yflK 343.988
Виктимология 2021, Т. 8, № 2. С. 109-120
Victimology in Russia: Overviewing of the Stages of the Scientific Directions Development
A. V. Mayorov
Chelyabinsk State University E-mail: [email protected] ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-8629-9837.
Abstract. Victimology as an independent scientific field has been developing all over the world for a long time. Russia is not an exception, there is enough fundamental research in this area of scientific knowledge, which was conducted by well-known scientists-victimologists, new theoretical views on the problems of victimology were formed and scientific schools were distinguished. Among the Russian scientists who consider the problems of victimization in Russian society, L. V. Frank, D. V. Rivman, V. E. Kvashis, and others are known at the world level. The subject of the study is the scientific works and studies of Russian criminologists studying the science of the victim from the beginning of the emergence of scientific views (1970) to the present time. As a research methodology, the author of the article chose general scientific cognition methods (analysis, synthesis), as well as specific scientific methods — historical-legal, formal-logical, systematic, and others.
The scientific novelty of the study lies in the fact that for the first time in the current century, the scientific literature highlights the stages of development and formation of victimology as a scientific direction in Russia.
The result of the study was a scientific analysis of the stages of development of the doctrine of the victim in Russian criminological science, as well as the theoretical and legal characteristics and justification of the name of each of the presented stages. The author has formed not only generalizing conclusions on the retrospective analysis of Russian victimology but also expressed reasoned conclusions about the directions of development of this field of knowledge in the nearest future.
Keywords: victimology, promotion of victimology, development of victimology, scientific schools, science in Russia, Russian victimology.
For citation: Mayorov, A. V. Victimology in Russia: Overviewing of the Stages of the Scientific Direction's Development. Viktimologiya [Victimology], 2021, vol. 8, no. 2, pp. 109-120.
Виктимологии в России: обзор этапов развития научного направления
Майоров А. В.
Челябинский государственный университет
E-mail: [email protected]
ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-8629-9837.
Аннотация. Виктимология как самостоятельное научное направление развивается во всем мире уже давно. Не исключение и Россия, где существует достаточно фундаментальных исследований в этой области научных знаний, которые проводились известными учеными-виктимологами, сформировались новые теоретические взгляды на проблемы виктимологии и выделились научные школы. Среди российских ученых рассматривающих проблемы виктимности в российском обществе известны на мировом уровне Л. В. Франк, Д. В. Ривман, В. Е. Квашис и другие.
Предметом исследования стали научные труды и исследования российских ученых-криминологов изучающих науку о жертве, с начала зарождения научных взглядов (1970 г.) и до настоящего времени. В качестве методологии исследования автором статьи избраны общенаучные методы познания (анализ, синтез), а также частнонаучные методы — историко-правовой, формально-логический, системный и другие. Научная новизна исследования заключается в том, что впервые в текущем столетии в научной литературе освещаются этапы развития и становления виктимологии как научного направления в России.
Результатом исследования стал научный анализ этапов развития учения о жертве в российской криминологической науке, а также теоретико-правовая характеристика и обоснование названия каждого из представленных этапов. Автором сформированы не только обобщающие выводы по ретроспективному анализу российской виктимологии, но и высказаны аргументированные выводы о направлениях развития данной области знаний в ближайшее время.
Ключевые слова: виктимология, продвижение виктимологии, развитие виктимологии, научные школы, наука в России, российская виктимология.
Для цитирования: Майоров, А. В. Виктимологии в России: обзор этапов развития научного направления / А. В. Майоров // Виктимология. — 2021. — Т. 8, № 2. — С. 109-120.
Russian scientists, who recognize and support this field of science, actively promote the formation and development of victimology as an independent scientific field.
