UDC 338.48
DOI: 10.24412/1995-042X-2021-2-30-44
Malaga University (Malaga, Spain) PhD student; e-mail: [email protected]
Abstract. Tourism promotional videos are essential elements for attraction and seduction; they are trigger elements to tourists. This solution for web marketing engages and convinces potential tourists to book a tourism product. Embedding video materials into a website provides useful information, creates different feelings in viewers, and helps them finalize their decisions. The present article discusses video solutions for health tourism websites used to allure potential tourists. It reviews the influential elements of persuasive tourism marketing videos. The article highlights how these components as persuasive strategies of tourism promotional materials can influence the decisions of tourism websites' users. The result section provides the real examples of deployment of the mentioned technique to convince the audience of the website of the "Karpaty" resort (Ukraine). This technique is worth attention as it plays an important role in the promotion of tourism services. The data collection of this study will provide updated information in relation to the rhetoric of tourism.
Keywords: tourism discourse; tourism promotion; persuasive discourse; persuasive video; influential videos in marketing.
Citation: Zakharova, G. G. (2021). Video materials as a persuasive strategy in tourism discourse. Servis v Rossii i za rubezhom [Services in Russia and Abroad], 15(2), 30-44. doi: 10.24412/1995-042X-2021-2-30-44.
Article History
Received 26 May 2021 Accepted 18 June 2021
Disclosure statement
No potential conflict of interest was reported by the author(s).
© 2021 the Author(s)
This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY-SA 4.0). To view a copy of this license, visit https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0/
УДК 338.48
DOI: 10.24412/1995-042X-2021-2-30-44
ЗАХАРОВА Анна Геннадьевна
Университет Малаги (Малага, Испания) аспирант; [email protected]
Туристические рекламные видеоролики на сегодняшний день - важные элементы для привлечения клиентов. Такое решение веб-маркетинга дает большую возможность привлечь и убедить потенциальных туристов купить туристический продукт. Видеоматериалы предоставляют полезную информацию, вызывают у зрителей разные чувства и помогают им принять окончательное решение. В данной статье обсуждаются видео решения для сайтов оздоровительного туризма, используемые для привлечения потенциальных туристов. В статье рассматриваются влиятельные элементы маркетинговых видеоматериалов и подчеркивается, как эти стратегии могут повлиять на решения пользователей туристических веб-сайтов. Результаты анализа приводят реальные примеры использования указанной методики для убеждения аудитории на сайте санатория «Карпаты» (Украина). Этот маркетинговый приём заслуживает внимания, поскольку он играет важную роль в продвижении туристических услуг. Исследование предоставляет обновленную информацию в отношении риторики языка туризма.
Ключевые слова: туристический дискурс, продвижение туризма, убедительный дискурс, убедительное видео, влиятельные видеоролики в маркетинге.
Для цитирования: Захарова А.Г. Видеоматериалы как влиятельная стратегия в рекламно-туристи-ческом дискурсе // Сервис в России и за рубежом. 2021. Т.15. №2. С. 30-44. DOI: 10.24412/1995-042X^021-2-30-44.
Дата поступления в редакцию: 26 мая 2021 г. Дата утверждения в печать: 18 июня 2021 г.
Since tourism is one of the biggest industries in the world; hence, it has received a great focus in research. As a multidiscipline, tourism is also one of the engaging research areas, especially its discourse. Unlike other industries, tourism is an information-intensive business; therefore, the discourse of tourism mediates the relationship between tourist and destination by manipulating various kinds of linguistic, visual, audio, and audio-visual resources to persuade potential consumers and convert them into actual clients [9].
Tourism marketing materials are an important source of information for the potential tourists. The main objective of tourism promotion is to portray the beauty, charm and uniqueness of a particular place. Tourism promotion engages people in decision-making concerning the destination they would like to travel to [17]. Tourism advertisements try to sell emotions, sensations and experiences that travellers are eager to find. Moreover, promotion helps a destination differentiate itself from others and construct its own identity. Its purpose is to make the potential clients become real tourists.
