UDK 81-13
Khasanova Z.M.
department "English language" Tashkent State University of Economics Uzbekistan, Tashkent
Annotation: This article is written about the appropriate use of modern technologies in the study and teaching of English language and the fact that the teacher can be traced on his own, feel responsible, introduce news into the lessons, make the lesson interesting and lively.
Keywords: innovation, technology, efficiency, specialization, information and communication, telecommunications.
The new term imposes a new task and several responsibilities on the teachers of the present day. With the introduction of modern technology, the tradition of teaching English has changed significantly.
At present, the importance of learning English is becoming much higher in Uzbekistan than before. Many English language specialists are implementing new methods and ways of learning English. This will definitely increase the effectiveness of teaching foreign languages. There are several specific advantages of teaching using technology. In addition, it significantly enhances the effectiveness of the teaching system and in turn helps the learner who is learning the language to become more familiar with the Times and strive for progress. Technology is slowly taking the place of traditional teaching. New programs and shows that promote the teaching of several English in television programs are regularly broadcast.
Today, there are several different ways of innovative educational technologies. Of these, the effectiveness of the lesson will be high if a wide and varied methods of covering the topic in the lessons are used, and the interest of the students in the lesson will also be increased. It is envisaged to increase the effectiveness of education by bringing innovations into the educational process and their implementation. The use of various role-playing, moving games in the teaching of foreign language lessons also causes an increase in the interest in both the lesson and the language learning. By working in pairs or subgroups of students, it will also help the students to have communicative communication with others. It should also be noted that in order to increase the effectiveness of teaching today, new methods of using modern innovative technologies have been introduced in Uzbekistan. For example, in a student taught a foreign language on the basis of multimedia, there was an opportunity to develop four
skills, to learn both visually and audibly through interesting materials. In addition, the reader is able to guess the meaning of some words by seeing live actions and tries to understand it. Of course, the application of modern technology in any foreign language lessons computer, radio, CD, DVD will allow the growing younger generation to learn foreign languages faster, shaking the learning process further.
The fact that some teachers do not know and do not use the use of technology during English language classes leads to the fact that students are bored for a while. It is for this reason that, that is, the use of technologies and at least a computer during the lesson in order not to quench the enthusiasm of the learner, will further increase the interest of the learner.
After all, educational materials, prepared depending on the age, interest, abilities of the learner, the assimilation of lessons, will certainly yield results. On the contrary, if we do not choose instructional materials based on these requirements of the teachers, when we broadcast video films, songs, or texts that consist of complex words to primary school students, or through multimedia, computers, then when we demonstrate instructional materials that consist of much simpler texts to middle and upper class or group learners, the learners' interest in learning This in turn can lead to a decrease in the prices, a loss of self-esteem of the teacher in front of the students. Hence, it follows that it is not only the use of technologies in the course of the lesson, but also the ability to apply them in their place, and the use of technologies is the main task to ensure that they serve to increase the knowledge of the reader.
The current CEFR, that is, four of the requirements of international European standards of education: (writing, reading, listening, speaking) it is important to use the technologies efficiently and appropriately during the lessons conducted on the compendium of learning by writing, reading, listening, speaking in English. For example, in the lessons of listening and understanding, there are also some rules for broadcasting, putting audio texts. In it, it is important that the main goal is that the learner can understand the audio material hears and analyze it without difficulty. To do this, the first thing to do is to prepare the environment for the broadcast by putting the audio material in place, so that the audience can provide a peaceful environment, while the teacher should focus on the quality of the audio being put in place as well as on the fact that the audio inputs are working well, and that the once all the requirements are met, the teacher can start broadcasting by putting the audio material on the learners. The broadcast is done at least twice otherwise language learners may not understand the subject and may not be able to properly perform the exercises performed as soon as the audio material is heard.
It is also a very effective method of demonstrating and discussing Video Films, rollers, to the learners using multimedia in the course of the course transition, using technology, both in speaking and writing learning. This can be used a dictionary familiar to learners, to comment on words when new and
complex words are involved, to demonstrate the video material after completing the exercises related to new words. To carry out this process, too, it is important, of course, to have a quiet, non-noisy environment, a comfortable and clean classroom, the possibility of tampering with everyone, to check whether the speakers are working. Before putting in the video, it is necessary to talk about the topic of the video, where the learners will be shown, to conduct questions and answers, to put out the video material when they are really sure that the learners are interested in this topic. When the video ends, the teacher will be interested in the students ' thoughts about the video film, will have to perform exercises. Once these stages are completed, these lessons will certainly contribute greatly to the increased interest and knowledge of the learners. It follows that the role of modern technologies in further enriching our lessons, attracting interest from learners, enriching their knowledge is incomparable. And to apply them correctly and appropriately is the main guarantee of our achievements. The research process used historicity, logic, methods of analysis and synthesis of practical knowledge. In the course of this study, the present significance of the use of Information Technology in foreign language lessons has been revealed objective. Today, the stages of teaching Blum taxonomy were studied in a logical sequence, using innovative technologies.
The use of graphic organizers in the educational process is one of the most important tools in covering the topic, its delivery to students. It is also possible to use several different graphic organizers in highlighting a topic. When teaching a foreign language, it is worthwhile to use graphic organizers to explain new words on the topic, the rules of writing. It will also be easy to keep in mind if these are given through graphic organizers. The effectiveness of using different tables in the process of teaching a foreign language is also high. Through the use of tables in the process of education, students can come up with a certain rules of mathematics, for example, to compose sentences using times, placing new words. At a time when the need to learn a foreign language is high, the efficient use of modern information technology, innovative educational technology in the educational process leads to the fact that this process is effective. The effectiveness of innovative educational technologies in their proper and efficient use in the educational process.
Pedagogical communication is the interaction of the teacher and the educator, which is based on mutual information, primarily on the exchange of educational information, helps to understand the pedagogical communication partner, as well as to carry out mutual cooperation activities. In this information is delivered both through verbal, through speech, and through nonverbal -means. In the process of pedagogical communication, the teacher should play a key role and be an example for students. The communicative culture of the teacher is a professional - pedagogical communication with the subjects of his educational process. As a necessary level of communicative culture, it can be defined that the teacher will be able to positively perceive educators and
colleagues and ensure the achievement of educational and educational goals without words.
Our country, the interest in teaching foreign languages has increased and many opportunities have been created for young people.
In conclusion, as a result of the use of innovative methods in English language lessons, students' logical thinking skills develop, their speech becomes Fluent, a rapid and correct answer qualification is formed. Such methods arouse enthusiasm for knowledge in the reader. The reader seeks to see a thorough presence in the lessons. This makes students become active subjects of the educational process. As the education system sets itself the task of educating a free-thinking, competent, mature person, in the future we can add our own with the help of which we will develop more perfect ways for future teachers to effectively use innovative technologies.
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