УДК 55
Аманова А.,
преподаватель, Джумаева А., студентка Мередова А.,
Международный университет нефти и газа имени Ягшигельды Какаева UNDERGROUND GAS STORAGE MONITORING Keywords:
providing protection, preventing pollution, ground objects, underground hydro - geological complexes General provisions
The main goal of GIS technical control is to ensure the receipt of the optimal amount of geophysical information about the technical condition of wells in order to:
— effective management of the processes of creation and operation of underground gas storage facilities,
— timely adjustment of technological and design solutions by increasing the reliability of construction, operation, reconstruction and abandonment of wells;
— ensuring the protection of the life and health of citizens and preventing pollution of ground objects and underground hydro - geological complexes:
— timely carrying out expert technical diagnostics of UGS wells using systemic geophysical research with mandatory and additional sets of methods.
Requirements for GIS when monitoring the technical condition of wells and process equipment
The operational reliability and environmental safety of UGS wells is primarily determined by the technical condition of the casing strings, process equipment and the cement ring in the annulus.
Geophysical studies of the technical condition of columns and process equipment should ensure:
— control of the diameters, thicknesses and integrity of casing strings (conductor, technical and production strings), the depth of their shoes and compliance of the well design with the project;
— monitoring the degree of wear and identifying damage to casing strings (conductor, technical and production strings), predicting emergency situations during operation and workover of the well;
— control of the presence and location of casing string technological equipment elements (centralizers, scrapers, turbulators, behind-the-wall packers, etc.) and their compliance with the design;
— registration of the location of casing couplings (in connection with the geological section);
— presentation of the actual passport of the structural elements of the casing columns for the well;
— determination of the sticking depth of the drilling tool.
Geophysical studies of the reliability of well annulus insulation should ensure:
— determination of the height of the rise of cement behind the column and the presence of adhesion of cement to the column and rock, the degree of homogeneity and completeness of filling the annulus space with cement, the presence of annular channels filled with liquid and gas;
— identification of behind-the-casing fluid flows.
At the stage of completion of well construction, geophysical studies of technical and technological control provide the information basis (background) for certification of the well and subsequent monitoring of its technical condition:
— obtaining initial (background) geophysical characteristics of the object under study (natural gamma
activity, neutron parameters, natural temperature field, elastic properties).
— connection to the section and installation of annular explosive packers and benchmarks;
— assessment of the thickness of the production casing and tubing with an accuracy of no more than 0.5 mm and the location of well construction elements with an accuracy of 0.5 m;
— deviation of the bottom from the wellhead and geometric characteristics of the wellbore. During operation, capital and underground repairs of wells, GIS must ensure:
— clarification of the actual well design;
— monitoring the technical condition of the casing and cement ring, identifying leaks in columns, cement, and behind-the-casing flows for designing repair work;
— determination of intervals for water flow into the well;
— monitoring the technical condition of pumping and compressor pipes and elevator equipment;
— information support for repair work, conducting special studies during various technological operations during the repair process (determining cut sections of production columns, determining the quality of gravel filter washing, etc.);
— technological operations for the installation of dividing bridges, traffic jams, secondary opening and intensification of tributaries;
— control and registration of protocols of geological and technological measures carried out in wells (hydraulic fracturing, treatment and other impacts on the bottom-hole zone), assessment of their effectiveness;
— control and registration of records of the results of repair work to form a well file. Literature:
1. Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov. «State Regulation of Socioeconomic Development of Turkmenistan» -Ashgabat, Turkmen State Publishing Service, 2010
© AMaHOBa A., flwyMaeBa A., MepegoBa A., 2024