UDK: 677.024.54
Donierov B.B. associate professor (JizPI) Razzakov J.A. assistent(JizPI)
Anntotion: This article provides information on the requirements for the production of fluffy fabric, the production standards of its types depending on the purpose of its use, and the current innovative technologies.
Key words: Towel fabric, baby clothes, fluffy fabrics, GOST standards, pattern, robes, pattern structure.
The increasing demand for various types of clothes and goods in the world and the use of new techniques and technologies in the implementation of these demands occupy one of the leading positions in the textile industry. Among the textile products produced in our country, fluffy fabrics are one of the products with a high export index. Fluffy textiles are the most used and frequently changed products in our daily life.[1]
Fluffy fabrics are divided into the following types depending on the field of use: there are towel fabrics, baby clothes, robes and other types.
Towel fabrics
When choosing a thread for towel production, the following requirements should be considered: high moisture absorption, softness, good dyeability, strong color retention, no change during washing, and the price should be affordable. Considering these facts, cotton fiber is used as the most used fiber in the world in the production of towels. In addition, bamboo, complex, microfiber and silk are widely used. [2]
Depending on the type of usage, the most commonly used towels are:
1.Bath towel 4.Gym towel 7.Beach towel
2.Hand towel 5.Kitchen towel 8.Foot towel
3.Face towel 6.Spa towel 9.Tea towel
Baby clothes
Baby clothes are designed to be gentle on delicate skin. Manufacturers pay special attention to the selection of materials, opting for soft, breathable fabrics like organic cotton. Learn about the importance of choosing hypoallergenic materials and the steps taken to ensure that the fabrics are free from harmful chemicals, making them safe for your little one.
No garment leaves the manufacturing facility without undergoing rigorous quality control checks. Delve into the measures taken to ensure that each baby outfit meets the highest standards of safety, durability, and comfort. Learn about the various tests conducted, such as color fastness, seam strength, and sizing accuracy.[3]
Different types of robes have different uses. The kind of robe material you should get for your next purchase depends on various factors:
• Weight: Weight dictates how cool and comfortable your robe will be and affects every other criterion in the book. If you're living in a cooler climate, you may want a heavy fabric which has great insulating properties (like flannel and wool bathrobes). A thinner fabric (like bamboo) is a better fit if you live in a warmer location.
• Upkeep: Certain fabric types (like cashmere, which needs to be dry cleaned) require a bit more care and are best used for special occasions. You may opt to choose a lower-maintenance fabric for everyday use.
• Absorbency: Choose a fabric with a high absorption capacity if you plan to take it with you to the bathroom or swimming pool. Satin and silk robes don't absorb a lot of water so they're better off for lounging around at home. [4]
Standard requirements for baby clothes
Requirements for the production of clothes for newborns and children:
- materials and accessories used for the production of products must comply with the requirements of regulatory documents.
- external and decorative elements made of synthetic materials should not come into direct contact with the child's skin.
- synthetic lace trims are allowed to be used only on envelopes, elegant sheets, and sets for strollers.
- products for premature babies should not have seams in places that put pressure on the head or body, buttons should not be close to the body, and it is also unacceptable to make products that are worn over the head.
- warm soles are made of flannel-type materials with surface density of 170190 g/m2;
- light soles - made of calico and madapolam type materials with a surface density of 94-106 g/m2:
- household bleached or hard (non-technical) surface density 45-60 g/m2 made of calico-type materials with a surface density of 80-90 g/m2 and gauze.
Conclusion: Uzbekistan's ability to export light industrial products is increasing day by day, which is a proof that the products produced in our country are in line with world standards and are competitive. Therefore, it is an urgent task to apply and create new technology and design in the production of fluffy fabrics
(towels, robes, newborn babies and children), which are considered light industrial products
1. https://afex.uz/product/sochiq-ishlab-chiqarish-liniyasi/
2. B.Doniyorov, J.Razzoqov "Modern technologies in the production of towel fabric" published:Namangan\ May 30/2024
3. Shikha Kumar "Behind the Seams: The Manufacturing Process of Baby Clothes". Organic and More; Nov 30, 2023
4. Lucy L. "Choosing The Right Robe: Guide To Robe Fabric Types" February 26, 2023
5. Md Mahbubul Haque "Production of Terry Towel Introduction" published: Bangladesh Textile Today lssue 03/2008
6. Imteyaz Ahmed Ansari D.H.Tech "Woven terry fabrics" published:0ct4,2023
7. Doniyorova, M., Doniyorov, B., Shamiyev, D., Sadikova, G. "Design of environmental striped fabrics based on the assortment of possibilities of weaving machines"^ Web of Conferences, 2024, 538, 04011.
8. Doniyorova, M., Doniyorov, B., Qosimov, D., Jabborov, U., Ibragimov, A. "Scientific basis of organization of kinds of weaving enterprises in a new system in Uzbekistan" AIP Conference Proceedings, 2023, 2789, 040020.
9. M.A Doniyorova, D.B Shamiyev, B.B Doniyorov, "Paxta tolali to'quvchilik iplarining texnologik xossalarini tadqiq qilish" Iqtisodiyot va jamiyat 7 (98) 2022-
10. M.A Doniyorova, A.K Kayumov, B.B Doniyorov, "Analysis of technological performance of tappet ark"ACADEMICIA: An International Multidisciplinary Research Journal 12 (1), 270-272.