Научная статья на тему 'Variety of reed fescue (Festuca orientalis) Demetra for restoration of natural and creation of cultural haylands and pastures'

Variety of reed fescue (Festuca orientalis) Demetra for restoration of natural and creation of cultural haylands and pastures Текст научной статьи по специальности «Сельское хозяйство, лесное хозяйство, рыбное хозяйство»

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Аннотация научной статьи по сельскому хозяйству, лесному хозяйству, рыбному хозяйству, автор научной работы — Kravtsov V. V., Kravtsov V. А., Ivashenenko I. N.

The article gives brief literature review on history of studying perennial grasses in the Stavropol region. The main advantages of perennial grasses at marginal lands re-cultivation and development of animal husbandry forage reserve are stated. The article describes the characteristic of new variety of reed fescue Demetra and the method of its creation.

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Текст научной работы на тему «Variety of reed fescue (Festuca orientalis) Demetra for restoration of natural and creation of cultural haylands and pastures»

UDC 633.264:631.527


Kravtsov V.V., Doctor of Agricultural Sciences Kravtsov V.А., Candidate of Agricultural Sciences Stavropol Research Institute of Agriculture, Stavropol, Russia

Ivashenenko I.N., Candidate of Agricultural Sciences All-Russian Research Institute of Maize, Pyatigorsk, Russia

E-mail: kravcov [email protected]


The article gives brief literature review on history of studying perennial grasses in the Stavropol region. The main advantages of perennial grasses at marginal lands re-cultivation and development of animal husbandry forage reserve are stated. The article describes the characteristic of new variety of reed fescue Demetra and the method of its creation.


Perennial grasses; Reed fescue; Productivity; Green mass; Air-dry mass; Seeds; Variety; Method.

The first experiments on grass growing in the Stavropol province were done by V.V. Talanov at the Stavropol experimental agricultural station. From 1901 to 1913 he studied perennial grasses: awnless brome, meadow fescue, clover, timothy, sainfoin, alfalfa turkestan and alfalfa french [7].

In XX century at the North Caucasus such famous scientists as I.V. Novopokrovsky [3, 4], E.N. Sinskaya [5], V.N. Kononov [2]; in the Stavropol region V.G. Tanfilev [6], V.V. Kravtsov [6, 8, 9], Yu.A. Dudar’ [1] and others carried out the researches on study and assessment of forage resources. All researches stressed that wild forage grasses are valuable selection material.

In spite of the previous study of the item, the problem of marginal lands re-cultivation (re-grassing) remains acute. At the North Caucasus thousands of hectares occupy these lands and converting them into permanent haylands and pastures allows obtaining large amount of forage additionally. Recently, the state attention is paid to the development of animal husbandry that is suffering from crisis today. For its successful development it is very important to have strong forage base - various set of heavy-productive varieties of forage crops. Among the cultivated forage crops the perennial grasses are of prior importance.

They possess the best soil-protective properties, securing soil from destructive force of water and wind erosion due to strong root system and vegetative mass. Besides, perennial grasses enrich the soil with organic matter. Some species can grow on marginal salt lands that are not suitable for agriculture. They endue drought fine and are the main source of bulky feed for animal husbandry branch.

At modern stage of the science and technical progress there is the need in new scientific solutions, at the condition of conservation of biodiversity, that is one of the most important factors of habitat conservation, and correspondingly a man’s health. The selection of the cultivated plants that acquires strategic importance is referred to these plants. Varieties and hybrids obtained by the plant breeders considerably affect the level of technogenic influence on biosphere.

Authors collective (V.V. Kravtsov, V.A. Kravtsov, I.N. Ivashenenko) of the Stavropol Scientific-Research Institute of Agriculture created the variety of reed fescue (Festuca orientalis Kern.) Demetra.


The variety of reed fescue Demetra was obtained with the method of biotype sampling from wild growing populations from suburbs: Stavropol city, Sample 2 plant № 8; Stavropol city, Sample 3, plant № 17; Poland, Sample 2, plant № 11; Polar Experimental Station of All Russian Institute of Plant Breeding, Sample 2, plant № 14; Finland, Sample 2, plant № 12. Then the limited open pollination of highly-productive clones of reed fescue was done in the nursery garden of poly-cross on the isolated areas. Simultaneously the high-productive species selection was carried out visually in hybrid sowings. The best complex-hybrid population (CHP-5) of reed fescue was included into competitive variety trial, and in 2007 it was sent to the State testing under the name Demetra.


