USING METAPHORS IN ENGLISH LITERATURE Текст научной статьи по специальности «Языкознание и литературоведение»

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Ключевые слова
metaphors / English literature / metaphors / English literature / William Shakespeare William Shakespeare publications / conceptual metaphors / criticisms metaphors.

Аннотация научной статьи по языкознанию и литературоведению, автор научной работы — Manzura Maxmudjan Kizi Xasanova, Kenjayeva Muhlisa

This article is about This article is about the use of the use of metaphors in metaphors in English literature. . In the course of this n the course of this research, the concept of metaphor and its methods used in English literature were analyzed. Metaphors have their own meaning in literature, and it makes sense to consider them as the heart of the literary genre.

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Текст научной работы на тему «USING METAPHORS IN ENGLISH LITERATURE»

Chirchik State Pedagogical University Current Issues of Modern Philology and Linguodidactics

Staatliche Pädagogische Universität Chirchik Aktuelle Fragen der modernen Philologie und Linguodidaktik



Manzura Maxmudjan kizi Xasanova

Chirchiq statetate pedagogical university Foreign language and literature 2nd grade studentgrade student Email: xmanzura15@gmail .com Supervisor: Kenjayeva Muhlisa


This article is about This article is about the use of the use of metaphors in metaphors in English literature. . In the course of this n the course of this research, the concept of metaphor and its methods used in English literature were analyzed. Metaphors have their own meaning in literature, and it makes sense to consider them as the heart of the literary genre.

Metaphor is a powerful tool in literature allowing writers to create vivid and evocative literature allowing writers to create vivid and evocative images, to images,to convey complex ideas and emotions and to reflect cultural and social ideas and emotions and to reflect cultural and social values conceptual metaphor values conceptual metaphor theory provides a framework for understanding how metaphors a framework for understanding how metaphors shape our understanding of the world shape our understanding of the world and how they are used in literature to convey meaning in literature to convey meaning and emotion.

Keywords: metaphors, English literature, metaphors, English literature, William Shakespeare William Shakespeare publications, conceptual metaphors, criticisms metaphors.


Metaphor has a high degree of accuracy and charm of cuteness, its clever use etaphor has a high degree of accuracy and charm of cuteness, its clever use decorates the speech.. Metaphors can be used to express events, mood or just an idea metaphors can be used to express events, mood or just an idea. The term The term metaphor is a complex concept. Because from ancient antiquity until the present time, this science has attracted the attention of not only linguists, but also literary scholars. It should also be emphasized It should also be emphasized that metaphor is approached functionally in the process of analysis. Because on the one hand, it helps the writer or poet to express his feelings and deliver the work in a meaningful and beautiful way, and on the other hand, it helps the reader to understand and imagine the presented

April 23-24, 2024


Chirchik State Pedagogical University Current Issues of Modern Philology and Linguodidactics

Staatliche Pädagogische Universität Chirchik Aktuelle Fragen der modernen Philologie und Linguodidaktik


work more t helps the reader to understand and imagine the presented work more easily, or easily, or draw a conclusion by feeling them in himself will help. It can be seen from this that the subtlety of It can be seen from this that the subtlety of metaphor in sharia and artistic creation in general is incomparable.

The main part:

Since the emergence of the concept of metaphor, over Since the emergence of the concept of metaphor, over the past two and a half the past two and a half thousand years, a lot of research has been carried out on this subject. The word or phrase that came . The word or phrase that came from the Greek language is used in a metaphorical sense based on similarity or simile, and the word or phrase used in such a sense is a metaphor or metaphor. For example: the use of the word ear in the meaning of the ear of a pot.pot. If we focus on the opinions of literary scholars, John Stephen defined metaphor as follows: Metaphor is a literary concept that uses a specific feature of another object to explain something or an action. For example: your hair is the sun in the morning. In this sentence, since the hair is golden in color, the author describes it not exactly like the sun, but like the sun.

In a metaphor, the sentence is not translated literally. It is possible to understand the idea by comparison.