Tourists cannot try a destination before booking. In other words, a holiday is not an object that would-be tourists can check beforehand, and thus, promotion plays an essential role in tourism. The consumer buys a holiday, purely on the basis of symbolic expectations established promotion-ally through words, pictures, sounds and promises [16].
Preliminary results indicate that the search for the ideal touristic destination, the desire to go and experience new places is supported both by strategic, persuasive language and by technological choices used in tourism promotion [13]. Destinations utilize videos to clarify how their services improve tourists' life quality and create them healthier people than they were before using the services [5]. The promotional video materials are properly selected in order to beautifully present a place and persuade potential tourists to buy a product or service advertised. Many tourism
websites have started to embed not only a subjective point of view of authors in videos but also the voices of external parts, for example, customers' testimonials, to enhance the persuasive power of promotion. An effective video can be an influential and engaging form of web content.
Video promotion is one of the most powerful tourism marketing strategies, helping to target marketing messages towards potential tourists. Advertising videos of tourism destination play an important role in developing a positive image of destination. Tourism websites' video easily imitate reality and provide a bigger entertainment than written text does [8]. Tourism promotional videos portray the features and identity of destination offering the prospective tourists to research about that particular place before visit [11]. Video data are effective in portraying reality giving an overview of a place and simplifying communication. Moreover, this solution is able to virtually transport would-be clients to a travel destination. These tourism materials always leave an impression in tourists' minds due to their emotional content; they influence dreams and desires of the viewers helping them to take decisions about choosing the place to visit [3].
The promoters of tourism destinations have to showcase their products using effective discourse techniques due to the competition in the tourism field. Therefore, discourse of tourism materials is rhetoric implying the power of producer over addressee. Nowadays, tourism discourse highly utilizes video materials, the application of which can lead to the desired outcomes. The websites making use of convincing videos about services become more powerful and more effective.
This article will review the implementation of video materials in tourism website design employed by the Carpathian health resort. The purpose of this paper is to evaluate the effectiveness this technique to capture and keep the attention of users. I will explore what makes the videos of online promotion to be attractive and influential, focusing my investigation on the persuasiveness in tourism video discourse.
Literature review
Tourism promotion is a very important issue in the entire tourism process. Generally, the choice of a holiday place depends on how well it was advertised and how persuasive and engaging the message was. Tourism advertising influences potential visitors' choices and sometimes determines the length of their stay, which is an essential issue for marketers. Consumers purchase the expectations and benefits that satisfy their needs. To reach desired advertising reaction, the advertisements should be designed to match these needs [4]. Video as a source of information is highly helpful component in reaching the objective of tourism promotion.
To choose the place for travelling, people increasingly prefer audio-visual sources to get information regarding this place than to read in details about it [12]. Tourism promotional video is a good way of advertising a holiday destination to tourists. The views of a short and effective video help the audience visualize, fantasize, and dream about a holiday destination [15]. According to Jo-siam, Kinley, Pookulangara & Spears [11], a scene of a place viewed in a video also inspires a viewer's desire to travel to that particular destination and to participate in those activities shown there.
Tourism advertisement videos are professionally made to portray the unique and convincing destination features. They provide a review of a place, giving information regarding people, nature landscape, activities, seasons, architecture and heritages, unique food, carnivals or seasonal festivals, accommodation facilities, transportation system, etc. These data are presented very uniquely, energetically and in lively way, omitting any negative image of a place. It makes a tourism advertisement video more enriched and attractive to the viewers. Moreover, video can precisely depict weather conditions of destinations. Climate and weather play an important factor influencing the successful functioning of tourism business [2].
Tourism videos not only attract the viewers,
giving information regarding visiting a new place. According to Alvarez & Campo [1], they also create a sense of insurance, stability and security in the tourists mind regarding the place. It inspires tourists to search for further information and leads to the decision making of visiting a holiday place.
