Научная статья на тему 'Уточнение диагноза Nyholmiella furcata (Orthotrichaceae, Bryophyta)'

Уточнение диагноза Nyholmiella furcata (Orthotrichaceae, Bryophyta) Текст научной статьи по специальности «Биологические науки»

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Аннотация научной статьи по биологическим наукам, автор научной работы — Отнюкова Т. Н.

Orthotrichum furcatum Otnyukova в 2018 г. был включен в синоним Nyholmiella obtusifolia Brid. и одновременно была опубликована комбинация Nyholmiella furcata (Otnyukova) Otnyukova. С целью подтверждения статуса вида проведено целенаправленное изучение N. furcata. В результате проведенных исследований выявлен новый диагностический признак, уточнены описание формы разветвленных папилл и диагноз вида. Рассматриваемые виды различаются расположением выводковых тел и формой разветвленных папилл.

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Emendation of diagnosis of Nyholmiella furcata (Orthotrichaceae, Bryophyta)

Simultaneous publication of a name combination of Nyholmiella furcata (Otnyukova) Otnyukova and its inclusion as a synonym of Nyholmiella obtusifolia Brid. resulted in a special study of the former species, discovery of new distinctive character and refinement of a previously described character resulted in an emendation of its diagnosis. These two species are distinct in location of gemmae and shape of divided leaf papillae

Текст научной работы на тему «Уточнение диагноза Nyholmiella furcata (Orthotrichaceae, Bryophyta)»

Emendation of diagnosis of Nyholmiella furcata (Orthotrichaceae, Bryophyta)

T. N. Otnyukova

Krasnoyarsk, Russia; [email protected]

Abstract. Simultaneous publication of a name combination of Nyholmiella furcata (Otnyukova) Otnyukova and its inclusion as a synonym of Nyholmiella obtusifolia Brid. resulted in a special study of the former species, discovery of new distinctive character and refinement of a previously described character resulted in an emendation of its diagnosis. These two species are distinct in location of gemmae and shape of divided leaf papillae.

Keywords: Nyholmiella furcata, Nyholmiella obtusifolia, morphology, taxonomy.

Уточнение диагноза Nyholmiella furcata (Orthotrichaceae, Bryophyta)

Т. Н. Отнюкова

Красноярск, Россия; [email protected]

Резюме. Orthotrichum furcatum Otnyukova в 2018 г. был включен в синоним Nyholmiella obtusifolia Brid. и одновременно была опубликована комбинация Nyholmiella furcata (Otnyukova) Otnyukova. С целью подтверждения статуса вида проведено целенаправленное изучение N. furcata. В результате проведенных исследований выявлен новый диагностический признак, уточнены описание формы разветвленных папилл и диагноз вида. Рассматриваемые виды различаются расположением выводковых тел и формой разветвленных папилл.

Ключевые слова: Nyholmiella furcata, Nyholmiella obtusifolia, морфология, таксономия.

In 2001 Orthotrichum furcatum Otnyukova was described (Otnyukova, 2001). Fe-dosov (2018) included it as a synonym of Nyholmiella obtusifolia Brid., and that circumscription was accepted in the fourth volume of the Moss flora of Russia (Ignatov et al, 2018). In a contrary view, Otnyukova distinguished Orthotrichum furcatum as a separate species worthy of recognition and published a new combination as Nyholmiella furcata (Otnyukova) Otnyukova (Sokolova et al., 2018). Such a disagreement was caused by different species understanding by both authors.

Fedosov (2018) synonymized O. furcatum with Nyholmiella obtusifolia because both species have ramified papillae. The author also indicated that according to samples examined and their molecular analysis there are no species-specific differences in ITS sequences and no grouping of specimens in the phylogenetic tree.

Subsequent study of collections of Nyholmiella Holmen et E. Warncke genus from the Tuva Republic revealed joint growth of both species on stones, separately and in admixture with each other. The species differ only in features the discussed further in the text and are easily confused in a mixed sample. Therefore, it is quite possible that



Plate I. Nyholmiella furcata (1-3) and N. obtusifolia (5-8). 1 — juvenile leaves with gemmae on apex; 2-3 — papillae deeply divided on (2)3-5 lingulate, sometimes curved backwards and bent up lobes, in outline stellate or corolla; 4-6 — juvenile leaves without gemmae at apex and with gemmae in the lower part of nearly mature leaves; 7-8 — papillae simple or divided on 2-3 lobes, in outline rounded, oval or triangular. Scale bars: 1 — 100 |m; 2-3, 7-8 — 15 |m; 4 — 0.5 mm; 5 — 300 |m; 6 — 150 |m. 1-3 from 4 IX 1999, Otnyukova, LE, isotype; 4, 7 from 6 XI 2018, Otnyukova, LE; 5, 6, 8 from 8 VIII 2018, Otnyukova, LE.

