Научная статья на тему 'Vitamin-mineral correction of athletes’ food ration'

Vitamin-mineral correction of athletes’ food ration Текст научной статьи по специальности «Фундаментальная медицина»

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Ключевые слова
athletes / health / vitamins / micronutrients / vitamin-mineral complexes

Аннотация научной статьи по фундаментальной медицине, автор научной работы — Natalia V. Semenova, Vitali A. Lyapin, Ekaterina S. Vasilevskaya, Alexsei R. Gotvald, Ylia A. Elokhova

The main part of a sportsman’s balanced nutrition is getting necessary amount of vitamins and minerals. For a normal energetic balance a sportsman’s organism needs these things. They are the main components in the process of metabolism, in energy production process, in tissues development and growth. Lack of vitamins and minerals in an organism causes decrease of sports results and is harmful for health. Materials. The article is about the question of athletes’ food ration vitamin-mineral correction. Research methods: scientific literature analysis and summarizing, description, comparative analysis. Results. In this literature review we analyze the most effective and widely used among sportsmen vitamin-mineral complexes. For power and speed trainings, as vitamin-mineral support of food ration, will suit polyvitamins “Vitrum Performance”, “Undevit” (2 pills a day). They provide a daily rate of almost all vitamins. Although “Undevit” doesn’t contain many other useful substances, it is cost-effective in comparison with “Vitrum Performance”. As a result of the content analysis of vitamin-mineral complexes in this literature review it was stated that for power and speed trainings as vitamin-mineral support of sportsmen food ration the most suitable polyvitamins are the following: “Vitrum Performance”and “Undevit”. Conclusion. For power and speed trainings best of all will suit polyvitamins “Vitrum Performance”, “Undevit”. 2 pills of these preparations a day will provide a daily rate of almost all vitamins.

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Текст научной работы на тему «Vitamin-mineral correction of athletes’ food ration»

DOI 10.14526/01_2017_197


Natalia V. Semenova - candidate of medical sciences, senior lecturer "Omsk State Medical University" of the Russian Federation Ministry of Health, 12, str. Lenin, Omsk, 644043, Russia

E-mail: natali1980-07-21@mail. ru

Vitali A. Lyapin - professor, doctor of medical sciences, "Siberian State University of Physical Culture and Sport" of the Russian Federation

Ministry of Sport 144, str. Maslennikov, Omsk, 644009, Russia

E-mail: v.a.liapin@ mail. ru

Ekaterina S. Vasilevskaya - candidate of pharmaceutical sciences, head of Pharmacy department "Omsk State Medical University" of the Russian Federation Ministry of Health, 12, str. Lenin, Omsk, 644043, Russia

E-mail: [email protected]

Alexsei R. Gotvald - head physician Budgetary Establishment of Health of Omsk Region "Medical - sports dispensary" 9A, str. Maslennikov, Omsk, 644010, Russia

Ylia A. Elokhova - candidate of biological sciences, teacher "Siberian State University of Physical Culture and Sport" of the Russian Federation

Ministry of Sport 144, str. Maslennikov, Omsk, 644009, Russia

E-mail: [email protected]

Annotation. The main part of a sportsman's balanced nutrition is getting necessary amount of vitamins and minerals. For a normal energetic balance a sportsman's organism needs these things. They are the main components in the process of metabolism, in energy production process, in tissues development and growth. Lack of vitamins and minerals in an organism causes decrease of sports results and is harmful for health. Materials. The article is about the question of athletes' food ration vitamin-mineral correction. Research methods: scientific literature analysis and summarizing, description, comparative analysis. Results. In this literature review we analyze the most effective and widely used among sportsmen vitamin-mineral complexes. For power and speed trainings, as vitamin-mineral support offood ration, will suit polyvitamins "Vitrum Performance ", "Undevit" (2 pills a day). They provide a daily rate of almost all vitamins. Although "Undevit" doesn't contain many other useful substances, it is cost-effective in comparison with "Vitrum Performance". As a result of the content analysis of vitamin-mineral complexes in this literature review it was stated that for power and speed trainings as vitamin-mineral support of sportsmen food ration the most suitable polyvitamins are the following: "Vitrum Performance"and "Undevit". Conclusion. For power and speed trainings best of all will suit polyvitamins "Vitrum

Performance ", "Undevit". 2 pills of these preparations a day will provide a daily rate of almost all vitamins.

