UDC 343.13(4/9)
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Elena Nicolaevna Kaliakperova
Doctor ofjurisprudence, professor of the Jurisprudence Department o
f the S.Amanzholov East Kazakhstan University,
Ust-Kamenogorsk c., the Republic of Kazakhstan, e-mail: [email protected]
Abstract. This article discusses the issues of compensation for harm caused to victims of crime. Damage is harm caused to the victim, which can violate both property and non-property rights. For example, causing harm to a person, resulting in a loss of income and entailing the need to bear the cost of treatment.
Compensation for illegally inflicted harm (damage) is of paramount importance in criminal proceedings, due to the fact that it is here that law enforcement agencies have «levers of influence» to restrict the constitutional rights of a person and a citizen, intrude into personal life, resolving issues of property status and legal status.
The issue of compensation for property damage, elimination of the consequences of moral harm and the restoration of other rights of citizens illegally subjected to criminal prosecution, no matter how rare judicial or investigative errors in this area of activity, remains very relevant both in the Republic of Kazakhstan and in the UK.
The analysis of compensation for harm based on the legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan and the UK showed that the objective reasons, first of all, lie in different approaches when determining the amount of damage, as well as the procedurefor compensationfor the damage itself. The author studied the schemes of compensation for harm, as well as methods for calculating the amount of compensation, and proposed to consider the possibility of implementing some positive aspects in national legislation.
Keywords: criminal procedure; criminal procedure law; rehabilitation; reparation; victim; United Kingdom; Kazakhstan; illegal actions; prosecution.
о Елена Николаевна Калиакперова
< Зац гылымдарыныц докторы, С. Аманжолов атындагы Шыгыс Казацстан
^Е yHueepcumemi Зацтану кафедрасыныц профессоры,
с Оскемен ц., Казацстан Республикасы, e-mail: [email protected]
Аннотация. Бул мацалада цылмыс цурбандарына келтiрiлген зиянды втеу мэcелелерi царастырылады. Зuян-жэбiрленушiге келтiрiлген зиян, ол мYлiктiк жэне мYлiктiк емес цуцыцтарды бузуы мYмкiн. Мысалы, адамга зиян келтiру, табыстыц жогалуына желт
< о
о согады жэне емдеу шыгындарын квтеру цажеттшгте экеледi.
Куцыц цоргау органдарыныц адам мен азаматтыц конституциялыц цуцыцтарын шек-теуге, жеке вмiрiне цол сугуына «ыцпал ету рычагтары» дэл осы жерде болгандыцтан, цылмыстыц сот шн ЖYргiзуде зацсыз келтiрiлген зиянды (зиянды) втеу вте мацызды болып табылады, мYлiктiк жэне цуцыцтыц жагдай мэселелерт шешу.
Кызмет саласында сот немесе тергеу цателiктерi цаншалыцты сирек болса да, мYлiк-тт залалды втеу, моральдыц зиянныц салдарын жою жэне цылмыстыц цудалауга зацсыз kj ушыраган азаматтардыц басца да цуцыцтарын цалпына келтiру мэселеЫ Казацстан Ре-m спубликасында да, ¥лыбританияда да вте взектi болып цала бередi.
Казацстан Республишсыныц жэне ¥лыбританияныц зацнамасына нег1зделген зиянды втеуЫ талдау объективт1 себептер, ец алдымен, зиянныц мвлшерт, сондай-ац келт1рш-ген зиянды втеу тэрт1б1н аныцтау кез1нде эртYрлi квзцарастарда жатцанын кврсеттг. Автор зиянды втеу схемаларын, сондай-ац втемацы мвлшерт есептеу эдютерт зерттеп, кейбiр оц аспектiлердi улттыц зацнамага енгiзу мYмкiндiгiн царастыруды усынды.
Tyrnndi свздер: цылмыстыц процесс; цылмыстыц w ЖYргiзу цуцыгы; оцалту; зиянды втеу; жэбiрленушi; ¥лыбритания; Казацстан Республикасы; зацсыз эрекеттер; цылмыстыц цудалау.