Therefore, tourism advertisement videos are an essential source of information for tourists to select their holiday destinations. It is an important destination-marketing tool that dynamically presents promotional information. It can be stated that, if a picture says thousand words then a video says a million [7].
When promoting a tourism product via audio-visual component such as video, the important point to consider for marketers is a content selection. The manner of presenting a product is crucial in engaging new customers. A growing number of tourist destinations have created a highly competitive global marketplace in which destinations compete to catch the attention of potential tourists. Therefore, to get the desired outcome, tourism marketers look for efficient strategies. A destination should be differentiated from other destinations to be included into potential tourists' "shopping list" [10]. The promoters need to persuade tourists to purchase their product, and the use of effective techniques helps achieve this objective.
In order to assure tourists, marketers have to create an appealing imagery of a place and make it stand out from other competing destinations. In addition, it should suit the interests and needs of the audience. The most important task in tourism promotion is to build a desirable image. When the potential tourists possess a desirable image of a place, they can be convinced to visit this destination. Therefore, marketers have to produce a perfect destination's image. Using video materials is now extremely important for tourism marketers to create a positive image. The information delivered with the implication of various short videos make a website become an appealing and secure environment.
Research objective, methodology, and data
To understand tourism information from the persuasive point of view, it is interesting to consider the video components which web tourism texts involve creating persuasive units. Paying attention to the video data will give an opportunity to look at the nature of web tourism promotion and find out how this strategy is used from which this persuasive force come from.
The purpose of this paper is to examine the video content of a health tourism website in order to better understand its main persuasive features. The techniques of different types employed in videos to attract potential clients will be investigated. I will undertake a study from which we will see real examples of the use of verbal and nonverbal techniques in health tourism promotional video materials with the intention of persuading. I will consider the video materials deployed by the website of "Karpaty" hotel and resort (accessed from https://san-karpaty.com/) in order to encourage visitors to choose this place as their travel destination. The selection of this website is purposeful. It officially represents health tourism and describes the tourism location, healthcare services, nature attraction, and culture, etc. in a very attractive language using different video strategies. The data compiled was taken during 20192020.
Typical scheme of video-content analysis (by Nevenka Dimitrova, Philips Research; Hong-Jiang Zhang, Microsoft Research; Behzad Shah-raray, AT&T Labs Research; Ibrahim Sezan, Sharp Laboratories of America; Thomas Huang, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign; Avideh Zakhor, University of California at Berkeley) proposed in 2002 was applied to parse the videos in order to identify meaningful composition structure and to extract content attributes of the video components. The scheme involves four primary processes: feature extraction, structure analysis, abstraction, and indexing.
To facilitate fast and accurate content access to video data, researches should segment a video document into shots and scenes to compose a table of contents, extracting key frames or key
sequences as index entries for scenes. Viewers perceive a video as a document. Video indexing is analogous to text document indexing, where a structural analysis is performed to decompose a document into paragraphs, sentences, and words in order to further analyse it [6].
An important process in content-based video indexing is feature extraction. The effectiveness of an indexing scheme depends on the effectiveness of attributes in content representation. These features can be colour, texture, shape, structure, layout, motion in the visual domain and pitch, energy, and bandwidth in the audio domain. The valuable information is also carried in such components as text and speech that accompany the pictorial and audio components.
Video structure parsing is the process of extracting temporal structural information of video sequences. This process lets researches organize video data according to their temporal structures and relations and thus build table of contents. It involves detecting temporal boundaries and identifying meaningful segments of video. From a narrative point of view, a scene consists of a series of consecutive shots grouped together because they are shot in the same location or because they share some thematic content.
Video abstraction is the process of creating a presentation of visual information about the structure of video. This abstraction process is similar to extraction of keywords or summaries in text document processing. That is, researches need to extract a subset of video data from the original video such as key frames or highlights as entries for shots, scenes, or stories. Key frames are still images, extracted from original video data, that best represent the content of shots in an abstract manner.
The structural and content attributes extracted in feature extraction, video parsing, and abstraction processes are often referred to as metadata. Based on these attributes, researches can build video indices and the table of contents through a clustering process [6].
