URBANIZATION PROCESSES OF THE FERGANA VALLEY Текст научной статьи по специальности «Социальная и экономическая география»

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Аннотация научной статьи по социальной и экономической географии, автор научной работы — Payzullaev M.A.

This article is about the development of urbanization processes, regional differences and agglomerations of the cities of Andijan, Namangan and Fergana regions of the Fergana Valley of the Republic of Uzbekistan

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DOI 10.46566/2225-1545_2022_1_97_1176

Payzullaev M.A. doctoral student Andijan State University Uzbekistan, Andijan


Annotation. This article is about the development of urbanization processes, regional differences and agglomerations of the cities of Andijan, Namangan and Fergana regions of the Fergana Valley of the Republic of Uzbekistan

Key words and expressions: Fergana Valley, urbanization, microgeographic location, mesogeographic location, urban agglomeration, "megalopolis of the valley".

Introduction. Urbanization is an important concept of economic and social geography and is of great importance as an object of geourban studies.

Urbanization is one of the indicators reflecting the level of socioeconomic development of countries. In view of this, in developed countries, much attention is paid to improving urbanization and raising its level.

Considering the high importance of urbanization in ensuring the welfare of the population and scientific and technological progress, raising its level and developing its real structure in the republic is a requirement of the time [1]. Unfortunately, in recent years, the progress of urbanization here has not been very fast: in 2010-2019, the number of urban settlements increased by only 6 units, from 1065 to 1071 [4; p. 137]. This phenomenon was reflected in the words of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan Sh.M. Mirziyoyev: "Today, the level of urbanization in our country is 35.5%, and if appropriate measures are not taken today, this figure may decrease in the near future" [3]. Based on this, it is planned to bring the level of urbanization in the republic to 60% by 2030.

Urbanization (French urbanisation, Eng. urbanization < lat. urbanus -related to the city, urbs - city) - the increasing role of cities in society [6], in the world, in countries, in regions; increase in the share of cities and urban population, development of a system of cities and towns, formation and development of urban agglomerations, widespread urban lifestyle [5].

All of the above constituent concepts of "urbanization" are manifested in the increasing role of cities in the life of society, changing the work, image and culture of the population towards an urban lifestyle.

The Decree of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan dated March 13, 2009 "On additional measures to improve the administrative -territorial structure of settlements of the Republic of Uzbekistan" had a great

impact on the level of urbanization, and great changes took place in the urban structure of the country. As a result of obtaining the status of settlements by 965 settlements, the level of urbanization rose above 50% [2], in subsequent periods, the process of urbanization slowed down. Based on this, on January 10, 2019, the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan issued Decree No. UP-5623 "On measures to radically improve urbanization processes". It gave a critical assessment of these processes: "...in recent years, there has been a decrease in the level of urbanization..." [1].

In Uzbekistan, 50.6% of the population is urban (01/01/2020). In this regard, it should be especially noted that the regions of the Ferghana Valley are among the territories with a high level of urbanization relative to other regions of the republic. In the regions of the valley, the urban population is 5566.7 thousand people, the rate of urbanization is 57.4%. In the Namangan region, the share of the urban population is 64.6%. According to this indicator, Namangan region occupies a leading position not only in the Ferghana Valley, but throughout the country. The level of urbanization in the Fergana region is 56.4%. In the Andijan region, the share of the urban population is 52.2%, which is relatively lower than in neighboring regions. At the same time, the valley regions are the most urbanized, that is, they constitute a group of regions with a share of the urban population over 50%.

It is known that cities by geographical location, history, landscape, architecture, genesis, performed functions differ from each other. The cities of the Fergana Valley have gone through a complex historical, political, economic, social path of development and today are major industrial, transport, trade, scientific, cultural and recreational centers.

