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Ключевые слова
Internet resources / English lesson / oral communication / written communication.

Аннотация научной статьи по языкознанию и литературоведению, автор научной работы — Gauhar Serikbayevna Khaldarchayeva

This article examines the importance and effectiveness of the use of Internet resources in the process of developing students' skills to carry out written and oral communication in the framework of an English lesson. The advantages and possibilities of using social networks as a means of teaching schoolchildren in the classroom and in the independent activity of students are revealed. The results of a survey on the use of social networks in teaching oral and written communication at school among English language teachers are given.

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This article examines the importance and effectiveness of the use of Internet resources in the process of developing students' skills to carry out written and oral communication in the framework of an English lesson. The advantages and possibilities of using social networks as a means of teaching schoolchildren in the classroom and in the independent activity of students are revealed. The results of a survey on the use of social networks in teaching oral and written communication at school among English language teachers are given.

Keywords: Internet resources, English lesson, oral communication, written communication.


In modern society, the requirements for both the content of education and the effectiveness of the educational process have changed. While studying at school, it is necessary to teach children to find and put into practice the knowledge they have gained; it is important to organize the learning process so that the child is motivated and active in the classroom, and can independently evaluate their results. A competent combination can help the teacher in solving this problem traditional teaching methods and modern information technologies, including computer ones using Internet resources. A modern computer is a universal tool, capable of modeling various speech situations and effectively responding to the actions and requests of the student. "This means of teaching is also attractive for teachers: it helps them to evaluate the abilities and knowledge of a student, encourages them to look for new, non-traditional forms and methods of teaching, gives scope for pedagogical creativity. At the same time the computer complements the teacher, and does not replace him,

Gauhar Serikbayevna Khaldarchayeva

Teacher, Interfaculty Department of Foreign Languages Chirchik State Pedagogical Institute


acting as a tool that, when used correctly, significantly

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increases the effectiveness of the pedagogical process" [2]."English, like any other language, performs a communicative function, therefore, as an academic subject, it is both a goal and a means of learning" [1]. A huge number of multimedia files in English containing scientific and educational and methodological information, which allows you to organize consulting assistance, simulate research activities, conduct virtual training sessions (seminars, lectures) in real time.


E-mail projects

Written communication contributes to a more effective mastery of a foreign language, as thanks to it, students develop qualities that allow them to effectively interact with other interlocutors representing other cultures using Internet resources. There are two types of written communication on the Internet: synchronous (Chat) and asynchronous (E-mail). Communication by e-mail is best carried out in the form of E-mail projects. The success of the project depends on how well thought out it is, how interesting its topic is and corresponds to the level of knowledge of the participants.

Before planning an e-mail project, students are looking for a partner with whom they discuss the concept in the future. Next , they need to determine the duration of the project, that is, its time frame. Then you need to make a schedule when it will be convenient for all partners to get in touch. And finally, it is necessary to have an idea of the product in its final form.

The great advantage of e-mail projects is that they organize foreign language communication with native speakers, thanks to this, intercultural communication of representatives of different linguistic and cultural communities is realized. It is important for students to realize that projects are created not to show the teacher and get a good grade, but to share interesting information with their classmates or peers and discuss pressing problems. Thus, e-mail projects help to develop students' communicative competence and increase motivation for further language learning.

In this article, we will also consider the importance of using such an Internet resource as social networks in teaching a foreign language. Many teachers do not consider it as a means of teaching English and clearly underestimate the possibilities of this multifunctional resource.

To confirm and prove this statement, a survey was conducted

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on the use of social networks in teaching oral and written communication at school among English language teachers in Tashkent region, Uzbekistan. As part of the survey, we asked the only the question we are interested in is "Do you use social networks in training English?". A total of 134 people were interviewed. The teachers' answers were divided as follows:

S "Yes" - 13% of respondents;

S "No" - 87%.The survey results show that only 13 percent of teachers use social networks as a tool for teaching English.

According to the information we received, collected during the interviewing of foreign language teachers, we can conclude that, indeed, this Internet resource is undeservedly underestimated and, within the framework of this article, we will demonstrate how social networks can be used in English lessons in order to diversify the exercises from the textbook and increase the motivation of students.