Keywords: athletes, health, vitamins, micronutrients, vitamin-mineral complexes.

Introduction. In order to support normal functioning of an organism a constant provision for minerals and vitamins is necessary. Organism can't produce vitamins and minerals itself, that is why it should get them with food or in the form of a special food supplement. It is especially important for people, who have constant physical loads or go in for professional sport [1, 3, 4, 5, 7]. Their need for a daily rate of useful substances increases, that is why it is necessary to take some complexes [6, 8].

Quick rhythm of modern life deprives sportsmen of time for healthy and rational food cooking, which will provide an optimal protein metabolism and metabolism processes. From an ordinary nutrition we can get only half of the necessary amount of substances, that is why complexes and vitamins for sportsmen at drugstores are very popular [7, 12].

Vitamins and microelements are included into the list of food supplements, which are vitally important for any person and especially for people, who go in for sport. Any athlete consciously leads a healthy life style and has high-caloric ration. Natural products contain a lot of vitamins. Earlier it was considered that "hungry diets" cause vitamins deficiency in the organism of a person. But nowadays millions of town inhabitants complain of constant tiredness, irritability or insomnia. Modern scientific research works show that the level of vitamins in products today decreased to 30-45%. That is why many people live in terms of a long-term lack of important metabolism catalysts. Thus, vitamin-mineral correction of food ration among athletes in different periods (pre-training and post-training) is very urgent [13, 18, 25].

Vitamins, microelements and vitamin-mineral complexes for athletes, comparative characteristics

Vitamins and minerals are understood as irreplaceable elements of nutrition, which

organism can't synthesize. These substances can be got only from products or sports food supplements. Other term, which is usually used in foreign literature for these elements description is "micronutrients". This term origin is connected with the fact that organism needs insignificant amount of vitamins and minerals in comparison to the need for protein and carbohydrates ("micro" means small).

In a person's organism vitamins fulfill the role of "coenzymes" - substances, which increase activity of ferments, with the help of which most chemical reactions are fulfilled, including protein synthesis. In body-building vitamins are very important, as for actin formation and muscles growth almost all kinds of vitamins are necessary. Like coenzymes vitamins are the components of activity of many ferments: if they are absent ferments can't fulfill their function. It will impossible to build muscular basic structure: body will be unable to transform coming into it substances into the elements from which muscles are built. Scientists state that in bodybuilding and in any other kinds of sport the need for vitamins increases, as the metabolism of athletes is quicker than metabolism of ordinary people [1, 15, 16, 21]. During exercises fulfillment vitamins consumption can increase twice, that is why the doses of vitamins in body-building are higher.

Practice shows that it is impossible to achieve good results in body-building, fitness or power lifting, if you don't use "sports" complexes together with vitamins and minerals [2, 17, 19]. It is stated that sportsmen very often face the problem of the training plateau (both during muscle mass increase and fat decrease), even if they actively drink water and train and the reason for this can be lack of vitamins. The needs of an organism are not always satisfied fully with the help of food. Especially urgent it is in body-building, as in this kind of sport athletes need a lot of high-calorific food, which very often contains

less vitamins [20, 22, 28]. Bodybuilders simply can't include great amount of fruits and other sources of vitamins into their diet, as it will cause digestive disturbance. That is why it is necessary to take special sports vitamins.

Vitamin-mineral complex (multivitamins) present supplements, which provide organism with vitamins, minerals and other nutritive elements. Such kinds of supplements are available in a form of pills, capsules, paste, powder, liquid and injections. Modern vitamin-mineral complex are created taking into consideration the peculiarities of age, gender and activity of a person. For example, there are multivitamins for pregnant women, for children, old people, for sportsmen, for men and women. Vitamin-mineral complexes don't contain hormonal and harmful substances, they are not dangerous for health, on the contrary, they strengthen health and activate metabolic processes [27, 30].