Калиакперова Елена Николаевна
Д.ю.н., профессор кафедры Юриспруденция Восточно-
Казахстанский университет имени С. Аманжолова,
г. Усть-Каменогорск, Республика Казахстан; e-mail: [email protected]
Аннотация. В статье рассматриваются вопросы возмещения вреда, причиненного жертвам преступлений. Ущерб - это вред, причиненный потерпевшему, который может нарушать как имущественные, так и неимущественные права. Например, причинение вреда человеку, приводящее к потере дохода и влекущее за собой необходимость нести расходы на лечение.
Компенсация незаконно причиненного вреда (ущерба) обретает первостепенное значение в уголовном судопроизводстве, в связи с тем, что именно здесь правоохранительные органы обладают «рычагами влияния» на ограничение конституционных прав человека и гражданина, вторгаются в личную жизнь, решая вопросы имущественного положения и правового статуса.
Вопрос возмещения имущественного ущерба, устранения последствий морального вре- С да и восстановления других прав граждан, незаконно подвергнутых уголовному пресле- Н дованию, какими бы редкими ни были судебные или следственные ошибки в этой сфере Z деятельности, остается очень актуальным как в Республике Казахстан, так и в Велико- С британии. >
Проведенный анализ возмещения вреда на основе законодательства Республики Казах- ^ стан и Великобритании показал, что объективные причины, в первую очередь, кроются в > разных подходах при установлении суммы ущерба, а также порядке возмещения самого g вреда. Автором исследованы схемы возмещения вреда, а также методы при расчете сум- g мы компенсации и предложено рассмотреть возможность имплементировать некоторые Т положительные моменты в национальное законодательство. Ь
Ключевые слова: уголовный процесс; уголовно-процессуальное право; реабилитация; Т возмещение ущерба; потерпевший; Великобритания; Казахстан; противоправные дей- >
ствия; уголовное преследование. Р
DOI: 10.52026/2788-5291_2023_72_1_132 |
legitimate interests and personal freedoms, but g
also these crimes undermine the authority and >
efficiency of the government in the eyes of >
citizens, which, as a result, leads to questioning p
the legitimacy of the state, in general, among №
the people [2]. Therefore, the state policy is Z
aimed directly at the solution of this problem. 2
The legislation in many developed countries, 2
including Great Britain, has been evolving in 3 the direction of expanding the responsibility of
The creation of the constitutional state makes it necessary to guarantee and protect rights, freedoms and legitimate interests of citizens. The common social goal of the constitutional state in general is the protection of the rights and freedoms of a person and a citizen against criminal encroachments, including from illegal actions of public [1]. These actions are some of such encroachments that put in danger not only
the state for harm infliction: from an absolute immunity of the state and its officials who were personally involved in the actions of harm to recognizing the fact that the state is responsible for actions of its bodies and employees [3]. It is established that in foreign legislation there is a tendency that the state undertakes to compensate the violation of legitimate rights of citizens and legal entities as a result of illegal actions of government bodies [4].
In comparison with Kazakhstan, in many foreign countries there is a proven and successful legal base, as well as the extensive court practice in the sphere of compensation by the state of the harm done by bodies of the public power. We find it necessary to apply methods of comparative jurisprudence and study the law of foreign countries to be able to adopt and adapt the experience in the sphere of the indemnification caused by public authorities, taking into account different legal stories and originality of legislative base.