an erroneous sample could be selected for DNA analysis. Detailed study of collections of both species also resulted in the discovery of their difference in location of gemmae that was not previously indicated in protologue of Orthotrichum furcatum (Otnyuko-va, 2001) and refinement of description of leaf papillae

Amended diagnosis. Nyholmiella furcata differs from N. obtusifolia in gemmae arising on the apex of juvenile leaves (vs. only in the lower part of nearly mature leaves) and in shape of leaf papillae in juvenile leaves, deeply divided in (2)3-5 long, Ungulate, sometimes curved backwards lobes (vs. simple or sometimes shallowly divided in 2-3 short, terete lobes) (Plate I).

The present study has shown that shape of papillae in the species of Nyholmiella is most diagnostic in juvenile leaves and (2)4-5-forked papillae of N. furcata have to be observed in juvenile leaves. Study of mature leaves may lead to misidentification due to sometimes not proper state of the papillae. Before present study descriptions of papillae in Nyholmiella were attributed to mature leaves only.

Selected specimens examined: Nyholmiella furcata — Russia, Tuva Republic, Todginskaya Valley, Kadysh Lake, 52°36'N, 97°02'E, 1100 m a. s. l., in fissures of rock, 4 IX 1999, Otnyukova (LE, isotype); Nyholmiella obtusifolia — Russia, Krasnoyarsk Territory: Krasnoyarsk City, Akademgoro-dok, birch park in the city, 55°59'N, 92.44'E, -230 m a. s. l., on bark of Populus sibirica, 29 V 2018, Otnyukova, LE; ibidem, on bark of Betula sp., 8 VIII 2018, Otnyukova, LE; Elovka Station, at 40 km West from Krasnoyarsk City, aspen forest, 56°05'N, 92°24'E, -440 m alt., on bark of Populus tremula, 7 IX 2018, Otnyukova, LE; Leningrad Region: Kingisepp District, Kurgalskiy Peninsula, slope of bank of Mertvitsa River, near Khanike Village, 59.55046°N, 28.16429°E, on bark of Fraxinus sp., 14 X 2018, Potemkin, LE; Gatchina District, park of the Great Gatchina Palace, 59°33'N, 30°06'E, on bark of Tilia sp., 6 XI 2018, Otnyukova, LE.


Fedosov V. F. 2018. The family Orthotrichaceae (Bryophyta) in flora of Russia: results of revision and biogeographical review. Novosti sistematiki nizshikh rastenii 52(2): 519-534. (In Russ.). https://doi.org/10.31111/nsnr/2018.52.2.519

Ignatov M. S., Ignatova E. A., Zolotov V. I., Fedosov V. E., Koponen T., Czernyadjeva I. V., Doroshina G. Ya., Tubanova D. Ya., Bell N. E. 2018. Flora mkhov Rossii. T. 4. Bartramiales — Aulacomniales [Moss flora of Russia. Vol. 4. Bartramiales — Aulacomniales]. Moscow: 536 p. (In Russ.).

Otnyukova T. N. 2001. A new species of Orthotrichum (Orthotrichaceae, Musci) from Tuva Republic (South Siberia). Arctoa 10: 155-156. https://doi.org/10.15298/arctoa.10.15

Sokolova I. V. (ed.), Gogorev R. M., Otnyukova T. N., Potemkin A. D. 2018. Cryptogamic nomencla-tural notes. 3. Novosti sistematiki nizshikh rastenii 52(2): 543-546. https: //doi.org/10.31111 /nsnr/2018.52.2.543


[Fedosov] Федосов В. Э. 2018. Семейство Orthotrichaceae (Bryophyta) во флоре России: итоги ревизии и биогеографический обзор. Новости систематики низших растений 52(2): 519534. https://doi.org/10.31111/nsnr/2018.52.2.519

[Ignatov et al.] Игнатов М. С., Игнатова Е. А., Золотов В. И., Федосов В. Э., Копонен Т., Чернядьева И. В., Дорошина Г. Я., Тубанова Д. Я., Белл Н. Э. 2018. Флора мхов России. T. 4. Bartramiales — Aulacomniales. М.: 536 с.

Otnyukova T. N. 2001. A new species of Orthotrichum (Orthotrichaceae, Musci) from Tuva Republic (South Siberia). Arctoa 10: 155-156. https://doi.org/10.15298/arctoa.10.15

Sokolova I. V. (ed.), Gogorev R. M., Otnyukova T. N., Potemkin A. D. 2018. Cryptogamic nomencla-tural notes. 3. Новости систематики низших растений 52(2): 543-546. https: //doi.org/10.31111 /nsnr/2018.52.2.543

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