Qodirov O.A. senior teacher
Andijan Institute of Agriculture and agrotechnologies VALUABLE VARIETAL CHARACTERISTICS OF SEED VARIETIES
Annotation. In our country, as in all spheres, radical reforms are being carried out in agriculture. In particular, the Decree of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan dated in 02.16.2019 "Seed growing adopted a new version of the law. The main goal of the law is to regulate relations in the seed industry. These documents define the mandate and structure of organizations working in the seed field.
Key words: Seed, variety, repetition, variant, UzDSt requirements, "elite" seed, reproductive seed, vegetation.
It is important to bring new cotton varieties included into line with international requirements by improving modern resource-saving methods of seed production of "elite" and next generations, as well as developing new State standards and other normative documents determining seed quality in the State Register.
The main goal is to study the seeds of medium and early ripening, high-quality cotton varieties to have been grown in different agro-technical conditions in the gray soils of Andijan region, to study the organization and development of primary seed production and to recommend them to seed farms.
The thickness of the seedlings greatly affects the growth, development, yield and quality of the cotton. Seedling thickness is determined in two main ways. The first is determined theoretically, the second in a real way. In our study, the thickness of the seedlings was determined in a real way. When growing cotton, special attention should be paid to the thickness of the seedlings and their stratification in placement. We know that in the development of the seed system the thickness of the seedlings is one of the most important factors.
M.Turabodxo'jaeva, Sh.Kozubayev, R.Egamberdiyev (2014). All the standards and guidelines that were currently being propagated in the seed industry of the Republic and were developed 30-40 years ago and did not contain enough international experience. The introduction of the new standard will reduce the use of low-quality seeds for a more objective assessment of the country's seed stock. The role of standards will increase with the transition to a market economy and the provision of seed production technology in the development of new forms of seed organization. Some studies have shown that field fertility rates were as low as 30-35%, one of the main reasons being bad weather, low seed germination due to heavy rainfall, poor quality of agro-technical work, and others.
The experience was conducted at the Andijan Institute of Agriculture and agrotechnologies in Andijan district was conducted in accordance with the
guidelines for conducting field experiments. The object of research was to determine the purity of seeds of primary, early reproduction and sorts from elite farms of Sulton, Andijon-35, Omad, O'nqo'rg'on-1, UzPITI-202 what were taken medium-ripe and early-maturing cotton varieties in accordance with the requirements of O'zDSt 663: 2017.
In our study, we studied the actual seedling thickness of the cultivars we studied interms of returns and before harvesting. The results of our observations are shown in the table below. (Table 1)
Actual seedling thickness ^ (with germination, at 100%)
№ Variants Accounting period Brooks I Lost seedling s, %
1 Andijon-35 After thinning out 94,5 90,6 89,0 89,5 -5,3
Before the picking 82,6 85,2 86,5 84,2
2 Sulton After thinning out 96,0 87,5 89,0 90,5 -3
Before the picking 87,5 86,0 89,0 87,5
3 UzPITI-202 After thinning out 85,4 86,0 84,2 85,0 -2,9
Before the picking 84,0 84,0 83,4 83,7
4 Omad After thinning out 87,5 90,6 89,3 89,1 -2,5
Before the picking 86,0 86,5 85,8 86,6
5 O'nqo'rg'on-1 After thinning out 89,7 89,2 89,5 89,5 -1,3
Before the picking 88,6 88,0 88,2 88,2
Planting scheme: 90x10x1
The data in the table are shown for each brook and are averaged over the number of seedlings lost.
Observations of the brook's variants showed that the number of seedling varieties of Sulton and O'nqo'rg'on-1 in the field that was slightly higher. During the first thinning out (on 15.05), the seedlings in the first sprouting place were thinned out. Seedlings of the varieties of Sulton and Onkurgan-1 were found to be thicker than other varieties (Andijon-35, UzPITI-202, Omad).
In the study, observations were made on the main morphological features of the plant.
Plant height was determined in June, July and August. In early September, the number of cotton and the degree of opening were determined.
During the study, the duration of the growing season, seedling thickness of all cotton varieties studied were studied, and in accordance with the rules, agro-technical measures were applied.