The main goal of our strategy is to change the mentality of the population. This type of crime has to be perceived not simply as a violation of the law, but as the danger menacing to development of the entire country. This phenomenon is not only the problem of a state, but also of all people. The application of po strategy among officials is not enough; ordinary 8 citizens should be a priority [5]. £ In essence, our strategy represents a complex ^ of the actions directed on the solution of the 1 problem of compensation of the property harm * done by illegal actions by public authorities, i through studying foreign experience. In this f strategy, we are going to change not only legal o relations, but also general social relations | arising among citizens in the sphere of this >s problem.
| Methods
c The article uses formal-logical and dialectical
< methods, comparative-legal, empirical analysis,
k as well as quantitative, qualitative and special
£ methods of scientific research.
o Results and discussion
0 Compensation for victims in modern m criminal law of the Republic of Kazakhstan and
1 the United Kingdom.
g The institute of rehabilitation was introduced
k in the criminal procedure law of Kazakhstan
^ for the first time in 1997 [6]. In the Constitu-
g tion of Kazakhstan it is stipulated that the harm
tj done by illegal actions of the bodies conducting
00 criminal trial is compensated by the state [7].
In the Code of Criminal Procedure of Kazakhstan, conditions and an order of the indemnification caused by illegal actions of the body conducting criminal trial are detailed. Irrespective of the fact which body makes the decision on compensation and executes the resolution, it is subsidized from the budget of the government [8].
The order existing now substantially limits the cases of the requests of citizens for indemnification caused by illegal actions of the body conducting criminal a trial [9]. In particular, the problem of determining the amount of compensation (compensation) for harm to victims of torture; the problem of legislative regulation of compensation payments in case of non-identification of persons to be brought as defendants, including for the use of torture [10].Among the subjective reasons we would point out the following: fear of authorities, fear of renewal of proceeding, bureaucracy related to in resolving lawsuits and wrong adjudication, mistrust to the existing justice and legal system in general [11].
As for the objective reasons, we would emphasize such situations as: whether persons were notified about their right to legally seek indemnification; whether the notice of indemnification was documented; whether public prosecutor officers checked the existence of notices with the explanations of the indemnification procedures.
As the analysis of the activity of law-enforcement bodies shows, the infringement of the constitutional rights of the citizens who suffered from encroachments already became commonplace [12]. The most widespread of those infringements are: unreasonable extension of terms of processing the applications and messages on crimes, carrying out low-quality investigation verifications, sheltering crimes from documenting and registering because of making illegal decisions not to initiate legal proceedings, etc [13].
Nowadays in Kazakhstan we can witness frequent facts of unreasonable detention of citizens, illegal prosecution by the bodies of preliminary investigation, wrongful detention of the suspects accused of crime, which is cancelled subsequently by the body conducting criminal trial. According to the figures from the Department on supervision of legality of preliminary investigation and inquiry of the Prosecutor General's Office of Kazakhstan, during last year the criminal prosecution in a stage of preliminary investigation for 290 citizens was stopped on the grounds of rehabilitation. In total, 504 people who made 0.54% of
total number of the citizens (92,992), or every two-hundredth person, brought to conditional responsibility were illegally involved in criminal prosecution1.
We have chosen England as an example, since this country is distinguished by developed criminal legislation and extensive experience in this area.
As you know, England still does not have its own criminal procedure code, legal institutions that arose several centuries ago operate, namely, the judicial is based on more than 300 legislative acts and numerous judicial precedents, which are often characterized by archaism.
The legislation of many developed countries, including the UK, is developing in the direction of expanding the state's responsibility for causing harm: from the absolute immunity of the state and its officials personally involved in acts of harm to the recognition of the fact that the state is responsible for the actions of its bodies and employees.
The problem of compensation for harm caused by a crime is acute in modern society. With the development of crime, the harm that it causes also increases. This harm must be compensated, this is one of the most important tasks of criminal proceedings - to restore the rights and legitimate interests violated by the crime, including by compensating for the harm caused by the crime.
The criminal law and procedure of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland have features that are not characteristic of the legislation of most developed countries of the world.
