Variation of the volume and intensity of physical activity in the current planning of the training process in women's mini-football
UDC 796.012
Dr. Hab., Professor V.P. Guba1 PhD A.A. Pleshakov2 PhD P.V. Makeev1 N.N. Zherebkin2
1The Russian University of Sport «GTSOLIFK», Moscow 2Moscow Polytechnic University, Moscow
Corresponding author: [email protected]
Received by the editorial office on 13.09.2023
Objective of the study was to determine and prove the feasibility of varying the volume and intensity of physical activity in the current training plan for female athletes in futsal.
Methods and structure of the study. The pedagogical experiment, in which 24 athletes took part, was carried out during 2022/2023. on the basis of the MosPolitech mini-football club (Moscow), which takes part in the Russian championship among women's teams. The principle scheme for the distribution of sports loads in the annual training cycle of athletes provided for a gradual increase in volume in the preparatory period (November - January), which stabilized in the competitive period (January - March), after which it constantly decreases.
Results and conclusions. The volume and intensity of physical activity in the current training plan for qualified female athletes in the preparatory period of the annual training cycle tends to gradually increase, reaching its maximum towards its end. At the same time, it is characteristic that it is considered very advisable to dose physical activity in the preparatory period of the annual training cycle, taking into account the individual characteristics of qualified athletes in mini-football and their playing role, ensuring an increase in the level of physical and technical-tactical readiness.
Keywords: mini-football, qualified athletes, current training plan, physical activity, volume and intensity, training aids.
Introduction. The effectiveness of training qualified female athletes in mini-football is determined by the use of advanced approaches in organizing the training process in the annual training cycle. The basis of the training process of qualified female athletes in mini-football is a variety of physical exercises performed at various stages of the annual cycle in a certain volume and with a given intensity, which are determined by the individual capabilities of the athletes' bodies [2, 3, 5, 6].
Variation in physical activity in mini-football is largely determined by age, gender, level of preparedness, as well as individual characteristics of the body's development. High-quality planning of the volume and intensity of physical activity with direct observance and control of the parameters of motor actions allows significant progress in solving the issues of optimizing the physical condition of female athletes throughout the entire playing season [1, 4].
Thus, the weak scientific and methodological substantiation of effective methods for optimizing physical activity in the preparation of qualified athletes in mini-football determined the relevance of this study.
Objective of the study was to determine and prove the feasibility of varying the volume and intensity of physical activity in the current training plan for female athletes in futsal.
Methods and structure of the study. The pedagogical experiment, in which 24 athletes took part, was carried out during 2022/2023 at the MosPolitech mini-football club (Moscow), which takes part in the Russian championship among women's teams. The principle scheme for the distribution of sports loads in the annual training cycle of athletes provided for a gradual increase in volume in the preparatory period (November - January), which stabilized in the competitive period (January - March), after which it constantly decreases. The intensity of the loads invariably
increases from the beginning of classes and almost throughout the preparatory period of the annual training cycle, and in the competitive period it had its maximum values. The effectiveness of varying the volume and intensity of physical activity in the current training plan for female athletes in mini-football was assessed as part of a pedagogical experiment on the dynamics of indicators of physical and technical-tactical readiness of female athletes.
Results of the study and discussion. During the sequential pedagogical experiment, with the help of control pedagogical tests, positive changes in indicators of the development of physical qualities and abilities were identified (Fig. 1).
Figure 1. Dynamics of physical fitness indicators of qualified athletes in mini-football (%)
Speed indicators decreased by 1.8%, this is explained by the fact that the examination was carried out after the competition. There is no change in the speed endurance indicator. Further indicators have a positive increase. The amount of increase in overall endurance increased by 10%. The explosive force indicator increased slightly more, amounting to 13%. Maximum strength increased by 13.8%. The greatest increase is in the development of strength endurance; it increased by 26%.
Technical and tactical indicators of competitive activity of qualified female athletes in mini-football are presented in Figure 2.
The smallest increase in the indicators we observed was found in the number of assists. This figure increased by 11.7%. A slightly more significant improvement was found in changes in defensive performance. Here the improvement was 20.7%. Also, positive changes were found in the indicators of effective
Figure 2. Dynamics of technical and tactical readiness of qualified athletes in mini-football (%)
ball stopping and attack, which are 40.4% and 36% respectively. The most positive result was obtained in the action utility indicator, the improvement of which was more than 50%.
