ВЛИЯНИЕ КОРМОВ ЖИВОТНОГО И РАСТИТЕЛЬНОГО ПРОИСХОЖДЕНИЯ НА РОСТ ЦЫПЛЯТ-БРОЙЛЕРОВ Текст научной статьи по специальности «Сельскохозяйственные науки»

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Ключевые слова
Птица / питание / белок / аминокислоты / ферменты протеазы. / Poultry / nutrition / protein / amino acid / protease enzymes.

Аннотация научной статьи по Сельскохозяйственные науки, автор научной работы — Хамви Мохамад Навар

В статье рассматриваются современные аграрные проблемы, связанные с выбором белкового или аминокислотного питания в птицеводстве. Большой интерес сегодня вызывает выбор идеологии кормления цыплят-бройлеров на белковом рационе с протеазными ферментами или использование рационов с чистыми формами аминокислот. Описано «Правило пяти свобод», которое должны выполнять современные сельхозпроизводители. Представлены дальнейшие шаги исследований.

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Похожие темы научных работ по Сельскохозяйственные науки , автор научной работы — Хамви Мохамад Навар

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The paper examines modern agrarian problems related to the choice of protein or amino acid nutrition in poultry production. The choice of ideology for feeding broiler chickens in a protein diet with protease enzymes or the use of diets with pure forms of amino acids is of great interest today. The «Five Freedoms Rule» to be implemented by modern agricultural producers is described. Further research steps are presented.



UDC 636.5.033



Hamwi Mohamad Nawar, 2-year postgraduate student

in scientific specialty Smaill animal science, feeding, feed preparation technologies and livestock production. Scientific supervisor: Doctor of Biological Sciences, Professor Shapovalov S.O. Language advisor: Senior Lecturer of the Department of Russian and Foreign Languages



В статье рассматриваются современные аграрные проблемы, связанные с выбором белкового или аминокислотного питания в птицеводстве. Большой интерес сегодня вызывает выбор идеологии кормления цыплят-бройлеров на белковом рационе с протеазными ферментами или использование рационов с чистыми формами аминокислот. Описано «Правило пяти свобод», которое должны выполнять современные сельхозпроизводители. Представлены дальнейшие шаги исследований.


Птица, питание, белок, аминокислоты, ферменты протеазы. ABSTRACT

The paper examines modern agrarian problems related to the choice of protein or amino acid nutrition in poultry production. The choice of ideology for feeding broiler chickens in a protein diet with protease enzymes or the use of diets with pure forms of amino acids is of great interest today. The «Five Freedoms Rule» to be implemented by modern agricultural producers is described. Further research steps are presented.


Poultry, nutrition, protein, amino acid, protease enzymes.

Introduction. The main problem in modern agrarian nutrition is the question of choosing the rationing approach, as well as the choice of protein or amino acid nutrition ideology. Which is more profitable: to use proteins with proteases or pure forms of amino acids? Both have their advantages and disadvantages. On the one hand, amino acids are the obvious choice. They are like De Novo building blocks. On the other hand, we have to consider their high cost and dependence on countries with a developed biotech industry. Another obvious problem of inefficient use of proteins is proteins that are by-products.

If we consider the parallel sports nutrition industry, there, with a certain periodicity, both protein and amino acid products are balanced, and the main fluctuations in sales depend on the aggressive marketing of one or another nutritional ideology. A rather interesting fact is that amino acids are considered not only as De novo building materials, but also as regulators of very important metabolic processes.

The purpose of the work is to evaluate the importance of using properly balanced protein and amino acid diets for poultry which is a top priority.

This is firstly because protein and amino acids are among the most expensive feed ingredients per unit weight. Secondly, nitrogen and phosphorus pollution of the environment, especially water, is of great concern. Therefore, farms should monitor and minimize nitrogen pollution. Third, low quality protein and amino acids can aggravate the effects of heat stress on poultry. The reason why dietary protein and amino acids cause increased metabolic heat release is that they are not used efficiently enough for the construction of body and egg proteins.

Materials and methods of research. The production of the nitrogen metabolite (uric acid) requires a significant amount of metabolic energy, which is essential for growth and egg formation. With the additional heat stress associated with protein and amino acid metabolism, especially in countries with hot climates, feed intake and poultry performance are reduced.

Poultry farming in Russia is the most stable and dynamically developing branch of the agribusiness, which in a short period of time has managed to increase the volume of production and provide the population with high quality food products - eggs and meat. High rates of world poultry meat production are largely due to the latest achievements in genetics, breeding, feeding, housing technology and veterinary protection.

Results and discussion. Modern crossbreeds have huge genetic potential for growth and efficient feed conversion [1]. In order to realize the genetic potential of productivity, it is necessary to use feeds that meet the nutritional standards for crossbreeds [2, 3]. In the process of breeding and keeping poultry, the composition of feed is changed, some components are replaced by others, etc. Variability of nutrient composition of the main protein and cereal components is observed.

