Научная статья на тему 'Using different methods of training in the course “human life safety”'

Using different methods of training in the course “human life safety” Текст научной статьи по специальности «Науки об образовании»

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Аннотация научной статьи по наукам об образовании, автор научной работы — Husanova Sumbulat Islamovna, Safarova Sanabar Omantashevna

The use of various teaching methods is aimed at enhancing the cognitive activity of trainees in the course “Safety of human life activity”. The actions of the teacher, encourages students to strive to gain knowledge, this contributes to the creation of a positive attitude to academic work and activate their cognitive activity. The use of various methods in the educational process by teachers will allow them to successfully implement the requirements of the National Training Program for the formation of a new generation of personnel in the course “Safety of Human Vital Performance”.

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Использование различных методов обучения направлено, на активизацию познавательной деятельности обучаемых в курсе «Безопасность жизнедеятельности человека». Действия педагога, побуждают учащихся стремиться к получению знаний это способствует созданию положительного отношения к учебной работе и активизирует их познавательную деятельность. Использование различных методов в учебном процессе педагогами позволит успешно реализовать требования Национальной программы по подготовке кадров по формированию нового поколения кадров по курсу «Безопасность жизнедеятельности человека».

Текст научной работы на тему «Using different methods of training in the course “human life safety”»

References / Список литературы

1. Азизова И.Ю. Технологические приемы ТРИЗ (теории решения изобретательных задач) в развитии понятия об экологической системе. // Актуальные проблемы методики преподавания биологии и экологии в школе и ВУЗе. Сборник материалов Международной научно-практической конференции 8-10 ноября 2007 г. М., 2007. С. 157-162.

2. Баранова Г.А. Формирование эмоционально-ценностного отношения учащихся начальных классов к миру средствами предметного содержания // Известия ТулГУ. Гуманитарные науки, 2012. № 3. С. 317—328.

3. Михайлов А.С., Шагвалиев Т.Р. Значение эмоций в процессе обучения // Молодежный научный форум: Гуманитарные науки: электр. сб. ст. по мат. XXXII междунар. студ. науч.-практ. конф. № 3 (31). [Электронный ресурс]. Режим доступа: https://nauchforum.ru/archive/MNF_humanities/3(31).pdf/ (дата обращения: 13.01.2018).

4. Эмоциональные ситуации в учебном процессе. [Электронный ресурс]. Режим доступа: http://knowledge.allbest.ru/ (дата обращения: 03.03.2016).


"HUMAN LIFE SAFETY" 1 2 Khusanova S.I. , Safarova S.O. (Republic of Uzbekistan)

Email: [email protected]

1Husanova Sumbulat Islamovna - Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor,


Abstract: the use of various teaching methods is aimed at enhancing the cognitive activity of trainees in the course "Safety of human life activity". The actions of the teacher, encourages students to strive to gain knowledge, this contributes to the creation of a positive attitude to academic work and activate their cognitive activity. The use of various methods in the educational process by teachers will allow them to successfully implement the requirements of the National Training Program for the formation of a new generation of personnel in the course "Safety of Human Vital Performance ". Keywords: teaching methods, life safety, creativity, education, activation.



ЧЕЛОВЕКА» 12 Хусанова С.И. , Сафарова С.О. (Республика Узбекистан)

1Хусанова Сумбулат Исламовна - кандидат педагогических наук, доцент, кафедра военно-гуманитарных дисциплин, Институт гражданской защиты Министерства чрезвычайных ситуаций Республики Узбекистан; 2Сафарова Санабар Оманташевна - старший преподаватель, кафедра биологии и методики ее преподавания, Ташкентский государственный педагогический университет им. Низами, г. Ташкент, Республика Узбекистан

Аннотация: использование различных методов обучения направлено, на активизацию познавательной деятельности обучаемых в курсе «Безопасность жизнедеятельности человека». Действия педагога, побуждают учащихся стремиться к получению знаний - это способствует созданию положительного отношения к учебной работе и активизирует их познавательную деятельность. Использование различных методов в учебном процессе педагогами позволит успешно реализовать требования Национальной программы по подготовке кадров по формированию нового поколения кадров по курсу «Безопасность жизнедеятельности человека».