In the UK, along with the criminal and civil proceedings aimed at compensating for harm caused by a crime, compensation paid by the state is provided at the legislative level
The legal basis for this is the Criminal Injuries Compensation Act 1995. According to its norms:
- persons who have suffered harm (damage) as a result of one or more serious crimes have the right to compensation from the state;
- compensation is subject to damage caused by serious crimes entailing the arrest of a suspect before trial;
- compensation is payable to the victim (victim of a crime) in cases where the harm caused: (1) cannot be compensated by the guilty person
on their own, or (2) cannot be compensated by the results of criminal or civil proceedings due to lack of funds from the convicted person or the defendant, or (3) by nature and size is of a so-called «fatal» nature, endangering the life or realization of other inalienable human rights;
- the enforcement of the law is entrusted to the Minister of the Interior of the United Kingdom, for which the Criminal Injuries Compensation Authority and the Criminal Injuries Compensation Appeal Panel are formed as part of the Ministry;
- the direct procedure for the compensation of damage from crimes is subject to regulation by a single (codified) subordinate act of delegated legislation - The Criminal Injuries Compensation Scheme issued by the Minister of Internal Affairs2.
In accordance with article 2 of this Act, when calculating the amount of compensation for damages from crimes, standard forms are to be used, which take into account (1) the normalized amount of compensation, which is standardly determined depending on the nature of the injury or damage; (2) an additional amount of compensation calculated in respect of income losses; (3) where possible, an additional amount of compensation calculated in respect of special expenses; (4) in cases of fatal bodily injury - other additional amounts that may be E determined. q
On the basis of this Act, a Scheme for Com- K pensation3 for harm caused by a crime was is- s sued in 2001 - a general set of regulations on q compensation for harm to victims (victims of | crimes), operating throughout the UK. ^
One of the features of UK law is the approach A to assessing psychological harm, in which there o are various options for its definitions: psychi- g atric, mental harm, ordinary shock, nervous E shock, normal breakdown, nervous breakdown ^ [14]. The specified gradation helps to determine B the degree of moral harm. The latter depends S on the duration of the mental disorder, as well n
as the degree of its impact on the psyche of the B
individual [15]. §
In the UK, a market approach to the problem s
of compensation for moral damage has formed: g
the price of physical pain and mental suffering p
is assessed as follows: the court must establish >
the amount of compensation that the victim will S
accept in order to endure a certain pain volun- k
№ 7
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1 nopman органоe npaeoeoü cmamucmuKU u cnequanbHuxynemoe https://qamqor.gov.kz/ (ffama oôpa^emn: 01.04.2022г.)
2 Criminal Injuries Compensation Act 1995 [Electronic resource] - Access mode: https://www.legislation.gov.uk/ukpga/1995/53/ contents (Access data: 01/04/22).
3 Criminal injuries compensation: a guide [Electronic resource] - Access mode: https://www.gov.uk/guidance/criminal-injuries-compensation-a-guide (Access data: 01/04/22).
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tarily [16]. This amount is awarded to the victim. In the UK, compensation for moral damage is up to £500.000, and in some cases reaches a million4.
This review of compensating loss of earnings under Tort Law damages in the United Kingdom is based on Sweet & Maxwell's «McGregor on Damages», 20th edition [17, 59]. It is important to examine this methodology, as in the absence of a no-fault Accident Compensation Corporation Scheme, and expansive criminal justice reparations or injuries scheme, tort law is the main method victims of injury in overseas jurisdictions can use to recover their losses.
The basic measure of tortious damages is to place the injured in the position they would have been had they not been injured in the first place [17, 62]. Lord Blackburn, in Livingstone v Rawyards Coal Co. (1880) 5 App. Cas. 25 (HL) defined damages as «that sum of money which will put the party who has been injured, or who has suffered, in the same position as he would have been in if he had not sustained the wrong for which he is now getting his compensation or reparation». Though both loss of earnings pre-trial, and future loss of earnings can be compensated for, pre-trial loss of earnings (Actual loss to the date of the trial) should be pleaded as special damages, whilst future loss of earnings should be pleaded as general damages. There is no distinction on the method of calculation. There are two ways in which the measure of damages is assessed in tort; the most commonly used «General Method of Assess-ment», and the «Blamire Award» [17, 66-68].
