педагогические науки
Зинина Ольга Вячеславна, Оленцова Юлия Анатольевна ПРОБЛЕМЫ ВУЗА В ЭРУ ДИСТАНЦИОННЫХ ...
УДК 378.147
DOI: 10.26140/bgz3-2020-0901-0013
© 2020
SPIN-код: 7811-2171
AuthorID: 789674
Зинина Ольга Вячеславна, доцент, кандидат экономических наук, доцент кафедры «Менеджмент в АПК»
SPIN-код: 2775-1664
AuthorID: 829280
Оленцова Юлия Анатольевна, старший преподаватель
кафедры «Иностранного языка» Красноярский государственный аграрный университет (660049, Россия, Красноярск, проспект Мира, 90, e-mail: [email protected])
Аннотация. Анализ дистанционных образовательных технологий высших учебных заведений показывает, что в большинстве вузов, имеющих действующие информационные системы, персонал страдает как от недостатка нужной информации, так и от избытка некорректной или устаревшей информации. Кроме того, многие сотрудники либо не знают, какие ресурсы и сервисы доступны, либо не понимают, как ими воспользоваться, а порой не имеют возможности это сделать. У персонала часто нет возможности оперативно опубликовать неструктурированные данные и сделать их доступными определенной целевой группе. В учебном процессе явный дефицит качественных цифровых методических материалов, а то, что есть, трудно «донести» до студента. Есть проблемы с идентификацией пользователей при доступе к ресурсам и управлением собственно информационными ресурсами. Однако уровень образования определяет интеллектуальный потенциал государства в качестве важнейшей составляющей национального богатства. Более того, эффективное использование накопленного научно-образовательного потенциала является главным условием экономической и социальной стабильности общества. Международный опыт и современная российская практика свидетельствуют, что достижение этих целей возможно только путем реализации новых образовательных технологий, основанных на использовании, в первую очередь, передовых дистанционных методик обучения.
Ключевые слова: образование, дистанционное обучение, вуз, информатизация, дистанционные образовательные технологии, ИТ-услуги, образовательные услуги, технологии обучения, развитие образования, эффективность, глобализация, цифровые технологии.
© 2020
Zinina Olga Viacheslavna, associate professor, candidate of economic sciences, associate professor of the department of «Management in agriculture» Olentsova Julia Anatolievna, senior teacher of the department of «Foreign language» Krasnoyarsk State Agrarian University
(660049, Russia, Krasnoyarsk, prospect Mira, 90, e-mail: [email protected])
Abstract. Analysis of distance learning technologies in higher education institutions shows that in most universities with existing information systems, the staff suffers from both a lack of necessary information and an excess of incorrect or outdated information. In addition, many employees either do not know what resources and services are available, or do not understand how to use them, and sometimes they do not have the opportunity to do so. Staff does not often have the ability to publish quickly unstructured data and make it available to a specific target group. In the educational process, there is a clear shortage of high-quality digital teaching materials, and what is difficult to "convey" to the student. There are problems with identifying users when accessing resources and managing the actual information resources. However, the level of education determines the intellectual potential of the state as the most important component of national wealth. Moreover, the effective use of the accumulated scientific and educational potential is the main condition for the economic and social stability of society. International experience and modern Russian practice show that the achievement of these goals is possible only through the implementation of new educational technologies based on the use, first of all, advanced distance learning technologies.
Keywords: education, distance learning, university, distance learning technologies, IT-services, educational services, learning technologies, education development, efficiency, globalization, digital technologies.
Problem definition in general form and its connection with important scientific and practical tasks.
The main tasks of the university effectiveness are the using distance learning technologies. They allow organizing the most effective access of people to data in digital form. Based on this, people, processes and data are three main components of IT-solutions, in any university. It's necessary to mention, the success of the university depends on how well the processes connecting people and data are organized [3].
Analysis of recent researches.
Analysis of the recent studies shows that the distance learning technologies improve the work of the university. It is necessary to influence comprehensively the system as a whole strategy: network infrastructure, organizational structure, management system, motivation system, corporate culture [4, 5].
Formation of the article goals (task setting)._
In the presented study the aim is to develop an innovative process and the introduction of distance learning technologies.
Presentation of the main research material with full justification of the scientific results.