During the first cycle of the competitive variety trial the variety of reed fescue Demetra, on an average for three years of usage of grass stand, exceeds the standard on green mass productivity by 8,0 t/ha, air-dry mass - 2,1 and seeds - 0,13, and percentage-wise by 27, 27 and 25 correspondingly (Table 1).

Table 1 - Results of I cycle of competitive variety trial of reed fescue Demetra of 2003 sowing

Productivity, t/ha

Variety years Average for the cycle Deviation from the standard

2004 2005 2006 t/ha %

Green mass

Stavropolskaya 20, st 25,2 32,2 31,2 29,5 0 0

Demetra (CHP -5) 29,4 43,0 40,2 37,5 +8,0 +27

LSD0,05 (the least significant difference) 1,0 2,5 2,1 - - -

Air-dry mass

Stavropolskaya 20, st 6,8 8,5 8,2 7,8 0 0

Demetra (CHP -5) 8,0 11,3 10,5 9,9 +2,1 +27

LSD005 0,5 0,8 0,7 - - -


Stavropolskaya 20, st 0,48 0,49 0,58 0,52 0 0

Demetra (CHP -5) 0,59 0,70 0,66 0,65 +0,13 +25

LSD0,05 0,40 0,30 0,20 - - -

In spring the variety of reed fescue Demetra grows at once after snow melting. It reaches pastoral usability at the first decade of April, haying - at the third decade of May, and complete seeds ripening - at the third decade of June. It has good bushiness. Bush is erect, compact. Plant height in the phase of full heading is 110-115 sm. Foliage in the first mowing is 48-50%, in the second - 86-95%.

The variety of reed fescue Demetra in the second cycle of competitive variety trial on an average for three years of usage of grass stand exceeds the standard on green mass productivity by 4,8 t/ha, air-dry mass - 1,1 and seeds - 0,15, and percentage-wise by 20, 21 u 27 correspondingly (Table 2).

Variety Demetra is a variety of grassland type of usage and of winter type of development. It is well grazed and resistant to poaching damage. It grows on soils with excessive moistening, on saline alkali soils.

Vegetation period in days from the beginning of spring vegetation to the first mowing is 77; from the first mowing to the second mowing - 54; from the beginning of spring vegetation to seed complete ripeness - 96. Inflorescence is panicle, in the flowering period is sprawling, after it is contracted. The length is 22-25 sm. Spikelet form is linear-oblong. Color is light-brown. The flowers number - 8-10 pieces.

Seeds have the size of 7-8 mm. Form is lanceolar. Color is grey-yellow. Root system is fascicular with small rhizomes. Grass stand of reed fescue Demetra can be used for seeds for 4-5 years, for hay and pastures for 10 years and more.

Table 2 - Results of II cycle of competitive variety trial of reed fescue Demetra of 2004 sowing

Variety Productivity, t/ha

years Average for the cycle Deviation from the standard

2005 | 2006 | 2007 t/ha | %

Green mass

Stavropolskaya 20, st 24,0 31,2 15,6 23,6 0 0

Demetra (CHP -5) 28,5 37,7 18,9 28,4 +4,8 +20

LSD0,05 1,2 1,6 1,0

Air-dry mass

Stavropolskaya 20, st 4,6 6,8 4,5 5,3 0 0

Demetra (CHP -5) 5,7 8,0 5,4 6,4 + 1,1 +21

LSD0,05 0,5 0,5 0,4


Stavropolskaya 20, st 0,50 0,59 0,57 0,55 0 0

Demetra (CHP -5) 0,68 0,72 0,69 0,70 +0,15 +27

LSD005 0,03 0,05 0,03

The variety of reed fescue Demetra in 2009 was included into the State Register of selection achievements of the Russian Federation and was eligible for usage in all regions Russian Federation.


Variety Demetra can be used at reclamation of excessively moistened meadows, especially saline alkali soils, developing hay making, longstanding cultivated grasslands and pastures, re-cultivation marginal lands, re-grassing of erosion dangerous areas in pure form and in mixture with other types of legumes and grasses.


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