In modern qualitative supplements special technologies are used (gradual release, micro granulation, layer-by-layer dissolution), which let eliminate negative interactions by means of separate delivery of micronutrients, at the same time vitamins and minerals synergists are released simultaneously.

Minerals. Minerals are the substances of inorganic origin. It means that they are not produced by animals and plants. At the same time, they can be found in food. Minerals are very important for a normal functioning of an organism. They provide nerve conduction, muscles contraction, water-electrolytic balance and energy production, which is very important in body-building. Many minerals fulfill the function of building proteins of body tissues. For example, calcium and phosphorus form bone tissue and zinc takes part in testosterone synthesis.

Minerals are divided into -macro and microelements depending on their amount necessary for an organism.

Macroelements: calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, potassium, sodium. The need of an organism for these minerals is not less than 200 mg a day. Microelements: chromium, cobalt, copper, iron, selenium, silicon, zinc and others, the need for these elements is less than 200 mg a day. Minerals, as well as vitamins, are necessary in body-building in great amount, than during an ordinary life.

The tissues of our organism contain liquid inside the cells (intracellular fluid) and in intercellular space (extracellular fluid). In both liquids minerals (electrolytes), electrically charged minerals or ions are dissolved. Minerals work in coordination, regulating water balance in both sides of cellular membranes. Minerals also provide muscles contraction, transfer of signals on cellular membranes of nerve tissue. Electrolytic balance is necessary for normal health and optimal sports results achievement. Two main electrolytes are sodium and potassium. Sodium regulates intercellular balance of liquid and potassium regulates water balance inside the cells.

Sodium comes in mostly by means of sault and processed products. In the average Americans eat 2-3 teaspoon (12-18g) of sault every day - too much for a healthy person. Safe dose of sodium will be from 500 mg (minimal need) to 2400 mg a day or no more than 1 teaspoon (1,6 g) of salt a day. Although a part of sodium can come out of the organism with sweat during activity, there is no need to use it as a supplement. Ordinary ration includes sufficient amount of sodium in order to complete it. Moreover, organism independently stores as a reserve.

However, sufficient lack of sodium can appear during sports events, which demand endurance, for example, during triathlon, which lasts more than 4 hours. Taking 119-178 ml of sports beverage every 10-20 minutes and including salty products into the ration, it is possible to complete necessary for an athlete need for sodium [29]. Thus, during an intensive sports event, which lasts more than 3 hours, a sportsman will need sports beverage, which contains 200-300 mg of sodium to 237 ml. In order to provide former balance of water during the period of rehabilitation, after the end of intensive physical load, it is necessary to drink beverage, which contains sodium, as it helps water to penetrate into cells.

However, drinking too much simple water (hyperhydration) can lead to strong sodium and other electrolytes dissolution and it will have negative influence on the work of


Potassium works inside cells, regulating water balance and supports normal heart rate, provides muscles contraction, regulates blood pressure and transfers nutrient substances into calls. In contrast to sodium potassium can't be accumulated in an organism, that is why it is necessary to eat products, which are rich in potassium, for example, banana, oranges and tomatoes. It is necessary to use 1600-2000 mg of potassium a day and it is very easy ifwe eat a lot offruits and vegetables [9 ,10, 14].

In order to lose weight some bodybuilders use diuretics - preparations, which increase amount of urine and provide its excretion. It is very dangerous, as diuretics can wash potassium and other electrolytes out of an organism. As a result balance of potassium can be violated and there were cases when some professional bodybuilders died during competitions.

Vitamins. Vitamins are very important for any organism, especially for a growing one. However, it is important to be moderate. Excessive use of vitamins can be harmful. Moreover, constant increase of the dose of vitamins leads to their deficiency when transferring to normal physiological doses.

Vitamins, which come with food, are very necessary elements, as they can't be formed in an organism or are synthesized in it in insufficient amount for a person. However, people don't need excessive amount of these useful elements.

Daily norm depends on different factors, including individual qualities of a sportsman, his nationality, physical and intellectual work intensity, nervous-psychic tension and on climatic and other conditions.

