mail: [email protected]

1. Introduction

Physiological value of vegetables is manifested in their pronounced influence on the digestive organs - they both stimulate appetite and secretory activity of digestive glands and improve digestion and assimilation of meat, fish, bakery products, and cereals. Low-energy value of vegetables combined with their high biological value makes them indispensable in the treatment of people with different diseases.

Nitrogen compounds include, in particular, vegetable proteins, free amino acids, nucleic acids, enzymes, nitrogenous glycosides, and nitrates. The main share of these substances is comprised of proteins and free amino acids. Biological value of vegetable protein is lower than that of animal protein: they have a scarce content of some essential amino acids, and their absorption is on average 30 % [1]. However, simultaneous use of animal protein and vegetable

protein increases the value of protein nutrition since vegetable proteins (the main source of nitrogen) alongside animal ones create quite active (in biological terms) amino acid complexes that provide interstitial synthesis. Meat proteins are most beneficial if they are combined with vegetable proteins: their combination ensures the necessary "dilution" and intercomplementary amino acid composition, which results in obtaining full-value proteins of potatoes and vegetables. The total protein amount should comprise 15 % of daily calories; vegetable proteins should make up almost half of the total protein amount, and the ratio of tryptophan, methionine and lysine should be 1:3:3.

The value of vegetable protein increases when it comes to vegetarian food, especially hard one (eating only plant products). In this case, plant products remain the sole supplier of protein to the human body. One more fact should be considered: at present more people are suffering from a hereditary


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