One of the most famous metaphors in English Literature belongs to William Shakespeare: "All the "All the world's a stage and all the men and a stage and all the men and women merely players women merely players.

In this metaphor, Shakespeare compared the world around us to a stage, and compared people to this metaphor, Shakespeare compared the world around us to a stage, and compared people to actors playing roles on this stage. Shakespeare is famous for awakening thoughts and feelings in the reader's mind in his works, allowing to understand the depth of the image he wants to use. the image he wants to use. Conceptual metaphor theory, first proposed by George Cakoff and Mark Johnson in the Mark Johnson in the 1980s,is a 1980s,is a framework for understanding how language and thought are and thought are interconnected. It interconnected. It proposes that proposes that we use we use metaphors to understand abstract concepts and experiences in to understand abstract concepts and experiences in terms of more concrete, embodied terms of more concrete, embodied experiences. For examples, we might use the metaphor "love is a journey" to understand the metaphor "love is a journey" to understand the experiences of falling in love or "argument is war" to describe is war" to describe a disagreement. Metaphors a disagreement. Metaphors are not just are not just linguistic expressions, but mental structures expressions, but mental structures that shape our understanding of concepts

April 23-24, 2024


Chirchik State Pedagogical University Current Issues of Modern Philology and Linguodidactics

Staatliche Pädagogische Universität Chirchik Aktuelle Fragen der modernen Philologie und Linguodidaktik


and that shape our understanding of concepts and experiences. They are thought to be grounded in our bodily are thought to be grounded in our bodily experiences and perceptions of the world experiences and perceptions of the world and are shaped by cultural and social factors.by cultural and social factors.

Conceptual metaphor theory has important applications in eiterary theory has important applications in eiterary analysis, allowing us to analyze the analysis, allowing us to analyze the use of metaphor in character development, plot development of metaphor in character development, plot development and theme and theme development. In character development metaphors can be used to convey a character's personality convey a character's personality, emotions and motivations. For, emotions and motivations. For example, in Emily Bronte's wuthering Heights, In Emily Bronte's wuthering Heights ,the metaphor of the moors is used to convey ,the metaphor of the moors is used to convey the wild the wild and passionate nature of the character Heat cliff.

In plot development metaphors can be used create metaphors can be used create suspense to foreshadow suspense to foreshadow events and to events and to convey the convey the underlying themes of the themes of the story. in story. For examples, F. Scott Fitgerald's The Great Gatsby The Great Gatsby, the metaphor ,the metaphor of the green light across the across the bay is the used to bay is the used to symbolize Gatsby's longing for Gatsby's longing for and the past and the past and his and his attainable dream of dream of winning back his lost love. back his lost love.

In theme development, metaphors can be used convey the underlying ideas and values of the story and to reflect cultural and social norms. For example, in Jane Austen's Pride and Prejudice the metaphor of the marriage market is used to reflect the social pressures and expectations placed on women in 19th sures and expectations placed on women in 19th century England.

Previous research on conceptual metaphors conceptual metaphors in literature has in literature has focused on analyzing focused on analyzing use of metaphors use of metaphors in specific works or games works or games as well as well as on exploring on exploring cultural and cultural and historical contexts historical contexts of metaphor of metaphor use. For example, Lakoff and and Johnson analyzed the use of the use of the metaphor "metaphor "argument is war" in political in political discourse while Steen analyzed while Steen analyzed the use of metaphor the use of metaphor in in Shakespeare's plays. More recently plays. More recently, scholars ,scholars have focused on the role on the role of metaphor of metaphor in shaping cultural in shaping cultural identity and political discourseand political discourse.

Some scholars have argued scholars have argued that that conceptual metaphor

April 23-24, 2024


Chirchik State Pedagogical University Current Issues of Modern Philology and Linguodidactics

Staatliche Pädagogische Universität Chirchik Aktuelle Fragen der modernen Philologie und Linguodidaktik


theory may not be may not be sufficient for analyzing for analyzing the rich and complex language and literary and literary works. For works. Mark Tumer suggests that literary language should be analyzed in terms of in terms of "blends" which involve ,which involve the integration the integration of multiple of multiple conceptual domains to create a new to create a new complex meaning.