In the Ferghana Valley, the first cities began to form in the 2nd century BC. According to historical sources, there were over 70 cities in the state of Parthia (Davan). These cities at one time were socially and economically developed and constituted a powerful center of this state. The settlements formed during this period were considered large cities of the Ferghana Valley. In particular, there is evidence that such cities as Kokand, Margilan, Andijan, Asaka, Markhamat, Kuva, Kasansay, Chust, Pap were destroyed under the influence of external attacks, they were restored and developed again in their places.

Due to the inconvenient microgeographical position, some cities were destroyed and turned into ruins under the influence of natural and social disasters, such as earthquakes, floods or wars. We can refer such cities as Eilaton, Dalvarzintepa, Akhsikent to such points. The city of Akhsikent, which flourished during the reign of Baburshah's father Umarshaikh Mirzo, was the ruler's summer residence in Fergana. As a result of the erosion of its banks by the Syrdarya River, this city turned into ruins.

Such ancient cities as Ershi, Kubbo, Pap and Chust ceased to develop due to the inconvenient mesogeographical position. Although they are ancient cities, today they are in the ranks of middle-level cities.

As emphasized above, cities in the Fergana Valley were formed from ancient times, but by the middle of the 20th century, a decrease in the level of urbanization was observed.

As a result of socio-economic development in the 1960s, the level of urbanization increased and 28.2% of the population lived in cities. In connection with the granting of the status of cities to some settlements, the level of urbanization in 1959-79. increased and amounted to 31.0%. In 1989, the proportion of the urban population was 33.7%. In Uzbekistan, the number of cities with a population of over 50 thousand people is 41. Of these, 12 are in the regions of the Fergana region (Table 1). Including registered: in Andijan region - 3, in Namangan region - 4 and Fergana region - 5 cities of this type. The increase in the number of such cities is the result of industrial development. Among them are such very large and large cities of the republic as Namangan with a population of over 600 thousand people (626.1 thousand people), Andijan (441.7 thousand people) and Fergana (288.8 thousand people). The inclusion of such settlements as Kuva, Chartak, Kasansay, Asaka in the group of cities with a population of over 50 thousand people indicates the development of urbanization processes, the growing role of cities in the Ferghana Valley.

Table 1

Cities in Ferghana region with population over 50 thousand people

Cities 2000 2006 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2018 2019 2020

Asaka 51,8 55,3 61,0 61,7 62,2 63,4 64,4 67,8 69,3 70,8

Andijon 334,3 356,2 388,4 393,5 398,2 403,9 410,4 427,4 433,9 441,7

Kokand 211,5 224,7 227,0 230,4 233,5 236,8 245,5 248,7 252,7

Kosonsoy 40,7 50,5 50,9 51,4 51,8 53,3 54,5 55,6

Quvasoy 72,3 80,5 81,7 83,0 84,5 85,9 90,2 91,7 93,2

Margilan 190,9 206,2 209,4 212,2 215,4 218,9 228,3 231,1 235,0

Namangan 386,2 413,3 453,5 461,1 468,0 475,7 484,9 600,2 612,2 626,1

Fergana 225,4 250,3 253,7 261,4 264,9 268,1 278,5 283,8 288,8

Chust 60,7 65,1 68,0 68,6 69,2 70,0 70,7 72,7 74,2 75,9

Chartoq 45,9 52,8 53,2 53,4 53,9 54,4 55,8 56,9 58,0

Shahrixon 58,2 62,5 69,4 70,5 71,5 72,7 74,2 78,3 79,8 81,5

Table prepared on the basis of the State Committee on Statistics of the Republic

of Uzbekistan

In the Andijan region, the urban population is 1603.7 thousand people. The population of the region for the period from 1959 to 2019 increased by 1633.9 thousand people. An important form of modern urbanization is being formed in the region - the Andijan agglomeration. This agglomeration almost completely covers the entire region, and its core is the city of Andijan. It

includes the cities of Asaka, Shakhrikhan, Paitug and dozens of urban-type settlements, such as Kuyganer. The agglomeration begins in the north from the city of Paitug and continues in the south to the city of Asaka. The Andijan agglomeration is a monocentric agglomeration, stretching in the meridional direction for a distance of 30 km. Almost 950 thousand people live in the Andijan agglomeration today.

