вия осуществления научно-исследовательской деятельности, если они хотят получить контакт. В последний десять лет наблюдается также сильный уклон в сторону предоставления научными школами исследовательских услуг, другими словами - осуществление консалтинговой исследовательской деятельности. Однако научные школы не видят в этом никакой угрозы научным принципам осуществления научно-исследовательской деятельности и воспринимают это как самостоятельное направление деятельности.
Как можно видеть, деятельность международных аналитических центров обладает высокой эффективностью именно на базе университетов, они активны, имеют возможность апробации результатов исследований, обладают широкой ресурсной базой. Университеты активно борются за лидирующие позиции на рынке как фундаментальных, так и прикладных исследований, полагая, что это обеспечит рост доходов и упрочит репутацию научной школы. Активность, упор на качество исследований и постоянное расширение сфер применения исследовательской практики университеты полагают своими конкурентными преимуществами и стремятся их развивать.
Направления научных и аналитических исследований весьма разнообразны, они могут быть направлены на решение конкретных задач представителей бизнес сообщества, а также прогнозирование, планирование и контроль решений в сфере государственного управления. Безусловно, существуют проблемы осуществления научно-исследовательской деятельности в рамках университета, связанные как с особенностями функционирования институтов, регламентирующих деятельность научных школ, так и сложившимися подходами к исследовательской практике в том или ином регионе мира. В этих условиях научные школы стремятся более эффективно адаптироваться в изменчивой среде путем выработки результативных практик и обмена опытом между научными школами.
1. Официальный сайт Университета Беркли (Калифорния, США): Общее представление об исследовательской деятельности. URL: http://research.chance.berkeley.edu/main.cfm?id=9) (дата обращения 15.09.2009).
2. Официальный сайт Университета Беркли (Калифорния, США): Административно-хозяйственная политика и процедуры. URL: http://research.chance.berkeley.edu/main.cfm?id=1) (дата обращения 15.09.2009).
3. Официальный сайт Университета Бирмингема (Великобритания). Исследования и передача знаний Стратегия: 2009-15. URL:
g=ALkJrhgcssRyfbQE0guFbC-6av0iW7b28g (дата обращения 09.09.2009).
4. Официальный сайт Университета Бирмингема (Великобритания). Ресурсы (информация о политике и процедурах, возможностях финансирования и исследовательской этики). URL: http://translate.googleusercontent.com/translate_c?hl=ru&langpair=en%7Cru&u=http://www.research.bham.ac.u k/resources/index.shtml&prev=/search%3Fq%3D%25D1 (дата обращения 11.09.2009).
(Types of individual oriented information applications)
Ion IVAN, PhD, University Professor, Department of Economic Informatics Tel.: +40744502345; Email: [email protected] Bogdan Vintila, BCs Tel.: +40-744-1674014; Email: [email protected] Dragos Palaghita, BCs Tel.: +40-728-145832; Email: [email protected] University of Economics, Bucharest, Romania http://www.ase.ro/
The paper presents the concept of individual oriented information application - AIOC. A classification criterion is proposed for AIOC. Information application structures are identified. For each type of application a practical implementation approach is presented. It defines a set of indicators which are AIOC metrics for which assessments are carried out. A template design approach is proposed for AIOC.
Работа представляет концепцию информационного приложения, ориентированного на индивидуального пользователя - AIOC. Предложен критерий классификации для AIOC. Идентифицированы структуры информационного приложения. Для каждого типа приложения представлен подход к практической реализации. Это определяет ряд индикаторов, который является показателем AIOC, для которого выполнены оценки. Предложен подход к дизайну шаблона для AIOC.
Ключевые слова: информационные приложения, индивидуальный пользователь, качественные показатели, типы приложений, шаблон.
Key words: information applications, individual, quality metrics, applications types, template.
1. Individual oriented information application
The knowledge based society is the new form of organization and functioning of the society. The explosive development of computing and communication technologies make this new type of evolution of the society possible. In the knowledge based society information of all types and knowledge plays the key role. This new society is characterized by [ROGH06]:
- a new product (the information product);
- the basic entity is represented by the individual and the community;
- the specific goods are hardware, software, information applications, information services;
- the majority of technologies are ecological and reduce power consumption;
- remote work;
- borders are eliminated, activities are performed via the Internet.
