c. a. s. Eremenko O. N.
Russia, Krasnodar, Kuban State Agrarian University after I. T. Trubilin
Abstract: Milk productivity of cows much depends on how effective the level of their genetic potential. To solve this issue successfully it is essential to create adequate technological conditions to form high cattle productivity since their birth.
One of significant effective factors that influence growth, development and preservation of young animals at early postembryonic period is zoo technological conditions of calf breeding.
Clean air within calf surroundings enables good development and high functional activity of animals. Oxygen supply to all tissues and organs of growing organisms has a positive effect not only on animal's growth but on good development of cardiovascular system, calf's chest organs - lungs and heart that guarantees formation of high viability and future productivity.
Nowadays a «cold» type of calves' raising has been designed and widely introduced; it keeps calves safe from harmful for their lungs gas and gives them a possibility to receive natural sunlight which stimulates accumulation of vitamin D in animals. Individual calves' keeping in cabins provides isolation of every calf from all potential infection sources which surround animals. It takes away feed competition of calves and provides individual observation and animals care.
Our research results have shown that keeping calves in individual cabins facilitates adaptation of animals to low temperatures during the winter season when in addition their appetite and motion activity increase. These processes are due to aerobic and anaerobic decomposition of proteins, fats and carbohydrates coming to animals with feed. During the winter period fur grows faster because it is an adaptive factor to low temperatures which requires additional feed consumption. Calves felt not comfortable, moved less and lay more on the litter in cabins in conditions of strong wind and temperature drop and also high humidity in winter.
The staff of the department ofprivate zootechny and pig breeding of the Kuban State Agrarian University have designed a «blanket - cloth for calves» in order to keep them warm on frosty days in cabins and to increase animals' motion activity.
Key words: blanket, calves, individual cabins, growth, adaptation, cold type of breeding.
A «blanket» for calves is a reamer covering the barrel made of woollen cloth which touching animal's barrel produces mechanical effect, causes increase of calf s blood circulation and enhances metabolism of glandular tissue of skin. The general level of metabolic processes and heat release which keeps animals warm increases. Outside the blanket is covered with polystyrene preventing the inside part of the blanket and the calf from getting when it snows or rains.
A blanket consists of three main parts - front, middle and rear. There are symmetric cuts on the side parts for fore limbs and there is also a cut-out for the neck. There are elastic strings which serve as connective element fastened to the side edges of the front and middle parts. The rear part of the blanket is made square.
A «blanket» for calves must be used the following way.
The calves born in winter which is a cold season after drying out are dressed into a blanket the middle part of which is fastened with two elastic strings under their belly: the rear part of the blanket is on the croup, the front part is on the neck, with the side edges fixed under the neck with an elastic string. New-born calves in «blankets» are put into an individual cabin and kept there according to the technology for two - three months (at the farm's will). The «blanket» is taken from calves in a cold season after two - three months when they are transferred into groups to be kept in a building or group cabin or when the warm season comes.
Using a «blanket» for calves in OJSC «Agrarian association «Kuban» of Ust - Labinsky region, Krasnodarsk territory where Holstein cows are bred has proved that calves have intensively grown and measurements of their barrels become bigger. By the age of three months the size of the suggested blanket is small for animals. That is why we have offered a removable hood included for growing calves.
The hood is of a semicircle form made of woollen cloth which is outside covered with
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polystyrene. It is put over the rear blanket part and fastened with adhesive tape on an adjustable belt and elastic string under the hind limbs of the animal.
Ethological observations have shown that since the moment of fastening and during wear the suggested blanket calves have got no discomfort and have been very active: moved, hopped, and ate with appetite. For there months of observations they have not got any gastrointestinal diseases and consumed feed very well.
We have also researched the intensiveness of calf s growth wearing the «blanket» in the winter period in cabins. It has been registered that keeping animals wearing a «blanket» in cabins has resulted by calf s daily live weight increase of 58,5 g. For three months extra growth of every calf has been 5,3 kg. The cost of weight increase of one calf has been 477 roubles.
Weight increase has been conditioned by saving feed energy for heat production and better formation of plastic material in their barrels and also calves' health improvement, appetite and feed consumption increase. Besides additional weight increase it has been possible to save costs to treat diseases after overcooling if needed on average 130-150 roubles per 1 head.
The total effect of using the «blanket» at raising one calf in winter for three months in a cabin is 607 roubles or 627 roubles.
It should be taken into account that protection of calves' health at the cold season in the open air contributes to better formation of internals: gastrointestinal tract, paunch in particular, lungs, cardiovascular system which is characteristic of high yielder cows capable to show their genetic potential of milk yield efficiency.
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