In Namangan region, the urban population is 1815.1 thousand people. An urban agglomeration is also being formed in the Namangan region. The Namangan agglomeration, in addition to the regional center, includes the cities of Turakurgan, Chartak, in total, over 800 thousand people live in this agglomeration. The Namangan agglomeration, like the Andijan agglomeration, is included in the group of monocentric agglomerations. But the Andijan agglomeration is distinguished by its "extension" in the latitudinal direction.

In the Fergana region, 2082.5 thousand people live in cities. The Fergana region differs from other regions in that it has many large cities. There are only 9 cities in the region, of which the largest ones are Fergana, Kokand and Margilan. These cities occupy a certain place in the republic. In terms of population, they are almost equal to each other: Ferghana (288.8 thousand people), Kokand (252.7 thousand people) and Margilan (235.0 thousand people). The presence in one region of such large cities at the level of the republic is typical only for the Tashkent and Fergana regions, although the urban structure of the region is relatively well developed.

In the Fergana region, a large urban agglomeration "Fer-Mar" (from the first syllables of the cities of Fergana and Margilan) has been formed. Its main difference from the Andijan and Namangan agglomerations lies in the polycentric (more precisely, bicentric) nature of the structure. Today, over 880.0 thousand people live in the agglomeration.

Conclusion. The conducted studies on the geo-urban development of the regions of the Ferghana Valley allow us to draw the following conclusions:

1. The regions of the Ferghana Valley are the most urbanized areas in Uzbekistan. In the republic, in terms of the level of urbanization, Namangan region occupies the first place (64.6%), the second place is Ferghana region (56.4%) and Andijan region is respectively in third place (52.2%). The cities of the regions of the Ferghana Valley account for 1/3 of the urban population of the republic;

2. Cities and villages are intertwined with each other and are located very densely. These are the typical features of the "Megapolis of the Valley". In the classification of the population according to the administrative-territorial division, 18 districts have a population of 200 thousand to 300 thousand people, and 18 districts have a population of 100 thousand to 200 thousand people. Only in 3 districts the population does not reach the figure of 100 thousand people.

3. According to its genesis, the urban structure of the valley consists of urban agglomerations of Fergana-Margilan, Namangan and Andijan that differ

from each other. Fergana-Margilan is included in the group of polycentric (bicentric), Namangan and Andijan - in the group of monocentric agglomerations. According to the territorial form, the Fergana-Margilan and Andijan agglomerations are "stretched" in the meridional direction, the Namangan agglomeration - in the latitudinal direction;

4. In Andijan and Namangan regions, a large population is concentrated in regional centers, in the Fergana region, the cities of Kokand and Margilan are on the same level with the regional center in terms of urbanization;

5. Most of the small towns located in the regions of the Ferghana Valley are included in the group of agro-industrial towns. For the purpose of their socio-economic development, given the availability of cheap labor, a rich resource base and convenient transport infrastructure, it is advisable to develop automotive, food, textile and agro-industrial clusters.


1. Decree of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan UE No. 5623 dated January 10, 2019 "On measures to radically improve urbanization processes". nrm.uz.

2. Decree of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan No. 68 dated March 13, 2009 "On additional measures to improve the administrative -territorial structure of settlements of the Republic of Uzbekistan". lex.uz.

3. Message from the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan Shavkat Mirziyoyev to the Oliy Majlis. - People's Word, December 29, 2018. No. 271272 (7229-7230).

4. Scientific and publicistic manual dedicated to the study and promotion among the public of the Message of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan Shavkat Mirziyoyev to the Oliy Majlis. - T.: Manaviyat, 2019. - P.42.

5. Kadirov R.B. Population and labor resources of the Fergana region. -Tashkent, Navruz, 2016. - 170 p.

6. www.ziyouz.com

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