Nowadays, when calculating basic rations, specialists take into account their economic feasibility. It is known that up to 70% of the cost of poultry production is the cost of feed, which forces producers to reduce the cost of feed components. One of the tools to reduce the cost of feed is the use of cheaper ingredients with lower nutritional value but high content of antinutritional factors for monogastrics (pigs and poultry): dietary fibers, non-starch polysaccharides, phytates, glucosinolates, erucic acid, trypsin inhibitors, difficult to hydrolyze starches and proteins, allergenic proteins, and so on. Such additives can be: bran, post-alcoholic bard, meal and cake of rape, sunflower, flax, cotton, peas, lupine, sorghum, etc. [4]. In order to eliminate the effect of the above mentioned antinutritional factors, to improve the digestibility of feed, exogenous feed enzymes are used.

In poultry farming, a large number of studies are carried out to investigate the effect of enzyme preparations with proteolytic activity on the growth and development of broilers [5]. The results of experiments on the use of exogenous proteases in broiler diets are contradictory, a reliable physiological response was recorded only for an insignificant number of indicators. The effect of feed protease on the external secretory function of the pancreas, intestinal digestion in chickens fed a basic wheat-soy diet with replacement of soybean supplement with peas is poorly studied [6, 7].

A wide range of protease-based feed additives are currently available on the market. Many specialists have already evaluated their effectiveness in improving poultry performance and reducing feeding costs. At the same time, most of the proposed proteases are effective only in narrow pH ranges and show optimal activity at neutral or alkaline reaction of the medium (i.e. either in the initial parts of the small intestine or in its distal part).

Branched-chain amino acids - leucine, isoleucine and valine are the building blocks for protein synthesis in the body. In addition, branched-chain amino acids have important physiological functions, including helping to support and grow skeletal muscle, regulating protein synthesis in the body by activating the target of rapamycin complex, serving as a source of nitrogen for alanine and glutamine synthesis during gluconeogenesis, and serving as an energy source for various tissues and muscles.

Unlike other amino acids, which are broken down in the liver, branched-chain amino acids are broken down primarily in muscle tissue (at the first stage of catabolism). The first two stages of catabolism of all three branched-chain amino acids are the same and involve the same enzymes.

An excess of one of these amino acids, especially leucine, can cause an antagonistic effect characterized by reduced feed intake and growth rate in both pigs and poultry. An excess of leucine in the diet can accelerate the catabolism of other branched-chain amino acids by activating catabolic enzymes, thereby reducing the availability of isoleucine and valine to the animals.

Why is it important to use vegetarian diets when feeding broiler chickens? Nowadays, some fast food restaurants (Vkusno i Tochka, KFC, Burger King, etc.) require compliance with the principles of "Animal welfare" and feeding animals exclusively with vegetarian diets. At the same time, the price of purchased meat is significantly higher than that of regular broiler chicken meat, where there is no vegetarian diet and the principles of "Animal welfare" are not observed.

This ideology is described below and includes five principles. Modern livestock and poultry producers are required to implement the Five Freedoms Rule in their facilities:

1. Freedom from hunger and thirst;

2. Freedom from discomfort;

3. Freedom from physical injury, pain and disease;

4. Freedom to engage in normal behavior;

5. Freedom from anxiety and stressful shocks.

Conclusions. In view of the above, possible potential mechanisms of action, which are still poorly studied, should be explored. Most likely, a combination of several values will be proposed: increased release of amino acids and biologically active peptides, reduction of antinutritive substances of protein nature, improved utilization of energy and microelements, as well as increased natural resistance of the organism of broiler chickens throughout the productive ontogenesis.

Against the background of the maximum release of leucine under the action of proteases, it is possible to show the maximum effect of the synthesis of muscle mass at the supplementation of BCAA on vegetarian diets. Possibly, differences in physicochemical, technological and mechanical properties of white and red meat will be shown.

On the basis of the studied material, it will be possible to develop recommendations on the input rates of different levels of proteases and amino acids. They can be used to increase the efficiency of feed proteases and to develop a new generation of enzyme additives that can better adapt to the conditions of digestion and metabolism of poultry, and to obtain results that will provide knowledge about two diametrically opposed modern approaches in biotechnology. This knowledge can be a guide to economic efficiency and vectors in the development of nutritional science in broiler poultry production.


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УДК 636.987


Волков Я.И.1, магистрант 1 курса направления подготовки 06.04.01 Биология, управление ресурсами животных. Научные руководители: м.н.с. лаборатории познавательных процессов и математической психологии Желанкин Р.В.2, к.с.-х.н., доцент Сычева И.Н. 1 1ФГБОУ ВО РГАУ - МСХА имени К.А. Тимирязева 2 ИП РАН


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