It is considered that in our country the first developments in the field of victimology date back to the middle of the 1960s. Among the Russian founders of victimology, L. V. Frank and D. V. Rivman are rightly called [See: 26; 36; 37]. Specifically, in their works, important aspects of the identity of the victim of crime and its role in the mechanism of criminal behavior were first investigated. In the future, Soviet criminologists studied the personality and behavior of the victim in the mechanism
of committing a crime within a single problem complex; its role in the genesis of the crime; criminological significant relationships and connections between the victim and the perpetrator; ways and means of compensation or mitigation of the harm caused to the victim as a result of the criminal assault. At the same time, the attention of domestic researchers was particularly attracted by the quantitative and qualitative statistically significant characteristics of the criminal victimization of society.
Methods and methodology
General scientific cognition methods (analysis, synthesis), as well as specific
scientific methods — historical-legal, formal-logical, systematic, and others were used.
Description of the study
In Russia, since 1970, we can note the beginning of the formation of scientific schools that study the theoretical and practical aspects of victimology. Particularly noteworthy is the Leningrad school of Professor D. V. Rivman whose works and ideas on "criminal victimology" have received the widest recognition not only in our country but also abroad.
Almost at the same time, there was a parallel development of the scientific school of victimology in another region of our country — in Irkutsk. Professor V. Ya. Rybalskaya devoted her research to the issues of theoretical and methodological direction, development of issues on victimological prevention of juvenile delinquency [28]. In her scientific works, new at that time empirical data of comparative victimological studies were widely presented. Under her leadership, scientific events at the regional level, the participants of which comprehensively cover the current problems of criminal victimology are organized.
The new knowledge gained because of victimological research has been applied and used by scientists to develop measures for the prevention of crime. Victimological knowledge was used by V. I. Polubinsky when describing one of the types of preventive measures — victimological prevention of crimes [25]. In his scientific works, V. I. Polubinsky revealed criminal-legal and socio-psychological problems associated with the qualitative and quantitative characteristics of victims; he investigated the issues of general and individual crime prevention from the perspective of victim predisposition of potential victims. Scientist presented the concept of latent victims [25]. At present, this problem remains unsolved, despite a significant amount of research on the protection of victims of crime conducted in the field of criminal law, criminal procedure, criminology, and victimology.
In the 1980s and subsequent years, B. C. Minskaya and G. I. Chechel [21] studied the legislation on criminal liability for crimes
committed in connection with negative behavior of a person; analyzes the general concept of the negative behavior of victims, its signs concerning certain categories of crimes against the person; they study the role of the negative behavior of victims in the genesis of crimes against the person. New to the development of victimology in Russia was a detailed study of the characteristics of individual actions, taking into account the existing "pre-criminal concrete life situation" and the identification of the "pre-criminal social connection" between the victim and the criminal as the starting point of interaction that forms behavior. The analysis of "pre-criminal social relations" allowed us to predict the pre-criminal situation (victimological situation); what is the main element in the development of preventive measures. The study of the victim's behavior in a pre-criminal situation allowed us to model the victimological situation, with the aim of its subsequent prevention.
The next stage in the development of domestic victimology is described in detail in the monograph of V. I. Zadorozhny [12] — the creation of a "Victimological association". The "Victimological association" was established in Nizhny Novgorod (1990), which was headed by the well-known, at that time, scientist V. S. Ustinov. The task of the" Victimological Association " was to study the current problems of victimology, conducting scientific seminars and conferences, promotion of victimological knowledge among the population, publication of scientific and popular scientific works of victimological orientation. The work of the association was covered by the periodically scientific publication "Bulletin of the Victimological Association", in which the questions of the theoretical justification of the development of the victimological component of crime prevention were revealed, the most important categories of victimology and criminology were analyzed, the issues of state assistance to victims of criminals were discussed, sociological studies of the level of victimization of the population were conducted [12, P. 56].