For conducting further analysis, Kress and
van Leeuwen's [14] work Visual Grammar on visual representation was used. It was helpful in determining the specific points of visual influence in the videos. Visual Grammar allows the realization of meaning making through the analysis of visual images, making it possible to read the images without linguistic assistance.
As Kress and van Leeuwen [14] state images lead to various relations with viewers. The interactive meaning of images can be realized through the gaze (contact) direction of the represented participants, which can be directed at the viewer or not. A demand image engages viewers with a direct gaze from a person in a picture, while an offer image addresses the viewers without a direct gaze. Demands are considered to establish an imaginary relation with the viewer since they address her/him directly. The act can also be emphasized by facial expressions and gestures [14].
Another important system in the composition of visual meaning is salience. This makes a difference among the elements of image, since some are presented as more important or attractive than others. The visual clues indicating salience are: size, sharpness of focus, tonal and colour contrast, placement in the visual field, perspective and specific cultural factors [14].
The influential video techniques will be discussed in relation to their contribution to the persuasive effects. In particular, different verbal and non-verbal strategies that can shape tourists' attitudes towards the services and influence their purchase decision will be observed. Hence, this article will discuss how tourism promotion relies on video elements in order to promote a healthy break away from everyday life attracting tourists during the search phase.
This paper contributes to the field of tourism studies by focusing on how persuasion works in tourism communication through video documents. The results of this study could be helpful for those who design tourism websites and create tourism promotional materials.
Results and discussion
The website of "Karpaty" resort provides some videos to their audience. They form part of
the resort's marketing materials successfully capturing visitors' interest. The introductory video is the first experience that the guests may have on the website. The video is visible straight after the banner of the site and showcases the resort at its very best. It is the only video made in English, hence targeting English-speaking audience. The video provides a great deal of information about the place, switching rapidly between different scenes. It grabs the viewer's attention in the very first few seconds of the video with its fast pace and amazing images. The introduction of the video is visually appealing and inspires emotion in the viewer. The author begins the video with an important selling point that is the breath-taking views of landscapes surrounding the resort complex. It engages the target audience and makes them want to watch all the way through.
Figure 1 identifies some meaningful seg-ments/ key frames extracted from the video. The frames build the visual table of contents of the video. The combination of visual elements together with audio elements highlights the resort's unique features and activities. At the beginning, this video makes the excellent use of aerial outlook before closing in for the resort's interior. We are offered to see some very effective drone footage of the resort and its green premises. The long shots suggest impersonal relations; the subjects in these pictures are inviting to observe them from the distance. It helps the website build an image of relaxing and peaceful place in the viewer's mind. The video shows nice weather attributes. This message is supported with the linguistic one: "It is good for any weather". Thus, the message is directed to the viewer who is concerned about the weather conditions in that region.
The third frame features a demand segment of the video. The represented participant of this brick of information is a resort receptionist addressing the viewer with a direct gaze and treating the viewer as a newly arrived guest. This segment generates strong engagement between the receiver of the message and the represented participant. The viewer is invited to interact, as
CEPBl/IC T"N2021
imaginary relation is established with him/her. The viewer imaginarily receives a resort key card that grants the holder access to facilities beyond a hotel room, such as the resort's surrounding green territory, diagnostic centre, rooms of medical and SPA procedures, sport centre, lobby, and restaurants. Due to the medium shots, the
following shots provide the feeling that the viewer is actually in the resort him/herself and can see all these facilities including the amazing resort' ethnic restaurant, pool, lobby, medical and SPA equipment and services. The visual message of invitation is supported with the linguistic one: "Welcome to the hotel and resort "Karpaty".
Fig. 1 - Key frames of homepage introductory video in the corpus of "Karpaty" resort website
The majority of shots are displayed at a close and medium distance. At this distance, it seems as if the viewers could actually enjoy the facilities or services physically. By projecting the amenities within the viewer's reach, the producer encourages them to understand what guests can afford and which activities they can take part in while staying in this institution. By and large, the video allows the viewers to see the whole resort complex in true lighting.
