Section 7. Medicine
Kamalova Mexriniso Kilichevna, Researcher of the Department of Children's Stomatology of the Bukhara State Medical Institute, Bukhara, Uzbekistan, Kamilov Khaydar Pazilovich, DM, professor, the Chair of Department of Hospital Therapeutic Stomatology of the Tashkent State Stomatology Institute, Tashkent, Uzbekistan E-mail: [email protected]
Abstract: Investigating the influence of the device of the magnetic-infrared-laser therapy (MILT) "Sogdiana" for children with the chronic recurrent herpetic stomatitis (ChRHS). At total 189 patients of children's age with the diagnosis of ChRHS are studied. Patients of the 1st group were treated in traditional way, the 2nd group - a complex methodis used. In the 2nd group of patients with ChRHS the complex treatment (CT) (traditional treatment + MILT "Sogdiana") had bigger efficiency in comparison with the traditional therapy (TT).
Keywords: children, chronic recurrent herpetic stomatitis, magnetic-infrared-laser therapy, patients, complex treatment, a mucous membrane of an oral cavity, herpes-virus infection (HVI).
In recent years, 30-50% of children with herpes observed the general and local character. In the anamnesis of patients recurrence of herpes infection (HI) during the first years of of both groups acute and chronic respiratory diseases, includ-
life. After the primary GI has been transferred, the virus remains in the human body, obviously, throughout life [1; 2].
The choice of optimum strategy and tactics of therapy the HVI at children presents certain difficulties. It is also necessary to note that a constant obstacle in a way of effective therapy of diseases of the MMOC is emergence of stability of a virus to medicines [3; 5; 6].
In this regard, the efficiency of treatment depends not only on medicament us therapy by various specific antiviral medicines, but also on final physiotherapeutic treatment [4].
The aim of the work was to study the therapeutic effect of MILT "Sogdiana" in children with ChRHS.
Materials and methods. Observed 189 children with the diagnosis of ChRH of 1 year to 7 years divided into two groups: 85(45%) patients the TT(the 1st group) were treated. 104(55%) the patient - the 2nd group - along with a TT in addition received physiotherapeutic treatment by means of the office of MILT "Sogdiana" (Uzbekistan). All patients were generally treated on an outpatient basis.
The diagnosis of patient with ChRH was established on the basis of clinical symptoms and molecular and genetic researches by the polymerase chain reaction (PCR)-method. The severity was estimated on the frequency of a recurrence of a disease, prescription or expressiveness of symptoms of
ing flu, tonsillitis, anemia, chicken pox, etc. were noted. At survey on edematous and hyperemic MMOC the multiple, often single and merging among themselves acutely painful erosion came to light. Most often erosion settled down on a mucous membrane of language (edges, a tip and a back) in 157 cases from 189, i.e. 83.06%, and a mucous membrane of lips (52 of 189 i.e. 27.51%), on a mucous membrane of cheeks (from 189 in 67 cases - 35.44%), a mucous membrane of gums (21 cases - 11.11%), a soft palate (14-7.40%), a hard palate (21 cases - 11.11%), an alveolar shoot (42-22.22%).
With the help of molecular genetic studies of 189 sick children, the positive reaction of PCR was in 166 (87.83%) children, in 12.16% (23 children) - the result was negative.
In the treatment of group 1, TT was used: an antiviral drug acyclovir 200 mg 4 times a day for 5-7 days was prescribed. Local therapy included analgesics before and after eating, irrigation of the oral cavity with a solution of chlorhexidine (1: 1 distilled water) - at the first visit, irrigation was performed by a dentist, in the future-parents (up to 3 times a day), as well as applications of 0.25% oxoline ointment (3-4 times a day for 7-10 days). Patients of the 2nd group (104 children) along with a TT and local dental treatment in addition received physiotherapeutic treatment by means of the office of MILT "Sogdiana" (production Uzbekistan).
Results and discussion. The results of treatment of patients with HCV using both MILT "Sogdiana" and without physical therapy were performed according to the "Criteria for the effectiveness of complex therapy of patients with ChRHS".
In both groups the efficiency of therapy can be estimated as high, good, weak and there is no effect. Efficiency of treatment at children of the 1st group after a TT: at 56 patients with ChRHS was weak, at 26 - good. There is no effect of treatment - at the 3rd patient. The high efficiency of treatment wasn't at one child.
In children of the 2nd group with ChRHS in most cases (76 children) treatment was highly effective. Good efficiency of treatment was found in 27 patients. Weak effectiveness of treatment was revealed in 1 child with severe form of CHRGS.
After therapy all recurrence of ChRHS within a year (recurrence) and also duration of remissions between them was considered and standardized. The remote results of treatment (1 year of out-patient observation) estimated on change of quantity and forms of a recurrence, remission duration.
From among sick children in the 1st group in the first 3 months of observation a recurrence was observed at 8 (9.41%) patients whereas at patients of the 2nd group a recurrence wasn't observed.
In 6 months of observation a recurrence of a disease showed high percent in the 1st group of patients with ChRHS - 14 (16.47%) children, and this indicator was equal in the 2nd group 2 (1.92%). In 1 year of observation in the 1st group with ChRHS a recurrence is celebrated at 13 (15.3%) patients whereas this indicator was equal in the 2nd group 3 (2.9%). This fact confirms efficiency of inclusion in CT of patient children of the office of MILT "Sogdiana".
In CT of children of ChRHS had bigger efficiency. When using the office of MILT "Sogdiana" and a TT at children of the 2nd group observed earlier disappearance of symptoms of intoxication of HVI and morbidity in MMOC, fast approach of a full epitelization, reduction of frequency and weight of a recurrence and also increase in duration of terms of remission.
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