In 1998-1999, in Kazan, B. V. Sidorov conducted a study in which he identified the problems of criminal victimology as a science
and as a direction in legal science [31]. Analyzing different views on debatable issues about the nature and place of criminal victimology in the system of other sciences and scientific disciplines, the author defines victimology as an auxiliary intersectoral legal discipline of the criminal cycle. Separation of the victim doctrine into a separate scientific direction, — the legal discipline has been proposed and is being proposed by many scientists engaged in scientific developments in this field.
The result of the research conducted by B. V. Sidorov was "a fundamentally new criminal-legal classification of victims, which includes "victims of victimized, positive, lawful and socially useful behavior", "victims" of the pseudovictimal", a legitimate act that is insignificant in victimogenic and social relations"; "victims of victimized, uncritical, careless and trusting behavior", etc.» [31, P. 78]. It should be noted that for the first time in legal science, B. V. Sidorov defines the concept of "victim state".
Along with this research, the Research Institute of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia publishes a monograph by A. L. Sitkovsky "Victimological characteristics and prevention of self-serving crimes against the property of citizens" (1998) under the general editorship of V. I. Polubinsky [32]. The article reveals the socio-legal and moral-psychological problems associated with the characteristics of victims of self-serving crimes, it contains practical recommendations on the methods of studying victims, recommendations that are of practical importance for law enforcement agencies have been developed to predict their victimization and measures to neutralize the conditions for causing harm by a criminal act. Victimology, in the monograph of A. L. Sitkovsky, is considered as a modern perspective direction of socio-legal research, providing an increase in the effectiveness of crime control [32].
Victimology of violent crimes against the person and crimes against property, along with the general questions of victimological science, a monograph entitled "Victimology" was studied by victimologists Professor D. V. Rivman and Professor V. S. Ustinov (2000, St. Petersburg) [27].
It should be noted that the considered stage of victimology development is mostly of an applied nature, aimed at the practical implementation of victimological knowledge, taking into account the research already conducted. The stage of practical implementation of victimological research is characterized by the development of normative acts on the protection of victims of crime, victims of crime are given more rights and opportunities to protect their interests, public organizations and international cooperation are developing in the field of countering violent crimes and improving the security of society.
At the same time, the problem of studying victims of crime does not remain without attention from psychology. In the book "Psychology of victim behavior" (Khristenko V. E., 2004), the main attention is devoted to the study of the psychology of behavior of victims of crime, victims of accidents, natural disasters, catastrophes, etc. The author suggests using analytical methods in the study of the socio-psychological foundations of victimology. Thus, with the help of mathematical methods, the author demonstrated the possibility of describing the level of protection of a particular person, which, in his opinion, "undoubtedly, it should have contributed to more effective crime prevention" [39]. In his book, V. E. Khristenko described in detail the peculiarities of the perception of victims of sexual crimes, patterns of hostages' behavior; gave recommendations to law enforcement officials on communication with victims of crimes, including with young victims and witnesses of crimes.
The book "Personality of the victim and moral harm" is also devoted to the study of "psychological and legal characteristics of the victim" (Budyakova T. P., 2005) [3]. The author paid a lot of attention to the issues of "compensation for moral harm, and also revealed the concepts of "physical" and "moral" suffering".
These studies (V. E. Khristenko, T. P. Budyakova) to a certain extent complement and expand the terminological apparatus of the science of victims of crime; showing an interdisciplinary connection,
they reveal and explain the behavioral characteristics of crime victims from the point of view of psychology. This indicates that the problems associated with the study of persons who suffered as a result of an illegal act were considered in scientific works not only in the criminal cycle but also in the framework of psychological and legal studies that allow us to reveal the motivation of victim behavior of victims and the victimization of society, contributing to the development of methodological recommendations for law enforcement agencies to work with victims of crime.
The study of the victimological experience of foreign countries against the background of increasing criminalization in society has determined the prerequisites for creating a system of victimological crime prevention in Russia. Issues of victimological prevention were devoted to both special studies and individual chapters, articles by well-known and novice Russian scientists [1; 3; 7; 8; 9; 10; 11; 13; 15; 16; 18; 22; 23; 24; 29; 30; 33; 34; 35; 38]. The priority directions of the victimological policy were the work with public associations and the strengthening of the victimological component in the preventive activities of the internal affairs bodies [5, P. 142].