In the regions with severe climate (because of high energy expenses) the need for vitamins increases to 30-60%. At highlands and in case of great heat (more than 40 °C ) the need sometimes increases 1,5-3 times [23, 24, 25].

The higher the calorific value of the used products is and the more protein contains the ration, the higher is the need for vitamins. If the main components of the ration are carbohydrates, increased use of vitamin B1 is needed; if the main component is vegetable protein, great attention should be paid to vitamin PP.

An optimal balanced ration, as it was mentioned above, doesn't satisfy increased

need of sportsmen for vitamins, especially during winter-spring period. That is why it is necessary to take vitamins (sports food supplements and preparations). While taking vitamins it is necessary to take into consideration individual characteristics of a sportsman, the character of his nutrition, intensity of trainings and a season, climatic conditions, possibility of catching cold and other factors.

The most effective is the combined use of vitamins: during it we have interaction of the separate vitamins, it means simultaneous influence on several biochemical processes, which is now called phenomenon of synergism [26].

Speaking about athletes, they need vitamins of group B and vitamins-antioxidants C and E. Effective work of nervous system and the intensity of power training depends on group B vitamins. Lack of these vitamins ruins metabolism of protein and fats and it can lead to poor increase of muscular mass. C and E vitamins are necessary for oxidative stress compensation, which strikes organism during physical loads. Sports pharmacology offers to choose vitamin complexes with microminerals, which contain not less than 50-100 mg of B1 and B6 vitamins and 50-100 mkg of B12 vitamin, 500-1000 mg of vitamin C and 400-800 m. units of vitamin E.

Apart from complex vitamins, separate vitamins are also used in sport. The following vitamins are used most often:

- ascorbic acid ( vitamin C), which is an effective means of oxidation processes stimulation, endurance and working capacity renewal increase, preventive measure in case of acute diseases of the upper respiratory airways, furunculosis, intoxication. It can be found in nutrient mixtures, which are used at the distance during trainings in the mountains. Vitamin C is ingested in pills of 0,5g three times a day. 10-15 minutes before the start in case of short-term intensive loads it is recommended to take 150-200mg of ascorbic acid. Lack of vitamin C is usually in winter and in early spring, which is conditioned by a low level of ascorbic acid in products during

these seasons and is seen in resistance level decrease of an organism to cold, in tiredness increase.

- tocopheryl acetate (vitamin E) regulates oxidation processes, provides adenosine triphosphate (ATP) accumulation in muscles, increases working capacity, especially in terms of oxygen deficiency (hypoxia) at middle mountains. In case of the overtraining state and great tiredness 1 teaspoon of 5 or 10 percent oil solution is taken, intramuscularly - 1 ampoule during 1015 days, in case of ordinary trainings - 15-50 mg twice a day during 5-10 days. Lack of the vitamin is seen in peripheral circulation disorder, muscular weakness, erythrocytes destruction.

- B1 (thiamine) comes with food. Lack of this vitamin leads to metabolism violation in general. The need for this vitamin depends on the quality and quantity of eaten products. Predominance of carbohydrates and protein in the ration increases the need for thiamine, predominance of fats decreases the need for thiamine. It is irreplaceable during intensive physical and psychological loads, as it accelerates rehabilitation processes and prevents over-tension;

- B2 (riboflavin) also takes part almost in all kinds of metabolism (protein, fat and carbohydrate). It provides good eyesight, normalizes the state of skin and mucous membranes and also takes part in synthesis of hemoglobin. In body-building vitamin B2 is used not only for hypovitaminosis prevention during great psycho-physical loads, but also for over-tension and anemia treatment;

- PP (nicotinic acid) - a powerful vasorelaxant, it influences mainly superficial veins. Predominance of vegetable protein in protein ration can cause the need increase for nicotinic acid. Nicotinic acid is also used as preventive measure during great physical and psychic loads;

- Pangamate (vitamin B15) increases organism resistance to hypoxia, improving oxygen uptake by tissues, increasing glycogen synthesis in muscles, liver, myocardium and creatine phosphate in muscles and myocardium, especially during muscular

activity. It is used for working capacity rehabilitation increase after great physical loads in case of evident oxygen debt, in terms of myocardium over-tension, pain liver syndrome, during trainings at middle mountains. Vitamin B15 is taken 150-200 mg a day 4-6 days before competitions and then further while being at middle mountains.