Ключевые слова: методы обучения, безопасность жизнедеятельности человека, творческие способности, образование, активизация.

The main goal and driving force of the realizable transformation in the republic is the person, his harmonious development and well-being, the creation of conditions and effective mechanisms for realizing the interests of the individual, changing his outdated stereotypes of thinking and social behavior. An important condition for the development of Uzbekistan is the formation of a perfect system of personnel training based on the rich intellectual heritage of the people and human values, the achievements of modern culture, economics, science, technology and technology [1].

The implementation of the third stage of the National Training Program involves the further strengthening of the resource, personnel and information base of educational institutions, the full satisfaction of the educational process with the new teaching and methodical complexes and advanced educational technologies [2].

Possession of teachers with traditional and modern teaching methods will allow raising the quality of the educational process to a level that answers to modern requirements. This fully applies to the teaching of the course "Safety of human vital activity".

The course "Safety of human vital activity" is designed to develop students' conscientious and responsible attitude towards personal safety and the safety of others, knowledge and skills to recognize and evaluate dangerous situations, determine ways to protect against them, and provide self-help and mutual help.

Now the absolute majority of people correctly assess the significance of this course. This is evidenced by data from sociological research.

More than 90% of the respondents were in favor of teaching the "Safety of human vital activity" course in schools, lyceums, and universities.

The attitude to the course by the part of students and the quality of its teaching largely depends on the correct approach to improving teaching methods and tools that should be built on a scientific basis, regarding training as a purposeful, organized process of interaction, cooperation between the teacher and students, designed to equip them with a scientific worldview, knowledge and skills. Pedagogical psychology derived the basic law of assimilation: perceive - comprehend - remember - apply - check the result, nothing can be ruled out of this formula and it is not advisable to sever mastering steps in time, because they are interrelated: perception is accompanied by comprehension, comprehension - by memorization; perception, comprehension and memorization are expanded, deepen and consolidate in the process of self-application and testing in practice [3].

The reason for the poor quality of students on safety of human life in a number of educational institutions is a violation of the objective law of learning, when in the classroom the students' activity is reduced only to the perception of the finished knowledge presented by the teacher and there is no time for comprehending, remembering, applying and checking the results. And on the contrary, those teachers who carry out the educational process in accordance with this law become innovators in the school. It is necessary to memorize a simple, but very important truth: all the above stages of mastering knowledge, acquiring skills should be completed by each student under the guidance of a teacher.

Basic teaching methods:

- oral presentation of educational material;

- discussion of the studied material;

- show (demonstration); -exercises; -practical work;

-independent work of the student.

Let us consider in detail each of these methods.

Oral presentation of educational material - the voice message of professionally relevant information.

Types of oral presentation:

story - a brief, imaginative, emotional presentation of phenomena, events, containing mostly factual material;

lecture - detailed theoretical reasoning, scientific analysis of certain issues; the explanation is a consistent, logically rigorous exposition of complex issues, rules, principles, laws, necessarily combined with a demonstration of mechanisms, instruments, schemes;

briefing - brief, concise instructions to specific actions. Requirements for the method: -high science;

- close connection with life and practice;

- logic and conviction;

- emotional brightness, clarity of speech;

- skillful combination with other methods;

- problem presentation of educational material.

Discussion of the studied material is practiced to deepen, consolidate and systematize the knowledge, received in the classroom.

Discussion is carried out in the course of:

conversations, which are an exchange of views on a particular problem and control over their learning;

class-group classes, resembling a detailed conversation, with a more thorough discussion of theoretical issues than during the conversation;

seminars at which reports (essays) are heard and discussed, which provide a basis for speeches and discussions.

Requirements for the method:

problem statement of tasks;

permanent teacher management during the lesson;

working around major issues;

polemical (debatable) character;

stimulating creativity in the classroom;

objective assessment of each speaker [4].