Speaking about the preventive activities of the internal affairs bodies, it is necessary to emphasize the study on the topic "Conceptual foundations of victimological crime prevention" (Zadorozhny V. I., 2006) [14], dedicated to one of the priority tasks of Russian victimology science, — victimological crime prevention. V. I. Zadorozhny introduces the concept of «victimological safety» into scientific circulation, which is "the state of protection of persons from all kinds of threats, including criminal ones, arising in extreme situations, conflicts, provided by the state, a wide range of its subjects by reducing the victimization of these individuals, as well as reducing the negative impact of victimogenic and other factors and situations" [14]. The same author proposed a methodology for studying the characteristics and state of victimization in Russia, as well as scientifically based proposals for improving the mechanism of social rehabilitation and protection of
victims of crime and compensation for harm caused by crime.
The study "Criminogenic victimization of social groups in modern society" is devoted to the problems of studying the victimization of society (Vishnevetsky K. V.,
2008) [7]. This study contains a new scientifically based theoretical concept of criminogenic victimization of social groups and statuses of modern society and the formation of a system of differentiated victimological crime prevention on its basis. The author's socio-criminological model of criminogenic victimization and criminogenic victimization of social groups and statuses in the context of globalization is presented, as well as a two-level model of the social determination of criminogenic victimization of the individual. Special attention is paid to the connection between the processes of migration, urbanization, and victimization of society.
The study of the problem of preventing secondary victimization of the victim of crime was devoted to the study on the topic: "Victimological prevention of crimes that have caused moral harm" (Budyakova T. P.,
2009) [2]. Along with theoretical and practical issues of victimological prevention of crimes that infringe on the personal non-property rights of the victim, there presented measures for prevention primary and secondary victimization of special types of victims: juvenile, the mentally retarded, persons suffering from mental disorders. The indisputable advantage of the study by T. P. Budyakova was that it "developed a list of preventive measures that ensure the prevention of secondary victimization of all types of victims and also formulated proposals to expand the range of criminal law and criminal procedure guarantees, functionally aimed at preventing primary and secondary victimization of different types of victims" [2].
The results of scientific victimological research conducted in Russia at the end of the XX century contributed to the appearance of some monographic publications aimed at improving law enforcement activities at the beginning of the XXI century: "Criminogenic victimization of social statuses
in modern society" (K. V. Vishnevetsky,
2005), "Victimization of the individual and social group in modern criminology" (K. V. Vishnevetsky, 2006), "Victimological safety and its provision with victimological prevention measures" (V. I. Zadorozhny,
2006), "Theoretical and practical foundations of criminal victimology" (V. I. Polubinsky, A. L. Sitkovsky, 2006) et al. The monograph "Victimology. Psychology of victim behavior" (Malkina-Pykh I. G., 2010) [20] is devoted to the study of psychological theories that explain the formation of increased victimization of the individual, or the "victim phenomenon". The author studied the victimology of addictive behavior, also developed "psychological methods of individual counseling and group forms of training" [20]. Interest in the study of the identity of the victim of crime and the study of her behavior remains at present. After all, "the personality of the victim cannot be considered in isolation from the social essence of a person, out of connection with the entire system of social relations in which he is a participant... The identity of the victim does not appear at the time of the crime but is formed in the process of all the previous life activity of the individual" [See: 4; 5]. This position allowed us to investigate the identity of the victim of the crime using criminological methods, such as forecasting and modeling. However, the existing developments in the theory of victimological science allowed Russian scientists to single out the theory of victimological modeling, both personal behavior, and victim situation, in a separate direction. The conceptual aspects are disclosed in the monograph of the author of this study "Victimological model of crime prevention" (Mayorov A. V., 2014) [19], and also in the monograph "Victimological modeling in criminology and crime prevention practice" (Varchuk T. V., 2015) [6], which are devoted to the theory of victimological modeling and its development in the Russian criminological science". According to the last author, T. V. Varchuk, "criminological analysis of crime as a socially determined phenomenon is impossible without understanding its interrelationships with victimization and victimization. The knowledge of the essence, content and their main demonstration in
special models of victim behavior creates scientific prerequisites for correlating these models with models of criminal behavior, the interaction of which often acts as a stimulus for the development of the mechanism of any crime" [6, P. 4]. The emergence of scientific theories about victimological modeling as a way to influence crime will allow directing the vector of the scientific direction of new researchers in the direction of increasing the effectiveness of the use of victimological knowledge in the field of countering modern crime.
