UDK 6.612
Xatamova Umida Baxodirovna
Maxamatov Umidjon Shoirjonovich
Ferghana 1-medical college Uzbekistan, Ferghana city VITAMINS AND HUMAN HEALTH
Annotation: In this article described vitamins, its structure, types, function and its importance of human health.
Key words: vitamins, human health, structure, function.
Vitamins are biologically active substances, low molecular weight organic compounds that are not synthesized in the body. They take part in the obstruction of the body, affect the ability of the person to adapt to the outside environment, to his ability to work, to grow, and to ensure the well-being of the organism. Vitamins This is a series of different chemicals with a number of common features:
1. It does not form in the human body or can be formed in sufficient quantities, and therefore they are insignificant nutrients.
2. The metabolism controller is a biologically active substance that affects the body's vital functions. Vitamins (enzymes) - independently participate in the combination with organic compounds or substances.
3. Vitamins are extremely small in size. The daily intake of some vitamins is expressed in milligrams or in one thousand - in micrograms (mkb).
4. Today there are more than 40 types of vitamins, each of which performs important physiological functions in the human body. If a vitamin is regularly absorbed in the daily diet for several weeks and months, the physiological function of the organism will be broken. As a result, a certain disease occurs. If a vitamin A disappears in the human body is avitaminosis, its quantity is less than hypovitaminosis, and if it exceeds normally, it is called hypervitaminosis.
Easier all vitamins are divided into:
1. Water-soluble vitamin types - C, P, B1, B2, B6, B12, PP, etc.
2. Fatty vitamin types - A, D, E, K.
3. Vitamin inhibitors: B15 (pangamic acid), U, F, B4 (choline).
Vitamin C (ascorbic acid). Vitamin C plays an important role in the activity of the body. It actively participates in the exchange of proteins, fatty carbohydrates and mineral salts, enhances the function of enzymes and inner glands, accelerates the growth of cells and tissues. Vitamin C plays an active role in normal functioning of cardiovascular, liver and other organs. With vitamin C in the body, the function of the blood vessels is broken, the cereals are bleeding, the blood flows to the skin, the resistance of the organism to infectious diseases decreases, and the ability to work.
Vitamin C: Honeysuckle, black currant, blue pepper, cauliflower, green onion, lemon, orange, tomatoes.
Vitamin P (bioflavonoid) - affects the presence of vitamin C, enhances the durability of blood vessels. It helps to accumulate vitamin C in the tissues. It helps in lowering blood pressure and reducing blood pressure. If Vitamin C is a product, it will contain many of these products.
Vitamin B1 (thiamine). Excitation and braking of the central nervous system play an important role in the normal transposition of the human brain. If you do not have enough nutritional value in your diet, the patient will experience hypovitaminosis B1. This is accompanied by acne and muscle weakness, weakness, and decreased mental activity. Avitaminosis B1, that is to say, is a disease when this vitamin deficiency is inadequate. The nerve fibers are paralyzed, the muscles of the limbs weaken.
Vitamin B1 is found in dry beer yeast, liver, black bread, legumes.
Vitamin B2 (riboflavin). Eye clarity plays an important role in ensuring good color separation, skin wound healing, and growth and development of children. When vitamin B2 is not present, it may appear in the mucous membranes, in the corners of the eyelids, in the mouth cavity, cracks in the corners of the liver, and the culling of the lungs.
Vitamin B2: in the yeast, egg yolk, milk, liver and cheese.
Vitamin B6 (pyridoxine). It is important in the metabolism, in the decomposition of proteins, in the functioning of the central nervous system. In addition, vitamin B6 is involved in the normal course of the process of acid separation from the bloodstream and pancreas. Vitamin B6 in the body absorbs excess nutrition, irritability, nausea, and appetite.
Vitamin B6: in yeast, corn, beef, cheese, and tropical fish.
Vitamin B12 (cyancobalamin). Participates in the formation of blood clots in protein exchange. This vitamin has an insufficient amount of anemia, anemia, gastric and duodenal activity. In addition, there is a decrease in the function of the nervous system, which is the sensation of the organism.
Vitamin B12 is present in the liver, meat, milk, cheese, egg yolk, and feldspar.
Vitamin PP (nicotinic acid). In the balance of blood cholesterol, the function of the central nervous system improves in the equilibrium, gastrectomy, normal function, nutrition and digestion, and liver function.
Vitamin PP: Beef, mutton, fish, eggs, poultry, raspberries, peas, yeast.
Vitamin A (retinol). It regulates the ability of vitamins to absorb nutrients, grows in young organisms, develops immune system in the body, and protects the body from external influences. Vitamin A is absorbed in the body, and the inflammation of the eyes, upper respiratory tract, gastric and intestinal mucous membrane, and the ability of the organism to cope with infectious diseases.
Vitamin A: fish oil, egg yolk, beef liver, red carrot, red sweet pepper, onion, parsley, salad leaf.
Vitamin D (Calciferol). Participates directly in the formation of bone tissue that is vital to life. Especially it plays a major role in the development of children. As a result of this vitamin deficiency, rickets develop in young children.
Vitamin D: in the tropical butter, on the fishing rod, on the egg yolk, on the
Vitamin E (tocopherol). Tokopherol means "seed-bearing." Vitamin E can cause irritation in the body. Vitamin E provides normal development of fetal pregnant women, takes part in the development of protein, fat and carbohydrates in the body.
Vitamin E is found in cotton, sunflower oil, olive oil, walnut, cabbage, green peas, butter.
Vitamin K (filloxinone). Vitamin K actively participates in the coagulation process. It plays a major role in the maintenance of thrombotropine in the liver, prothrombin, and normal maintenance of blood clotting. When vitamin K is absent in the body, bleeding of the gall bladder, subcutaneous blood transfusions occurs. Vitamin K: Beans, red cabbage, honey, peas, potatoes, beets, and beef liver.
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UDK 6.612
Xatamova Umida Baxodirovna
Maxamatov Umidjon Shoirjonovich
Ferghana 1-medical college Uzbekistan, Ferghana city
Annotation: In this article food poisoning, causes and its prevention and disposal methods in the college.
Key words: food, food poisoning, following types, methods.
Food poisoning is toxic to the body infected with microorganisms or other substances severe illness caused by consumption it is said. Food poisoning is different from intestinal infection it stretches for a few days and it is very difficult, even to death may cause damage.
Food poisoning is the cause of the disease are divided into the following
1. Microbial poisoning.
2. Intoxication not related to microbes.
3. Unspecified poisoning with etiology.
Germs are poisoned by live noxious microbes is the result of the eating of food. They are In the summer months, germs are rapidly growing in food will take place at the time of receipt. Such toxicity salmonellosis, botulism, and staphylococcus.