The incorporated audio and speech components support the visual information of the video. The linguistic message functions as an anchorage to direct the viewer through the signified of the shots, generating an accompanying additional message.
Nouns are the main linguistic resource of the video, conveying objective and practical information about the resort. They describe the interior and exterior of the sanatorium. Moreover, the linguistic message features a high number of nouns referring to healthcare, creating the register of health tourism. The author uses these terminologies to describe medical and wellness procedures, such as rehabilitation, therapies, hydrotherapies, etc. In order to successfully present the treatment, the author makes use of the terms for illnesses, such as "gastro-intestinal illnesses", "gastro-intestinal illnesses", "chronic gastritis", "spasms", "prostatitis", "hepatitis", "colitis", "cholecysttis", "cystitis", etc. By using these items, the authors advertise their health facilities to tourists: the use of this terminology is employed in order to gain prestige. The technique aims to make this type of discourse more attractive, evoking a feeling in readers that the services are reliable in this institution.
A great number of verbs are used, too. They are functional to the wellness experience and refer to actions that the guests are very likely to perform at this resort. The most commonly used tense is the present tense, conveying the idea that these experiences are true.
Other resource used in the linguistic message is positive descriptive adjectives. They highlight the qualities and values of the place giving
beauty to the message, for example, "comfortable", "breath-taking", "modern", etc. These positive adjectives are used to trigger positive emotions in the viewers.
Numerals are used to present the benefits of the resort and to show how big the resort is, prompting the viewers to visit the place. Here are some examples:
- "50% of organic products"
- "248 rooms"
- "More than 23 therapeutic-diagnostic procedures".
The background music of the video helps enhance information power by attracting tourists' attention and invoking emotional response in them. Moreover, the effect of background music influences on memory and creates a sense of reality for the viewers.
The video positions the resort to be the special one depicting its location, luxurious facilities, modern medical and diagnostic centre, greatest cuisine, and helpful staff. It offers interesting and engaging material allowing the viewers to visualise the resort before making a booking. Moreover, it is a useful tool to create a sense of insurance, stability and security in the tourists mind regarding the place.
The following videos are in Ukrainian and Russian. Figure 2 identifies the meaningful segments of the video that features the feedback of the clients of this resort. These temporal composition bricks form key frames of the video. The main represented participants are the guests of the resort. The do not make any contact with the viewer, thus providing an offer. This implies that the viewer is the passive observer and is not invited to make interaction with them.
The main focus of this video is interviews with the customers, sharing their experiences. By using the video of people, the website becomes more personable and relatable and has a positive impact on tourist's first impression. The satisfied customers affirming the services have a very strong influence on the potential clients.
By providing this video, the marketers want to confirm the characteristics of the place
positively and associate the resort with external parties. This confirmation is presented in the form of external assessments. The video can be considered as trust indicator, as the testimonials are great for building confidence. Liking and trust are
important components in any promotion. People trust peers more than professional descriptions.
Therefore, the video can act as some sort of proof to the viewers and embedding this video into the site can boost credibility and trustworthiness.
Fig. 2 - Video interviews in the corpus of "Karpaty" resort website
This video is a very powerful technique to help the viewers become customers. The clients' feedback helps create the best customer experience and assists the viewer with tourism product selection. The represented participants reassure the viewer of the quality of the resort's services, subsequently increasing a conversion rate that is the principal objective of the promotion. The viewer realizes that the services are worth using. The video provides their prospects an idea of what they can experience if they book the services. Moreover, the shots of these interviewees generate emotional/ affective responses from the viewers, as some represented participants smile, uncovering themes of pleasure and happiness. That is also an important point in persuasion the viewers.
The main focus of the following video is on the medicinal waters that are available in the resort (Fig. 3). The main represented participant is a chief doctor of the resort. He is a narrator of the video presenting the treatment realized through the mineral water drinking.