In the conditions of the evolution of the knowledge-based society, the quality demand for information applications is growing. The new information applications are no longer instruments of organizations for which they were created, these applications must be orientated to satisfy the individual users. Considering the fact that geographical borders are not applied in the new society to informational streams, the new applications must address a broader segment of users with diverse characteristics and demands.
With the evolution of technology, the number of services which migrate from the traditional form to the online form is growing as well. For these specific services an adequate providing form must be found in the online environment, using the proper technologies, guaranteeing the access for a large number of users, fast and secure payment services.
All these factors result in the reevaluation of the quality demands for information applications in the online environment. Developing the application based on the old quality requirements makes it noncompetitive in the new society.
Information applications corresponding to the new society are citizen oriented. They have the target group, citizen as the central element. AIOC are designed for individuals to solve their problems quickly and with the highest satisfaction degree. In comparison with the traditional applications they are characterized by:
- a large number of simultaneous users;
- the mandatory update to correspond to the environment changes;
- the total adaptation to offer the highest degree of satisfaction to the individuals;
- null, or very low using cost;
- permanent access to online resources;
- coverage of all individuals in the target group, who want to solve a number of problems;
- the need to solve problems for individuals not for organizations;
- direct individuals interaction, without previous training.
In the new society the application evolution is vital because the core of the knowledge-based society are individuals, their community, not or-
ganizations, which are placed in the background. The reorientation of applications is required to meet the individuals needs.
Individual oriented information applications - AIOC must meet the individual needs, for this purpose they must have the following quality characteristics:
- flexibility, that is to be easily managed from the outside by the administrator and at the same time to provide access to full information about previous operations;
- availability, that means that the applications run continuously, resources must exist in order to store results and information belonging to each user;
- scalability represents AIOCs' feature to improve its performance upon new hardware installation;
- functionality refers to the quantity of processing operations made by the information application; any individual oriented application must ensure total processing needed to solve the problems of the individual;
- stability is the feature of the application to ensure variation proportionality concerning the input volume, processing volume and result complexity; small variations correspond to low volumes; large variations correspond to large volumes;
- controllability is the characteristic to have its own adequate messages for each input message given to the
- determinism is the characteristic through which for the same input data the same result is outputted independently of the user;
- finite processing means that regardless of the processing type it should be performed in a predetermined number of steps, and the number of selections is limited so that no cycles are created;
- complexity of the information application is represented by the number of different structures used in the application and their frequent appearance;
- reliability represents the characteristic of the information application to run properly and completely for all data sets inputted by the users;
- generality assumes solving the group of problems but not the particular problem; generality is ensured by avoiding variable hard coding within the application;
- maintainability is the characteristic of informatics applications which denotes fast updates at low costs;
- reusability defines the degree to which the application uses already developed components;
- integrality means the extend to which the information application interacts with other information applications;
- portability determines the degree to which the information application is independent from the hardware/software platform of the user.
Ensuring high levels of these quality characteristics of individual oriented information applications leads to competitive applications which ensure high levels of user satisfaction.
The development cycle of individual oriented applications differs significantly from the structure of the development cycle of classic applications, because of different pursued objectives and complexity differences.
The stages of AIOC development are:
- selecting and studying the target group;
- defining the problem to be solved;
- developing the specifications;
- interface design;
- creating the product structure;
- elaborating the components;
- testing the data sets from the specifications;
- implementation;
- maintenance.
The development of information applications following these stages leads to obtaining competitive applications which satisfy the demands of the target group. The processing costs of these applications are very low or null. Updating the applications is often made to increase the user satisfaction degree, but costs are low because of the modular design pattern.
2. Classification criteria for AIOC
Individual oriented applications are used to solve the individuals problems. Considering that the target group is large and diverse, the individual oriented applications are very diverse in order to solve a multitude of problems. These applications are classified according to several criteria:
The interaction criterion determines the classification of information applications in terms of the degree to which the users interact with the applications. Following this principle the applications are divided in:
- applications in which the user does not input data;
- applications in which the user selects the input data from predefined lists;
- applications in which the user inputs data.