Critics have also highlighted the potential limitations of conceptual highlighted the potential limitations of conceptual metaphor theory in accounting for metaphor theory in accounting for the complexities of literary language. For example, some have of literary language. For example, some have argued that conceptual metaphor theory argued that conceptual metaphor theory may not to able to account for the unique to able to account for the unique features of individual works or authors features of individual works or authors or the specific or the specific historical and cultural contexts in which they were created.

Despite these criticisms, conceptual metaphor theory remains a valuable framework for analyzing the metaphor theory remains a valuable framework for analyzing the use of metaphor in literature works and has contributed to our of metaphor in literature works and has contributed to our perception of the world. However, it is perception of the world. However, it is important to use it in conjunction with other approaches and to be aware of its potential limitations.

In another famous work of the English writer William Shakespeare, "Romeo and Juliet", Shakespeare once again proves that he is incomparable in his use of metaphors "But soft, what eight through yonder eight through yonder window breaks? It is the east and Juliet is the sun east and Juliet is the sun"!!Romeo, who is standing on the porch, looks Romeo, who is standing on the porch, looks through the window and sees Juliet. Despite the fact that it is half the night, Romeo can see Juliet's dazzling beauty. It is at this moment that Romeo compares her face to the sun, and the darkness of the night to the opaque glass. But the sun's rays still shine in this situation. But the sun's rays still shine in this situation. The writer is trying to explain how beautiful Juliet is in the mind of the reader.

John Green also describes the sunset in an artistic image, compares the sun to a baby that does not want to sleep, and skillfully explains to the readers that it is still light despite the fact that it is half past eight "The sun was eight "The sun was a toddler insistently refusing to go to bed toddler insistently refusing to go to bed: It was past eight thirty: It was past eight thirty and still and still eight". It seems that the day is finally coming to night, and the setting of the sun is likened to the It seems that the day is finally coming to night, and the setting of the sun is likened to the whims of a young child. In this, the writer wants to explain how eagerly the hero of the work is

April 23-24, 2024


Chirchik State Pedagogical University Current Issues of Modern Philology and Linguodidactics

Staatliche Pädagogische Universität Chirchik Aktuelle Fragen der modernen Philologie und Linguodidaktik

waiting for the night to come.


As can be seen from the above examples, metaphors play an important role in As can be seen from the above examples, metaphors play an important role in making the events in the works of art more vivid and attractive.

It is possible to describe the events in the work with the literal meanings of the words, but to what extent it is understood is the main problem.

Correctly used metaphors add to the spirit of the work. Especially in prose works, metaphors are significantly visible to the observer. The reason is that the development of the story in the prose work is more and more impressive to the reader, and it was considered the most important source for considered the most important source for describing the idea embodied in the imagination of the writer. That is why the metaphor in literature is incomparable.

Metaphors, which come to literature, are used equally in any genre of literature (prose, poetry, comedy, etc.). In conclusion, metaphors are one of the main tools of fiction.


1.Qosimov A."Ingliz badiiy adabiyotida metaforalarning o'mi va tavsifT'nomli metaforalaming o'rni va tavsifT'nomli ilmiy ishi.ilmiy ishi.

2.Gibbs R.W.(2006)Embodiment and cognitive science Cambridge Embodiment and cognitive science Cambridge University Press.

3.Odiljanova M."O'zbek va ingliz adabiyotida metaforalarning foydalanish tahlili"nomli ilmiy ishi.foydalanish tahlili"nomli ilmiy ishi.

4. Steen G.(1999)Understanding metaphor in literature: An empirical approach metaphor in literature: An empirical approach, Longman.

5.Shakespeare William and Harace H.Furness.As You Like It.New York Harace H.Furness .As You Like It .New York: Dover Publications, :Dover Publications,(( 19631963).).

6.Shakespeare William (1993).Rome and Juliet. Dover Publications.Publications.


April 23-24, 2024

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