Научная статья на тему 'Use of methods of management of real estate in a system of a rural territorial complex'

Use of methods of management of real estate in a system of a rural territorial complex Текст научной статьи по специальности «Экономика и бизнес»

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Ключевые слова
real estate objects management / rural territorial complex / municipal property / social and cultural facilities / territory development / territory zoning / investment sites / territory investment attractiveness.

Аннотация научной статьи по экономике и бизнесу, автор научной работы — S. V. Semchenkova, O. L. Lukasheva, G. V. Chulkova

In the modern period of development of market relations, the problem of improving the management of real estate in the framework of improving the system of municipal management is of particular importance. It is characterized by limited use of market approaches for real estate management, lack of information support, as well as an imperfect methodology for assessing the value of real estate and rent for their use. This leads to a decrease in revenues to the budget and low attractiveness of the investee. At the present stage of development of local self-government at the use of market economy mechanisms, land-use management of rural, urban settlements and inter-settlement territories, as well as real estate objects is inefficient and does not contribute to the performance of functions assigned to local self-government bodies. This is primarily due to the problems most acutely faced by the municipalities. They include is an insignificant share of revenues to the budget of municipalities from the use of the real estate objects, especially those owned by the municipality.

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Текст научной работы на тему «Use of methods of management of real estate in a system of a rural territorial complex»


Y^K 330.322:332.1:338.24 DOI 10.24411/2588-0209-2019-10053

S.V. Semchenkova, O.L. Lukasheva, G.V. Chulkova

In the modern period of development of market relations, the problem of improving the management of real estate in the framework of improving the system of municipal management is of particular importance. It is characterized by limited use of market approaches for real estate management, lack of information support, as well as an imperfect methodology for assessing the value of real estate and rent for their use. This leads to a decrease in revenues to the budget and low attractiveness of the investee. At the present stage of development of local self-government at the use of market economy mechanisms, land-use management of rural, urban settlements and inter-settlement territories, as well as real estate objects is inefficient and does not contribute to the performance of functions assigned to local self-government bodies. This is primarily due to the problems most acutely faced by the municipalities. They include is an insignificant share of

revenues to the budget of municipalities from the use of the real estate objects, especially those owned by the municipality.

Keywords: real estate objects management, rural territorial complex, municipal property, social and cultural facilities, territory development, territory zoning, investment sites, territory investment attractiveness.

Problems in the management of the development of territories are based on the incompetence and underdevelopment of methods and forms of using property both in state ownership (regional, municipal) and in private or collective ownership. They are also associated with the lack of a monitoring system and a system control at the structure, condition, and use of the real estate, especially property complexes. Incompetence in the management system leads to a lack of responsibility of the governing bodies for making inefficient decisions when managing the region's assets, especially in attracting investments.

Dynamics of indicators of investment activity allows judging about the activity of involving real estate in economic circulation, and, accordingly, the fullness of the budget due to the effectiveness of the management system, and also allows you to evaluate the performance of the main function, which is to the rational use of land and real estate.

According to the theory of municipal government, management activities should have a mechanism for regulating the relationship between private and public interests in the process of effective use of territorial potential [1].

The crisis socio-economic condition of the majority of rural settlements, production and agricultural enterprises, the abandoning of large areas of previously cultivated territories, the outflow of the population (mostly young people) from villages inhabited by many generations necessitate the development of programs of economic development of rural areas.

In the budget of the municipality to ensure the performance of its functions should be concentrated financial resources. They are formed primarily through taxes. The main one is land tax (Fig. 1).

90 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0









I tax incomes (profits, taxes on individuals, property taxes, etc.) ■ non-tax incomes (incomes from state ownership or administrative activities)

Figure 1 - Structure of tax and non-tax incomes of the budget of the Smolensk region, as a percentage of the total

Compiled by the authors based on the source [2] The process of development of the municipal economy should be based on a set of certain types of resources, namely, legal or legislative (powers, competencies and guarantees of the rights of local self-government); financial; economic (resources associated with the participation of municipalities in economic activity, the key role here is played by the management of municipal property); managerial (structural, organizational, informational, and human resources) [3].