The content criterion forms the classification of information applications regarding the content modifications. Based on this criterion the applications are divided into:
- fixed content applications;
- applications which content is modified by adding;
- applications with the content that changes over time;
- applications with the content changed by addition, update, erasure and recording of dynamic content.
The number of actions criterion classifies information applications according to the number of actions which can be made. Considering this principle the applications are divided into:
- one action information applications;
- multiple action information applications.
The complexity criterion covers the number of solved sub-problems, the flexibility of offering alternate approaches, ways of generating selection criteria and the diverse resources allocation types and payment services.
In this context the following types are identified:
- application with one specialized problem;
- average complexity applications;
- high complexity applications.
The completeness criterion identifies the degree of meeting the specific individual's demands. There are:
- partial coverage applications;
- full stream applications.
The instant result criterion classifies information applications according to the time required for returning the demanded result to the user. There are instant result and delayed result applications.
The security criterion divides information applications into safe and unsafe applications.
The cost criterion determines the classification of applications considering their costs for the user. According to this the following are identified:
- zero cost applications;
- individual session payment applications;
- subscription applications;
- paid applications.
- simple linked structure;
- linear structure and simple links between the components;
- linear structure and multiple links;
- tree structure and simple links;
- tree structure and double links;
- tree structure and multiple links.
The classification criterion ensures an application division considering different criteria in close connection with individuals. If the classification is clearer the user will choose the application from the set of existing ones faster.
The structure of the individual oriented information application varies according to functionality and the area in which it runs. Individual oriented information applications may have:
3. Application structures
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The structure for interactive lessons ensures connections between the lessons of the introduced concepts. The lessons are learnt in ascending order of the presented information complexity.
The use of the adequate structure to realize the individual oriented information application is determined by the type and complexity of the application that is to be developed. With no regard to the structure used, the individual oriented application must follow the quality characteristics of AIOC.
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AIOC in current use
E-banking services have become a necessity for individuals in the context of the knowledge- based society. The lack of time requires to apply to the banks' management to make transactions the increasing number of which results in the development of e-banking.
The e-banking services allow the banks' clients to make transactions regardless of their whereabouts if they have access to a computer linked to the Internet. E-banking fulfills the following functions:
- the current account consulting;
- purchase of foreign currency;
- sale of foreign currency;
- making transactions;
- viewing the operations history;
- demo user account.
By using e-banking individuals get the following benefits:
- they do not need to go to the bank;
- the transaction is completed quickly;
- the security of the transactions is guaranteed by the bank providing the service;
- the taxes and commissions are lower than those charged when the traditional approach is used;
- the service is available 24/7.
Within e-banking applications, security is regarded as vital. E-banking applications apply new technologies to ensure a high level of security.
Nowadays 72,98% of the banks active in Romania offer e-banking service.
The number of users of the service is constant from the launch. As it results from [MCTI08], in the second trimester of 2008 the number of users of e-banking services was 637209 compared to 551713 in the first trimester of the same year. The number of online transactions in the first two semesters of 2008 was 168412241.
The applications used to determine the appropriate time are helpful for individuals who solve problems connected with the weather conditions and other factors like volume of travelling, outside activities and diversity of tourist routes. To be individual oriented these applications must give real time information based on the individually selected criteria referring to dates and cities. Most of these applications should meet certain requirements. The data selection must be fast, the symbols used must be common, the provided data must be complete and accurate.
If the application doesn't follow these principles it won't be used.