The General Method of Assessment is as follows5:
(A) Determine the claimant's pre-injury annual earnings (A);
(B) Determine the claimant's post-injury annual capacity for earnings (B);
(C) Determine the «Multiplicand» by deducting (B) from (A). The multiplicand represents the claimant's annual loss of earnings that can be attributed to the injury;
(D) Determine the «Multiplier». The multiplier is a figure that represents the number of years the claimant's incapacity is expected to last, adjusted, «discounted» for the rate of inter-
est they can earn by investing the award;
(E) The Multiplicand (C) and Multiplier (D) are multiplied together to arrive at the loss of earnings figure to be awarded;
(F) This figure may be adjusted to reflect the probability of a future increase or decrease in earnings, inflation, taxation, and the vicissitudes of life.
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Hie ' demit« an estimate.
Figure 1. Formula for the calculation of victim compensation using the «General Method of Assessment».
One of the main pieces of legislation that the victim of crime relies on is the Victims' Code. It applies to all criminal justice agencies, including the police, Crown Prosecution Service (CPS), Courts Service and the Probation Service6. The Code was established by the Domestic Violence, Crime and Victims Act 2004 and came into effect in 2006. Victim Support lobbied for it to be introduced and has campaigned for it to be improved and strengthened [18].
In England, the 1994 Tariff Scheme is used to determine the amount of compensation for mental harm, which determines the dependence of the amount of compensation on the time frame for experiencing mental harm (e.g., the minimum limit for mental harm lasting, from 6 to 16 weeks, is estimated at £1,000, the maximum, expressed in a constant loss of vital activity, is estimated at £20,000) [19].
To improve the institution of harm caused by illegal actions of the body conducting the criminal process, it is necessary:
- as the first step, to hold conferences, debates, forums for the public to inform not only lawyers, but also the ordinary population about the possibility of the solution of this problem, and that this problem should not be tolerated;
- to publish articles and monographs to attract the attention of a bigger circle of people
4 For example, in New South Wales, periodic Workers Compensation is available for injuries sustained at work up to a maximum cap: See «Weekly payments for Workers Insurance - How weekly payments are calculated» [Electronic resource] - Access mode: https:// https://www.icare.nsw.gov.au/injured-or-ill-people/workplace-injuries/payments/weekly-payments#gref (Access data: 12/12/22).
5 Risk assessment of offenders [Electronic resource] - Access mode: https://www.sciencedirect.com/topics/computer-science/ assessment-method_(Access data: 22/03/22).
6 Need help after crime? Independent. Free. Confidential // Victim support [Electronic resource] - Access mode: https://www. victimsupport.org.uk/ (Access data: 14/03/22).
and experts to this problem; right and its legislative activity, but we also
- at the legislative level to consider the norms want the people of Kazakhstan to be able to of the English law, and to possibly change change for the better. When comparing the UK Kazakhstan legislation, taking into account the and Kazakhstan, there has to be a place for both experience of the UK; the pure law and possibility of improved public
- to put these legislative changes in operation consciousness, mentality, and social culture. and application, thereby improving the position We wish to improve the right of the motherland of the victims. in general and its people. We offer not only a
Therefore, the development of strategy for new approach of a solution of the problem of
distribution, and also promotion among legally compensation of the property harm done by
illiterate population is necessary. Holding illegal actions by public authorities, but also
seminars and forums focusing on this problem absolutely new ways of development of a
are part of our long-term plan after we receive market approach to a problem of compensation
more knowledge and experience from foreign of moral harm.
colleagues. The citizens and government Thus, the experience of the UK represents a
officials of Kazakhstan have to realize all great interest for Kazakhstan where the relevant
legal importance of this problem, through legislation is in the process of formation. We
the implementation of norms from abroad, hope that the positive experience of the UK in
including the UK, and developing approach to matters of compensation for damage caused by a market assessment of harm should be one of law enforcement agencies will be replicated
the key points of this strategy. and implemented in domestic legislation and
We want to influence not only the domestic will be in legislation and regulations.
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