Research results and discussion
Thus, the characteristic phenomena in victimology at the beginning of the XXI century were: development of applied research prepared on the basis of theoretical calculations of Russian scientists-victimologists at the end of the last century; using the practical experience of working in law enforcement agencies of the researchers themselves; as well as taking into account numerous Western publications on applied victimology. In scientific studies, specific recommendations of a preventive nature are presented, the use of which, according to the researchers, could reduce the risk of becoming a victim of criminal attacks, improve legislation aimed at protecting victims of crime and ensuring their safety, as well as the safety of potential victims of crime.
The general trend of strengthening the victimological component of criminological science, clearly observed since the beginning of the new century, indicates an increasing desire of criminologists to take into account the interests of all parties to criminal interaction (both on the part of the criminal and on the part of the victim of the illegal act) with a primary focus on the crime prevention problems. The focus of criminologists on the preventative measures and prevention of crime directly stimulates their interest in victimological research. At the same time, if the issues of individual prevention require research of the victim of crimes at the level of individuality, then the tasks of theoretical support of social prevention force us to turn to the little-studied problems of victimization and victimization of various social groups.
The development of the victimological direction in Russian criminology shows that it not only expands its subject boundaries but also actively studies the victims of certain types of crimes caused by modern technological, economic, and social processes. Modern Russian victimologists consistently solve the issues of the general theory of victimology: victimological factors of crime, its victimological prevention, as well as victimological prevention, victimological aspects of various branches of science are investigated. This position is confirmed by P. A. Kabanova, who suggests that "...in the nearest future, other private victimological theories will also be actively developed, and there are already well-reasoned proposals from specialists about the practical and theoretical need for the formation of some of them" [17].
The emergence of victimology as a single complex scientific direction in the study of the victim significantly expands the understanding of this object of research. In turn, criminal victimology, which has recently attracted the attention of scientists and practitioners, forms a single scientific direction in the study of victims and victims of crime, taking into account various factors that affect the process of victimization of both individuals and society as a whole.
A retrospective analysis of the emergence, formation and development of the victimological trend in the mainstream of Russian criminological science allows us to distinguish three main periods in the formation of the doctrine of the victim of crime:
The first stage (1960-1980). The leading representatives of this period were: L. V. Frank, D. V. Rivman, B. C. Minskaya, V. I. Polubinsky, V. Ya. Rybalskaya, A. L. Repetskaya, G. I. Chechel, etc. It is characterized by the formulation of the problem through the direct transformation of victimological ideas of representatives of Western criminological science without fully taking into account the factors, conditions, and causes of the Russian specifics of the victimization process. At this stage — the stage of origin-our compatriots for the first time turned to the study of the role of the victim when considering the mechanism of committing a crime. In the future, much
attention was paid to the classification and typology of victims of illegal acts, the conceptually significant criteria for assessing the identity of the victim; their quantitative and qualitative indicators were highlighted.