The ineffectiveness of the management of the use of municipal property leads to a shortage of funds to the budget of the municipality from the rental of real estate in the Smolensk region from 3 to 60 million rubles annually for individual municipalities (Fig. 2).

Figure 2 - Incomes from the use of property that is in municipal ownership by the districts of the Smolensk region, thousand rubles

Compiled by the authors based on the source [2]


Without economic and financial resources development is impossible. On their basis, the economic activity of the local government is built. To ensure the implementation of the functions of local self-government, it is necessary to step up work on the management of economic resources. Their functions are to use planning and forecasting methods for organizing the management of the resource potential of a municipality (urban, rural settlement).

The greatest difficulty in creating conditions for ensuring development is represented by rural settlements and inter-settlement territories. To develop proposals for the formation of a management system and the creation of conditions for ensuring the performance of municipal functions, it is necessary to determine the object of management.

In the process of studying the theory of the issue, the object of management was determined. This is a rural territorial complex as the sum of all economic relations in an individual territory. Under the rural territorial complex, we will understand the form of the spatial organization of productive forces in rural areas, taking into account the social conditions of rural settlement.

In order to work out the directions for the development of rural settlements within the framework of the rural territorial complex, it is necessary to conduct an analysis in the following areas: location of productive forces; sectoral structure of the economy (Fig. 3); population analysis, allocation by territory (number of population, density); social living conditions of the population (infrastructure facilities, incomes of the population); documents regulating the development of a rural settlement (managerial aspects).

50 45 40 35 30 25 20 15 10 5 0

E3 Industrial

production Hm Agriculture

Q Retail

IB Other services





Figure 3 - The structure of the economy of the Smolensk district of the Smolensk

region, %

Compiled by the authors based on the source [2]

Smolensk district, being central in its location, is subject to sharp fluctuations in the level of economic development. In the 2000s, there was an increase in industrial potential. By 2010, its share is halved due to an increase in the share of trade, with a constant decline in production both in industry and in agriculture. The unstable financial situation in the country affects the economy as a whole. In 2018, there is a decline in the share of trade in the gross regional product. Against the background of a generally unfavorable financial situation, the role of the administrative resources of the municipality is sharply increasing, especially in the area of filling the budget with own incomes.

Prospects for the development of territories depend on many factors. The main ones include transport accessibility; housing comfort for living; availability of social services (clinic, housing and communal services, school, kindergarten, hospital and other social facilities); development of engineering networks to ensure the comfort of living; providing the population with jobs and prospects for the development of the economic sphere; cultural and leisure activities in human settlements; social orientation of the town-forming enterprise; favorable environmental conditions (initially this factor is not paid attention to when determining the place of residence, but it is often almost the main one).

The main problem in the socio-economic development of districts is remoteness from the district (regional) center. However, suburban municipalities are also subject to depressive developmental trends (Table 1).

Table 1 - Provision of the population of the municipality "Smolensk district" with

social and cultural facilities

Rural settlements Population size, person Availability, units Availabilit y of social and cultural facilities per 100 residents of rural settlements

schools kindergartens houses of culture, clubs art schools libraries post offices hospitals banks medical points

Volokovskoye 654 1 1 1 1 0,6

Vyazginskoye 939 2 1 1 1 0,5

Gnozdovskoye 4020 5 2 2 1 2 1 2 1 3 0,3

Divasovskoye 3833 2 1 2 2 0,2

Kasplyanskoye 1349 1 2 1 1 1 1 0,5

Katynskoye 4536 2 1 1 1 1 1 0,2

Kozinskoye 4664 1 2 1 1 2 0,2

Korokhotkinskoye 4782 1 1 1 1 1 0,1

Koshchinskoye 2150 1 1 1 1 1 1 0,3

Loinskoye 639 1 1 2 3 1,1

Mikhnovskoye 2280 1 2 0,2

Novosel'skoye 1301 1 5 0,5

Pecherskoye 5732 1 1 1 1 1 0,08

Pionerskoye 1226 1 1 2 1 0,6

Prigorskoye 5256 2 1 2 1 1 2 1 0,2

Smetaninskoye 1853 1 1 2 1 2 0,4

Stabenskoye 4026 1 1 2 2 1 1 0,2

Talashkinskoye 2503 1 1 1 1 1 1 0,2

Khokhlovskoye 1703 2 1 2 2 1 2 0,6

Total 53446 25 21 22 2 9 25 9 2 23 0,3

Compiled by the authors based on the source [4]