Showing (demonstration) - a set of receptions and actions, with the help which in students will be formed a specific visual image of the phenomena and objects under consideration. Types of show:

personal demonstration of methods and actions by the student; showing with specially trained students; showing real technology and objects;

demonstration of graphic means, models, demonstration of films.

Requirements for the method:

careful selection of materials;

selection of the most appropriate types of showing;

the number and sequence of the show;

strict scientifically based dosage of the supplied information;

integrated use of visual aids;

optimal combination of word and showing;

accounting of the requirements of the psychology of students.

Exercises are a process of conscious, multiple and more complex repetitions of studied methods and actions in order to form the necessary skills and abilities of the trainees. Types of exercises.

Introductory - provide accurate performance the shown actions by students (as a rule, immediately follow the practical demonstration).

The main ones are used after students learn how to properly perform the appropriate actions in order to consolidate the knowledge and acquired skills.

Training - are a conscious repeated repetition of the learned action with the gradual complication of the conditions for its implementation and increasing physical and moral-psychological stress.

Requirements for the method:

high-quality training of the teacher for the lesson;

students' understanding to the purpose of the exercise, the content and sequence of actions;

observance of a certain sequence in the exercise, its rhythm; maintaining the interest of student in the exercise; the development of students' skills of self-control and self-awareness. Practical work is the process of acquiring and implementing acquired knowledge, skills, abilities, qualities and abilities of students in a specific subject area. Types of practical work: laboratory works; business games; training; hiking tours;

teachings (in educational institutions Day of Civil Protection).

Requirements for the method:

having a specific work plan;

clear formulation of the proposed actions;

material-technical security;

briefing before starting work, pay attention to safety; summarizing the work and the assessment of each student as a whole; required and detailed analysis of errors.

The independent work of the student is the process of studying certain theoretical and practical material by the student. Types of independent work: work with printed sources; independent workouts;

self-viewing and listening to television and radio programs;

work with the Internet.

Requirements for the method:

to form an installation for self-learning;

to plan tasks correctly;

instill the skills of productive work in students; the ability to properly evaluate the results; individualize the tasks for self-study work [5].

The use of these teaching methods is aimed primarily at enhancing the cognitive activity of students. The activation of cognitive activity means the purposeful pedagogical activity of a teacher to increase the level of educational activity of students. The teacher's actions that

encourage students to strive for knowledge contribute to the creation of a positive attitude to academic work and knowledge, activate their cognitive activity.

The knowledge and, most importantly, the optimal use of these methods in the educational process by teachers will allow them to successfully implement the requirements of the National Training Program on the formation of a new generation of personnel with a high general and professional culture, creative and social activity, the ability to independently navigate in public and political life, solve tasks for the future.

References in English / Список литературы на английском языке

1. Karimov I. The report of the President at the solemn meeting devoted to the 21st anniversary of the Constitution of the Republic of Uzbekistan. 6 December 2013.

2. Law of the Republic of Uzbekistan. "On the National Program for Personnel Training". T., 1977.

3. Law of the Republic of Uzbekistan "On Education". - T.: 1997.

4. Safety of Vital Activity: A Textbook for Bachelors / Edition by E.A.Arustamova. М., 2013. P. 448.

5. Mikhailov L.A, Starostenko A.V. Basics of life safety. St. Petersburg. 2001. P. 240 [in Russian].

References / Список литературы

1. Каримов И. Доклад Президента на торжественном собрании, посвященном 21-й годовщине конституции Республики Узбекистан. 06.12.2013 г.

2. Закон Республики Узбекистан. «О Национальной программе по подготовке кадров». Т., 1977.

3. Закон Республики Узбекистан «Об образовании». Т., 1997.

4. Безопасность жизнедеятельности: Учебник для бакалавров/ Под.ред. Э.А.Арустамова. М., 2013. 448 с.

5. Михайлов Л.А., Старостенко А.В. Основы безопасности жизнедеятельности. С.-Петербург, 2001. 240 с.

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