Ahmedjonov A.
Associate Professor of the Department of "Accountingat the Samarkand Institute of Economics and Service, Uzbekistan
Abstract: By organizing simple calculation processes with the help of MS Excel, templates are presented for performing calculation in service industries. It is shown that it is possible to calculate in Excel without using special programs in accounting. Small service industries can use this software to calculate the amount of work they do when they are just starting out.
Keywords: accounting, calculation, program, excel, service, formula, template.
Formula entry and functions: In addition to the direct tasks in MS Excel, the accountant can add functions such as preparing commercial proposals, calculating contract prices, etc. To perform calculations, it is necessary to apply various coefficients and corrections, as well as to convert prices. And the most important thing is to perform all actions quickly and without harming the tasks. It helps to prepare the main document and separate additional calculations that can be done in an Excel worksheet for the accountant. So, when recalculating the price of a product, you can specify the price in one cell, the number of products in the second, and the conversion formula in the third (= first cell * second cell), then press Enter and get the price. In the first sheet in the desired cell, you can put "=", go to the second sheet and show the third cell with the total. Press Enter again and get the result.
Файл Вставка Разм страницы Формулы Данные Рецензирование Вид Над Что вы хотите сделать? Вход Р+ Общий доступ
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А А B С D E f G H 1 J K L M N О P Q
1 2 Mahsulot narxi va sonini ko'paytirib umumiy narxni chiqanivchi shablon
3 Mahsulot nomi Mahsulot soni Mahsulot narxi Umumiy narxi
4 1-mahsulot 500 2000 1000000
5 2-iualmiloi 600 3000 1800000
6 A6 B6 C6 =B6*C6
11 n-mahsulot n-mahsulot ii-narx =ii'iuahsulot*u- uarx
Figure 1. Calculation of the total price of the product
If you need to make such calculations for a large number of points where the price changes only, you can use the main function of Excel - automatic filling of formulas or weighting. The ability to fill formulas is one of the main functions of the program. It automates the process of calculating data in a table without writing the same formula over and over again. Here's how you can drag and drop formulas.
In the formula line, we put a reference to the cell in the table with equal and source data (=A3). After that, we get only the repetition of the value in the table. When you drag this cell, a copy of the table with data is obtained, which changes accordingly as the data in the original table changes. This is an example of dragging cells without setting ranges. Then you can use the basic techniques of excel - these are auto-completion of formulas or weighting.
Counting calendar days Excel can become an indispensable assistant even in such simple actions as counting calendar days. An accountant needs to know exactly how many days there are in a given period to calculate interest, penalties, credits and the like. If it is a short time, it is easy to calculate it using a calendar, but this format is very inconvenient for continuous calculations. In such situations, Excel will help the accountant. To perform calculations, you need to select three empty cells in the table. To get the results, you need to write the start date in one, the end date in the second, and leave the third blank. Recommendation: type the date in the numeric part of the keyboard: 12/10/2016. The program itself converts the entered data into a date format and it comes out to 10/12/2016. Then select the third cell and click the "Add function" button, which you can find by the symbol f(x). After clicking, the "Function Wizard" window will open. Select "Date and Time" from the "Category" list and "360 DAYS" from the "Function" list and click OK. In the displayed window, you need to enter the values of the start and end dates. To do this, you need to click on the cells of the table with these dates and put one in the "Method" line and click OK. If the total value is not displayed in numeric format, you need to check the cell format: right-click and select "Cell Format" from the menu, set "Number Format" and click OK. You can also count days this way: in the third cell, type = DAYS 360 (B1; B2; 1). In parentheses, you need to specify the coordinates of the first two cells with dates, and you need to set the value of one for the method. When calculating interest for weeks, you can divide the number of days obtained by 7. You can also add or subtract any number of days to the date. To do this, you need to write the date in one cell, put an equal sign in the second, then click on the cell with the date and enter "+" or "-" and the required number of days.
Файл вставке Разметка стр ницы Формулы Данные Рецензировя ие Вид Надстройки 9 4io вы хотите сделать? Вход ^ Общий доступ
1 ^ Times New Ro- 12 - А' А* Ш ф ¿р Форматировать Стили * как таблицу * ячеек • Вставить • Удалить ' ¡'■!; Формат - I га- А- : ST Р Сортировка Найти и и фильтр * выделить *
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Буфер обмена г, Шрифт г. Выравнивание г. Число г< Стили Ячейки Редактирование Л
L4 - >•/ fx =H4'I4»J4-K4
л G Н I J К L М N О P Q В S T
1 2 Ъ Korxona xodimlarini oylik maoshini hisoblash
Xodim F.l.SH Ishlagan kuni Kunlik ish haqqi Qo'ihimcha bonus Jarimalar Oylik maosbj
4 ] -xodim 30 150 000.00 50 000.00 - 4 550 000.00
Б 2-xodim 29 150 000,00 20 000,00 4 330 000,00
6 7 8 9 10 11 3-xodim 31 150 000,00 30 000,00 - 4 Й80 000,00
n-xodim л kun n so'm n so'm n so'm n so'm
I ЛИСТ1 I © . ■ __l>
В ЩИ- I + ИД»
Figure 2. Calculation of monthly salary of employees
Working with reports Excel spreadsheets for accountants are a multi-functional working tool that contains a lot of information for reporting and making current calculations. When printing a table that does not fit on one sheet, you can place its "header" on each separate page, which makes it easier to find the information you need. To do this, select the "File" - "Page Setup" menu and the "Sheet" tab. We put the cursor on "Through rows" or "Through columns" and click on the rows that should be placed on each sheet in the table. You can also use headers and footers to work with such documents. They record the necessary information such as date, page numbers, compiler name, etc. Header and footer settings are available in "Page Options" - "Header and Footer". There are ready-made marking options or you can add your own.
conclusion , I will quote the following template: one month cash flow in the "General catering service" enterprise, linking of accounts, monthly payments, advance payments and accounts payable. -books are listed.
Разметка страницы Формулы Данные Реценэиров<
Вход Д. Общий доступ
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Сортировка Найти и и фильтр * выделить * Редуцирование
UMUMIY OVQATLANTIRISH XIZMAT1 МымявмЛ-хужалнк ош'рацня.тршш кисиОгн олinn КИТОБИ
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добот кредит
2 " 3 4 5 6 7
Жпмн ЛII I.IIIМ!1 Ой бошнга коллнк
18.04.22 60000000 3000000 5 000 000,00 4 000 000,00 100 000,00
18 05.22 60000000 3000000 5 ООО 000.00 4 000 000,00 100 000,00
18,06.22 ЙООООООО 3000000 5 000 000,00 4 000 000,00 100 000,00
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18.08.22 60000000 3000000 5 000 000.00 4 000 000,00 100 000,00
18.09 22 . ш 60000000 3000000 лисоолар оуиича аиламма а Н 5 000 000,00 4 000 000,00 100 000,00
Figure 3. Ms in excel account leaflets conduct Used literature :
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