The high increase in technical and tactical indicators, in our opinion, indicates the positive influence of the options for the volume and intensity of physical activity proposed during the pedagogical experiment in the current training plan for female athletes in minifootball. As a result of the analysis, we came to the conclusion that the proposed volumes and intensity of physical activity allowed qualified athletes in minifootball to reach the required level of preparedness, which meets the regulatory requirements of the modern game.
Conclusions. The volume and intensity of physical activity in the current training plan for qualified female athletes in the preparatory period of the annual training cycle tends to gradually increase, reaching its maximum towards its end. At the same time, it is characteristic that it is considered very advisable to dose physical activity in the preparatory period of the annual training cycle, taking into account the individual characteristics of qualified athletes in mini-football and their playing role, ensuring an increase in the level of physical and technical-tactical readiness.
1. Aliev E.G., Andreev S.N., Guba V.P. Mini-futbol (futzal). Textbook. Moscow: Sovetskiy sport publ., 2012. 554 p.
2. Guba V.P., Polishkis M.M., Antipov A.V., Makeev P.V. Futbol i futzal: tekhnologii otbora i podgo-tovki. Moscow: Prospekt publ., 2022. 224 p.
3. Ezhov P.F. Metodicheskiye aspekty individualnoy podgotovki kvalifitsirovannykh sportsmenov v
Theory and Practice of Physical Culture I I December I № 12 2023
mini-futbole. Teoriya i praktika fizicheskoy kul-tury. 2011. No. 4. pp. 78-80.
4. Pleshakov A.A. Tekhnicheskaya podgotovka s uchetom tselevykh ustanovok mnogoletney tre-nirovki yunykh sportsmenov v mini-futbole. Teoriya i praktika fizicheskoy kultury. 2022. No. 1. pp. 20-22.
5. Polozov A.A. Mini-futbol: novyye tekhnologii v podgotovki komand. Moscow: Biblioteka indus-trii futbola publ., 2007. 186 p.
6. Polurenko K.L. Upravleniye trenirovochnym protsessom studencheskikh komand po mini-futbolu s ispolzovaniyem kompleksnogo kontrol-ya. PhD diss. abstract. Khabarovsk, 2008. 25 p.
A complex of typical situations of the use of service weapons by police employees to reflect an armed attack
Associate professor of the department of fire training V.V. Chernykh1 Senior lecturer at the Department of Firearms Training I.V. Fischer1 1Tyumen Institute for Advanced Training of Employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia,
Tyumen, Russia
UDC 796.052.244 Corresponding author: [email protected]
Key words: police, fire training, service weapons, situations, attack.
Introduction. In the process of professional training, police officers develop shooting skills from service weapons during fire training classes [1]. Currently, there is a need to further improve the professional training of police officers and introduce situational training into the fire training process. In this regard, the most relevant for study are situations of repelling an attack on a police officer [2]. However, at present there is no theoretically substantiated and tested educational and methodological support for this educational process.
Purpose of the research - development of a set of typical situations of the use of service weapons by police officers to repel an armed attack.
Research methodology and organization. The study was conducted in 2022-2023. on the basis of the Tyumen Institute for Advanced Training of Employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation. The study used scientific methods: analysis and generalization of situations where police officers used service weapons to repel an armed attack.
Results and its discussion. In 2023, based on the results of research work, a set of typical situations of police officers using service weapons to repel an armed attack was developed. This complex includes various options for the integrated use of service weapons, physical force and special means by police officers personally, or during interaction in an open area or in a confined space in situations of suppression by the PPSP squad of drinking alcohol in a public place or when checking documents, or in the process of door-
to-door bypass, or when attacking employees in order to take possession of weapons. The variability in the use of service weapons also included the possibility of using cover for an employee; the need to fire while moving (moving), including shooting while moving from moving vehicles. The developed set of standard situations was successfully tested in 2023 as part of the development of variable disciplines by police patrol officers studying under professional training programs for the position of "Policeman".
Conclusion. The developed set of typical situations of using service weapons to repel an armed attack helps improve the level of professional preparedness of police officers.
1. On approval of the Manual on the organization of fire training in the internal affairs bodies of the Russian Federation: order of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia dated November 23, 2017 No. 880// Official Internet portal of legal information. URL:
2. Troyan E.I. Professional'naya podgotovka sotrudnikov organov vnutrennikh del k komplek-snym silovym deystviyam v operativno-sluzheb-nykh situatsiyakh [Professional training of internal affairs officers for complex force actions in operational situations]. Tyumen, Tyum. Institute for Advanced Training of Employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, 2019, 88 p.
Received by the editorial office on 12.12.2023