Научная статья на тему 'Us involvement into bilateral relations between Japan and Australia'

Us involvement into bilateral relations between Japan and Australia Текст научной статьи по специальности «Социальная и экономическая география»

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Ключевые слова
Asia-Pacific / strategic dialogue / bilateral cooperation / American security system / axis of democracy / Азиатско- ихоокеанский регион / стратегический диалог / двусторонние отношения / система американской безопасности / ось демократии

Аннотация научной статьи по социальной и экономической географии, автор научной работы — Albert V. Beloglazov, Daria A. Dekalina

Bilateral relations between Japan and Australia are mostly characterized as alliance of two strong democracies with developed economies, based on the desire to achieve stable development of the Asia-Pacific region. American political scientists often mark the 21st century as the «Pacific Century», because the region is turning into an economic and political center of the entire world. This statement allows to talk about the deepening of cooperation between Australia and Japan in the field of security, however, there is a third actor, United States, in the region. The USA, within the framework of the «rebalancing» strategy, highlights the enhancing of military-technical relations with the Asia-Pacific countries and tries to increase its military presence and expand economic ties in the region. Therefore, in this study author will draw more attention to the role of the United States, that coordinates Japan-Australia strategic dialogue and forms tripartite partnership, called the «axis of democracy» in the Asia-Pacific region.

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двусторонние отношения между Японией и Австралией, в основном, характеризуются как союз двух сильных демократий с развитой экономикой, основанный на стремлении добиться стабильного развития Азиатско-Тихоокеанского региона. Американские политологи часто называют 21 столетие как «Тихоокеанский век», потому что регион превращается в экономический и политический центр всего мира. Это заявление позволяет говорить об углублении сотрудничества между Австралией и Японией в области безопасности, однако в регионе есть третий участник Соединенные Штаты. США в рамках стратегии «перебалансировки» подчеркивают важность укрепления военно-технических отношений со странами Азиатско-Тихоокеанского региона и пытаются увеличить свое военное присутствие и расширить экономические связи в регионе. Поэтому, в этом исследовании автор уделяет внимание роли Соединенных Штатов, которые координируют стратегический диалог между Японией и Австралией и формируют трехстороннее партнерство, называемое «осью демократии» в Азиатско-Тихоокеанском регионе.

Текст научной работы на тему «Us involvement into bilateral relations between Japan and Australia»

УДК 327





Белоглазов Альберт Владиславович, кандидат исторических наук, доцент, доцент кафедры международных отношений, мировой политики и дипломатии, Институт международных отношений ФГАОУ ВО «Казанский (Приволжский) федеральный университет», Казань, Россия, [email protected]

Декалина Дарья Алексеевна, студентка, Институт международных

отношений ФГАОУ ВО «Казанский (Приволжский) федеральный

университет», Казань, Россия, [email protected]

Albert V. Beloglazov, candidate of historical sciences, associate professor,

associate professor of the Department of international relations, world politics and

diplomacy, Institute of International Relations,. Kazan (Volga region) Federal

University,_Kazan, Russia, [email protected]

Daria A. Dekalina, student, candidate of historical sciences, associate professor,

associate professor of the Department of international relations, world politics and diplomacy, Institute of International Relations,_ Kazan (Volga region) Federal University,_Kazan, Russia, [email protected]

Аннотация: двусторонние отношения между Японией и Австралией, в основном, характеризуются как союз двух сильных демократий с развитой экономикой, основанный на стремлении добиться стабильного развития Азиатско-Тихоокеанского региона. Американские политологи часто называют 21 столетие как «Тихоокеанский век», потому что регион

превращается в экономический и политический центр всего мира. Это заявление позволяет говорить об углублении сотрудничества между Австралией и Японией в области безопасности, однако в регионе есть третий участник - Соединенные Штаты. США в рамках стратегии «перебалансировки» подчеркивают важность укрепления военно-технических отношений со странами Азиатско-Тихоокеанского региона и пытаются увеличить свое военное присутствие и расширить экономические связи в регионе. Поэтому, в этом исследовании автор уделяет внимание роли Соединенных Штатов, которые координируют стратегический диалог между Японией и Австралией и формируют трехстороннее партнерство, называемое «осью демократии» в Азиатско-Тихоокеанском регионе.

Summary: Bilateral relations between Japan and Australia are mostly characterized as alliance of two strong democracies with developed economies, based on the desire to achieve stable development of the Asia-Pacific region. American political scientists often mark the 21st century as the «Pacific Century», because the region is turning into an economic and political center of the entire world. This statement allows to talk about the deepening of cooperation between Australia and Japan in the field of security, however, there is a third actor, United States, in the region. The USA, within the framework of the «rebalancing» strategy, highlights the enhancing of military-technical relations with the Asia-Pacific countries and tries to increase its military presence and expand economic ties in the region. Therefore, in this study author will draw more attention to the role of the United States, that coordinates Japan-Australia strategic dialogue and forms tripartite partnership, called the «axis of democracy» in the Asia-Pacific region.

Ключевые слова: Азиатско-Тихоокеанский регион, стратегический диалог, двусторонние отношения, система американской безопасности, ось демократии.