The territory of Smolensk district has large differences in socio-economic development due to its suburban location. Industrial facilities, as well as enterprises processing agricultural products, are located in the city of Smolensk or at a distance of no more than 5 km from the center. Rural settlements with a historically established agricultural specialization turned up not adapted to tough market conditions. Agricultural enterprises as village-forming ceased to exist. This accordingly led to the disappearance of social objects.

Local governments have a municipal economy, which is used to help ensure the necessities of life and the interests of the population. Its economic basis is the totality of enterprises and institutions engaged in economic activity in this territory, aimed at meeting the social needs of the population living on it. Management of the municipal economy should be carried out to obtain the result, which is used by all residents of the municipality.

In the modern period of development of market relations, the problem arises of the realization of the system and the conditions of life support of the population to a greater extent to own financial resources. However, this problem is difficult to solve due to the limited methods of obtaining additional finance. The development of the municipal economy relies on the available resources: legal, financial (manifested in the budget process), economic (the key role here is played by the management of the municipal property), and managerial.

Consider the situation with municipal property at the level of the municipality and conduct a comparative analysis (Fig. 4).

International agricultural journal №2/2019

2000 1800 1600 1400 1200 1000 800 600 400 200 0

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7000 6000 5000 4000 3000 2000 1000 0

^ ¿y

H Income from property in municipal ownership, thousand rubles □ Land tax, thousand rubles (auxiliary axis)

Figure 4 - Incomes from the use of property in municipal ownership and land tax at rural settlements of the Smolensk district, thousand rubles.

Compiled by the authors based on the source [2] Thus, even at the level of rural settlements, there is a significant differentiation of the revenue part of the budget depending on the resources of the settlement and on the mechanisms that are possible for use.

The achievement of goals aimed at the development of rural areas is possible based on improving management methods and methods of disposition. They are based on business activities in real estate, that is, forms of cooperation on trust management of the real estate and forms of public-private partnership.

The mechanism for managing the resources of a municipality (urban, rural settlement) can be realized through the creation of a development concept (Table 2).

Table 2 - Algorithm of the mechanism of management of the municipality

Stages Content

First stage. Problem analysis. - identification of economic imbalances and factors causing them;

- analysis of the emergence of economic imbalances;

- the establishment of interdependencies between the problems of the territory;

- the division of problems into external, characteristic of the country and region, and internal, inherent in a particular territory;

- determination of the level of intervention by the authorities of the rural settlement to solve the problems;

- identification of factors influencing that can be solved by individual problem;

- transfer to the higher levels of the results of the analysis of the identified problems and suggestions for solving them;

Second phase. Development of goals and strategies. - the formation of a possible set of development goals based on an analysis of internal problems;

- checking goals for consistency with each other and with goals of development from the standpoint of higher levels;

- elaboration of the maximum number of directions with the help of which it is possible to achieve the goals set;

- analysis of sources of resources, economic levers, economic incentives to achieve goals;

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The third stage. Evaluation of the possible consequences. - changing the state of solved problems of the territory;

- the emergence of new problems and (or) the exacerbation of existing ones;

Fourth stage. Choosing the best strategy. - comparative analysis of acceptable strategies;

- the choice of strategy using a system of criteria: the efficiency of use of economic resources; the universality of the strategy (the possibility of applying the strategy to changes in the external environment); the possibility of implementing the basic functions of this level.

Compiled by the authors based on the source [5].

Consider the application of this concept to the system of municipal property management at the level of a rural settlement (Fig. 5).