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Table 1
Banks that offer e-banking services
Mr. Bank Internet Banking Home Banking Mobile Banking
1 ABN AMRO Bank Romania ABN AMRO NetBanking, Access Online-Romania Office Net Romania
2 Alpha Bank Romania Alpha Click AlphaLine
3 Anqlo-Romanian Bank Limited i-ARBL
4 Banca Comerciala Carpatica BCC e-SMART
5 Banca Comerciala Romana MultiCash BCR MultiCash BCR
6 Banca C.R Firenze Romania CR Firenze Online
7 Banca Italo-Romena SpA Italia Treviso Bank@Yori- Internet Banking
В Banc Posl Internet eBank Internet eBank
0 Banca Romaneasca e-bancamea
10 Banca Romana pentru Oezvoltare BRD-NET, BRD@ffice MulSX Mobills
11 Banca Transllvanla S A BT24 BT-Ultra
12 BANK LEUMI Romania (fosta EUROMBANK) Leuml Online
13 Citibank Romania CitiDirect Online Banking
14 Eqnatla Bank Romania MultiCash
15 EMPORIKI BANK (Romania) S.A UBISQL internet Banking
13 EXIMBANKS.A. Internet eBank Internet eBank
18 GarantlBank International NVSue.Romania Garanti Online
19 HVB-Tlriac Bank OnLlne B@nking Multicast!
20 ING Bank N.V. Amsterdam ING Online, HomeBank Multicast!
22 OTP Bank Romania OTPdirekt HBS
23 Raiffeisen Bank Raiffeisen Online MultiCash myBanking
24 ROMEXTE R RA BAN K S A TerraBanking TerraM- mobile banking
26 LlniCredlt Romania UnlCredit Internet Banking
27 Volksbank Romania MultiCash@Smar10filce MultiCash Clasic
Source: MCTI and the commercial banks (updated february 2007)
The individual oriented flight ticket booking applications are of interest to persons who travel and who need an easy and secure way of reserving their tickets. These applications must display information about the number of available seats in real time in order not to sell the same seat several times. The booking must be made by selecting the departure (arrival) date and time, the company that provides transport fascilities, the number of required seats and the seat class. Based on the complete selection criteria, the flights that match these criteria are displayed, so that the user will select the needed flight. The effective ticket reservation is made only after the client makes the on-line payment.
The flight ticket booking applications offer the following benefits to the users:
- quick and complete information;
- no need to go anywhere;
- quick selection based on the user defined criteria - best price, best services, best flight;
- high level of security;
- online payment.
Individuals use these applications to minimize the time necessary for the information about available flights and ticket booking.
AIOC for virtual museums are citizen information applications. These applications must be developed so that the available information is split considering logical criteria. The structure of the applications allows passing from one domain to another, recording the connection between components, making queries based on the user defined criteria. The display mode of the information must be diverse, such that it contains text, images, sound, video clips, in order to provide deep understanding of the presented concepts. These applications must be developed to meet the requirements for following the pattern for virtual museum application in order to ensure continuity when moving from one domain to another and quick information retrieval.
AIOC for presenting personalities are information applications that must be customized to match the domain of the presented personality. All applications of this kind have the same structure, common interface elements but are different because of the displayed information and activity domain, biography, images, sounds and environment elements of the person. The achievements of the individual in their field must be presented in an adequate form, sound and image for composers, tridimensional scans for sculptors, high detail images for paintings, text for literary creation, video clips for athletes.
4. Metric for AIOC
The quality of AIOC is highlighted at developer and user level.