The second stage (1990-2000). The leading representatives of this period were: D. V. Rivman, V. S. Ustinov, B. V. Sidorov, A. L. Sitkovsky, V. I. Polubinsky, etc. It is characterized by the collection of factual material on the problem of the victimological aspect of the fight against crime in the conditions of Russian realities, its analysis, the primary approbation of the obtained results on prevention, prevention and their discussion by the leading representatives of the victimological direction in the domestic criminological theory and practice. The considered stage can be designated as "practical-applied" since applied victimology was actively developing in the 1990s, a firm position was formed on the need for the practical implementation of knowledge in the field of victimology in the implementation of preventive and preventive measures in order to reduce the crime rate. During this period, there is a maximum activity of both scientists and practitioners in conducting applied research on victimology. Various methodological recommendations for law enforcement officers on victimological prevention have been developed; various methodological recommendations for law enforcement officers on victimological prevention have been developed; special disciplines have been introduced in educational institutions of the Ministry of Internal Affairs that study victimological aspects; scientific schools have been established; scientific and practical conferences are actively held, etc.
The third stage (the 2000s to the present time). The leading representatives of the beginning period are T. P. Budyakova, T. V. Varchuk, K. V. Vishnevetsky, V. I. Zadorozhny, P. A. Kabanov, E. V. Kleshchina, I. G. Malkina-Pykh, V. E. Khristenko, N. E. Shinkevich, etc. The process of primary development of theoretical concepts, models, and strategies characterizes the beginning of this period, and bases on various victimological aspects of crime, adapted to
the Russian specifics, based on a large array of factual material obtained. Identification of the causes of victimization, factors, and conditions that allow us to study the process of victimization in society, as well as the construction of various models of victim behavior in order to develop effective measures of victimological prevention, etc. At the beginning of the new century, a new stage is being developed — private victimological theories — and the manifestation of increased interest in victimology on the part of psychologists and sociologists. The conceptual framework is being improved, and proposals are being made for its inclusion in regulatory legal acts. The accumulated experience of victimological knowledge allows us to use them not only in the sciences of the criminal cycle but also to develop conceptual theories in other branches of law and related scientific areas using victimological knowledge.
Victimology as a scientific field is increasingly proving its importance. Throughout the world, victimology has been recognized as an independent science. In Russia, it can not be said that it is a separate scientific direction, while it is only an "offshoot" in criminology, psychology, sociology, and pedagogy, considering certain aspects of the victim's personality. The place of victimology as a teaching about the victim of crime in the system of Russian criminological science has not yet been fully determined and in the future, it can be presented in a slightly different form than it is now. The analysis of the development and study of domestic research in the field of victimology suggests that shortly victimology in Russia can be recognized as an independent scientific field that has its own object and subject of study, as well as its own methods of cognition and research methodology.
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17. Kabanov P. A. Kriminal'naya politicheskaya viktimologiya kak mezhotraslevoe napravlenie kriminologicheskih znanij: ponyatie i popytka opredeleniya predmetnogo polya [Criminal political victimology as an intersectoral direction of criminological knowledge], Protivodejstvie prestupnosti: Sbornik nauchnyh trudov [Countering crime: A collection of scientific papers], in Kabanov P. A. (ed.), Nizhnekamskij filial MGEI, Nizhnekamsk, Russia, 2005, issue 6, pp. 57-70. (In Russ.).
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МАЙОРОВ Андрей Владимирович,
кандидат юридических наук, доцент, заведующий кафедрой Прокурорского надзора и организации правоохранительной деятельности, Институт права, Челябинский государственный университет.
Россия, 454001, г. Челябинск, ул. Братьев Кашириных, д. 129.
E-mail: [email protected].
Andrey V. MAYOROV, Candidate of Law Sciences, associate Professor, head of the Department of prosecutorial supervision and organization of law enforcement, Institute of Law, Chelyabinsk State University.
129 Brothers Kashirin street, Chelyabinsk 454001, Russia.
E-mail: [email protected].
Перевод статьи: Юлдашова Т. А. / Translation of article: Yuldashova T. A. Дата поступления в редакцию / Received: 30.05.2021.