So, let's go directly to the study of the main factors affecting the effectiveness of the university.
There are some factors external to the university that influence how and what should be done in the university in terms of IT-application, such as demography, globalization, etc [6,7].
Technological trends include improving communications, expanding services, simplifying IT-applications, integrating IT-resources, etc. [11].
Considering the factors that encourage the university to innovate, we can distinguish external and internal factors. External factors include: STEEP factors, competition in education, stakeholder influence, which include founders,
Zinina Olga Viacheslavna, Olentsova Julia Anatolievna UNIVERSITY'S PROBLEMS IN THE ERA OF DISTANCE .
pedagogical sciences
owners, sponsors, ministries, etc [12, 13]. Internal factors include: changing requests of teachers and other employees of the university, the desire to achieve maximum efficiency of the organization (life support) [14].
The goal in the management system of organizations in a stable environment is to achieve a certain desired image of the organization in the future, for which quality standards and other parameters of the future organization are developed.
The object of management in this case is the main activity of the organization. In the process of management a number of activities that form the control contour can be identified.
Observation - fixation of management control object.
Description - bringing the observation results into a form suitable for comparison with the target parameters. Comparison - comparing the description of the current position with the description of the desired position in the control object.
Difference estimation - calculates the differences between the current position and the desired position.
Solutions - management-making activities from possible, capable to liquidate divergence of positions.
Management formation - formation of signs or other management decisions that change human, financial, information and other resources [15].
In the conditions of constantly changing external conditions, the very purpose of management requires constant correction of the activity quality (compliance with the mission), the realization of the organization's need for its own individuality.
The need for innovation arises. On the other hand, like any product, an innovative project has its own life cycle. Thus, based on scientific developments [16], we can distinguish the following stages of the innovation process (IP):
- At the stage of IP-starting, the object of management is the innovation activity itself in all its diversity. The purpose of management is to realize the implementation of the idea and the realization of a specific project.
- At the stage of IP- maintaining there are two objects of management (OM): directly innovative activity and activity providing starting. Thus, the essence of innovative activity for the university is modern knowledge, increasing the efficiency and effectiveness of training (the ability to apply the knowledge in practice) for students or learners. Improving their efficiency and competitiveness is for enterprises that send specialists for training. For employees and teachers of the university it is to increase their competitiveness, self-actualization, improving the image of the university [17, 18].
At the same time, innovations are new educational programs, technologies and methods, new organizational structures that allow creating the most favorable conditions for education.
In scientific works [19, 20] the multilevel objects structure of innovative management is offered (Fig.1)
new educational methods and technologies, organizational forms, etc.); management (identification of consumers' needs in educational institutions that can be satisfied in the result of innovative activities of the university); experienced (a training facility); promotion (awareness raising activities, market positioning, supervision).
To determine the level of training quality, the following system of private indicators is proposed, which can be the basis for calculating the integral indicator:
- the level of teachers' satisfaction;
- level of student' satisfaction;
- level of knowledge;
- the amount of learned information.
To assess the impact of the using innovative technologies on the change in the characteristics of private indicators, methods of experiment and survey known in marketing research can be used.
The authors propose to carry out the process in the following logical sequence (Fig. 2).
Figure 1- Diagram of the objects structure of innovative management process
So we can distinguishthe following stages of the innovation process in distance learning technologies: research (search for
Figure 2 - Diagram of the experiment process.
In general, in any case, we cannot talk about a complete transition to distance education. Personal communication, in our time is becoming more and more expensive resource, as its effectiveness in education has been proven for centuries. The application of the proposed method does not require this.
Let's summarize the main conditions that ensure the effectiveness of distance learning introduction:
- Partial use of distance learning, mainly in the student's independent work
- Availability of the electronic environment
- Specially equipped classrooms
- The final control function is carried out directly by the teacher, in the presence of the student [22].
The proposed method will increase the amount of material issued, improve the quality of its assimilation and have generally a positive impact on the image of the university.
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педагогические науки
Зинина Ольга Вячеславна, Оленцова Юлия Анатольевна ПРОБЛЕМЫ ВУЗА В ЭРУ ДИСТАНЦИОННЫХ ...
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Статья поступила в редакцию 17.12.2019 Статья принята к публикации 27.02.2020