The weight, fiber yield and fiber length of one of unripe cotton bill were determined for all return brooks. (Table 2)
Indicators of valuable economic characteristics of the studied varieties
№ Name of varieties Weight of one of the unripe cotton bell, g Fiber output, percent Fiber length, mm
1 Andijon-35 5,9 6,2 6,1 6,1 36, 7 36,0 36,4 36,4 33,7 34,2 34,3 34,1
2 Sulton 5,4 5,8 5,6 5,6 37, 38,5 38,4 38,2 34,7 34,9 34,8 34,7
3 O'zPITI-202 5,4 5,6 5,7 5,6 3 5, 4 35,9 35,2 35,5 33,7 34,0 33,9 33,9
4 Omad 5,0 5,2 5,0 5,1 38, 2 38,5 38,2 38,3 34,5 34,2 34,3 34,3
5 O'nqo'rg' on-1 5,8 5,9 5,8 5,8 3 7, 2 37,4 37,1 37,2 35,4 35,5 35,5 35,4
When studying the weight of one of the unripe cotton bell, the highest value was shown by Andijon-35 (6.1 g), O'nqo'rg'on-1 (5.8 g) and Sulton (5.5 g). Experiments showed that the Omad variety had a slightly lower weight (5.1 g) per piece of unripe cotton bell.
The Omad variety was the highest fiber yield of 38.3% and the Sulton variety with a slightly lower Omad variety (38.2%). In terms of the weight of a piece of unripe cotton bill, we saw that the Omad variety was very different from the Sulton variety. The fiber yield of O'nqo'rg'on-1 cotton was also slightly higher (37.2%). This figure was 3.7% compared to Omad Navigator. With Andijon-35, the percentage of fiber yield of the variety (36.4%) was observed. The weight of UzPITI-202 in one of the unripe cotton bill and fiber yield were low.
O'nqo'rg'on-1 (35.4 mm) showed the highest results in terms of fiber length (mm) of the studied varieties. Omad variety showed slightly lower results than O'nqo'rg'on-1 variety. Their dimensions were 34.3 mm, showed the same result
The lowest fiber length of the studied varieties was UzPITI-202, which was 1.5 mm shorter than that O'nqo'rgan-1, showed a shorter result.
The data and indicators analyzed above were based on the average of the variant values for each of the 3 experimental ditches. The variance scores in the ditches showed almost different results. The results were recorded because the seedlings in each variant row had only varietal characteristics.
Conclusions and suggestions For improving seed quality - could choose typical plants, sorting seeds, and by sowing well-selected varietal seeds might improve development. As a result, the purity of the variety was achieved and was the main factor in implementing the requirements of the standard UzDSt 663: 2017.
The thickness of the seedlings has a significant effect on the growth, development, yield and quality of the cotton. Observations of the ditches were showed that the number of seedlings of Sulton and O'nqo'rg'on -1 varieties were
slightly higher in the field. During the analysis of the results of the study, field fertility showed good results in Sulton and O'nqo'rg'on-1 varieties.
When studying the weight of one unripe cotton bill of Andijon-35 variety (6.1 g) showed the highest value. O'nqo'rg'on-1 (5.8 g) and Sulton (5.5 g) varieties showed similarly high rates. Experiments showed that the Omad variety had a slightly lower weight (5.1 g) per unripe cotton bill.
1) To consider that the promising Sulton and O'nqo'rgan-1 cotton varieties were grown in the 90x10x1 sowing scheme and high yields (Sulton - 34.7 c/ha and O'nqo'rgan-1 - 35.4 c/ha) were achieved, I will suggest the sowing of these promising varieties in the 90x10x1 sowing scheme.
2) The thickness of the seedlings will a significant effect on the growth, development, yield and quality of cotton. According to our research, an average of 90000-95000 seedlings per hectare leads to better aeration in the field, being not less disease and pest infestation, and less difficulty in cultivating between rows of cotton. Therefore, I will propose to keep an average of 90-95 thousand seedlings per hectare.
3) Based on the analysis of the results of the study that I will propose to plant promising varieties Sulton and O'nqo'rg'on-1 in the gray soil conditions of Andijan region.
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