The most popular social networks among teenagers can be safely called "Vkontakte" and "Instagram", a less popular source of information among Russian youth is "Twitter". In this article, we would like to focus on them. After all, there is not a single teenager in the modern world who would not use social networks. They actively invade the media sphere and are among the TOP 10 most popular sources from where young people learn current news. Let's analyze them the structure is based on the example of the most relevant network - Vkontakte. More than 100 million people are registered in it, 60 of whom use it every day. First of all, teenagers are attracted to the platform in question by its accessibility -registration is free. You can create a profile that contains personal information. You can also upload personal photos, videos and audio recordings (optionally, you can hide them with privacy settings).

The site presents a huge variety of already uploaded audio and video materials, which allows you to develop listening skills and abilities. To develop written communication skills, students can use a "wall" - an analogue of a blog, where they can post text messages, photos, documents, surveys, etc . Vkontakte offers two types of communication: text messages and audio messages. Given the fact that this social network can be viewed in different languages, communication with native speakers becomes much easier and more accessible. You can communicate within the framework of this site and with the help of video calls, which contributes to the training of

speaking skills directly with native speakers or teachers. To do

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this, a webcam and a microphone must be available, which does not always happen. Therefore, by communicating in VKontakte, students develop the skills of all types of speech activity: reading, writing, speaking and listening.


As for the Instagram network, the undeniable advantage is the fact that a modern teacher does not need to teach children to use this resource, they are in it "like a fish in water". The organization and content of the content, the interface, the way of messaging - all this is well known to them, and most importantly understandable.

Let's go directly to the use of the Internet resource "Instagram" in English lessons. The easiest way to use this application is to publish photos with a signature or search for ready-made posts on topics of interest using tags. It is possible to create your own tags to simplify the search for student publications.

-Educational accounts

Nowadays, there are a large number of online language schools and almost everyone has an Instagram account to which they post video lessons lasting 1 minute. These videos can also be used in educational institutions, because they are free and accessible to everyone. They help to explain a rule quickly and clearly, learn phrasal verbs, idioms, slangs, expressions, irregular verbs, without spending a lot of time in the lesson. Also, such short videos can be used at home independently to consolidate the material.

-Search for native speakers

At the senior stage of learning English, you can find a native speaker of the same age and, based on the information received during communication, prepare a project about the country in which he lives, about his hobbies, free time, school, etc. Another option is to find and subscribe to the account of a native speaker who writes on a topic of interest. Even a simple reading of posts will greatly benefit the language skills of the student.

Communication in language and practice

In preparation for the any exams, you can also use social networks. Select photos and let your children describe them in pairs to each other. You can ask students to find something in common and differences between the two photos. This task also helps to increase the motivation

of students.

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The most popular way to use social networks is the blog format. Now you can post stories on Instagram. "This is a direct inclusion in the form of a photo or video that can be added to the subscribers' feed, while it will not appear in your account. Students they can use this type of publication to tell their friends what is happening at a certain moment. This contributes to the formation and development of spontaneous speech, and for viewers - listening skills and abilities. The teacher has the opportunity to create his own account in order to create surveys to check the assimilation of the material already studied. The results of the surveys and the correct/incorrect answers of the students are immediately reflected in the teacher's profile" [3].


This resource can also be used in teaching writing speeches at the senior stage of school. The advantage of this resource is a blog format. Students can use it when creating a project to describe in detail all the stages of a particular study.

Twitter provides an opportunity for its users to comment on friends' posts, which contributes to the formation and development of written communication skills and abilities of students.

On the basis of the Twitter service, it is possible to develop the following writing skills of students:

1) "use written language means to present personal information about yourself, your country, school;

2) write short stories;

3) write short articles on social topics, write reports and messages, notes,


4) write reviews, reviews;

5) to argue their point of view, express an opinion, show agreement / disagreement in a non-aggressive form.

On the basis of this social network, you can also create your own tag, with which the search for the necessary information is greatly simplified. By clicking on the tag in "Twitter", all entries on a given topic are formed in chronological order" [4].

Based on all the above facts, we came to the conclusion that social networks are a useful tool in the formation and development of oral and written communication skills and abilities when teaching

English at school. The use of this resource in the classroom

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significantly increases the interest of students in learning a foreign language. REFERENCES

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Multidisciplinary Scientific Journal

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