Figure 5 - Types of municipal property, on which the most possible influence of

local governments

Compiled by the authors based on the source [6]


O (U



(U üg a c


us O Ph

Capital construction objects

- participation in economic activities;

- participation in financial activities;

- participation in the general management system


Municipal unitary enterprises

- increasing local budget incomes

-increasing local budget incomes

- creation of workplaces;

- improvement of the financial results of the company;

- increase of profitability and contributions to the budget



The following algorithm is possible for the formation of target financial funds following the functions of local self-government in the formation of the local budget.

In the structure of expenditures for the element "National Economy", it is possible to propose more specific items of expenditure. These may include the following types of funds: management and development fund of land property; management and development fund of capital construction objects; economic development fund (Table 3).

Table 3 - Directions of use of funds of trust funds

The name of the target financial fund Directions of targeted use of funds

Management and development fund of land property - surveying, land management and registration of land plots located in municipal ownership; - development of promising areas of land use; - identification of effective users of land plots (holding contests, seminars, training applicants for land plots);

Management and development fund of capital construction objects - ensuring the necessary work on the preservation, reconstruction, repair objects of real estate; - development of plans for the use of municipal property;

Economic development fund - the operation of the administration website (informational fullness, operational update); - other activities that increase the attractiveness of a rural settlement.

Compiled by the authors based on the source [7]

Studies have shown that housing construction is a priority for the development of the Smolensk district. Rural settlements located within 20-25 km from the center are being intensively built up. Therefore, there is a need for land plots for individual housing construction (Fig. 6).


Figure 6 - Conditional zoning of the territory of the Smolensk district in terms of


Compiled by the authors based on the source [2, 4]

Thus, based on the results of our research and taking into account the development plans developed by the district administration, we propose the following. For the construction of housing stock, 21750.2 hectares of land from agricultural land in the suburban area and 7314.4 hectares in the peripheral area should be transferred. This will contribute to the development of agricultural production and rural areas in general (housing for specialists, housing for workers who want to move to rural areas).

Population growth leads to an increased need for foodstuffs. The need for foodstuffs leads to the need for land development in the peripheral zone for farming. The development of farming will contribute to the reduction of jobs in the city of Smolensk, and in suburban areas. In the field of agriculture, the production of environmentally friendly products (especially dairy cattle breeding, vegetable growing) will be developed, as well as the development of animal husbandry and related high-tech industrial processing industries.

Today, there are investment sites, even in the suburban area, which are possible for the production of ecologically clean food products (Table 4).

Table 4 - Proposals for the use of investment sites in the field of agriculture

Rural settlement Area, hectare Suggestions for use

Koshchinskoye 62,4 Use the plot for animal husbandry and vegetable growing.

Smetaninskoye 9,7 Use the plot for agricultural production, for example, for vegetable growing. The proximity of the plot with the city will quickly realize the products on the local market.

Prigorskoye 80 Use the plot for poultry farming or cattle breeding. This area will allow organizing places of permanent stay of cattle, pastures.

Stabenskoye 67 Use the plot for vegetable growing. The proximity to the highway M1 allows you to easily transport the resulting products to Moscow and other nearby regions, as well as to the Republic of Belarus.

Prigorskoye 10,5 Use the plot for vegetable growing. The small area and compactness of the site will allow easily caring for the harvest. Also, a water tower is planned to be built near the site, which favorably affects the availability of crop irrigation.

Compiled by the authors based on the source [7]

Thus, the main problem remains the development of the territory, which is depressive by economic development. The main reason for the aggravation of the economic situation is that investment platforms are not formed, land plots that can be used by investors are not indicated. This fact can be attributed to the underdevelopment of mechanisms for managing the potential of territories. For the further development of the territory of the Smolensk district, it is necessary to improve recreational and tourist activities, for example, in such settlements as Talashkino, Katyn, Krasny Bor, Kasplya. Creation of new industrial enterprises for the processing of mineral resources in the villages of Koshchino, Mihnovka, Verkhovye, Noviye Batki, enterprises for the extraction of sapropel and the production of sapropel fertilizers for agriculture in the village of Kasplya.


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