The linguistic content is the most important
part of this video; meanwhile, the visual information of the video supports speech component. The doctor provides information on the healing effects of the waters due to their physical or chemical properties. The combination of visual elements together with audio elements highlights the resort unique feature that is the possession of its own pump room of mineral waters with con-tactless heating elements.
The third frame features a demand segment of the video. The represented participant (doctor) of this brick of information addresses the viewer with a direct gaze. Moreover, the video is made at an eye level, thus it signifies the engagement and equal power relations between the doctor and the viewer of the video. This section generates strong engagement between the receiver of the message and represented participant sending the message. The viewers are invited to interact, as an imaginary relation is established with them. At the same time, the doctor looks friendly, warm and professional; therefore, the viewer can trust and feel comfortable while watching the video.
Zakharova G. G. г-ртРГЗГЛМ
Video materials as a persuasive strategy in tourism discourse i_j л \/MLJl I I/I
Fig. 3 - Key frames of the video on the mineral waters of "Karpaty" resort
Fig. 4 - Key frames of the video "Portrait of my city" in the corpus of "Karpaty" resort website
Other shots are displayed at close distance. At this distance, these facilities of the pump-room are shown only in part, and it seems that the viewers can actually try them physically. Moreover, the shots are taken at an eye level, signifying the engagement and equal, power relations between represented participants and the viewer. By projecting the shots within the viewer's reach and at an eye level, the marketers encourage the viewers to visualize what they can afford while staying at this institution. On the other hand, the represented participants in these shots do not create
any contact with the viewer, implying the invitation to come and observe the place rather than interact with the people in the shots.
Figure 4 is the meaningful segments of the movie-like video, its temporal composition bricks. They are also key frames extracted from the video, building a visual table of contents of the video. From a narrative point of view, the video consists of a series of consecutive shots sharing the same thematic content that is the presentation of Truskavets, the city where the resort is situated. The video portrays the
destination features and the identity of the town, offering the prospective tourists to learn about the different issues of the place. It inspires the viewers to research about this particular place before visit.
The main represented participant is a man that introduces this amazing city to the viewer, expressing his feelings towards it. The story of this video is quite simple. It starts from the train station where the main character, which is featured in the first key frame, takes a train to Truscavets. Once he arrives there, the viewer is presented various interesting facts about the destination. The main attribute of the place is its nature. The city of Truskavets is a cosy and pure ecological zone with its generous variety of terrestrial and subterranean underground riches. According to the contents of the video, the nature in this city is attractive during all seasons of the year. In addition to breath-taking landscape, the historical architecture, culture, unique heritage sights beautifully picturized in the video. These elements are the authentic aspects of the destination that are presented very uniquely and lively, without any negative image of the place. The presentation of
them was very interestingly and appealingly set and the narratives are compelling and entertaining. The main goal of the video is to guide the viewer through these city attractions to the hotel and resort "Karpaty".
This short video is a complete story that has a beginning, middle and end pattern. Applying such a narrative framework creates a wonderful account that can convince, persuade and inspire the audience to visit the destination. This storytelling technique is used to invoke a viewer's emotional and subconscious responses. The uniqueness, popularity, distinctiveness and authenticity of the place trigger the inner desire of visiting it. Therefore, this kind of video is an interesting and attractive representation of destination features that can serve as an effective marketing tool.
In the website, a particular attention is paid to an ecological food from the resort's own farm and a variety of dishes, which correspond to the types of the therapeutic diets. The following visual table of contents presents the video featuring the resort's own farm (Fig. 5). It is also a movie-like video introducing a complete story that has a beginning, middle and end pattern.
Fig. 5 - Key frames of the video "Organic food" in the corpus of "Karpaty" resort website
The plot is supported by narrative that informs the viewer that the products are ecological and clean in "Karpaty", as they are sourced from the own farm. Hence, the significant part of the food, which the resort offers, is a naturally grown one. Moreover, the resort guarantees this food quality. It leads to the assumption that the authors emphasize this point with the intention to create an expectation for the travelers that in "Karpaty" they could have a lot of opportunities to taste the food made from naturally grown ingredients. Therefore, the viewer gets a good feel of what the resort has to offer.
