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Ключевые слова
очистные сооружения / функция очистки сточных вод / технологическая схема / очистка / treatment facilities / functioning sewage treatment / technological scheme / purification

Аннотация научной статьи по строительству и архитектуре, автор научной работы — Козлов Павел Евгеньевич, Макарихина Инна Михайловна

В настоящей статье рассматривается состояние функционирующих очистных сооружений канализации города Губкинский Ямало-Ненецкого автономного округа, которые были построены ЗАО "СПИНОКС" в 2016 году. С момента введения сооружений в эксплуатацию до настоящего времени не удается добиться требуемой степени очистки. Причин на то несколько, прежде всего недоработки проекта, дефекты строительства и низкий уровень эксплуатации.

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Похожие темы научных работ по строительству и архитектуре , автор научной работы — Козлов Павел Евгеньевич, Макарихина Инна Михайловна

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This article examines the state of the functioning sewage treatment facilities in the city of Gubkinsky, Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug, which were built by CJSC "SPINOKS" in 2016. From the moment the facilities were put into operation, it has not been possible to achieve the required degree of purification. There are several reasons for this, first of all, design flaws, construction defects and a low level of operation.


УДК 644.65


Kozlov Pavel Evgenevich.

Russia, Novosibirsck, Novosibirsk State University of Architecture and Civil Engineering (Sibstrin), undergraduate UNESCO Chair, [email protected]

Makarikhina Inna Mikhailovna.

Russia, Novosibirsck, Novosibirsk state university of architecture and civil engineering (sibstrin), PhD, Associate Professor, [email protected].

Abstract. This article examines the state of the functioning sewage treatment facilities in the city of Gubkinsky, Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug, which were built by CJSC "SPINOKS" in 2016. From the moment the facilities were put into operation, it has not been possible to achieve the required degree of purification. There are several reasons for this, first of all, design flaws, construction defects and a low level of operation.

Keywords: treatment facilities, functioning sewage treatment, technological scheme, purification


Козлов Павел Евгеньевич.

Россия, Новосибирск, Новосибирский государственный архитектурно-строительный университет (Сибстрин), магистрант ЮНЕСКО 200, [email protected]

Макарихина Инна Михайловна.

Россия, Новосибирск, Новосибирский государственный архитектурно-строительный университет (Сибстрин), доцент кафедры иностранных языков, michmacha@mail .ru.

Аннотация. В настоящей статье рассматривается состояние функционирующих очистных сооружений канализации города Губкинский Ямало-Ненецкого автономного округа, которые были построены ЗАО "СПИНОКС" в 2016 году. С момента введения сооружений в эксплуатацию до настоящего времени не удается добиться требуемой степени очистки. Причин на то несколько, прежде всего недоработки проекта, дефекты строительства и низкий уровень эксплуатации.

Ключевые слова: очистные сооружения, функция очистки сточных вод, технологическая схема, очистка.

Main part.

In the tower of Gubkinsky the Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous okrug, 27930 people live. The tower is small, mainly composed of residential development, social housing and industrial design, is intended for oil workers.

Soil consists of domestic sewage and industrial wastewater. Factories represent production capacities and workrooms repair machine and machines oil-field equipments. Foul waters of these enterprises get into municipal sewage system after advance septic system in settling tanks and gasoline interceptors.

Soil from the tower is supplied on Main Sewerage Pumping Station, whence by two conduit under pressure take to place inlet chamber sewage treatment facilities. Sewage effluent releases into the Pyakupur River. Pyakupur River merges with the river Ayvasedapur, forms the river Pur, which flows into the Tazovskuyu gubu.

Function sewage treatment facilities take into use in 2016. The project was developed ZAO "SPINOKS", used modern treatment technology with nitrogen removal nitrification-denitrification method; phosphorus is removed by a reagent method. During exploitation was identified a whole series design defect, which does not allow bring quality sewage effluent to maximum permissible concentrations.

The purpose of this final qualification work is a technical condition survey sewage treatment facility, detailed study of design documentation, study of laboratory and production control data, performance check calculation facilities by water and sediment, identification of design imperfection with further development of recommendations for their elimination.

According to the project ZAO "SPINOKS" for the Gubkinsky tower modern technology provided, according to which wastewater from the Main Sewerage Pumping Station take to a place inlet chamber. Next she goes drum screen, freed up from large inclusions, which are then exported in solid waste landfill, and head in tangential degritter. Unfortunately, tangential degritters are among the most inefficient, as they trap particles with a diameter 0,4 mm and more. These degritters totally unacceptable included of the facilities centrifuges.