- B12 (cyanocobalamine), on the one hand, it comes to an organism with food, but on the other hand it is synthesized by intestinal microflora. It is an important factor for normal growth, hemopoiesis and epithelium development and also it is a part of fat and carbohydrate metabolism;

- B9 (folic acid) also comes to an organism with food and is synthesized by intestinal microflora. Like cyanocobalamine, folic acid is necessary for a normal hemopoiesis;

- B5 (calcium pantothenate) - is an important regulator of metabolism. It comes to an organism with food and also is produced in intestines. The need for pantothenic acid in case of great physical and psycho-emotional loads and unfavorable influences of environment also increases twice;

Pyridoxal phosphate coenzymatic form of vitamin B6 (pyridoxine) has a positive influence on cholesterol and lipids content, increases glycogen in liver and improves its detoxifying functions, decreases intoxication from ionizing radiation, prevents some vestibular-sensory disorders. It is used in case of chronic hepatitis, peripheral nervous system disorders and as a preventive measure in case vestibular-sensory disorders (1 pill 3 times a day after a meal). In case of lack of vitamin B6 we have impatience, loss of appetite, sloughing of skin, conjunctivitis, adenosine triphosphate resynthesis violation [7].

Vitamin-mineral complexes. In this country it is possible to buy more than 150 kinds of polyvitaminic complexes for sportsmen. That is why in literature review we will consider the most popular and acceptable price complexes for sportsmen.

1. "Alphabet Effect". This vitamin-mineral complex is positioned by the producer as the vitamins for

people, who experience intensive physical and intellectual loads. The distinctive feature of all "Alphabet" vitamins is its division into 3 pills (morning, day time and evening), which provides better digestibility of vitamins, as not all vitamins can be digested simultaneously. The producer explains this peculiarity the following way: such kind of division prevents unfavorable interaction of vitamins and minerals. Moreover, such kind of division helps to take the pills during breakfast, dinner and supper. In other vitamins the principle of multilayer character is used for this purpose. Vitamins are dissolved in a stomach gradually and are digested in turn. Three pills (morning, day time and evening) are divided into 3 doses- each is taken in its time during a meal. "Alphabet Effect" provides increased endurance, quick organism rehabilitation after trainings (less distinctive creature of muscles) and also gives an opportunity to achieve results in a short time period.

2. "Complivit Activ". It is a balanced complex, which includes 21 useful components, including vitamins A, E, B1, B2, B5, B6, B9, B12, C, D, PP and phosphorus, iron, manganese, copper, iodine, fluorine and others. It is mentioned on the box that these are the vitamins for children and teenagers, but in the instruction it is said, that they are used for organism resistance increase in case of intensive physical and intellectual loads, during regular going in for sports, that is why this complex is also suitable for sportsmen. Daily dose: 1 pill 3 times a day. Complivit 11 vitamins, 8 minerals + lipoic acid - during the days of trainings 2-4 pills a day or in one dose, drinking water (in the morning or in day time 30-60 minutes before training); during the days of rest 2 pills.

3. "Vitrum Performance". It contains 20 minerals and vitamins. Polyvitaminic complex of "Vitrum" company, direction for use: long-term physical and psychic loads.

polyvitaminic complex, which contains vitamins, microelemnts and ginseng, green tea extract.

5. "Dynamisan". has the complex of the necessary vitamins for a normal life of a person and ginseng extract. It is used during intensive physical loads.

6. "Undevit". It contains 11 vitamins (A, E, C, groups B, PP and others), which improve metabolic processes and general health state. It is not considered as vitamins for sportsmen, however has 11 vitamins ("Complivit" has 12 vitamins), that is why the difference is not great and taking into consideration the price advantage is obvious. "Undevit" is used during speed-power loads 2 pills twice a day during 10 days, then 1 pill twice a day during 20 days; during the loads for endurance it is recommended to take 2 pills twice a day (during 15 days).