The majority of the shots are displayed at close and medium distance. People in the shots do not create any contact with the viewer that can be treated as an invitation to come and observe the place rather than interact with these people.
It seems that the viewers can virtually enter the represented space and make sure that the information provided is true. By projecting the shots of food at close distance, within the viewer's reach and at an eye level, the marketers create an impression in the viewers that they can enjoy it right now. The final shot features the image of quality label that creates an impression that the video is labelled to be authenticated and formalized. It serves to be a good technique to engage the consumers.
The main represented participant of the next video on the website is Miss Ukraine 2011 (Fig. 6). She gives an interview in the territory of Karpaty resort, expressing her positive feelings of staying in the resort complex. The video reassures the viewers of the quality of the services. They realize that the services are worth using.
"Мисс Украина-2011" Ярослава Куряча - гостья канала ГКК "Карпаты"
Fig. 6 - Key frames of the video interview with Miss Ukraine 2011 Yaroslava Kuryacha in the corpus of "Karpaty" resort website
This video is a high-impact marketing tool and works as trust indicator. It can grab attention immediately and build credibility, as popular people naturally generate much attention and they are generally well trusted. Moreover, celebrities in any promotion build brand awareness, and they do it much more quickly than traditional types of promotion. They make the brand stand out. Using the celebrity in the video to represent the resort's services helps to differentiate this place from the competitors. The video can also improve recall, making the viewers remember "Karpaty" resort and that it is connected to this famous woman.
The marketers of "Karpaty" resort demonstrate their creativity by providing the video in the form of interactive map (Fig. 7). It is also a nice
way to present the resort. This map visualizes the location of the resort complex on the world map and presents the amenities inside of Karpaty's resort limits. Each location hotspot on the map corresponds to the accompanying footage of that particular place. In this way, the author creatively highlights the resort's beautiful surroundings and the services it provides.
There are no speech components that support the visual information of the video. The incorporated audio in the form of background music helps increase information power by attracting viewers' attention and invoking some kind of emotional response in them. The influence of background music forms the viewers' memory and creates a sense of reality for them.
The marketers present the video of a TV programme that records the guide shows about different travel destinations, demonstrating their local lodging, cuisine, and attractions (Figure 8). This time, the programme producers visit
"Karpaty" resort to capture the attractions of this place. The video may influence the viewers positively, as this TV programme is entertaining that can help reach the audience in a way that travellers know and trust.
Fig. 7 - Key frames of the video "Interactive map of "Karpaty" resorf
Fig. 8 - Key frames of Wumma b 3adoBoneHHn (Enjoy a Good Life) video programme in the corpus of "Karpaty" resort website
The promotional videos enable the viewers to visualize, fantasize, and dream about "Karpaty" health destination. They are a good source of information. Moreover, the videos have emotional content and can more easily imitate reality and propose a bigger prospect of entertainment compared with the texts in the website.
The analysis has revealed that the character of the videos presented on "Karpaty" resort website is highly persuasive because of their promotional function. The videos have shown a broad variety of persuasion techniques expressed through different verbal and non-verbal components.
The marketers carefully construct the videos in order for the viewer to comprehend them and develop a positive attitude towards the destination. The persuasive techniques are used to convert the target audience and, consequently, guide
them to buying the services that is the main goal of the website.
The combination of visual elements together with audio elements highlights the resort unique features and activities and provides guests with a view of the resort's location. The video materials not only express messages, but also they are able to create feelings, add interactivity, provide engaging experiences, and serve as trust indicators. These features are ably used to convince the target audience to book the services of "Karpaty" resort.
The videos are effective communication tools the deployment of which can attract the potential tourist's interest. They can assist the viewers in making decisions, determining their behaviour. Implementing the persuasive videos in the websites' design has a positive impact on the entire website functionality.
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