Quality level indicators are defined to measure the quality characteristics of AIOC:
- availability is the characteristic of the applications to run continuously, resources must exist in order to store results and information belonging to each user, the indicator is computed as:
TRA maximum running time in the considered time period;
TMA the considered time period (month, year);
the value for the AIOC indicator must be 1;
- stability is the feature of AIOC to improve performances upon adding new hardware components ; the indicator is computed as:
IS = - '
PMO maximum performance obtained when running in a computer network;
PMP maximum performance computed as n*performance obtained when running on one computer;
- reliability represents the extend to which the software application runs correctly and completely; the formula for calculating the reliability indicator is [IVBO04]:
J _ success
1 Fiab '
Rsuccess the number of successful program runs, which yielded complete and correct results; rtotal total number of runs executed by the considered program;
reliability is a very important AIOC characteristic as a high level of reliability ensures running the application without incident for the user; military applications, the ones used in the energy and medicine industry, medicine must ensure that the value of the indicator is 1; in case of AIOC the value of this indicator must be 1 because they are used by a large number of individuals;
- generality represents the characteristic of the informatics applications to solve a class of problems, not a specific problem; the generality of information applications is ensured by using parameters covering necessary processing to solve general problems; the parameters are dynamic and allow to pass rom the particular to the general; the generality index is computed by using the formula:
Igen =
Npar number of parameters used in the appli
Noper number of operands used in the applica
with the using of parameters the generality degree is increased; informatics applications with a high generality degree have a long life period and the effort necessary to modify the application is reduced;
- maintainability refers to the effort to realize modifications of the applications; informatics applications are built considering client request at time T; at time T + 1 the user demands change and the application needs to be modified to satisfy the new ones; the maintainability indicator is calculated by using the formula [IVBO07]:
T , mod if
Im ent = ■
Tmodif the time necessary to modify the applications to meet the client demands;
Tdev total time necessary to develop the application;
if the indicator values are higher than 0.6 the reviewed application are not maintainable; with the values of the indicator between [0,4;0,6] the applications must be replaced as soon as possible on order not to increase the maintenance costs; for values of the indicator lower than 0.4 the application is maintainable and it doesn't need substitution;
- reusability assumes using software components already existing in the development of new in-
formation applications; in the case of AIOC reusability is very important because it substantially reduces the time necessary for reusing and complex testing of the reused components; as for AIOC the value of the reliability index must be 1, the testing process of AIOC components needs a large amount of time; the reusability index is computed by using the formula [IVBO04]:
LR the length as number of instructions or size of reused components in the revised software product;
LT the length as number of instructions or size of the revised software product;
applications with a large index value are developed at low costs and in a short time interval compare to applications for which the index value is close to 0;
- portability represents the feature of AIOC to run regardless of the hardware platform and software used; the portability index is computed by using the formula [POIV08]:
purtcibUtty ~ NpC '
NPR number of platforms on which the application is running;
NPC number of hardware platforms considered when computing the indicator; to compute a relevant indicator the number of considered platforms must cover over 98% of the target group;
if the value of the indicator is within [0,78;0,92] the platform covering degree is high and the application is good. If the value is within the interval [0,92;1] the covering degree is very high and the application is also very good. For values that are not included into these intervals the platform covering degree is low and the application must be developed to run on more platforms.
In order to review AIOC it is necessary to compute these quality indicators and check that AIOC is within the quality standards. These indicators are important for comparing information applications which solve the same problems for the purpose of making a hierarchy of applications.
Indicators that measure the quality of AIOC regarding the users' perspective (like transaction duration) are defined:
considering AIOC applications Ai, A2, ..., Ah;
considering the input data sets IDS1, IDS2, ..., IDSm. For these data sets when running the A1, A2, ..., Ah applications, table 2 is presented.
Table 2
The time needed for ha applications and m input data sets
At the intersection of line k with column j there is dkj - the duration of transaction Aj for the IDSk data set.
The average transaction duration is computed for applications:
dmk = --, k = 1, h
In order to have a clear image on the transaction duration the computation of the transaction index is proposed:
by choosing that application for which Idk holds the smallest value.
For WinZip 12.0, Winrar 3.80, KGB Archiver and 7Zip 4.57 the transaction durations for compressing test data in zip format are presented in table 3.
Table 3
Transaction duration for the considered applications
WinZip 12.0 WinRAR 3.80 KGB Archiver 7Zip 4.57
IDS, 21 20 17 24
IDS, 96 95 88 92
IDS3 115 113 102 117
IDS4 133 124 109 135
The indicators for each application are: Idi=0,992; Id2=0,957; Id3=0,859; Id4=1.
The smallest value of the indicator is obtained for the KBG Archiver, thus this application yields the smallest transaction time.
- interface complexity;
Interfaces vary from one application to another in terms of:
- texts regarding the processing made;
- areas that are initialize upon mouse selection;
- areas in which the user inputs character streams and which belong to well defined types ( age, CNP, license plate) and have strong validity;
- character stream fields that have no or weak validity;
- images and multimedia;
- dynamic components which adapt to the user behavior.