7. "Supradyn" is recommended as "megasupplement" for active people. It is a complex of 12 vitamins and 8 minerals and microelements. Pill is taken during a meal (better during breakfast), not chewing and with great amount of water; effervescent tablet is dissolved in cup of water. During the days of trainings - 2 pills, during the days of rest - 1 pill.

Let's compare the norm of vitamins for sportsmen during speed and power trainings (table 1). Preparation "Undevit" has almost the same content as the preparations "Gerimax" and "Dynamisan". Taking into consideration the content and norms, the first place takes "Vitrum Performance", the second place takes "Undevit" and the third place takes "Alphabet Effect", the 4th place is given to "Gerimax Energy", the 5th place to "Dynamisan" and the last place takes "Complivit Activ".

4. "Gerimax Energy " is a

Table 1 - Comparative characteristic of vitamin-mineral complexes for sportsmen

Vitamin Norm in mg Alphabet Complivit Vitrum Gerimax Dynamisan Undevit

A 1,2 12 0,793 1,51 0,82 0,82 12

B1 2-4 1,72 13 4,51 1,52 1,43 21

B2 2-3 21 13 5,1 1,72 1,62 21

B3 30-40 203 54 401 193 183 203

C 140-200 703 503 1202 603 603 753

Е 24-30 152 103 602 103 103 103

В6 4-5 23 1,53 62 2,23 23 32

В1 2 0,004 0,0032 0,0032 0,0183 0,0022 13 0,0022

В5 14-18 54 54 102 63 63 34

Note: 1 - ideal correspondence; 2 - the closest to norm content; 3 - similar to norm content похожий; 4 - lack of vitamin.

Thus, for power and speed trainings, as vitamin-mineral support of food ration, will suit polyvitamins "Vitrum Performance", "Undevit" (2 pills a day). They provide a daily rate of almost all vitamins. Although "Undevit" doesn't contain many other useful substances, it is cost-effective in comparison with "Vitrum Performance".

Conclusion. The main part of a sportsman's balanced nutrition is getting necessary amount ofvitamins and minerals. For a normal energetic balance a sportsman's organism needs these things. They are the main components in the process of metabolism, in energy production process, in tissues development and growth. Lack of vitamins and minerals in an organism causes decrease of sports results and is harmful for health.

As a result of the content analysis of vitaminmineral complexes in this literature review it was stated that for power and speed trainings as vitamin-mineral support of food ration of sportsmen the most suitable polyvitamins are the following: "Vitrum Performance"and "Undevit". They will provide daily norm of almost all vitamins.


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Natalia V. Semenova - candidate of medical sciences, senior lecturer "Omsk State Medical University" of the Russian Federation Ministry of Health, 12, str. Lenin, Omsk, 644043, Russia, Email: natali1980-07-21@mail. ru

Vitali A. Lyapin - professor, doctor of medical sciences, "Siberian State University of Physical Culture and Sport" of the Russian Federation Ministry of Sport, 144, str. Maslennikov, Omsk, 644009, Russia, E-mail: [email protected]

Ekaterina S. Vasilevskaya - candidate of pharmaceutical sciences, head of Pharmacy department "Omsk State Medical University" of the Russian Federation Ministry of Health, 12, str. Lenin, Omsk, 644043, Russia, E-mail: [email protected]

Alexsei R. Gotvald - head physician Budgetary Establishment of Health of Omsk Region "Medical - sports dispensary", 9A, str. Maslennikov, Omsk, 644010, Russia

Ylia A. Elokhova - candidate of biological sciences, teacher "Siberian State University of Physical Culture and Sport" of the Russian Federation Ministry of Sport, 144, str. Maslennikov, Omsk, 644009, Russia, E-mail: [email protected]

For citations: Semenova N.V., Lyapin V.A., Vasilevskaya E.S., Gotvald A.R., Elokhova Y.A. Vitamin-mineral correction of athletes' food ration, The Russian journal of physical education and sport (pedagogical-psychological and medico-biological problems of physical culture and sports), 2017, Vol. 12, No. 1, pp. 128-135. DOI 10.14526/01_2017_197

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