After removing gross inclusions wastewater head in stabilization tank, which is designed to average the flow and the composition wastewater. According to the project for to maintain particulate matter in suspension provided system air supply through perforate liner, which are laid around the bottom of the tank. This option is completely impossible due to the presence in the facilities denitrifier, so it is necessary easily oxidizable nutrient substrate, which is used for the process reduction of nitrites and nitrates to free nitrogen.

Equalized waste served on biological treatment, which is represented denitrification zones, aerobic oxidation of organic substances, nitrification. In denitrification zones and aerotanks the project provides carriers of attached microorganisms, which increase biomass concentration due to its rise to the surface of the carrier. During exploitation carriers of attached microorganisms need to be regenerated, however the project does not provide for regeneration. In this case growing biofilm will be subjects to decay and cause secondary pollution.

From nitrification mixed liquor take to a place in final settling tanks, which are equipped thin-layer modules. Although the use of thin-layer modules began in the 70s of the last century, due to their rare use and lack of experience, this is engineering solution is still innovative. Thin-layer modules provide efficient separation mixed liquor, increase the capacity of the facilities, ceteris paribus. However, a limiting factor in the widespread use of this technology is the regeneration of modules. The project does not have clear recommendations on how to regenerate modules.

Biologically discharge liquid after final settling tanks subjected to post-treatment in bioreactors. According to the project, disinfection wastewater carried out by ultraviolet irradiation. The practice of operating facilities showed that bioreactors can't provide a sufficient degree of purification wastewater (Cen h Len = 3mg/l). As a result, the disinfection unit often has to be regenerated or excluded this node from work.

In the project, phosphorus is removed using a reagent method; for ion phosphate binding to aluminum ions used reagent "Aqua Aurat". The point of entry of the reagent is aerotank. As you know, "Aqua Aurat" contains up to 30% active chlorine, which will ruin activated sludge; also crystals of phosphoric acid make particles heavier activated sludge and for to maintain sludge in suspension it is required to increase air flow by more than 2 times. And finally, at overdose of "Aqua Aurat" phosphorus concentration in aerotank may drop to 0, that will provoke activated sludge bulking and at a concentration above 15 mg/l process is inhibited by heavy metal ions. According to the above, the input of the reagent at the stage of biological treatment is irrational.

Sludge treatment is carried out in aerobic stabilizers. Activated sludge thickens on thickeners, disinfected in degelmintizatorah and dehydrated in decanters. Certainly, inclusion in equipment degelmintizatorah is the advantage of the project.


The main reasons for the unsatisfactory operation of the treatment plant complex are: use of tangential degritters trap at the stage of mechanical treatment of wastewater; use in the stabilization tank to maintain suspended solids in the air supply system; lack of regeneration in the denitrifier and aerotank; manual labor during the regeneration of thin-layer modules in the final settling tanks; phosphorus removal reagent entry point is the biological stage of wastewater treatment; as a disinfection of sewage, a node is used, which must often be regenerated.

Based on the results of the work performed, in order to achieve the required degree of waste liquid purification, it is recommended to do the following:

1) Use a tangential sand trap with the obligatory periodic removal of mineral particles from stabilization tanks, denitrification zones, aerobic zones of organic matter oxidation, nitrification.

2) Replace the air suspension system in the stabilization tanks with stirring with stirrers.

3) Provide in the zones of denitrification and aerobic zones of oxidation of organic substances a system of perforated pipes for the regeneration of carriers of attached microorganisms with air with aeration intensity 7-9 m3/(m2 •h).

4) Include a pressure filter, clean and dirty water tanks, crystal separators and a unit in the structure dehydration of crystalline sludge.

5) Transfer the reagent injection point to the reaction chamber before pressure filters and replace Aqua-Aurat with sulfuric acid aluminum.


1. Ambrosova G T, Nikolaev E Yu and Gvozdev V A 2002 Sewage treatment facilities (Mechanical sewage treatment plants). (Novosibirsk, NGASU) p. 50

2. Ambrosova G T, Nikolaev E Yu and Gvozdev V A 2002 Sewage treatment facilities (Building biological treatment plants). (Novosibirsk, NGASU) p. 40

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