- continuity level;
In order to reduce the adaptation effort of the individuals to processing new applications the differences between the interface of the old application and the interface of the new one must be brought to a minimum.
This is made by:
- using the same vocabulary;
- using fields on the same position with the same significance in the succession of forms.
- degree of customer satisfaction;
An application has an associated tree structure.
The nodes are organized on levels. For each node a count is made regarding the number of individuals that access the link.
Only certain leaf nodes correspond to successfully finished applications and considered as satisfactory for the individuals. The summed frequencies of references for these nodes form the number of users that completed the operations successfully and are satisfied.
5. Conclusions
The knowledge based society imposes a new type of applications to solve individuals' problems. The individual orientated informatics applications are developed to solve individuals' problems and have the individual as their central element. The individual orientation is one of the main characteristics of the latest applications and it is taken into consideration in the determination of the target group and the application requirements, the application development is made from the individuls perspective, AIOC has new quality characteristics which are missed, or partially missed in the traditional applications.
The diversity of the target group and the problems that need to be solved lead to a great diversity of the individual oriented applications. It formes a classification of the information applications according to well established criteria. Users choose an application from the set of available applications to solve their problems faster if they follow the classification based on their interest criteria.
The complexity of new applications imposes finding new application structures. The application structures used by the new applications are obtained by aggregating the old structures thus obtaining structures with a complexity higher than the sum of the initial complexities.
Nowadays there are several services which by their nature are individually oriented. E-banking services, booking flight tickets or theater events, tax payment are problems for which the individual orientation of the application is vital. The services are permanently improved to ensure a high user satisfaction degree.
In the context of new applications the developing of new quality characteristics is necessary. The measurement level of the quality characteristics is permanent and is made by computing associated indicators in the metric specific to each application class. Based on the quality indicators a hierarchy of individual oriented applications is developed determining a fast choice, from the set of existing applications, of the application that meets the requirements of the target group best of all.
This article is a result of the project „Doctoral Program and PhD Students in the education research and innovation triangle". This project is co-funded by European Social Fund through The Sectorial Operational Programme for Human Resources Development 2007-2013, coordinated by The Bucharest Academy of Economic Studies.
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[IVB007] Ion IVAN, CatalinBOJA, Cristian CTUREA - Metriciale sistemelor colaborative: teorie si practica,Editura ASE, Bucuresti, 2007, ISBN 978-973-594-963-1, 186 pg.
[MCTI08] www.mcti.ro, accesatla data de 05.11.2008
[POIVO8] Marius POP A, Ion IVAN, Dragos PALAGHITÄ, Bogdan VINTILÄ - Quality metrics of citizen oriented informatics applications, Forth International Conference on Applied Statistics - ICAS4, Bucharest-ROMANIA, November20-22, 2008
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[XXXX02] http://blogs.msdn.coni/jensenh/archive/2006/03/09/547281.aspx, accesatla data de 25.10.2008
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УДК 378.004.12
В.П. Соловьев, к.т.н., проф., зам. директора по науке и стратегическому развитию Тел.: (4725) 46-14-83; E-mail: [email protected] Старооскольский филиал МИСиС http://www.sti.oskol.ru А.И. Кочетов, д.т.н., проф., менеджер по качеству Тел.: (495) 955-01-62; E-mail: [email protected] Московский институт стали и сплавов
http://www.misis.ru Н.В. Крапухина, к.т.н., проф., директор Тел.: (495) 236-65-81; E-mail: [email protected] Институт экономики и информатики http://www.misis.ru С.В. Проничкин, асп. Тел.: (495) 638-44-63; E-mail:[email protected] Кафедра Инженерной кибернетики Институт экономики и информатики http://www.kik.misis.ru
The article is devoted to the problem of estimation of educational work of high education institutes. As the instrument of estimation of educational work of high education institute and its improvement a self-estimation is offered to use. The general purposes for the construction of the independent system of estimation are considered, existing approaches to their decision are analyzed, the basic drawbacks are pointed out and decisions for their correction are offered.