Keywords: Asia-Pacific, strategic dialogue, bilateral cooperation, American security system, axis of democracy.

The purpose of my research was to analyze the scale and nature of the US influence on bilateral relations between Australia and Japan as part of the breakthrough in the security architecture in the Asia-Pacific.

Due to the fact that the topic is more relevant within overseas scientific community, I mostly used foreign literature, official reports and speeches of the prime ministers, defense ministers of Australia and Japan, as well as statements of the representatives of the US Administration to make a comprehensive study, especially rely on the work of Yusuke Ishihara, who described the basis of countries' cooperation, which is essential for maintaining stability in the region. Moreover, to identify and compare the points of view on the security policy of 3 countries we also appeal to the issues of different «think tanks» and mass-media articles.

Writing this research, the analysis made it possible to work with the texts of reports, interviews, joint initiatives, which formed the basis of the source base of the study. Thanks to the synthesis, the evolution of bilateral relations between Japan and Australia with the great role of the USA was compiled in the coherent manner. Moreover, relations were studied from the prospects of objectivism.

To start with, it should be mentioned that in the 1950s and 1960s, Japan and Australia gradually developed security cooperation, focusing primarily on intelligence exchange and holding joint meetings, where security-oriented issues were on the agenda in the context of the ongoing Cold War. And this is not surprising, in that period the United States of America remained to be the closest ally for the both countries, and neither representatives of Australia, nor Japanese officials covered the question of formalizing bilateral cooperation in the security sphere, as stability was guaranteed by the American «nuclear umbrella». Futhermore, for 50 years, Japan had not discussed security issues with other state, except the United States, and the joint statement on security cooperation ratified by the Prime Minister of Australia, John Howard, and the Prime Minister of Japan, Shinzo Abe, on March 13, 2007 marked the starting-point of the high-level

consultations, including the delegates of diplomatic and military departments of two countries.

Thus, the September 11 terrorist attacks in the United States became another reason in advancing bilateral relations between Japan and Australia in the framework of security, as both countries understood that it was necessary to combine efforts on a variety of global issues arising, including countering ISIL and terrorism, working to stop the spread of the piracy and standing up for human rights and democracy, because some potential territories are concentrated for popularization terrorism in the Asia-Pacific region. So, it is roughly impossible to understand Japanese-Australian relations without examining their relationship with the United States.

A trilateral strategic dialogue between the United States, Japan, and Australia was launched at first time in 2002. The Alliance reveals the countries' general concerns over regional security issues, which include North Korea's nuclear missile development, spreading of Islamic terrorism and the rise of China. The George W. Bush administration called for treating China as a «strategic competitor» rather than a «strategic partner», and began to revitalize relationships with regional partners. Japan was also worried about China's growing power, whereas Australian officials, not facing a direct threat from China, understood that stability would depend on strategic relations between the great regional powers, especially between the United States and China, and it was crucial to maintain the US presence in the Asia-Pacific, for example, through joint exercises. For example, since 2007 maritime exercises with code-name «Pacific Bond» started to play key role. They include exercises on submarine warfare, exercises on surface warfare, exercises on tactical maneuvering and communication.

The cornerstone of tripartite partnership was joint statement by the US, Australian, and Japanese foreign ministers in 2013. Officials affirmed mutual support for Syria's chemical disarmament, as well as condemnation of North Korea's continuing development of nuclear and missile programs. However, in this extent, Australia and Japan have shown some attempts to deviate from following US

policy. More than that, in 2016, when Donald Trump has become the president of the USA, country modified its external priorities, moved away from a policy of «rebalancing» in East Asia, and the bilateral security-oriented relations between Japan and Australia began to foster progressively. In addition, Donald Trump's isolationist remarks heightened the unpredictability and uncertainty, and for this reason, Australian researches advocated that Australia had to «keep distance» from Trump's America.

However, if such a policy becomes real in the future, it will damage the solidarity of trilateral security cooperation, so countries try to maintain alliance, and relating to 2019, the ninth ministerial meeting of the Trilateral Strategic Dialogue was held in Thailand, where ministers had a fruitful discussion about North Korean issue and shared concerns over the situation in the South China Sea and affirmed to closely collaborate on this issue.

All things considered, it may be said despite the fact that Japan and Australia were adherent to the model of American security in the Asia-Pacific region throughout the post-war history and nowadays maintain collaboration with the United States within various forms (ministerial meetings, joint exercises), both countries endeavour to find an alternative way to eliminate American dominance in the region. However, three countries undoubtedly provide a valuable foundation for regional peace and security, and their bilateral and trilateral cooperation has the potential to become an important catalyst for overall regional security architecture building.

From my point of view, this work in general was the attempt to study comprehensively a crucial area of cooperation in the field of security, since all previous researches, related to collaboration of Australia and Japan, were determined as economic and political relations, without paying much attention on the security aspect as a key form of alliance, especially under the auspices of the USA. Moreover, it may be useful for students who want to deepen knowledge in the US involvement into bilateral relations between Japan and Australia and for scientists to predict the emerging factors in regional security-oriented coalition.


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© Белоглазов Альберт Владиславович, Столыпинский вестник 2/2020

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